Ghost (RP character) (OG VERSION)
Name: Ghost
Age: 23
Species: Ice dragon (snow dragon to be specific)
RP group: Fire vs Ice Dragon Group RP by @ElijahCole11.
Personality: She is very eccentric and can be blunt. She is an outcast of Ice Dragon society due to her strange mannerisms, beliefs, and personality. She opposes genocide of the Fire Dragons and favours peace above all. She hates violence/fighting, but is actually very much capable of doing so, thanks to her impressive speed. She has a strong sense of justice and morality, and over the RP, she has developed into someone who is more willing to fight if it is necessary (though she still prefers peace). She is very emotional.
Backstory: Her entire family group had left the Ice Kingdom, in disagreement with it's belief that they were superior and that all fire dragons had to die. For the first few years of her life, Ghost grew up with her parents, aunt, and siblings. However, one day, the guardians were all slaughtered by fire dragons- and, as her siblings tried to survive together on their own, they were all caught by poachers, with Ghost being the only survivor. She goes to the Ice Kingdom and stays there, though almost all the dragons dislike her for being odd. She is completely pained, and remains in her cave located on the edge of society. She is filled with rage and hatred- but, as she grieves, she understands that by fighting and killing, she would cause others the exact same pain that she felt. Through violence, a cycle of revenge and war would begin. And so, she swears that she will never kill out of anger or grief, and instead, will live as a pacifist. However, she has never actually told anyone this story, except to some of the items in her hoard.
Appearance (slightly edited): Pure white scales throughout body. Light blue wing-membranes. Blue feet. Her head has many long, silver horns, and the spines going down her back are a light blue. She has a wiry build. One eye is an icy blue, the other is light purple. General appearance is like the Game of Thrones dragon. BUT (this part is added), in the pic above I gave her slightly more dark blue around her snout, wing-claws and wing-tips just to see how it would look, and I like it!
-Her hoard consists of random fruits, vegetables, scraps of metal, crystals, and certain human items. Her favourite member of her hoard is a cucumber which has frozen solid ever since it entered her cave. She also secretly names everything in her hoard.
-Because she generally prefers to avoid killing, she likes to scavenge more than she likes to hunt. However, when she does hunt, she prefers to find something that is in the process of attacking another.
-She generally does not like other humans or dragons very much. A sadistic fire dragon killed her parents and aunt, her siblings were poached, and almost every ice dragon had been cruel to her.
-She shares her names with my IceWing OC (idk I just really liked the name Ghost)
-She is capable of breaking the sound barrier, and uses this to her advantage in fights. She is, in fact, quite arrogant about her speed.
-She actually gets very angry when she sees something she considers an injustice. This is because of all the anger she felt when her family was killed- she got herself to only let it come out when she feels she must fight. However, in certain situations, she can actually become noticeably aggressive towards others when she is starting to lose control over her anger (e.g. when she hit Molten for killing Wingate, and decided not to interfere for quite a while when Ice Flight was attacked by poachers).
-After the death of Whitefrost, she begins to lose her mind and sees/hears those she could not save. They are critical of her and effect her mental health significantly. However, she still holds on to her morals in spite of the others trying to convince her that she is worthless.
The Story So Far:
Chapter 1: Ghost wakes up, annoyed that her favourite cucumber had moved from under her wing-claw while she was asleep (this is because she moves around a lot when sleeping). As she leaves, she is approached by Whitefrost and the two share a friendly conversation (the majority of Ice Dragons disliked her, though Whitefrost is one of the few exceptions). Afterwards, she takes off into the air and flies over the ocean to find herself something to eat. She kills an orca (saving a seal in the process).
After an encounter with a blind dragon called Freeze, in which Ghost stares at her for a reaction, though is merely told to land, she goes off to the forest. There are still a few days before poaching season, and she thinks that she can enjoy nature while eating her Orca in peace- however, instead, she comes across a grisly image of a poacher next to the body of a dragon (Glacius). Consumed by her emotions, she reveals herself to the poacher, wanting to know why it had killed the dragon and spilled needless blood, while being reminded of memories she wished had never happened. However, the poacher (Ella, and another called Wingate) attack. Ghost, terrified, decides to run in a direction where she had previously heard to dragons fighting, in the hopes that she could actually help someone instead of trying to beg mercy to deaf ears. Molten, a fire dragon, joins the fight- but Ghost is in a state of shock, and continues running, terrified out of her mind.
Ghost reaches Whitefrost and starts trying to help him, but the poachers follow, and the fight begins again. Ghost, completely overloaded, begins to have a breakdown and scream at everyone to stop fighting. Wingate attempts to kill her, but Molten breathes fire on the knight, and then attacks Ella. Ghost is horrified, and realises the only way for their chances of survival to increase would be for her to fight- she comforts herself with the fact that this does not mean killing them. She and Whitefrost knock out Wingate. Ghost distracts Ella and still tries to negotiate, despite knowing that it is almost certainly in vain. As the poacher comes in to attack, Ghost hits her with her tail.
Molten then approaches Wingate and kills him. Ghost, who starts to lose control over her anger, hits the fire dragon with her tail. Molten reacts badly, and asks why she hit her, but Ghost is too furious to respond- instead, she just digs her wing-claws into the ground and breathes with ragged snarls. When she realises she has struck fear into Molten, she feels guilt and tries to control herself a bit better. She states that they all could have left with their lives, and asks why Molten had decided to kill someone who had become completely defenceless. Whitefrost then angrily tells the fire dragon to return to her kingdom and tell Falkor, their leader, that the deaths of any fire dragons killed by the ice dragon's reign will be on his hands. Molten leaves, as does Ella. Whitefrost, despite being hurt, states he will probably still be able to fly back. Ghost stamps her foot and curses in anger. After a brief conversation regarding Glacius and grief, Ghost takes a piece of obsidian from the ground and the two decide to head back.
Chapter 2: Ghost feels depressed, having suffered from nightmares and night terrors ever since what happened at the forest. She is constantly remembering her traumatic past, and feels responsible for the deaths of Glacius and Wingate. To cheer herself up, she begins to play with objects in her hoard, making up a story of forbidden love between a fire dragon and an ice dragon. Whitefrost approaches, seeking something to help his wound- when they both smell fire, and realise a village of innocent humans is being attacked by fire dragons! Instantly, they, as well as other brave ice dragons such as Monarch and Icicle, fly to help. Ghost is confident in her abilities, being the fastest dragon she knows.
As Whitefrost tries to help humans by leading them out of the village, Ghost flies in the middle of all the chaos, hovering above- she roars as loud as she could, hoping to get the attention of the fire dragons. They notice. Ghost sees Molten trying to protect the humans, and is impressed, but still angry about the death of Wingate. She begins to spray ice over the fires, and puts them out, while Falkor orders her dead. Ghost grins, thinking 'this is not a fight. This is a race. AND I CAN WIN ANY RACE!' She begins to speed around the village. As Envy attacks Molten, Ghost breaks the flipping sound barrier and runs her claws past the fire dragon's back as she speeds past. While Monarch tried to save as many humans as possible, Death the fire dragon spots Ghost- he knows he cannot match her speed, but wants to chase anyway. Envy breaths fire at Ghost, which burns at the end of her tail.
Ghost wheels around and shoots a blast as Falkor- meanwhile, Death takes off and begins to follow. The chaos continues below as Fate pounces at Icicle, as Molten and Envy struggle, as Monarch tries to assist Whitefrost. Falkor orders the others to leave. Ghost zips around and shoots a shower of ice at Fate, then glances back, and notices Death following her- she is utterly terrified. Noticing Envy still being violent to Molten, she shoots more shards of ice at the dragon, and instantly wheels upwards, climbing the air vertically. Death ignores Falkor's order to retreat, still wishing to chase Ghost. Envy joins the chase, furious at the ice dragon. Molten shouts words of encouragement, and Ghost swears when she realises there are two dragons chasing her- but when she hears Molten, she feels more motivated.
Ghost, just before she enters the clouds, roars loudly and starts spinning around, spewing shards of ice everywhere. As the dragons below her breath fire/lava to melt the ice, Ghost's foot is contacted by lava and she quickly escapes in the clouds, trying to keep as silent as possible in the hopes that her pursuers do not hear her. She glides up there until they leave, and she flies down to join Whitefrost, Molten and Monarch.
She realises the fire dragons have abandoned Molten, and tries to comfort her. Then, she starts talking to herself about what happened, and praises everyone that they should be proud of their actions, especially Molten. The ice dragons want her to stay with them, but realise she may not survive in their habitat- Molten begins to speed off and try to get lava from the fire kingdom. However, as she leaves, hundreds of knights appear with the human king. As the king orders the knights to stand down, Fate the fire dragon is still in the village and having difficulty flying away due to the fight. The king thanks them, and asks if the humans can stay in their home as they are at risk from more attacks. Whitefrost, not knowing how to respond, turns to the others- Monarch implies that he will follow whatever Whitefrost's decision is, while Ghost says they should help them, but they need to be smart about it by questioning them and coming up with certain conditions. Whitefrost agrees. Monarch becomes Molten's guardian, while Ghost becomes her mentor. Drakusana emerges from rubble, not knowing what is going on (though figures it out quickly). Ghost notices Fate still struggling to fly, and approaches her while the others begin to leave. She tries to convince Fate to let her help her, as she is visibly hurt and Ghost does not wish to leave another in such a state- however, once she has successfully convinced the reluctant dragon, Drakusana flies in and yanks Fate away, leaving Ghost a little sad.
Ghost catches up to the others. Whitefrost is in pain from his wound, and is being treated by the king. As Icicle goes in to confront Molten, Ghost flies between the two and explains the fire dragon is with them. As Icicle becomes aggressive, Monarch comes and also starts to defend Molten. Ghost and Icicle share a few parting words, and the latter leaves- Ghost is left very confused, not understanding why dragons have such a tendency to generalise entire species. Ghost then asks the king if she could take some kind of citrus fruit and add it to her hoard- he agrees. And so, she takes a lemon and calls it Mrs Citrus, and a baguette who she calls Caesar.
As night approaches, the other dragons behave a little bit salty towards the king. Ghost leaves the group of humans she had been conversing with, and apologises for the hostility her peers are showing. She also turns to a hungry Whitefrost as he munches on a fish, and offers part of her baguette/the dead whale back at home. The king is fascinated by Ghost, and the two share a pleasant conversation. The king offers words of encouragement to her, which she highly appreciates. As he goes to sleep, she thanks him.
Ghost, being unable to sleep, goes to the front of the group and gazes up at the stars, thinking of her family. She sees a dragon (Whitefrost) fly, and wants to fly herself- but first, she picks her foot-wound clean of obsidian, and speaks to the stars about her past. After seeing Freeze flying as well, she excuses herself from the stars and thanks them, then goes up to fly. Whitefrost roars her a hello, and she responds with a sonic boom, accidentally waking Monarch up. As Ghost practices various moves, Whitefrost follows, and the two share a conversation regarding her speed. Meanwhile, Falkor watches from afar, wishing to capture Whitefrost, though knowing he could not do so if Ghost was nearby. Whitefrost wishes to see how fast he can go compared to Ghost- and she, most arrogantly, quotes herself from back at the village about how she can win any race. She speeds off at a pace which was just below the sound barrier. Seizing his chance, Falkor captures Whitefrost, knocks him out, and escapes with him. Ghost at first does not realise what has happened, thinking Whitefrost is pranking her by leaving suddenly. However, she eventually smells a fire dragon, and quickly rushes back to the others, waking them up with a sonic boom.
The king is puzzled, as is everyone; all ask where Whitefrost is, and Ghost explains everything. The king says that there is no way they would be able to fight the fire dragons in their own home. Ghost, however, is determined to find him, calling him a friend- a word she had never used for another dragon before. As Molten and Monarch agree to help, with Molten being a very notable advantage, Ghost states that they don't need to fight, and that she is utterly terrified (with another hint being dropped about her past)- however, she says that despite her fear, she will find him. Ghost smiles and thanks Molten and Monarch, thinking that maybe, just maybe, she could consider them her friends too.
They fly to the volcano. Ghost hides with Molten, and the two try to figure out a plan- however, Fate begins to look around the volcano. Molten quickly gets an oblivious Ghost to duck- but Fate just barely manages to see them. They hide for a while, until Drakusana leaves a cavern nearby, holding onto Whitefrost. Ghost tries to use her tail to get Whitefrost to notice her and Molten's location, but Drakusana takes off. Ghost and Molten quickly follow from behind. Ghost flies silently, though is noticed by Fate, who follows, and Drakusana, who mistakes the flash from her scales as a knight (though the pretends he did not notice). As they fly past a destroyed human village, Molten notices a human and stays behind, while Ghost continues and reveals herself to the pair, explaining that she is not a threat and is merely here for her friend. Drakusana says he cannot give him to her, as he must take him back to the ice kingdom, but that she can follow if it makes her feel better, to which Ghost gladly agrees. Fate stops following them and returns to her kingdom, having lost them. Drakansuna safely delivers Whitefrost back to the ice kingdom.
Ghost apologises to Whitestorm, believing it is her fault he was captured, though he assures her it was not. She notes that, at some point, she wishes to inform him about her past. Whitefrost decides to tell Ghost what happened at the fire kingdom, with Falkor's visions. Karoth follows and starts conversation with Ghost, discussing her dislike of hunting/killing. Ghost tries to advise Whitefrost, talking about how they must not entirely accept/reject Falkor's visions, but must be sure to not kill if the humans turn out dangerous, as she believes that war is a cycle and can never end unless someone stands up to break it through peace. Next, she tells Whitefrost about her past and the effect it has on her in the current day, and he sympathises. Ghost decides to go to the forest to fly in a storm, however, she hears the sound of chaos below. She witnesses wolves attacking a couple of characters, and flies in, with the combined efforts from all driving the animals away.
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