11. welcome to The Playroom
I said I would not do this, but I simply can't help myself. The characters you are about to meet have been running wild in my mind. They have practically written their own storys. So if you like or dislike them PLEASE let me know. I love all the views I have gotten on this story, but I need your comments. So bad or good leave a comment. Thank you!
The Playroom, play mates: Cassie, Josiah, Brent, and Sonny.^^^
August 12, 2017
I stood in the center of the wide dance floor looking over the new night club. The electricians were working on the last things for the dj booth. To my left the new staff was stocking one of the two large bars in the nightclub area. I had to hand it to Mr. Owen Lackart, the place was all he said it would be and more.
Suddenly all work stoped as a ear splitting squeal sounded through out the room. I turned and watched as a five foot nothing, whirlwind of bubble gum pink hair and pink mini skirt twirled in the center of the lounge space. Cassie Wroth completed her spin and clapped her hands happily. She bounced her way to me on the dance floor. All the workers had stopped to watch her, I had to admit she was a site to behold. Looking like she had just escaped from the lasted anime movie.
"Good grief. Casssiopeia! Calm down." The somber voice of her older brother halted her progress. Josiah is a tall drity blonde, with the body any track star would kill for. He is dressed in a white tee shirt with a dark green bottom up shirt over it. Paired up with classic 501 levies, and a set of tennis shoes I know cost over $300 dollars. It is hard to believe these two came from the same mother.
Not far behind them Brent Cole followed at his own pace. He, despite his Buddy Holly black framed glasses, he looked like he just walked away from an Abercrombie & Fitch photo shoot. He aways made sure to dress to impress. With the his feminine face and short fram he was simply beautiful.
To his right was my favorite little goth child. Sonny James was in her signature black cargo pants and black shirt, with a black leather jacket. Her jet black hair hung loosely ending just shy of her tiny waist. She had one hand covering her smile I knew she was sporting at Cassie's actions.
All of these young people I had to thank for me being the Domina I am today. They are all as different in looks as they are in their kinks, but they all had one thing in common. They were all hard core masochists. Only Josiah was relatively new to masochism. I had used all of them to train.
"Good afternoon" I greeted them. They all lined up side by side and adapted the perfect attention positions. "None of that now. All of you look up." I ordered. They all looked in my direction. "Well, how do you like it?" I spread my arms out to the club.
"I love it." Cassie smiled britely.
The others nodded with her. "Is this where we will play, Lady?" Sonny shyly asked.
"No this is just the main club area. If you don't feel like playing, or just want to hang out with friends who are outside the lifestyle. You can do it in here. This part of the club is for the public. Members of the club can come here as well." I told them as their heads swiveled around the room.
We all turned to look at the double doors on the left side of the dance floor. John walked over to us. He look so good in his scurity team shrit. "The grid above the stage is set. You can finish up the tree now." His low voice rumbled. I thanked him and turned back to the group.
"So how would you like a preview of the dungeon?" They shake their and John takes his place beside me as we walk them to the doors
We lead them over to the doors that John had just come through. We all stoped just inside the door. There was a empty desk with a single computer on top was to the right. The long hallway leading to the left was lite with neon inlaid into the walls and ceiling giving it a honey comb effect, with a black and white tile floor.
"The playrooms are down that hall. Anyone entering through this door has to show their id and club card. Scurity will not let anyone by without the proper id. Make sure you keep your id's on you it's the only way the scurity team knows if you belong in the dungeon. " I told them as we continued through the other set of double doors.
"I wanted to asked about that. Cassie's card has dungeon playmate on it but mine doesn't. Why is that?" Josiah asked.
"Jo, we have talked about this. I added you to the temporary dungeon list. I want you to take a week to observe the play. Try different types of dominants. Then you and I will get together on say Monday of next week and refined your hard limits. Then we together will decide if the dungeon is the place for you. Ok?" He was silent for a beat then nodded in agreement.
They all gaped at the interior of the dungeon main area. The red brick wall, trimmed in dark wood gave the room a very dark look. On the main stage the back drop was covered with hemp ropes that had been shaped into two trees. A little project Owen Lackart and myself had been working on.
My little group was taking it all in. The black leather couches, hard wood floors, and the hand carved bar. I checked the time on my phone, it was time to get this group moving. "Any thoughts?" I asked. All their heads snaped back to me.
"This is fantastic!" Brent shouted. Sonny hit him on the back.
"You are getting as bad Cassie." She scolded him.
"Follow me I need to show you one more thing." In the back right hand corner of the room was a single door. John held it open as we all filed through. Once we were all in the hallway I explained where my office and Sandy's were at, as well as the private members only entrance is. I continued to walk until I came to another set of doors. Just as we stopped Sandy also came up with another group of playmates.
We both smiled at each other as we opened the doors. All eight of the young people we had just took on tour of the place gasped at the site before them.
Inside was all of their friends in the lifestyle. Cassie ran to her BFF and they jumped like rabbits. Brent walked over to his friends that had taken over the sitting area right. Sonny went to the left to explore the kitchen that was set up with everything the sub's could need to heat up and store their meals. Some of them were already eating at one of the many tables.
Josiah had joined in with a group of boys who were tossing a football back and forth. I looked over to Sandy who put her thumb and forefinger in her mouth and let out a shrill whistle.
All the talking and laughing stoped, and all heads turned their attention to Sandy and myself. "Welcome to the playroom! We, Charlie and myself wanted to give all of you a preview of how the club turned out. Some of you are brand new to the lifestyle. You know who you are. For the older ones, I will count on you to help make their first time here a easy one.
As all of you can see this is a co-ed sub room. That means that I will expect all of you to be on your best behavior. This space is your safe haven. Help us keep it that way.
As you all can see everything we could think of to make you comfortable is here. The kitchen will be keep stocked, as well as the bathrooms. Everything you could need to prep for the night is in there. Boys to the right and girls to the left." Sandy gave a sharp look at a few of the large group.
"There is a cleaning staff that will keep the place clean, but we both expect all of you to lend a hand by picking up after yourselfs. You will all share in this responsible." Sandy looked to me to continue.
"One more thing. In this room there are boys, girls, gay, and straight. On both sides. We put you all in the same room for a reason. I am sure at some point in your lives have come up against some form of prejudice.
We don't want that here. All of you have value. All of you are special. With out you, we dominants are nothing. Your trust in us is the greatest gift.
Please help us, by helping each other. If something is bothering one of you, it should bother each of you. There is no problem too big or too small that you can't come to one of us. Remember communication.."
"...Is the key!" All of the sub's in the room finished for me. Quicky followed by a loud round of laughter.
I could only shake my head at them.
Sandy had one more thing. "Don't hesitate to come to us if any dom crosses the line of any rule. I have no problem with punishing a dom."
"Sandy's right, I will slap a bitch quickly if any of you get hurt in any way." Of course this comment started another round of laughter.
"It's now 3pm, if you want to stay that's fine, just make sure you come by our offices to get your locker code. If you have something do, and will not be back until the opening tonight make sure stop by to get your code. Understand!" With that we left them to enjoy the new room. I headed for my office I still needed a few sub's to sign their DNR"s including one in particular. John had been my silent shadow through all the tours I have given today.
We enter the office and I went over to the desk. "John you need to sign the DNR still." I took out the papers and laid them on my desk. He slowly walked over. He looked like sex on legs in his black security shirt with his new black leather pants.
I could hardly wait to get him all tied up and under me. Tonight we play.
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