6. a submissive warrior part 2
Quick reminder of Charlie's dark looks^^^
March 17,2017
My grandparents had 52 wonderful years of marriage. They work together to create that marriage. Even with the hard times they were still a strong team.... My mother and dad not so much. My grandparents took the words 'till death do us part' very seriously, and you just don't walk away from your vows. They drilled that life lesson into me.
It's was one the reason I tried so hard for the past year. I didn't want to let them down with my failure. I was not going to tarnish their reputation just because of my weakness. I know there where only two ways our of marriage.....my death.....or he leaves.
So, I hold my tongue, and wait.
At the party, I played the good wife, he played the good husband. Sugar could not melt in his mouth fast enough. At least in front of the others. When no one was looking.
"Could you stop acting like a Damn fool." He hisses trying to bring me to heal. After I walk away from him and his boring bragging with the man who is hosting the party. Little does he knows I am already lost to him.
My eyes stray to John.... He continues to capture my attention. I catch him watching me at every turn. I can feel his eyes on me as I move through the crowd. I look over to him as I make my way to stand next to the man I married. Who gives me his best smile that never reaches his eyes.
At one point in the party I stopped to talk with a old customer of my dad's. When my dad's old friend moves away I see Griffin chatting up a young blonde. She looks no more that a year or two older than his own daughter.
Griffin is all smiles, and he pulls his best moves. He runs a hand through his long hair, and leans back against the table they are near. The girl is all smiles and giggles for him.
This is not the first time I have caught him flirting. I am sure if offered the chance he would cross that line of cheating. I decided to give him just enough rope to hang himself. So I start turn away, when I feel someone come up behind me.
"First lady? Can I get you a drink?" John's voice washes over me like a soft breeze. I turn and smile up at him.
"Yes, I would love something." I answered. I slip my hand around his thick arm. His skin is smooth and warm under my touch. "Take me to the bar."
Once we arrived to where the bar is set up there is a crowd of men already there. John has me wait while he braves the bar to get our drinks. I take pleasure in telling him that he need to stear clear of alcoholic beverages because he is driving.
He shyly agrees before he leaves me. As I am waiting I am greeted by one of my old class mates. She was one of the many girls from school that always had some snide remark or insult for me.
"Charlie, I thought that was you." Page gives me her best fake smile and a half hug.
"Page I didn't know you would be here." I challenge. "Didn't think you ran in these types of circles"
Page was part of the upper crust in high school. She was never the girl who would slum it with a group of bikers.
"Oh you know, you can never choose the hobbies one's husband gets into. Are you here with someone are you trying your luck with the men" She teased. While mock looking around for the man I am with.
In school Page was one of the many girls who accused me of trying to steal her boyfriend because he looked to me to fix his car. Alot of the girls didn't like that I was popular among the guys.
"Yes, my husband is helping a friend buy a motorcycle. Tony is a old friend of Griffin's, and should be finalizing the deal on the trike soon." I answered her.
"Your married the the president of the warrior's?" She seams a little taken back by this information. She actually took a step back in her shock.
"We have been married for 24 years. You met him before?" I see some unknown emotions pass through her eyes. John reappears before I can question her further.
As he hands me my whiskey sour Page speaks up with her mean girl sneer. "Looks like your husband left you in good hands"
"As VP it's my job to insure that the first lady is happy while the president is busy with the club." John states with a hard look in her direction. He looks like a warrior ready to fight if needed.
She shots him a strange look before she excuses herself and walks away. John takes it upon himself to keep me entertained for the rest of the evening. Even with his extra attention I am able to watch Griffin work the crowd. As well every young girl in company.
He doesn't leave any pretty girl unnoticed. Even if it is nothing more than innocent brush of his shoulder. I have to gave it to him. He has gotten good at making his flirting look nothing more than a man moving through a crowd.
But I know better.
When we returned to the house late that night. All of his good charm he displayed for the others fades away. He is back to my same angry husband.
"Grab me a beer, will ya" he ordered as he falls into his chair. It was way pasted three in the morning. I was so tired, but did as he said. When I returned to the livingroom.
"Help me get my boots off." He held one of his legs up, but other than he did not move. His eyes held mine for a beat. "Now, Char." So now he feels the need to flex his power over me.
I pulled, and the boot falls to the floor. He holds up the other leg for me. I get it off, and pick up both to take them to our room. "Keep that getup on, I be there when I am done with my beer." He pointed at my corset. He takes a long pull from the beer bottle before looking away.
As I entered our room, my first thought is about defining him. It isn't the sex that bothers me. It's the fact that he is activity looking for another woman to fool around with. After what I saw tonight I know that now.
It's time that I make up my mind and see things for what they are. My marriage is coming to a end, and I am not even sad about it. I am sure my grandmother would tell me to follow my heart. That's just what I am about to do.
The images of John where fresh in my mind. I think of a possible future for me. What will I tell the kids? How will they take this news? Now would be a great time to have a friend. Cindy and Marc moved away long ago. Marc received a promotion and jumped at the chance to make more money.
Of course Cindy would not be the right person to talk dominants with. Sandy is the one I need. She would be a good sounding board for me. I will try her number tomorrow. See if she is still in the lifestyle.
Tonight, Griffin actions are like the first lighting strike of a coming storm. It's distant sound warring everyone of what's about to come. Now is the time for me to get ready. I need to get my house in order sooner rather than later
John was the type of man I went after before marriage. It was just more fun making a big man beg for release. I thrived on it. It was hard to find a big man like John who was willing to let me have my fun. Most men like John wanted their women soft, and on bottom.
Me, I demanded to top. I wanted to control the pace. The force of each thrust. I wanted his hands tied above his head. I wanted him blindfolded. I wanted him a mess of burning needy man.
I had spent most of my night with John. The way he move through the crowd. How he handles himself with other bikers. He has a commanding way about him.
Cheating.... Like I said I was raised to be faithful. It never crossed my mind. Until Griffin proved to me that he was looking. I will not cheat, but I will keep my eyes open.
"Get your ass over here Char.." Griffin demanded. Time to make him feel like a man. I will keep my mouth shut for the moment. I will need to keep my damage down to a minimum. If this marriage dies, it will be all his fault.
He will be the one to cheat frist.
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