The cabin was absolutely amazing! I looked around, amazed at the design of the space. I noticed that Gabriella and Mack's gazes were towards the corner, and I followed their line of sight. Long story story short, it ended with me an inch apart from Cam Brimer's face, and by my choice! I told Mack and Gabriella that we would be back, and grabbed the cloth of Cam's jacket. I turned to walk out the door, taking him with me. I wasn't quick to notice his friends, but I did as we advanced further away and I was actually able to process what the heck I was doing.
I realized that I didn't have the lead anymore, Cam did, so I released my tight clench on his jacket. I swear I almost heard him sigh with relief. He was quick to reach down and grab my hand, which just decided to spontaneously sweat like crazy. We found ourselves at a little log that was placed so perfectly and strategically on the dirt below it that there was no way it had just fallen.
"How did you even know that this was here?" I whispered as we sat.
"You don't have to whisper, there's no one even here." Cam gestured around to the empty air. "And to answer your question, I'm the one who made it."
"So let me get this straight. You are the basketball star and have time to hang around nature for hours and build log benches. Don't tell me you have good grades too, because then I'm gonna need pinched." I joked. Cam just smiled down at his feet.
"No, half the time that the guys think I'm 'practicing', I'm out here, building my log benches." Cam patted the wood.
"Okay, that explains the whole nature knowledge thing. What about the basketball? You can't just not practice and become a star. I mean, that's not how it works. How do you do it?" I realized I was rambling, and it took more effort than should have been necessary to shut up.
"Well, this wood isn't light!" Cam pointed to the trees all around us.
"Wait... Did you build that cabin?" I was astonished at the thought that this was even possible. A cabin that size had to have been started years ago to be a one man job, and since he's thirteen, Cam would have started building it when he was ten or younger!
"Yeah," Cam initiated into what I felt was going to be a long story. "I mean, I've always been good with math, so when I turned ten, I made it my 'double-digits deal' that I would finish a cabin in Mogermentry Park before I turned 100, because then I would be done with 'double-digits'. I don't think my ten year old self realized that I could finish the project before I turned 100. So, I worked hard and it was done by my eleventh birthday. It took six months to gather enough extension cords to reach the check in gate so I could have power and cover the cords up with dirt. By my half birthday, the place was done!" He started to blush. "That was probably more than you wanted to hear."
"No, I think it's cool! I've never been to good with math. I mean numbers and stuff, and the whole graphing thing always get me. But I am good at English. Like really good. I could write a book, but I don't have the time. It doesn't seem like you would either, what with this and bas-" I was in complete knowledge that I was rambling again, but didn't know how to stop myself, but Cam apparently thought it was a good idea to kiss me. I guess if he can build a cabin at ten, he does have a habit of having good ideas.
"At least I've found someone who knows how to shut me up." I whispered, still less than an inch away from his face.
"It wasn't easy."
"Why did you come here?"
"So I could do that again." He smirked, rising to his feet. We walked back to the cabin, and parted ways for what I had concluded was probably going to be the last time for the night.
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