assemble your equipment
Daddy's quilt^^^ quilts in this chapter were made by me for my customers. They would be alot bigger if they were to fit Charlie's king size bed.
You may prefer to keep the mystery(and the power) by choosing and laying out the equipment yourself, merely commanding your sub to dress in the garments you have laid out on the bed and present himself to you immediately , bringing the hairbrush with him. (That's a command that will strike fear into his heart.)
July 27, 1990
"Well, that should be the last of the clothes." Cindy huffs and runs the back of her hand across her brow.
It has taken us more that a week to pack and move all my things back to dad's house, and pack up all of dad's things to make room for mine. It helped out alot that Marc was still looking for a place to live. He took over my lease. "I am going to drop this stuff off by Helping Hands. Then swing by mom's house. Oh! She wanted me to tell you that the quilt made from you Grand's clothes is ready. Also you need at least fifteen of your dad's t shrits for the other one, up to 36 if you want it to fit your king bed."
When we started clearing out dad's things we found two lime green totes filled with my gramdmother's clothes. There was a note in my dad's hand writing as to how the quilt should look for Cindy's mom. It was dad's plan to have this quilt made for my Christmas present.
Cindy quickly snatched the note from me and push the boxes to Marc and commanded he take them to her mother's house. Cindy's mom had learned how to make quilts from her grandmother.
"That's great Cindy!" I moved over to my dresser and picked up the check that would cover the cost of both quilts. I pushed the check in her hands. "D-Daddy's t shirts are next to the door in the trash bag. There should be about 40 of them." It still took me some effort to say the word daddy but it was getting better. "The check should cover both quilts."
"You know mama told you she would do both as a gift for you." Cindy's mom was to sweet. I knew how much work went into one quilt. Cindy and I had both spend part of our summers helping her I was not about to let her do this for me without paying. Dad had even put the check in the boxes for her.
"Take the check. Then we can load up the last of this stuff. If you are a good girl I will let you help me decide which room I will be painting first." I patted her on the head as I walked pass her grabbing one of the boxes in the hall.
After loading up and deciding that the dinning room would be my first victim. We had a light lunch and Cindy went on her way. I was finally alone in the house. I took my ice tea that was left over from lunch and fell into the couch.
Suddenly I was gripped by a case of nerves. The thought of being alone in the house made my stomach lurch. I loved living alone in my little house. The independents of not having to answer to anyone was great. I guess it was the reality of the fact that I would be in this house alone without dad. It had me regretted moving in.
The loud ring of the house phone had me jumping from the couch. I laughed at myself as I went to answer it. "Hello?"
"How tried are you of me?" Griffin low voice sounded from the other end of the line.
"Well, considering we just saw each other yesterday..." I trailed off. Griffin had taken me to the club house for a bar-b-que. It was the first time I had been out socially in three weeks other than working.
"If you are not to tired of me I thought I would get pizza. Maybe rent a movie. It could just be us. What do you think?" He sounded like a kid asking to go to the fair.
The thought of being alone in the house was still fresh in my mind. Then it hit me, I could made this fun. Maybe a little fun with Griffin would help my nerves. "Now that you mentioned it. It would be nice to eat something that didn't come from one of the ladies of the church. I am totally up for a pizza/ movie night." I agreed.
"What movie?" He asked. I looked over at my boxes of videos I had yet to unpack thinking of one movie that was sure to put him in the mood to play. It was a sexy new movie that was rumored to have a real sex scene between the two stars.
The story was that the director order all the lights off. A single camera was left on above the costars. Everyone was ordered out and the sex that happen between the two was to hot for words.
"You choose one you like. I have a bootleg copy of one here that I want you to see." I had to smile at the thought of his face when he watched Wild Orchards.
"Ok... so beer or coke?" He inquired.
"Coke, please. I had a few to many last night. I have not really felt well today. I don't want a repeat." I quickly lied. I was not going to play with him under the influence.
We agreed that he would show up at 7:00. So I had plenty of time to get ready. By 3:00 Cindy had returned and delivered my grandmother's quilt.
I did my best not to burst into tears when I saw the beautiful work her mother did. After Cindy left I made my way up to my room. I carefully folded the quilt and laid it across the end of the bed. I sent a silent pray to dad thanking him for the beautiful gift.
I then went full on in getting ready. I washed and cleaned every ounce of my body. I went to my wardrobe and pulled out a silver silk corset. I made sure to cover it with a pair of my most comfortable stone wasted jeans, and a black t-shirt.
I then went into the closet and found the new rope I bought a few days ago. I laid it out on the bed. At the time I had no clue of when I would get to play, but Sandy had convince me to keep a new one at all times. By the time Griffin was due. I was sitting on ready.
As I expected it did not take long for Griffin to get into the mood. The movie had barely goothen passed the bar scene. We could no longer wait so we headed upstairs. Griffin followed me up like a lost puppy.
We enter my new room, and I lead him to the center of it. I look into his soft green eyes. "I want to thank you for all the support you have given me." He opens his mouth to speak, but I press my fingers lightly against his lips. "Let me do this. All you have to do is trust me. If at any time you feel like things are getting to be to much all you have to say the word 'red'. I will stop no questions asked. Do you understand?"
He only nods his answer. "I need you to say it." I need to be sure he is ok before I move forward.
"I have a feeling I know what you are talking about. I have never tried anything like this, but for you I am willing to try. I understand." His voice in steady and sure.
"Stay." I command him. I take a full step back and pull the tail of my shirt over my head. Then I work on the button and ziper of my jeans. Once they are both off and forgotten on the floor. I am left in only my sliver corset, and gray lace thong.
"God your beautiful." He breathes. I step back up to him and press a soft kiss to his lips.
I begin slowly, tugging his shirt from his pants. Once it's all free I pull the shirt over his head with some help from him. I aimlessly toss it in the same direction of my clothes. I locked eyes with him while my fingers slip inside the waist band of his jeans.
I started putting on the buttons on his fly. When I have all five freed I push both my hands in his jeans. I meet only hot smooth skin. I take another step closer press my body fully against his. My hands roam around his waist and then to his back. I move them lower to his ass.
I push his jeans down, and move so he can step out of them. I am glad we removed our shoes before hand. I tug on his hands, and pull him to the bed. I reach out to the bed, where I left the rope earlier.
"Put your hands together, yes like that." He complys easily with my wishes. "Get on the bed on your back." He moves as I have instructed him. I take off my thong, and crawl on the bed.
I straddle his thighs and lean up to tie the end of the rope to the hidden eye bolt on the head board of the bed. Once his arms are securely tied. I sit back to look at him. He looks ok but I still have to ask. "You still ok?"
"Yeah" his voice is still strong.
I take this as a green light and begin with an asualt on his mouth. He still has a faint sweet taste of coke on his tongue. Even though he is tied up he still tried to lead the kiss. I only pull back when I want him to slow down. He soon yields to my pace.
I slowly start edging him by moving my lips down his throat. I carefully make my way to his chest, I take my time with worshipping his erect buds. Then I move down lower across his hard abs. I can feel his quick intake of breath against my tongue. He is desperately trying to maintain his cool.
I know I can't let this last to long. He not a sub, he is not trained to hold back on his relief. I continue to my goal. His shaft is nicely leaking when I finally take it into my mouth. He grunts in approval as I work him in and out, taking to the back of my throat each time.
As my hand is resting on his stomach, I feel the weird little tremble. His salty sweetness fills my mouth it is followed by his low growl. Not long after he comes in my mouth. Once he is done I sit back on my heels. He is trying to catch his breath.
I crawl back up his body, and settle my core over his now semi hard member as it lay against his stomach. He opens his eyes. They are fill with lust another emotion I can't name. I smile as I lean forward and kiss him wildly. I can feel him growing hard again under me.
He suddenly pulls back from the kiss. "Release me, untie my hands." He quitely demands. The emotion I didn't understand earlier is back. It burns brighter than before. For some strange reason I comply with him.
I release him, and he moves quickly. I find myself under his long lean frame. His hands begin to roam over my corset clad body. He places kisses across the exposed skin of my breasts above the silk of the corset I have on
"As much as it drives me crazy for me to see you in this..." He trails off as his warm fingers follow the curve of the fabric of the top of the corset. "I would much rather see you out of it."
He starts with the first metal clip at the top. As he works his strong fingers down the front of the corset I can feel the cool air against my skin. I suppress a shiver. As if he can read mind he covers my body fully with his.
He takes his time as he fills my body with his impressive size. His size takes my breath away. He distracts me with the talent of his mouth. I am given the chance to adjust to his length. I have never felt this full.
"You're ok right?" He asked in his husky voice.
I answered him by pulling him closer for a deep kiss. I clenched around him as he began to move. He might not have the bulky muscular build of Bull, but he knew how to move his body. I soon found myself wanting more of him. With each thrust of his hips, he pushed me closer to the edge of my release.
Before I could realize what was happening. We were both crashing over the edge together. I have never felt that before. The wonderful sensation of two people climaxing at the same time.
All the other times I had sex have it was nothing on this. All the other men I had sex with were just interested in their own pleasure. He rested his forehead against mind as we both tried to regained our breath. All the other men before him have never made me feel this. This feeling I have never felt before. I have never felt so satisfied for, safe, and cared for.
I don't want to call it love, but I can't deny that Griffin Wolf is some how become part of me.
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