2. Thirty down. Three to go.
Lost in thoughts, I gazed at the milky polished chandelier hanging above my head, suddenly interested in the intricate designs embedded on the edges of its glassy tips. Is it me or these things are scary as fuck?
A subtle knock at the door quickly jolted me out of the trance, my lips pursing in annoyance.
"What is it? Can't you see I'm in my studying room?" I rubbed my forehead, contemplating on how I'll end these invading headaches once and for all.
"Sorry, Ma'am. But umm, orders came in for your mas-"
"Good. Come in then." I breathed out and turned to the window, staring at the dancing lights in the distance and the sky that was already painted with the fire of the setting sun.
Dangerous. Was one word for such scenery. And dangerous was my fatal attraction.
Right after purple, of course.
The shutting of the door instantly made my evedreams come to an end. Drawing back the drapes, I quickly maintained a straight face and turned around, locking eyes with her trembling eyes.
I was very certain she was going to shit herself any moment from now, judging from her flustered expressions.
Then I realized something. She looked me in the eyes.
I rolled my eyes and folded my arms behind my back, nodding to the contents cuddled protectively in her arms.
A habit of mine when talking to my dressers.
Realizing her mistake, she quickly bowed and rushed to my side, making sure to keep small distance away from me.
Okay, small is a small word for it. But I don't blame her though.
It's who I chose to be.
I cleared my throat. "Color?"
"P-purple." She whispered, enough for me to catch on her words.
I nodded, very satisfied with her answer. At least I don't have to kill another person for this.
The last person I had got me friggin' red. Like, that's the last color in the world I'll ever admire, ugh.
I mean, it's not even in my friggin' name. Why are people so oblivious these days?
"Quality?" I cocked an eyebrow. "You know the last one got me in a huge mess last night."
Her eyes widened. "N-no, I swear-it's good, no, high quality. I-I made sure of it last night."
It took me my entire willpower not to scoff. This was the last thing the other girl said.
"Show. Don't tell." I held my breath. "And for the love of crimes, stop stuttering. I only bite criminals on my level, not some random persons."
I watched as her shoulders slumped in relief and shook my head. Now I'm really starting to wonder what my own gang thinks of me as.
Hesitantly, she said. "Shall I . . . wear them for you then?
Excuse me?
"I mean, you said show, not tell. B-but-no, I'm sorry! I'm so stupid asking that . . ."
I blew out my cheeks when she started stuttering again and gently chewed on the corners of my cheeks.
She's just nervous, Viola. Let her be.
"It's of high quality! Violet lacey mask. Covers both sides of your cheekbones and leaves enough room for your partner to sneak little glimpse of your eyes."
I forced out a smile and sunk into my chair, sighing deeply when I felt my muscles completely relax. "Thanks. Just unpack the stuffs and drop it on the couch. I'll attend to the usage myself, okay?"
She nodded quickly and walked robotically to the couch, nearly knocking off the glasswares on the table.
I snapped to her direction, just in time to see her flinch with a quick apology. With her eyes boring holes at her feet, she briskly walked out of the room, but not before locking it from behind. Quietly.
Didn't I tell this girl to unpack the-you know what? Nevermind. I've more important people to vent out my anger on.
I slouched back in my rolling chair and swung to the pictures hanging on the walls, drumming my fingers against the desk as my brows pressed into a thin line.
Most of the portraits had a big red X mark smudged across their annoying faces, indicating how successful I was in completely eliminating them out of planet Earth, while some . . . they still had that clean, sparkling texture on them.
The victims altogether were thirty-three in number.
Thirty down. Three to go.
The little smile settling on my lips was immediately turned upside down the moment my eyes landed on the three musketeers.
They were staring back at me, smiling and winking, unintentionally mocking me of all the failures I have crawling from my past. I had to stop myself from holding up the middle finger because it'll be no use talking to the dummies in their stead.
I blew out my cheeks and folded my hands behind my head, angry that I let them take advantage of my situation. One thing for sure is that the game's all over for them, starting with Riccardo.
I pressed my thumb against the glassy surface besides the gun on the desk, smirking slightly when it replied with a verified sound and glowed with my name printed in purple. Femme Fatale Viola Mystery. "Enable Weaponry Arms. No suits, no chest covers, just the arms."
I peeled my eyes away from the table and turned to the creaking closet where the metallic door rotated beyond its hinges and surfaced with another door-glassy yet thick to cut through, the perfect to store my spy clothes as well-to reveal where I hid all my dangerous weapons.
Well, most of them.
I tapped my chin with a small grin. "Clean cuts or cuts beyond repair?"
"It's all up to you, Ric." I stared at the picture of the redhead smirking at me from under his shady hat. "Lie to me, I'll make you see where you'll be laying tonight."
For starters, Riccardo Lorenzo is the gangleader of the Skull 'N' No Roses gang, as well as a complete dickhead.
This motherfucker's the number two reason I don't do alliances. Fuck the number one reason, but this guy almost blew my frickin' cover for a frickin' business bet on me! What was he? A pauper in expensive suits? Ugh!
And fuck that he was heavily drunk, the fact that he went ahead to show off my mask while I was keeping an eye on my targets as a waitress for a stupid bet worth one million dollars was not excuseable, especially as the dealer just had to be none other than my nose-poking rival.
Raphael de Lucas.
I swear this world is full of motherfuckers.
Groaning, I pushed myself forward and stood up, rubbing my forehead with two fingers as I picked both the box and the leather jacket laying on the couch. The thing is that, if I don't end him once and for all, he'll eventually end up selling my trust.
And I can't let that happen.
"Maria 002, do you read me?" I ran my fingers through my hair and undid the ponytail, shaking out the locks to fall free behind my back.
"Yes, Ma'am!"
"You see," I placed the hairpin in-between my teeth and started untangling the stubborn curls in my hair.
I hated curls. They made me look less fierce and intimidating. The last thing I want is my target staring at me in disbelief all because I look too cute for someone of my age.
"Lock all exits and entrances when you hear the gunshot, and make sure targets are within your eyesight." I sighed in relief, seeing that my hair was now flowing behind my shoulders. "The trained assassins should be ready because this will be their first adventure. Strippers-are they wearing what I gave them?"
"Yes, Ma'am. They're all in red and wearing the mask you sent to them."
"Good. Remember the tactics: poisoned lipstick, drugged handkerchiefs and perfumes for the strippers. Knives and silent guns for the assassins, only for emergency purposes. Got it?"
"Yes, I just transmitted everything you said to their links." She revealed.
"Great, good luck to the squad." I smirked and clicked the side of my bud, completely putting the conversation to an end.
I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips when the cologne from my jacket smelled different. Familiarly different.
There was only one criminal in this country whose cologne was strongly addicting to all my five senses and made my blood boil at the mere mention of his name.
They call him the devil, but I call him my nemesis.
My greatest nemesis.
The only criminal whose smile made me want to punch anyone on the spot repeatedly without having any regrets.
He's the number one reason I don't do friends in the Mafia World. Given that his sole catch is to steal the shots of the most infamous Mafias and make them go insane.
Make me go insane.
And it's either he's just too fast, or too smart for me to actually grab him and punch him on the throat. And I hate it.
I hate every bit of him.
That piece of Karma thinks he can take over my position without even lifting a finger for a fight.
I chuckled and applied a nude lipstick on my lips, pressing my bottom lip on the top to blend the mixture together. Still chuckling to myself, I shook my head and walked over to my closet, running my eyes over the expensive and casual styles present.
Tonight I just might come in with my Femme Fatale self. No hiding, no distractions and no anxiousness.
If I'm going to design more tattoos on anyone's faces, I've to do it with a special delivery.
Besides, I've a very strong feeling Raphael will show up tonight, and surprising him with more than two identities will always be my cup of coffee.
Let's just see, who will rule this night's kills and who ends up laying at the feet of the winner.
"Uhh, Viola . . . did you ever invite more than thirteen gang leaders? Because I think the civilians are in trouble. . ."
"Shit. Close the gates! Now!"
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