Chapter 10
Percy's POV
"Well?!" I stood up as Regina returned from Mom's room.
"Sally Jackson... it's a curse. A large one, and it must've taken a many powers to cast such a thing. It is the work of Nemesis."
I was shocked, but unsurprised. Goddess of Revenge. But why Sally?
"I don't know why a goddess would go after a mortal who had done nothing. She's a tricky one fer sure."
"Thank you, Ms. Havens." Annabeth gave her fifty drachmas, the price for a half blood. She smiled a smile of pity. No one crosses a goddess. Well, no one but me. Annabeth grabbed my hand and gave me a kiss. "It'll be alright."
Silena's POV
Dry those tears.
I wiped away the salty drops, and stood up, looking in the mirror, and scrubbed my face clean of makeup and tears. I looked better. Way better. Charlie probably left like I told him too. I sighed, pulling open bathroom door. And he was sitting by the wall across from me.
"Silena." He got up, letting out a sigh of relief.
"What do you want?"
"I've been waiting out here for an hour!"
"Well, you didn't need to. Just leave me alone." I crossed my arms and slowly walked to my room. Charlie's hands grabbed me, pinning me against the wall. I struggled against his strong grip. I turned to face him.
"Listen, Silena." His eyes were filled with worry, the sea green looking a bit duller than usual. He brought his lips close to mine, but didn't kiss me.
"What," I snapped, staring him in the eye.
"I'm sorry, okay. I was being a jerk, and I shouldn't have snapped like that." He let me go, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Sorry for not understanding what you're going through. I sorta acted like a bitch." I bit the bottom side of my lip, leaning against the wall behind me.
"Yeah, I was worried. Mom and Dad are having some demigod doctor check up on her."
"I'm sure she'll be fine, right?"
"Right." Charlie grabbed my hand, pulling me closer. He flashed me a grin, but his eyes weren't up to it.
Charlie's POV
For ours, Silena and I sat on her flat roof, watching the stars, and talking about anything but my grandmother. We watched the sunset, then layed back to see the stars. At some point, she fell asleep, and I was left to watch beautiful, peaceful face in sleep. Her full lips were slightly smiling, and her brown hair was spread out around her, making her look like something a photographer would want to take a picture of. The street lights kinda ruined the effect of the night sky, but Silena was all that mattered.
It was getting late, so I picked her up, bridal style, and carried her to the stair case at the edge of the roof. It was sturdy, and I slowly walked down, until I reached the side of her house. I then walked her to the back door, where I slipped us passed her parents, who were sleeping together on the couch. I carried her to her room, and layed her on her bed. I saw my phone on her table, and saw I had a message from Mom.
Mrs. Stoll knows ur spending the night. dad and I need some time to handle the situation. We'll tell you tmrw. I love you, Charlie.
I replied back, and walked over to the door, opening it slightly to go to the guest room. Silena's moving made me turn around. She was sitting up, her hair in her face, making me smirk.
"Are you leaving?" She asked, still sleepy. I nodded, closing the door a bit. Maybe she'd want me to stay. "Would you stay tonight?"
"Of course." I pulled off my shirt, and layed down next to her, wrapping her in my arms. She rested her head on my bare chest, and we both fell asleep.
Cute, right? Think of the good!
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