Chase The Werewolf Chapter 8 Chase's Dream and His Date
Chase's dream
Tundra:"Chase please don't do this!"
Chase:"I'm sorry Tundra but I can't be a wolf anymore!"
Skye:"Chase what are you doing to Tundra!"
Chase:"Skye I have to do this I can't be a wolf anymore."
Skye:"What does this solve your not this kind of pup."
Chase:"Last night I was with Tundra and this wolf told me how to become a normal pup again."
Skye:"Chase wake up Chase...Chase!"
Chase:"Huh...where am I."
Skye:"Your in your pup house I think you had a bad dream you started saying stuff like you know how to be a normal pup again."
Chase:"Just ignore what I said ok Skye."
Skye:"Ok Chase also Ryder needs you."
Chase:"Why does he needs me?"
Skye:"I don't know?"
Chase:"Ok bye Skye oh and Skye before I go would you like to go on a date tomorrow night."
Skye:"Sure but what about when you turn into a wolf you won't hurt me because you love me right Chase?"
Chase:"Yes I will never hurt you Skye I will always love you."
Chase went to the lookout to see what Ryder wanted to tell him he also saw Tundra next to him
Ryder:"Tundra told me that last night you and her went to see a wolf who thinks he knows a cure and after that you told her that he didn't know. Were you lying to her Chase?"
Chase:"I was because I didn't want to tell her because it's something horrible to do."
Tundra:"What is it?"
Chase:" *sighs* "It's that you have to kill the wolf who bit or scratched you and I'm not killing you Tundra."
Tundra:"Well can you help kill that wolf who told you the cure tomorrow night."
Chase:"I can't I'm going on a date with Skye tomorrow."
Tundra:"oh ok I'll do it the next day will you do it with me."
Chase:"Yes I will help you tomorrow."
The next night
Chase:"Are you ready to go Skye?"
Skye:"Yes I'm ready Chase are we going to the pup park?"
Chase:"Yes we are your a good guesser Skye."
10 minutes later
Chase:"Do you like the date Skye."
Skye:"Yes Chase thanks for bringing me to the pup park."
Chase and Skye went on the slide and they both leaned closer to each other to kiss but that's when Chase was going to turn into a wolf
Chase:" head."
Skye:"Chase are you ok?"
Chase:"Yeah I'm fine it's just that this is what happens when I'm about to turn into a wolf so just look away Skye because you don't want to see this."
Skye:"Ok Chase."
A few minutes later
Skye:"Chase are you ok?"
Chase didn't respond to Skye and jumped out some bushes and tackled Skye
Skye:"Chase it's me Skye your girlfriend please don't do this Chase!"
Chase quickly realized that he almost killed Skye so he let go of Skye and walked away
Wolf Chase:"I'm sorry Skye I didn't know what I was doing."
Skye:"It wasn't your fault Chase."
Skye:"Listen Chase it's not your fault about this ok it's that wolves fault he did this to you."
Chase:*sighs* ok Skye wanna go back home?"
Skye:"Sure lets go!"
Chase:"Ok hop on my back I'll ride you there ok?"
The next day
Tundra:"Hey Chase tonight you wanna go kill that wolf tonight so I can be a normal dog again."
Authors note
Holy crap almost 300 views on the paw patrol book thx so much for everything and I am almost done with this book hope you all enjoyed and also sorry for not posting for a while just working on my vids in YouTube if you want to check it out its Blazer-1221
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