Chapter 4
"Mace. Let's go. Ryan will be here in a few minutes." I called out to Mason.
Last night, Ryan had talked quite a bit. We learned we had a lot of similar interests, mainly movies, music and food. During one of those conversations, it was discovered that we only live about fifteen minutes from each other. Since my house was practically on the way to the track from Ryan's house, he offered to pick us up that morning and we'd all ride together. If would give him a chance to talk to Mason some more.
I knew Ryan was a nice guy based off of everything I seen and read about him, but I was completely unprepared for just how sweet he actually was.
"Coming mom." Mason bounded down the stairs, and I had to do a double take.
"Did you run out of clean Harvick shirts?" I teased. He looked down at the Ryan Blaney T-shirt and grinned.
"Nah. Just trying something new today." Before anything else could be said. I had gotten a text from Ryan that he was here.
I grabbed my bag and locked up before making my way to Ryan's Bronco. Mason was already at the vehicle fist pumping Ryan through the window.
"Nice shirt bud." Ryan grinned at him, and I swore I could see his ocean colored eyes twinkling behind his aviators.
We had another great day at the track. Mason beamed every time Ryan introduced him as "my buddy Mason." My son had never looked happier, and oh yeah, I was crushing hard on Ryan.
The race was very eventful. Ryan had finished sixth in stage one and and third in stage two. Stage three, he got caught speeding on pit road and had to serve a penalty. He worked his way back into the top ten, and finished eighth.
The final stage, he took the lead with seven to go.
"Go Ryan. You got this." Mason shouted from the pit box, while I held my breath, willing him to hold on.
Ryan took the win. His first ever All Star Race, complete with bragging rights and a huge payday.
Mason and I watched as Ryan drove to the flag stand to collect the checkered flag. I expected him to pick a child from the grandstand to give the flag to, like he always did, but to my surprise, he took the flag with him back to the car, and made his way to victory lane.
After pulling into victory lane, and having his celebration, he pulled out the flag and motioned Mason over, and handed him the flag. My heart swelled at the moment. I could never thank Ryan Blaney enough for making my son so happy.
Mason and I grabbed a snack and waited for Ryan to finish up. The downfall to not taking my own car was that we would be pretty late getting home. I wasn't too worried. We had a great time, Ryan got the win, and being school was out, Mason didn't really have a bedtime.
"Mom, I changed my mind. Ryan's now my favorite driver." Mason whispered to me. I held in a chuckle. I knew Ryan would win him over.
Barely ten minutes into the drive home, Mason had fallen asleep in the backseat. I often wondered with envy just how he did that, because it took me forever to fall asleep.
"Mace. Honey wake up. We're home." I shook him lightly while he groaned. This was not going to be pretty. Mason had a tendency to wake up very grumpy.
"Go ahead and open the door, I'll get him." Ryan said to me, as he climbed into the backseat and unbuckled Mason's seatbelt.
"Ryan, you can't carry him. He's too heavy." I protested.
"Nah. He weighs nothing." Ryan said, as he scooped up Mason in his arms. I watched his biceps bulge under the weight of my sleeping child, but then my gaze was drawn to the thick, ropy veins in his forearms, and my mouth watered. Those veins were an infusion nurses wet dream, and I forced myself to focus on something else.
"No matter how much he eats, he just can't put on weight." I shook my head with a laugh.
"I'm the same way." He grinned at me.
"I wish I had that problem." I said wistfully.
Ryan gave me a look that had me blushing. "You look great." He said softly, looking a little embarrassed himself at his own words.
I directed Ryan to the spare bedroom downstairs. I couldn't expect him to lug Mason upstairs to his own bedroom. He would be fine here for the night. After Ryan laid him on the bed, I tucked the blankets around him, and placed a kiss on his forehead. He never even stirred. I gazed at my child for a moment, my heart filled with love for this perfect creation that was part of me. For that brief moment, I had actually forgotten Ryan was even there.
"Could I at least offer you a drink or a snack?" I said, suddenly not ready for him to go, even though I knew it was late. Ryan was so much more than I had ever expected him to be, and I knew my crush was becoming a full fledged attraction.
"Sure. I'd love a drink." He said. I led him to the kitchen.
"Soft drink or something stronger?" I asked.
"Do you have any whiskey?"
I pulled out a bottle of Crown Royal and a bottle of Jack Daniel's from the cabinet. He pointed to the Jack, and I poured a glass, taking some of the Crown for myself, then we went into the living room and took a seat on the couch.
"I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for us this weekend Ryan. I can't remember the last time I have seen Mason this happy, and I am so grateful for that."
"Can I ask you something Kels? If it's too personal, I understand." Ryan asked, and I noted a little hesitation in his voice.
"What is it?" I didn't give away too much about myself, but I figured I owed it to him to at least listen to what he asked.
"Do you ever do anything for yourself. I mean like get out of the house and do things for fun?" He asked, still with a little hesitation.
"Sure. I take Mason to a few races a year. We go to concerts, movies, bowling."
"I meant with friends. People your own age." He inquired.
How could I tell him I had no friends? That Kyle's controlling nature had pretty much alienated me from everyone. His insecurities and accusations about me possibly cheating on him had forced me to do things, only with Mason outside of the house.
"I'm not really a people person. I'm not really into socializing, and I really don't have any friends because of that." I always gave this as my standard excuse, although it rang hollow. The truth was, I would love to be out socializing, but during my marriage, it was not worth the arguments and accusations that would both precede and follow. And now? I had no one. My old friends had long ago stopped inviting me to things because they knew I would decline. I had lost touch with everyone and had no clue how to reach out.
"I'd like to be your friend Kelsie." He said, almost shyly.
"Why?" I questioned. What was Ryan's interest in me? Was it just because of Mason, or was there more?
"Because I think you could really use one." He was so honest and heartfelt, that I felt tears burning my eyes again. He was right. I really could use a friend.
"I'd like that Ryan. You're right. I really could use a friend."
Ryan stayed a little while longer, and we talked. He asked me about my job. We talked a little about our families. I revealed that the only family I had was my father, and an older brother who lived out of state. We had no contact with Kyle's family. They had cut him out of their life long before Kyle and I had even gotten together. I didn't even know if they were still living.
Ryan was so easy to talk to, and a very good listener. I found myself opening up to him on a lot of things. Nothing too personal, but I did tell him things that I did not tell anyone else. I talked about my mother passing away when I was just a teen, being raised by my father, who had shared his love of racing with me. My attraction to Ryan was growing. I hoped I could only see him as a friend, because I really wanted him in my life, and I was willing to take whatever I could get.
Ryan ended up staying about an hour, it was very late. "I'd really like to see Mason again. What is your schedule like this week, if that's okay." He asked.
"Actually, this week is perfect. I am on vacation, or staycation, to be more specific, until after Memorial Day. We don't have any plans." I replied.
He flashed me a smile that made my heart melt. God he was gorgeous. Okay. I'll be in touch, either Monday or Tuesday." He stood up to leave, but caught me by surprise when he wrapped me in a hug, a placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight Kelsie. I look forward to seeing you and Mason soon."
After he left, I touched my forehead where he had kissed me, I swear I could still feel the warmth from his lips. I'm looking forward to it too. I thought to myself.
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