Chapter 1
When Dreamtale was made there was a mistake the tree was unable to make the positivity guardian so only Nightmare existed he lived his life without a brother and eventually became covered in the goop after biting the negativity apple the only thing that changed was he a dream were never related and never met Fate was not happy when she saw the positivity guardian was missing in the balance so she handmade him and a new Au and she left him there to figure things out for himself unaware she had made the guardian a vampire while he wouldn't burn in daylight he was naturally nocturnal so he slept during the day in bat form hanging upside down he learned quickly that he had to be clever if he wanted to eat as he had to drink blood he used lies and trickery to get a meal and then discard the body. He found that he could seduce guys at night into an alley and then feast on there blood then he would spread positivity Nightmare noticed that someone was spreading positivity and he could feel the presence of his yin while they were brothers they could still feel each other due to being both halves of the balance of feelings the presence was coming from a certain Au he was aware of the balance and was curious about his other half he wanted to know what they were like. "Come on guys were going to check an Au out." nightmare said "Yes boss." The gang said a portal opened and the gang went through Nightmare started following this feeling he could feel where his yang was the other half of his balance he saw a skeleton flirting with a guy.
"Hey ya handsome wanna have some fun with me follow me." The stranger said I felt disgust at my yang and disappointed. "Let's go I don't want to see this." nightmare said he turned away with his gang ready to leave when they heard a scream they turned around and see the guy pinned to wall by arrows. "I'm so sorry it had to be this way but I'm hungry and I have to eat you just happened to fall for my trap." the stranger said he opened his mouth and giggled showing off fangs as his reddish yellow eye lights glowed menacingly he bit into the human's neck there was screaming as the human struggled until they went limp he died from blood loss and I felt as he spread some positivity in the Au I was surprised my yang was a vampire a clever one too he noticed us I could tell he realized he was my yin he came over. "Well I'm surprised to find my yin after so long so did you enjoy the show?" the stranger purred I smirked "Indeed it was beautiful just like you." nightmare said. "Why thank you the name's Dream." Dream said. "Nightmare." nightmare said Dream turned and looked and saw that the sun was rising. "As much as I would love to stay I'm afraid it's time for me to retire for the day I am nocturnal after all." Dream said. Nightmare was disappointed that he had to leave so soon Dream turned into a bat and flew off that's when Nightmare had an idea. "Error need you too get me a bird cage I think we should take our little vampire friend home when we get home I'll leave the door open so he can come and go." nightmare said "Sure thing Nightmare." Error said and left through a portal. "Are we really going to take him home boss?" cross asked "Can I eat him?" horror asked. "Yes cross were taking him home and no horror you can't eat him." nightmare said a portal opened and out stepped error with a bird cadge I took the cage and heading towards where I felt Dream's presence we came to a cave It looked like it was already noon and the sun was high up in the sky which was perfect Dream being a nocturnal vampire he wouldn't wake up until nightfall again he went into the cave it took a while to reach the back of the cave there hanging on the ceiling was a bat to be specific it was Dream. Nightmare slowly brought up a tentacle and carefully wrapped it around the small fragile bat and brought him down into his hand he carefully put him in the cadge and let Dream hang from the bird perch in the cadge and he covered it in a blanket. "Come on boys time to go home." nightmare said. "Yes boss." the gang said nightmare opened a portal and went to the mansion he teleported to his room and hung Dream's cage on the stand the blanket covered the cage to keep it dark for the bat the cage door was open so Dream could come and go as he pleases as he is not a pet and Nightmare refuses to treat him as one he hoped he could get the vampire to sleep in a bed but the cage is there if he wants to sleep in it in his bat form he really wanted to take Dream's feelings into consideration after all he wanted to make a good impression and his vampire other half after all he wanted to make Dream his and he wanted Dream to be his willingly He laid down in his bed to sleep the day away relaxing into his bed and let him self drift off to sleep excited to talk to his other half tonight he smiled as he drifted off to sleep.
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