I laid in bed on my back, pretending to be asleep. My hair was all sprawled out behind me, forming a chestnut-colored sun shape around my head. Underneath the covers, I laid fully clothed with black leggings and a army green vest over a white cami. We were going tonight, I just didn't know when.
Suddenly, my iPhone buzzed. I cringed at my ceiling and silently prayed that the faint noise didn't wake my dad in the adjacent room. Grunting and rolling over to my side, I picked up my phone and checked the screen. It read:
Gabriella 10:05 P.M.
B there in 5.
Shivers went up and down and all around my spine. I knew Gabriella would have some sort of big transportation planned for the night, but I didn't know what, and quite frankly that scared me. I always felt the need to be inside Gabriella's head, because everyone knows she doesn't know what the heck she's doing.
After about two minutes of just laying there, I pulled my covers off of me and slid my feet into my white Keds. I tiptoed out of my room, and hoped that I didn't disturb the rest of my family, or I'd for sure be dead. I grabbed my backpack off of the kitchen counter. In it I had a change of clothes, a rope, water, my flashlight, car phone charger, and of course my phone. I had no idea why I had brought all this (especially the rope), we were just going out for a bit.
Being my conscious self, I left a note on the kitchen counter telling my parents.
Out with Gabriella and Mack. Be back before sunrise.
I finally realized that Gabriella was going to be late, so I took a seat at the kitchen table and waited. A minute later, my phone buzzed. The screen was lit up, so I didn't have too hard a time fishing it out of my bag. It read:
Gabriella 10:11 P.M.
Silently and swiftly, I pulled myself out of the kitchen chair and made my way to the front door. I made sure to take the emergency key, and turned the alarm off, and then back on to stay. This gave me one minute to get out of the house without the alarm going off. The front door opened without a problem, and I jiggled the handle to make sure the door was locked. And just like that, I was out.
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