Chapter 2: MrAlien_V vs. GoldenMaknaeJungkookie
A/n: I'm not an ARMY, but Jimin is one of my favorite Kpop singers! ANYWAYS!! HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JIMIN!! <3 <3 <3 This chappie is dedicated to my bff, shelley_15! :D
"BTS Chatroom"
Online: MrAlien_V, GoldenMaknaeJungkookie, Jin_Hyung and ILoveCookies
*MrAlien_V joins chatroom*
MrAlien_V: Hello, anyone online??
*ILoveCookies joins chatroom*
ILoveCookies: Hey, Tae sunbae~! :3
MrAlien_V: Heyy, Shell~! :)
ILoveCookies: What are you doing right now? :D
MrAlien_V: I just finished practicing for the Comeback. ;)
ILoveCookies: Oooh! Must have been fun learning some new dance steps.
MrAlien_V: It was, but it was tiring, too... :3
ILoveCookies: Well, you should get some rest before walking and making any major moves. :D
MrAlien_V: Haha! I'll try not to, Shelley. So, what are you doing?
ILoveCookies: Oh, well, I just finished celebrating Lay's birthday with the girls and EXO. :)
MrAlien_V: That's cool. Did you have any dessert?
ILoveCookies: Ahaha! What kind of question is that, Kim Taehyung? Of course, I did!
MrAlien_V: Just making sure, Shell. xD
ILoveCookies: Well, I think I ate too much of the cookies... o-o
ILoveCookies: ... xD
MrAlien_V: I can't stop laughing...
ILoveCookies: Huh? Why??
MrAlien_V: I was imagining you eating all of the desserts by the buffet table! xD
ILoveCookies: YAH!
*GoldenMaknaeJungkookie joins chatroom*
MrAlien_V: HAHAHA!
GoldenMaknaeJungkookie: ??
MrAlien_V: Oh, hey, Jungkook!
GoldenMaknaeJungkookie: Did I miss something?
MrAlien_V: Yeah, you did!
MrAlien_V: Or, else what, Shelley? What will you do?
GoldenMaknaeJungkookie: XD Hyung, you should never mess with Shelley. You remember how she's a hothead, right?
ILoveCookies: I'm going to go and study for the Quarterly Exams. Bye.
MrAlien_V: Awe, don't go just yet! Come on, Shell!
GoldenMaknaeJungkook: Wait, Shelley, don't leave! I just got here! :(
ILoveCookies: And?
GoldenMaknaeJungkook: Your Q.E. isn't on Monday, but on Tuesday! You don't have to study now. You can study on Sunday and Monday! :P
MrAlien_V: Yah, maknae! You do know how Jin acts when it comes to his baby sister's studies!
GoldenMaknaeJungkook: HA! Strike 2!
ILoveCookies: And you, Jungkook! Shut up! I am not in the mood right now. Bye.
*ILoveCookies left the chatroom*
MrAlien_V: Well, that went...
GoldenMaknaeJungkook: You made her angry. Not me.
MrAlien_V: But she scolded you, too! :p
*Jin_Hyung joins chatroom*
Jin_Hyung: Who made my baby sister pissed off??
MrAlien_V: Jungkook did.
*MrAlien_V left the chatroom*
GoldenMaknaeJungkook: WAIT! WHAT?! I DID NOT!
Jin_Hyung: AHAHA! Jungkook, calm down. I know that it was V's fault. Don't worry I'll talk to both of them later.
GoldenMaknaeJungkook: You have no idea how relieved I feel right now... xD
Jin_Hyung: But Jungkook, next time...
GoldenMaknaeJungkook: Yes, hyung??
Jin_Hyung: Don't tell my baby sister to not study when she has to, okay?
GoldenMaknaeJungkook: Uh... Haha... I won't... :3
Jin_Hyung: Also, Jungkook!
GoldenMaknaeJungkookie: ?
Jin_Hyung: Good luck in winning her heart! :p
*Jin_Hung left the chatroom*
GoldenMaknaeJungkookie: ...
GoldenMaknaeJungkookie: Seriously?
GoldenMaknaeJungkookie: Hey, Keni, if you see this call me.
*GoldenMaknaeJungkookie left the chatroom*
Keni's POV
My phone keeps on vibrating during my practice. It won't stop, so I went to check it and when I did, it was just the chatroom of BTS. I went through the messages and laughed once in awhile like crazy. Then when I see the last message from Jungkook, I left the chatroom and called him right away.
"Yeoboseo?" I spoke up, while smiling for no reason. "Why did you want to call me, Kookie?"
I heard something crash on the other line and I jumped up from the sound. "Jungkook?!" I worriedly asked through my phone. "Gwenchanha?!"
Then I heard the 20 year old laughing. "Miyan, Keni. That was Suga hyung chasing Holly around the room."
"Wait, where are you?" I asked when I heard Suga's yellings.
"I'm in Suga hyung's room," Jungkook replies back while chuckling.
"Why is Suga chasing Holly?"
"Are you eating right now?"
"Uh, no..." I have a bad feeling about this.
"...Holly pooped underneath Suga hyung's bed."
I sighed and regretted asking him. "Okay, I think I lost my appetite."
Jungkook laughed and then teased me for the next two minutes. Then I heard other voices in the background. All of a sudden, Jungkook was cut off and then I heard Jimin's voice.
"Keni?" He asks, sounding hopeful.
Just hearing his voice gives me the shivers and a wide smile came across my face. Then I frowned. I shouldn't feeling this way towards Jimin. Even if I want to, I can't.
"Miyanae, tell Jungkook that I'll call him later," I hurriedly replied back and pulled my phone away from my ear.
I hang up and put my phone back on top of my blue Jansport bag. I sighed nervously and looked up. I see my reflection from the mirror in front of me. Then I saw the door opening. Out of all the people who could have walked in it had to be him!
"Oh, Keni, you're still practicing?" Kai asked in surprise.
The way he smiles and says my name is way different from Jimin's and so is my reaction.
I faked a good smile at my boyfriend and picked up my bag along with my phone, then I walked over to him. I kissed his cheeks and said, "I was on my way out."
Kai pouts at me and exclaimed, "Awe... Why don't you stay a little while longer? We haven't gotten the time to spend together this past 3 weeks."
"I'm sorry, Jongin oppa," I quietly replied back, feeling guilty. "But I have to get back to the dorms because the girls and I have to go to a photoshoot later."
Stop lying to him, Keni.
Kai smiles sadly and kisses the top of my head as he wraps his arms around my waist. "It's okay, jagiya," He whispers into my ear. "I'll wait for you till you come back from the photoshoot."
"Thanks, Jongin oppa."
"You're welcome, Keni. Now, go before Shelley gets angry."
We pulled away from the hug and I left the practice room.
what just happened? xD
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