Skye and Chase
It was a normal day in Adventure Bay. This afternoon was full of no-rescue missions, so the pups decide to play outside either tag or hide and seek.
Chase POV
I was playing tag with Marshall and Rocky and Marshall was it. I was fast then I saw the only pup who was a girl here at the lookout, Skye. "Tag! You're it Chase!" It was true he tagged me while I was watching Skye hide in hide and seek. I mostly wonder about her. She's perfect, but does she like a pup like me? I'm double her size and not sure if she even likes me back. "Chase? Hello? Is anyone in this head? Hello?!" I snapped back into reality and "What? Wait? Am I it?" "Yeah you are!" said Rocky as he ran up to us. He saw me look at that direction to hide and seek players. "Chase? Do you wanna play hide and seek? Because if you want to, we can." I just shook my head and we kept on playing our game. Then again I saw Skye playing. Wow she really is beautiful like that. Her golden blonde fur so bright and soft, I'd want to cuddle in it. Her dazzling pink eyes staring at my chocolate brown eyes. Her sweet soothing..... "CHASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!...." Marshall and Rocky both hollered. I went back to reality and looked at them. They did looked a little irritating that I wasn't tagging any of them. "Chase! Why are you looking over there? We said if you wanted to play hide and seek we can. If you still want to." said Rocky. I didn't pay much attention to him. They yelled and yelled but couldn't snap me. Marshall honked his horn on the fire truck and that got me. "GAH! Why did you do that for" I said as I looked at them. "Well you completely ignore us because you're looking at Skye and ...." Suddenly I think they realized it. They had smug smiles on their faces and I think my face was red hot. "Umm what?" " I think we know!" said Rocky still smiling. "YOU LIKE SKYE! YOU LIKE SKYE! YOU LIKE ..." "OKAY OKAY I GET IT! NOW BE QUIET BEFORE THEY HEAR!" I looked back if any of them heard but luckily they hadn't. "Okay! To tell you the truth, I like Skye. Happy now?" I was so embarrassed because they'll think me, Chase, has a soft spot for Skye, the air pup. "I knew it! You two are cute together" said Marshall beaming that his best friend likes Skye. "So when is the wedding?" Rocky joked as he pretends to be the minister at the wedding. "I know... Wait!? How did you guys know?" "Well isn't it obvious?" said Rocky "You always freak out if she's in trouble. Then you get soft and try to cover it up. Good try trying to hide it though." Now I was more humiliated.
Skye's POV
I was playing tag with Rubble and Zuma and now it's Zuma's turn to count. "One, two, thwee, fouw,..." I hide near where Marshall, Rocky, and Chase were playing. Ahh Chase. He's so cute. He pretty serious on missions but so playful when we're here. I love it when he's around me. He's tough and brave, I consider him being my Prince Charming. He sweeps me off my paws, dazes in my eyes, we lean in and ....(This is in her imagination) "Found you Skye" Zuma said as he tagged me. "Hmm?" I guess I was dazed off I was standing in mid field. "You wewe found fiwst. You have to count now" I was still a bit confused but I counted anyway. "One, two, three, four ...." and I was dazed off after Chase. I like him, but does he like me back? I love the others like brothers but, Chase is different around me. He's sweet, caring, fun, handsome, and......" "Skye? Skye? Are you good?!" yelled Rubble even though I was 2 feet away from him. "Dude, she can hear you. She's not that far." Rubble rolled his eyes and asked"Skye? Do you want to play tag? If you want, we can." I just shook my head and kept watching them. Zuma and Rubble whispered to each other and Zuma said,"Skye? By any chance. Do you like Chase?" I knew I was beet red when he asked. "No" I said. Then Rubble said "Skye. It's obvious that you like Chase. There's no need to hide it. To be honest. We known for a long time." I sighed. "Okay. I like Chase. But how do I know if he likes me back? I'm pathetic, small, and weak compared to Chase." They both looked shocked and Zuma spoke up. "Skye. You awen't pathetic, small ow weak. Chase must think you awe the bwavest pup ever. Just twy talking to him" Then our pup tags beeped "PAW Patrol! To the lookout!"
A/N. This is my first ever Paw Patrol fanfic and I want to make it good. I want to later to make it like the structure of Hidden Selfishly by icandream05 (great job btw please check it out) and other stories but that'll be for in the future. Wish me luck for the first chapter.
Question: what is your favorite pup.
Me: I don't have a favorite. All the pups are cute.
Bye! 👋
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