Ghost (part 4)
(God help me this is getting LONG)
Chapter 5 (continued): Ghost goes outside, realising the fire dragons have come to the forest. They do not fight each other, though Ghost (at some point) gets angered by Envy, then as she grows more unstable, has another psychotic episode. As tremors shake the ground, Molten and Smolder desperately try to help Ghost come back to reality and get off the ground. Molten puts a hand on Ghost and begins to burn her, which brings the wyvern back after a while. They fly off the ground, and see a giant Forest Monster on its way. When it reaches them, Ghost tries to say they are not a threat- but it is angered by the fire dragons. It almost eats Death- but Death attacks it from the inside, prompting it to spit him out. Ghost, seeing it is aggressive, decides to fight. She does a sonic boom right by the monster's head, which affects the dragons around her- but the creature does not have ears, and senses sound in a different way. It tries to suck her into its mouth, and while she tries to fly away, it suddenly blows her through the sky. She recovers just as she is about to hit the ground- and feels a very unnerving aura, one she recognises. She warns the others to be careful.
Stuff happens, the nature dragon stops its rampage before Crystal Monster arrives, and the two do not fight as FE does not show aggression to CM.
Ghost and Envy go to collect plants to heal Death's bruises. They have friendly conversation. I dunno, Death's arm is amputated and Ghost/Envy both make a Toy Story reference. Molten comes in and spends time with Ghost, and they all go to sleep. Molten accidentally breaths fire on Ghost's face after she wakes her up from a nightmare.
An Ice Elemental attacks, eating Envy, Ghost, and Monarch (latter of which escaped its sadistic rampage in the crystal caves where it killed all the humans). They manage to escape after Envy burns some magical ice in its throat, exploding the monster and letting them out. The CM begins to tear the flesh apart, having joined the fight beforehand. The FE (forest elemental) comes and sits on the CM's regrown head.
Ghost leaves to get a gift for the IE, hoping it would make it happy so then it would leave them alone. However, Monarch tells her of what happened at the caves, angering Ghost severely. As she begins to cry, Monarch presents to her the frozen cucumber she had left behind, which she hugs and cries some more (after thanking him of course). The CM comes and puts his head in front of her, changing into calming colours, which Ghost is practically hypnotised by.
Storm finds them, turning a love triangle between Ghost, Monarch and Pothos into a love square. She is a lightning dragon, and after a short conversation, she decides to show off her powers and causes a large crash of lightning. The FE elemental is drawn there due to the disturbance, as is almost every dragon in the area. Storm is a bit embarrassed, but flies into the sky and shows off her powers some more, which the others enjoy. However, she and a thunder dragon named Derecho are suddenly attacked by the ice monster, who encases them in ice. As they fall, Ghost attempts to help Storm. Storm's raw power allows her to break from the ice (Derecho does so as well, not long after). Ghost is accidentally injured by the ice sent flying by Storm, which the latter is sorry for. Storm tries to convince the others to fight, though some are sceptical. When the CM, FE, and IE begin to fight, Storm becomes more determined to provide backup. Eventually, Derecho flies off, then Ghost and Storm, who are followed by everyone (with the exception of Alex and Pothos). They are ready for battle.
The fight begins, with a storm elemental also joining at some point. The Crystal Monster's telekinesis is faulty as he is near the SE, whose nearby presence causes an interference. The fight is then interrupted by a group of infected humans. Ghost orders everyone to use non-lethal attacks only, which they obey. Thorn, possessed by the Wzelkin, calls to her, mocking her. However, Ghost suddenly realises the Wzelkin is sentient, and not a mindless parasite as she had originally judged. She talks to it, trying to find out why its goal is to kill all the dragons. They both communicate with each other, and she discovers the Wzelkin had been betrayed and used by dragons and humans, which is why it wishes to wipe them up (moreso the dragons). She is sympathetic, and another discussion starts on Ghost's determination to help all who attack her. A little possessed boy approaches and hugs her, but called her gullible. The Wzelkin attacks, but Ghost escapes with Derecho's help, promising that she will one day get through to the Wzelkin. She flies away to a wounded Drakusana, which Death manages to heal from what could've been a fatal wound. After checking his pulse, she leaves and finds Storm, Battery, Monarch and Ella all fighting. Angered by all of them, she asks what's going on- and after Storm catches a weaponless Ella in her hand, Ghost discovers Ella poaches dragons because she had her family, friends, and home destroyed by them. Ghost is sympathetic, and feels melancholic to whatever Ella had to experience. After Jade almost gets infected, Ghost goes and cuts off her limb to prevent it occurring. The rest of the gold is destroyed when all the elements work together. Afterwards, they leave to the glowing river.
Ghost, on the way there, realises she has developed feelings for Storm (and, obviously, starts freaking out). They mess around by the river, with Ghost trying to be... 'subtle', and failing beautifully. They encounter a Light Elemental named Raja, who is actually friendly (Ghost got metaphorically hypnotised by the whirling water it resided in, and was the only one who was not made nervous by it).
Chapter 6: Storm, who has tied Ella to her arm, is resting and keeping watch over the others. Ghost is staring. Raja suddenly gives out a call for adventure, as there is a monster nearby. Ghost and Storm decide to go together, after a comedic moment where the elemental tries to understand if there's a little somethin' somethin' going on between the two. They then leave together, and find a house where the monster was meant to be. A small critter appears, looking completely terrified. Ghost, Storm and Derecho try to calm it down and help it- however, it is killed by a monster which attacks Ghost and injects her with acidic fluid. After more unnerving battles with monsters that cannot be negotiated with (namely the Goregutter and the Stalker), Storm and Ghost return to the glowing river. Ella leaves them.
The Wzelkin has infected Jade, and threatens to kill all of them. However, some dragons (of all four elements) begin to shoot their breath weapons to Raja (Ghost and Storm both decide not to participate), who separates the Wzelkin from Jade (who dies). Ghost asks Raja to hold the Wzelkin in the air for a bit instead of destroying them, and he obliges. She asks for the Wzelkin's full story, and it is understood that he was created as sentient gold, but was used, abused, and abandoned by both dragons and humans. She and Smolder negotiate with the Wzelkin together, and convince them the world can change for the better. The Wzelkin frees all the humans under their control, and proceeds to go inside Jade and bring her back to life. After all this insanity, Ghost decides to confess her feelings to Storm.
They are interrupted when the Blizzard Monster attacks! It has come for Ghost after she had managed to trap it in the frozen ocean. Storm, who attacks the monster, is saved by Monarch, who sacrifices his life to keep her alive. After a long battle, Spirit, the Crystal Monster, the Forest Elemental and the Light Elemental (Raja) work together and kill the Blizzard Monster. Despite both Ghost and Storm acting angrily to the monster during the fight, Ghost feels sorry for her after she sees the main head bring the other three closer just as she dies. The body of the monster fizzles away, revealing a dead fire dragon, and three live hatchlings. Ghost and Storm both adopt two (a male called Chill and a female called Frost), while Envy and Death take a male called Ice. They discuss raising them, when the Stalker, Goregutter and Crocodilian Beast attack them. The Velondrax, a new... 'monster'... watches the battle.
Ghost and Storm both fight the Stalker together, with Storm accidentally hurting Ghost at one point. When freed from the battle, the two hug- and are completely oblivious to Jade, who is entirely under the Velondrax's control after she makes a 'connection' with her- plunging her bladed tail into the dragon's neck. It toys with her for a bit, warns her to tell the others of her existence, then leaves. Beforehand, Pothos is killed by the Goregutter (though Jade is spared). The monsters eventually leave. Jade calls for help, and Sakura, Ghost, and Storm approach. As Storm cauterises the dragon's wounds, barely preventing her death, Jade tells them about the Velondrax, and that the Wzelkin knows a place which could act as a safe haven for them.
They leave with help from Raja, arriving to the land of the griffins- a valley. Nyx helps find some plants to heal Jzel (Jade and the Wzelkin), while Ghost hunts for the three hatchlings. This is one of the few times these characters are in true peace- all relax with each other. Drakusana appears with Ella, who is hurt. Ghost is concerned for the human, and wishes to protect her. It is discovered that Ella and Hannah are both sisters- and there is a plan to help Ella realise that not all dragons are horrible. Ghost decides to essentially become Ella's protector, mainly from Pangaea and possibly Alex. Death and Envy relax, having a good time with each other.
As Ice Flight walks through the forest, she is found by the Velondrax. It makes a 'connection' with her, and has full control over her body. The monster takes Ice Flight to the others, announcing her name to them. She then shows Ice Flight images of dead, smaller Velondrax (baby ones), to show the dragon (which she plans to kill) exactly why she does what she does. A goregutter growls behind her, but the Velondrax directs an attack from Storm to the monster as a warning. Eventually, she lets Ice Flight go- only for Ice Flight to get the unsettling feeling of something phasing through her, as if it is holding her from the inside. As Ghost approaches to see if the dragon is all right, IF doesn't even have the chance to finish her sentence.
Ice Flight 'explodes', but in a graceful way similar to the way a rose might blossom. The entire area is covered with her pieces, and all are splattered in her blood. Everyone, even Ella who had been enjoying the show until that point, realise that sh*t has hit the fan. Envy grabs the three hatchlings and tells Storm they will meet up again- Storm is reluctant but agrees, deciding she must focus on saving Ghost and the others, and by taking the hatchlings she would put them in danger. As she goes to calm Ghost down, Nyx flees the scene, crying. Death flies next to Envy.
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