becoming more assertive
After you learn to demand, to command, and to controling your fantasy sessions, you may find yourself becoming more assertive in other situations as well.
May 25, 1990
I stood in front of my full length mirror in my bedroom looking at the plain black tee shrit and jeans Cindy asked me wear for the party. As I stare at my refection I don't like what I see. The past week I have been in total control. No man who came into the shop has had a chance to demean me.
Cindy's idea of my outfit for the night is just not cutting it for me. I can't stand to let Cindy dictate what I look like. Not after the eye opening I got last weekend. I look over at the clock on the nightstand by my king size bed. I have just enough time to change into something The new me that Sandy has introduced me to. Sense my weekend with her and Bull I have been buying different corsets in many different colors.
Walking over to my gramdmother's old dresser I pull out the drawer. I run my fingers over the multiple colors silks. Untill I find just the right one. My hand lands on a deep royal purple corset with black embroider. It is a new one I have yet to wear in public. I pulled the corset out and then rip off the plain black tee shirt. I work on the front hooks as I make my way back to the mirror.
I unzip my jeans to allow the bottom of the corset to hug my hips. I put my hand around my back to start the blind tighten of the corset strings. I have done this so much that I could it in my sleep. Keeping the bottom tight so that my stomach stays supper flat and my waist is narrow 21 inches. I leave the top just lose enough for me to breathe. Once I am satisfied with my new look I zip my jeans back up and go to find my favorite riding jacket. It is one I pick up in Savanna on St Patrick's day. A crop top style black leather with long sleeves. The bottom of the jacket hangs just below my ribs. It gives a good four inch view of my waist.
Now that I am more comfortable with my look for the night I just have to convince myself to leave. I always go through this. I know once I get to the party I will have fun. I just have to force myself to do it. So I take a deep breath and turned to leave.
I hit the highway at 7:45. The 25 minute drive to Cindy's family river house will get me there just in time to 'make a entrance' as Cindy puts it.
I love the drive on the old river road. Cindy's family home is located on the banks if the Ogeechee river. Everything grows greener here thanks to the Ogeechee rich dark waters. The trees and grass are a lush green. There are not many who live on this road because of the flooding from the river. Cindy's family has lived in the same house for generations.
The oak trees on each side of the driveway cover the road and make it look like your are driving into a cave made of deep green leaves. Dull gray Spanish moss hangs from most of the limbs.
The sound of my motorcycle echoes through the moss covered oaks. Half way up the drive start to see cars. I don't stop to park on the drive. Cindy has a big side yard that her father told me I could park on anytime I come to visit.
I pull up to the Dixon family plantation house. It is a through back from the old days. There are still alot of the old plantation houses on the property. Even a family church, where all the family wedding and babys christening still to this day are held.
The entire side yard is full of harley davidson motorcycles. There is a large crowd standing around the fire pit on the stone deck. There is a smaller fire too the side with a large black case iron pot on it. Also a make shift dance floor has been set up closer to the river bank. People are milling around talking and drinking.
Some are even dancing.
I look over the crowd that is gathered to see if I can spot Cindy. I noticed the long looks I am getting from the leather clad bikers. I see Cindy just coming out of the house. She has her hands full of drinks. She drops them in one of the four 48 can coolers. She spots me and gives me a small nod.
Show time!
I stand and swing my leg off my bike. Looking at the crowd once more I pull my helmet off. My long dark brown hair falls around my waist line. Several of the party goers stop in their tracks.
"Cha...cha!" Cindy bounces my way. Gaining me yet even more attention. She brings me into a massive hug. "Thank you." She breathes into my ear..
"No problem babe." I look over the crowd again."how many biker's are in this group?" I question her as she drags me to the cast iron pot.
"I am really not sure. I need you to taste the peanuts. I used you daddy's recipe, but Jay keeps telling me there is something missing." She waves to the biker who I recognize as the man who picked up Marc from the shop. He is eyeing the pot with great suspension. Jay looks like a warlock as he stirs the peanuts. He has a young girl hanging off his arm. She bearly looks over 21.
"I told her Cha cha, your old man would not just give up the family recipe just because he thinks she is cute." It's obvious that Jay had a few beers.
"What's so special about them?" The biker asked as he moved closer to the pot eyeing me up and down. I had to admit he was definitely someone I could get into. He was tall, had lots of muscles and nice dark hair . His eyes where a uncommon blue. Like the sky in the morning. I could not help but smile at him.
"Well why don't you try some and tell me." I held up the basket long enough for him to take a few. He is a prospective new member. His patches on the back of his jacket claimed. He started eating and he notices we're watching his reaction to closely. So I looked away quickly before winking at Jay.
He started to choke and sputter. "What's wrong John?" A older biker next to him asked as he hit him on the back a few times. He had a vp patch on his jacket.
"Hot..." He got out before hacking up a lung.
"Of course it's hot you idiot. It just came out of the pot.." the older biker was laughing openly now.
"No Jake, it's hot. Like spicy hot. I have never had something that hot." John was looking at Jake in sheer disbelief. Jake grabs a few and try them for himself. Jay, Cindy and myself are use to the heat and can only laugh at the biker. Their eyes tear up and both get red faces.
John walks away to get another victim to try the peanuts. As Jake starts to tell us about the group. When John returns he has a much older biker with him. This man has a head full of gray and he has a pot belly. Also he is sporting a president patch on his jacket.
"Let me try these damn things." He grabs a hand full. Before you know it more than half of the bike group are eating peanuts. They all claim the peanuts are too hot, but no one stops eating them.
By the end of the night I have gotten on a first name bases with not only the president but most of the officers of the club. I spend most of my time talking to John. We flirted for most of the party. Cindy did not need my help as much as she thought. Though she kept wanting me to meet someone. I think he was son of one of older biker's. I didn't care to much John was just to much fun.
I had a good time up to the point when I meet the jerk of the club. I was talking to John about bikes and what I liked to ride. He asked what my favorite was.
"I learned to ride on a lndain, but I ride the sport rod now." I take a sip of the cola he just handed me. I did not notice the other biker who was listening to our conversation when he speaks up.
"Who would be dumb enough to let a woman learn to drive on their Indian?" He was not as tall as John and his fram was leaner . He had light brown hair and dark eyes. He had tried to pass off what he said as a joke, but something told me not to fall for it..
"I don't like it what people call me dumb. I have been riding middle school." I hold his eyes contact. I refuse to back down.."The Indian was a gift I got for my 11th birthday. My father gave it to me. I learned to drive it of course after I rebuilt it myself the same year" unable to stand the being in his presence any longer I went to tell Cindy I was going home. She tries her best to get me to stay around. She said the guy wants to apologize for what he said. I was to angry to listen so I just went home.
I woke up Sunday morning still mad about what happened at the party. I crawled out of my bed later than normal, because of my late night. I had to hurry to make lunch with my dad.
Before my grandparents death we would eat every Sunday lunch at their house. Now my father insisted we have lunch at the local dinner and rumor mill. I hated the place but my father loved it. To make him happy I went.
It only had two setting areas. One for the general public, and a private dinning area for meetings and private partys. They serve buffet style lunch and dinner. With everything the southern consumer could want. From fried chicken too banked ham with all the fixens.
By noon on Sunday the place is packed. Dad and I sit in the main dinning area, everyone greets my dad as we sit. Next to us is a couple of older ladies. They are the spinsters sisters of the town. They still live together in their family home.
Being the big time gossips they are they begain to have a loud conversation about the personal life of someone else. Instead of minding their own business.
"Did you hear about poor Johnny?" June asked her sister.
"Why no, do tell.." Estee replys.
" Well his wife, you know was pregnant. She had her baby." June gives her a knowing look.
"Oh that's nice.. What was is?" Estee asked innocently. Even though you can tell she knows the whole story.
"A girl, but that's not the worst part. She had an affair. The baby was not the same color as Johnny. If you know what I mean." June informed all around who were listening.
My blood started to boil. These self centered bitches had nothing better to do than run this woman's good name in the ground. Just because she found herself in a loveless marriage, and found comfort in another's arms. No matter who are what color that man may be.
"to think she tried to pass it off as Johnny's flesh and blood."Estee huffed.
At this point all my appetite is gone. I look over at my dad to see he as well has slow down on eating. We both know the family.
"Well would you look at the trash that the wind just blow in." June suddenly changes the subject.
I turn my head to see Walt the president of the bike crew come in with a few others . As well as the biker who insulted me.
I introduced my dad to Walt and some of the others I meet at the party. Walt in trun introduced us to the members that I don't know.
"This is son Griffin. I didn't get the chance to introduce you to him last night." Walt said with a father's pride.
"Well we did meet last night dad. You didn't give me the chance to apologize to you for the way I acted. I would like to make it up to you, if you'll let me."
Griffin states.
There is something about this man that has me wanting to know more about him. Even though he has acks like all the others. I still see something in his moss green eyes.
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