Somewhere in a bar, sits a suited gentleman taking down a shot of whiskey. And in front of him is a briefcase with the initials, A.B.M carved on the front of it. "I knew those idiots couldn't continue the legacy!" The suited man was then confronted by a hooded figure, who sat in the booth in front of him.
"Ok, this is usually how people die in shitty action movies." said the man as the hooded figure made no gesture to this joke, obviously unamused by this. "Cut the bullshit Lawrence! I have news for you." Lawrence looked intrigued by this and gestured the hooded man to continue.
"Remember your three buddies? The ones that tried to keep your creation from getting fucked up?" said the hooded man. "Of course. Those morons couldn't do it so I guess I'll do it myself." "Yeah, that's easier said than done. Their creation, the German Shepherd from that rescue group, yeah he ain't alone anymore." Lawrence was confused by this and said, "What the hell are you on about?" The hooded figure pulled out his phone and showed the recorded footage of Skye killing Derek Harris.
Lawrence was furious and almost made a scene, but kept his composure. "If the German Shepherd wasn't a success, what made them think the little poodle would be as well?!" said Lawrence. "She wasn't turned into a killing machine by your pals. This was someone else." "Who then?!" said Lawrence. "How the fuck would I know?!" "This is bullshit, no. This is blasphemy. I can't believe this, my idea is slowly turning into a dumpster fire!"
"Relax, my crew and I have a plan." said the hooded figure as Lawrence cocked his eyebrow in confusion. "What would that be?" "These pups have enemies, so we're gonna find their enemies and make them killing machines as well. But, they will serve us." "And how do you plan on doing that smartass?" The hooded man took off his hood to reveal himself, he had dark brown hair and a gold tooth. "We upgrade your creation."
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