Ghost (part 3)
Chapter 3 (continued): Ghost, while trying to find a way to fly with a giant crystal almost as large as herself, notices a furious Whitefrost walking away from the Kingdom of Hu'rath with a knight named Thorn. She rushes over, and asks what happens, and he angrily snaps and explains the fire dragons want to kick them out. Ghost tries to calm him with the blue colour of her wings and is determined that they will be able to negotiate something. Whitefrost whimpers in sadness while Falkor watches, and Ghost runs off and comes back with a red crystal, which she gives to Whitefrost. Whitefrost wants to head back, but Ghost says she must remain out for some business of hers. He asks where, and Ghost replies she actually isn't sure, and while she wants to tell Whitefrost about the monster, she wishes to make sure it won't react aggressively towards her. Whitefrost asks for her not to get hurt, and Ghost then flies away with her giant crystal.
Ghost arrives at the forest/hills, feeling the presence of the monster. As she sits down next to the crystal, it appears before her, staring at her critically, and places a single claw on it. She explains she should get going and will return tomorrow with more crystals, though the monster merely growls in response. As Ghost is about to leave, she turns and brushes a wingtip against the monster's foot. It responds with an annoyed snort, and she tells it it should try to be a bit less grumpy. Then, she leaves.
Ghost returns, and notices Thorn. She flies down to him, and the two decide to search for a now missing Whitefrost together. The two talk, and she decides not to fly, as she knows of Thorn's fear. She catches Whitefrost's scent, and puts Thorn down, moving towards it. Drakusana and a new fire dragon named Sakura watch them, hidden from sight. Ghost also notices Falkor's scent, then sees Whitefrost's body. She breaks the ice and drags him out, begging him to wake up. Thorn checks for a pulse, and realises the dragon is dead. Ghost begins to sob and proceeds to have a mental breakdown, as multiple chaotic thoughts fill her head. They tell her it's her fault, that she is losing everyone she cares about, and she even experiences extremely violent and loud thoughts screaming at her to kill Falkor in terrible ways. Drakusana approaches Ghost and tells her Whitefrost would not want her crying over his body, and a burial could be helpful. Ghost does not process him for a while, trying to resist her terrible thoughts. She wonders if she is cursed to lose all she loves, and trembling, she shuts Whitefrost's eyes. As Sakura leaves, Ghost notices Drakusana and does not see the point of a burial, believing everything is meaningless, for her sense of reality begins to warp. The others convince her to bury him, and she agrees, though is unable to stop her nihilistic thoughts. She remembers how none of her family had been buried, and walks away from the others, trying to control her intrusive thoughts so the burial can be done. Ghost starts to dig near the trees, so that as they grow, Whitefrost may become a part of them and continue in that way. Ghost and Drakusana pick up the body and take it towards the grave, though just before they lower him in, Ghost gives him a hug, saying 'I guess this is goodbye, old friend'. As they lower the body, Ghost sends him her regards and hopes he can somehow hear her. Drakusana asks if they have anything to say, as this could be their last chance- Ghost promises to Whitefrost that his death will not be in vain. The grave is filled, and Ghost places the red crystal she had given her friend to mark the place. Ghost and Drakusana discuss why Falkor killed him, as well as the nature of war, Falkor believing it is unstoppable, while Ghost is determined that one day the cycle must break. While Drakasuna and Thorn talk, Ghost does not speak, as the thoughts return and she tries to keep them under control. Finally, as Drakusana leaves, she and Thorn return to the crystal caves. Ghost does not speak a word during the way there.
She informs the king of Whitefrost's death, and the king is at loss. He says they need help, but is unsure who or what can help them. Ghost says she can try find someone, and sets off. She first collects some crystals and takes them to the monster, talking to him about everything that happened. Then, she flies off to the Kingdom of Hu'rath to visit the grave of Whitefrost. She tells him everything that has happened so far, then moves over to the frozen lake. She hates herself, and scratches a mark onto her reflection in the ice. As she continues staring, she smells a fire dragon nearby. She enters a trance as she tries to stop her violent thoughts, and when she is at the cave where the fire dragon is located, she snaps back into reality when she hears the sound of crying. Ghost and Envy share a conversation and what is essentially a 'group therapy session'. Both Envy and Ghost discuss the loss of their families and recent loss of their friends, which they both feel responsibility over (Whitefrost for Ghost and Fate for Envy). However, during this, Ghost begins to experience visual and auditory hallucinations. Drakusana enters the cave (he and Falkor had been listening in), and while Envy is reluctant to admit what they had been talking about, she eventually does.
Chapter 4: Some time later, and Ghost has become extremely reclusive, living in her cave far from the others. She is still in search for someone to help them, and at some point she leaves & returns with the crystal monster. She then leaves on her own.
She has gradually been losing more and more of her mind. She flies to the glacier forest, where she has a brief fight with Ice Flight who had been attacking a group of humans (and one dragon) (Alex, Hannah, Natasha [Bates] and Pangaea). Ice Flight decides to leave, and with a dangerous storm coming, the group move to a mountain and find shelter in a cave. Ghost is in the process of trying to show Natasha that not all Ice Dragons are dangerous.
The cave turns out to be a moving maze inside a mountain. They end up trapped, and must find a different way out. After seeing a monster, the humans attack- and despite Ghost's attempts to prevent it any harm, the creature dies in her arms. She is heavily distressed by this, as she believed she had come very close to saving it (she had been trying to subdue its movements by essentially hugging it very tight, but it succumbed to a wound Hannah inflicted on its neck). As they try to find their way out, they face many issues- most notably, an aggressive snake infected by strange, golden tendrils. They manage to free the snake from the gold (though Ghost almost gets infected by it herself, however, is saved by Hannah who cuts it off in time). The snake tunnels a way out, and they follow, finally freed. Ghost returns to her cave, wanting to be alone for a bit.
Chapter 5: Ghost is just as reclusive as she was before, staying in her cave and trying to avoid socialisation. While Molten, who has discovered the truth of Whitefrost's death, visits the ice kingdom to find her, Ghost catches her scent and feels immense guilt (as she believes she abandoned the fire dragon). Drakusana appears, wishing to check on her. They talk for a bit, with Ghost discovering what happened to Falkor and feeling quite sorry for him, and Drakusana discovering the existence of the Crystal Monster. Ghost hears screams for help (it's Molten), and runs to see the King and Thorn in the process of being infected. After a brief struggle, Drakusana removes the gold (but is unaware of a tiny amount that remains in Thorn). Ghost, seeing Molten, proceeds to have a small breakdown, apologising for abandoning her (as that is what she feels she did). Molten says she did not abandon her, and that Ghost had to focus on her plan first and foremost. Just as the two are going to go and catch up a bit, the humans are all infected by Thorn and begin to attack! They try to run to the exit, but Molten is hit in the chest by an arrow- it almost incapacitates her. Ice Flight begins to attack with fatal methods, despite Ghost's orders not to. Drakusana tries to hold off the humans with a wall of lava as Ghost grabs Molten and drags her to the cave entrance, where the Crystal Monster is waiting (it tries to help stall the infected with his telekinetic powers). However, Ghost is hit in the leg by a javelin and is unable to walk. The monster grabs them both and flies away. Drakusana follows, tries to cauterise Molten's wounds, and bids them goodbye- however, Ghost is having a psychotic episode and is unresponsive.
When she comes to, she sees Molten (who seems to be in the process of dying). This sends Ghost into a panicked rage, and the Crystal Monster sets down on the ground. Ghost screams for Molten, who is seeing a bright light with Whitefrost reaching for her. The Crystal Monster leans down and tries to mend the wounds, but is unsure if the youngster has lost too much blood to be saved. However, she turns out to be alive- but Ghost is in the middle of another episode and does not respond. Eventually, she awakens, and Molten is overjoyed.
A territorial Storm Dragon named Battery finds them and begins to question them. Ghost angrily explains what happens, and when he hears they lost their homes, he becomes friendly and offers to take them somewhere safe. Ghost is somewhat reluctant and unsure if she could trust him, but the Crystal Monster follows, as does Molten. They stop at the Forgotten Temple, home of the Forest Dragons.
As Battery leaves them, Ghost and Molten converse. Molten is still angry at Battery for acting aggressive to them (and somewhat disregarding Ghost's advice to not behave aggressively), but Ghost tells Molten that she has aggression too (referencing their experience with Wingate in the beginning). Molten is also angered by what Ghost says, until she mentions that she too once held such anger within her, and learnt to only let it out in the face of injustice (such as when she hit Molten when they first met). After explaining her philosophy, Molten understands. At some point, the Crystal Monster leaves.
Spirit, the mute protector of the forests, approaches them out of curiosity. Ghost is somewhat unnerved, but Molten is excited and starts to theorise what species Spirit is. Molten somewhat freaks out when Spirit grows some flowers beneath her hand, and Pothos (another forest dragon) reveals himself and flees into the temple when spotted. Molten follows, accidentally setting a few vines on fire out of her excitement, and Ghost follows as well, putting out the fires. Spirit is somewhat annoyed by the damage done and follows to make sure no more plants are harmed.
Ghost tries to calm the tension when she finds Molten freaking out over Pothos (who was trying to hide). They are both somewhat nervous around each other, but Pothos ends up healing Ghost's wounds. They all introduce themselves to each other. Spirit even sends them her name telepathically, which causes Molten to set fire to a tree. Ghost puts it out, and Spirit stabilises the trees condition.
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