13. punishment for a lie
John(goddess help us all)^^^
August 18, 2017
There is this moment between being fully an asleep and wakefulness that you can't trust your self to belive what's happening. That's what I felt this morning. I could feel the light touch of fingers skim over my face from my temple to my jaw.
The caress continued along my bare shoulder and down my arm. I opened my eyes to focus on John's handsome face. He was dressed and ready for the day as he lays next to me in our bed. I lifted my head to look at the window of our bedroom. The sky is still a dull gray with the rising sun.
"It's still early. What are you doing up?" I muttered as he rubbed his soft beard against my neck.
"Umm..Bull and I have a early morning training session with some new guys. We should be done by two this afternoon. Go back to sleep beautiful." He kissed my check and forhead. In my sleepy state the only words that registered were Bull, training, and two. My mind was to muddle from sleep to register his nervous tone or the slight shake in his hand that rested on my face.
"Mmkay have fun." I drifted back to sleep to the sound of his chuckle and retreating footsteps. Somewhere in my brain I knew that there was something off but I couldn't get myself to wake up to figure it out.
When my eye pop open again the bright sun streaming through the large window. I glance over at the clock. It showing that it is well pasted nine in the morning.
"Shit!" I throw back the covers and rushed into the bathroom. I had less that 30 minutes to get ready. Sandy and I were to meet at club to go over all the potential new members at ten this morning.
I thanked my luck that my commute to work is nothing more than a ride down on the elevator. The building of the club had a second floor that had enough space to create three spacious loft style apartments.
Owen did a wonderful job on the rentavations. John and I moved in as soon as the first one was completely. Sandy and Bull had wait on the second loft because they were still trying to find a buyer for the house they had in the suburbs.
Owen took the third one. He has spent the past year living out of the hotel his father had set him up with. He was happy to have a home of his own again. The building his father's company was in was not so far from the club. Owen considered that one of the good thing about living here.
I rushed through my shower and dressed in the first things my hands landed on in our walk in closet. I ran into the kitchen. To find that John had set up the coffeemaker, and my travel cup was already on the counter. He is so good too me.
In no time at all I was running past the bank of windows in the livingroom heading for door with my coffee in hand. As soon as the doors opened on the elevator to club floor I quickly made my way to my office door.
I tossed my keys on my desk, and quickly walked in the door of the joint conference room that was between Sandy's and my offices. "About time you show up." Sandy smriked at me as I rushed into the room.
"Don't say a word. It was a late night, and you know how much I love to sleep when I can." I huff as I plop into one of the chairs around the table.
"Ok let's get this over with. Frist up, is Justin Reed. Ooo he's a doctor." Sandy fans herself with the good doctors papers.
"Give me that. You are as bad as the sub's sometimes. Wow he has been involved in 'Doctors without Borders'. That's nice, it says here that his parents are from Nigeria." I have to admit he is very impressive on paper.
"Well he is nice in person we had a long talk on opening night. He came with Perry you know?" She grins at me. "He quite a looker, tall, with lovely mocha skin. He even has green eyes."
"Perry did tell me that he had a friend that was looking to get into the lifestyle." I look over the doc's papers again.
We continued to work our way through the many different applications both dominants and submissives. We work up a time schedule for the training session for each group. As we are about to break for lunch the phone on the table rings.
"I thought I told Sarah to hold all the calls." Sandy rolls her eyes at the phone, but doesn't move to pick it up.
I pick it up and answer in my most professional way. "The Playroom, this is Mistress Charlie, how may please you today." I swear every time I say this I want to burst out laughing. It is what Sandy came up with, and I have yet to see her answer the phone in this manner.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the famous Charlie lass." The female voice on the phone is as cold as ice, and completely unfamiliar. There is only one person who I allow to call me Charlie lass, and this woman is not Owen Lackart.
"This is Charlie can I help you." I remain polite, but my voice becomes cold.
"I am sure you can. Is Owen available? Or do you have him locked away somewhere in your hoore house?" The woman hissed with a scottish lilt through the phone.
I snached the legal pad away from Sandy, and wrote GET OWEN! on it. She ran from the room to find him.
"He is unable to come to the phone. Can I take a message?" I did my best not to let her to get me angry.
"When he comes up fer air, you tell him his wife called. He need to leave you glakit cunts alone, and come to work. He is needed here, where he belongs." With that she cut the line.
Owen enter the room just as I returned the phone on the base. "Sandy said the phone was for me." He looked to me for a answer.
"I took a message. Your wife told me to tell you are needed at work." Owen's eyes went dark. He took in my angry expression and sat in the chair across from me.
"What did the old harpy really say?" He crossed his arms over his chest.
"Well she did use words like cunt and hoore." I tried out my scottish to sound as much like the woman on the phone as I could. Sandy involuntary giggled as she took her seat.
Owen only shook his head. "The crazy bitch has no manners. I apologize for her lass."
"So do you want to tell us how a scottish gay man gets a wife." Sandy asked.
Owen blows out a long frustrating breath. "Before I was even born my father wanted an arranged marriage. It was to be a business deal, but with the state of gay rights in Scotland at the time my father felt best to keep the arrangement. Bring in another clan, and build his company bigger. He only told me about it after I came out to him when I was fifteen.
He told me he accepted me, but there was no way out of the fact that my being gay was a real problem. For all my school years I had to keep my sexuality a complete secret. For the simple fact that being gay was illegal. It could get me jailed or worse castrated.
When the time came for us the marry at the age of 21 . I had a contract made up that I would never bed her, and she would get to keep her father's holdings. In 46 years of marriage I have never spent a single night in that woman's presence. She only agreed to my deal, because she was in love with another man that her father hated. I cared nothing about her love life, and let her have her lover.
She was the reason my father suggested I came to the states. The only reason she is here is now for the annual board meeting. I pray she leaves soon. There has never been any love loss between us." He finished his speech by pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Could she cause problems for you for coming here?" Sandy asked.
"Naw, she only likes to reminded me that I am married. To her it's a big joke that I am gay, and married to a woman." He answered
"I am sorry. I have some idea about what your living with. She and Griffin would become fast friends I fear." I said. Owen gives my a thight smile.
After Owen leaves to attend his meeting,Bull walks in to the conference room. The first thing I realized is John is not with him. "How was the training session?" I inquired.
"Good but tell John I could have really used his help today when he returns." Bull answered with a easy smile. I know he was unaware that he had been lied to, like myself.
I make up a excuse to leave the conference room to make a important phone call. Of course when I call John number it rolls over to his voice mail. So I leave my message, I am sure he will get. "I have no idea as why you felt the need to lie to me, but you can present yourself as soon as you get here. I will consider your punishment as I wait for your return."
Of all the things John could have done lying is the one thing that he is well aware of that I can't stand. Years swallowing Griffin's lies has made me intolerant of any lies. John agreed that we would never lie to one another. We even had it added in our contract.
At 3:55 in the afternoon John shows at my office door. I can tell that he received my message. He enters the office and immediately goes to his knees.
"Go to the playroom and prepare yourself." I bearly look up from my computer. He doesn't hesitate to do as I say.
I am not sure how long I will be in dealing with John. So I leave a message to Owen asking if he could look after the dungeon for me. After he calls me to say that he will be available to cover for me despite his wife. I use the bathroom in the office to freshen up before I go to my private playroom.
When I enter the room John is on his knees on the hard wood floor. I walk over to the phone on the small table by the bathroom door and let the scurity team know that I will be in my room for the rest of the night.
I walk back over to where John is still waiting. "Please explain."
"A couple of days ago Griffin called your phone. I know it was wrong but I answered it. He immediately went off on way I was on your phone, and how long I had been fucking his wife. The dick still thinks your his. I lost it and told him off. I said he should never call you again and that you were mine. He told me that he was getting rid of the shortage business and you still had things there. I went and got the stuff today. I sorry I just didn't want you to have to deal with him anymore." He said all of this while glaring at the floor.
"Well, number one, you are not forbidden to answer my phone, but you were wrong for not telling me about the call. Two, Griffin's view of what I am or who I am fucking is none of his business, nor something for you to worry about. Three, you lied to not only me, but Bull as well. You know how I feel about lying." As I have ticked off his mistakes John has stopped glaring at the floor. He stretches his arms out to me, and leans forward until his chest is pressing of the floor, and his head rests at my feet.
"Stand and go to the cross"I order.
In my room there is no bed. The dark navy wall to the left are lined with the canes, whips, belts, and floggers of all types and lengths. On right side of the room stands a bondage wheel flanked on each side by two beautiful jeonju chests. From the chest on the right I pull out a blindfold and earplugs.
I move back to the center where John is standing by the St Andrews cross. I don't waste time in restraining him to the cross. He keeps muttering the word sorry over and over again. I paced the blindfold over his eyes and before I plugged his ears, I say.
"I want you to think about how it feels to be blind and unable to hear. The same way I feel when you don't talk to me and tell me about the things that bother you. We are in this together you should come to me with your concerns. Do your understand?"
"Yes and I will not do it again." There is a desperate edge to his voice. This punishment is one of things that I know will get my point across.
"Tell me your safe words." I whispered.
"Honda to slow down, Harley to stop." I turn his face to me and give him a deep kiss plunging my tongue into the depths of his mouth. His regret and fear I taste so sweet to me. Then put the plugs in his ears. I know if I flog or whip him, he will love it so I chose to do nothing. I move over to the chase lounge that near the punishment bench, and make myself comfortable.
I watch as the muscles in his back flex and tense up as time passes. His hands curls into fists, as he shakes his head. I keep my eyes on him as the mental battle rages inside his head.
There are many who think that BDSM is all about physical pain. It's true there is a great deal of pain involved in the lifestyle. The mental pain is just as effective weapon as any whip I have in this room.
I stay on the chair until I see sweat roll down his back. When his hands start to tremble. I raise from my chair, and move over to the equipment wall. I chose John's favorite suede flogger.
He has suffered enough for my taste. I know others who would have left him here an only checked on him from a app on their phone as they had drinks in the club. I would never leave my John alone.
He has a real fear when it comes to being alone and lock up. The reasons come from a very dark child hood. It is one of his hard limits that I fully respect. I will never cross that line.
When the first strike of the flogger lands on his bare ass his head falls back in shear relief. From here I repeatedly connect flogger with flesh. John moans and begs for his release. I watch his strong back and thighs trun a bright red with the prints from the flogger. This is when I feel the real power over him. His cock is rock hard and continues to leak cum until there is a pool on the floor between his feet. I am so high on this power exchange between us that I am almost giddy. I pause to pull the earplugs out of his ears.
"How are you feeling baby" I ask as I lightly run my fingers along one of darker red marks on his back.
"Find." He hisses through his teeth. "May I cum, please?" He begged as I rub my face against his heated skin.
"A few more I think." I whisper as I stand on my toes and press a kiss between his shoulders. I returned to my place behind him, and resume the flogging. By the time I call for him to cum he has taken 30 strikes from me.
I move the bondage wheel, and bring it into its horizontal position. Then unstrap John from the cross, and lead him to lay face down on it. I get the soothing oil from the chest to rub onto his stiff muscular back. "Do you want to rest here or go back to my office until it's time to go home?" I ask as I straddle his hips to work oil into his back and arms.
"I can make it to your office." He moans as I work the oil into his shoulders. Once the after care is over, I help him to stand. I lead him into the shower in the bathroom. I strip my clothes off before I follow him under the steamy water. Grabbing the Bvlgari bodywash from the caddy. I fill my hand with it, and begin to wash every inch of his delicious body.
When he is clean of the sweat and oil. he is hard again. Soon I find myself pushed against the wall of the shower. John is kisses me passionately as his hands trail down my sides. I love the he's passionate with me as he plaster my body against the blood red tiles wall of the shower. We are both breathless as we crash into our climax.
Once we are back in my office John falls face first into the couch, and closes his eyes. I keep a watchful eye on him as he rested while I finish up with the emails to the new members about the training session.
Just as I am about to shut down my computer there is a knock at the door. "Enter" I call out.
Josiah comes in, and sits in one of the chairs in front of my desk. Because it is well pasted two in the morring I am not sure what he wants. "Do you have a problem Jo?"
"No mistress, I wanted to ask if I could give Cassie a party here at the dungeon? Her brithday is coming and she will be 21 this year." He explained.
"What day?" I knew her brithday was soon, but not sure what day.
"It's on the 21st the same day as the eclipse. She so excited about it she got viewing glasses for everyone in the sub's room." He tells me.
"Well let me talk to Sandy and I will get back to you. Ok" I am sure Sandy well have no problem with it.
"Ok and you don't have to worry about anything. I have the whole thing planed out. Even the live band." He starts to stand to go.
"Don't forget we planned a flag football game for tomorrow. Make sure you and Cassie show up ok?" I reminded him before he goes.
Now it's time to get John up to go to our bed.
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