Streetflyer/Erin Stryfe
Hair reference only
These three look the most like her
Full Name:
Erin May Stryfe
It's just Erin, really, not much there to nickname unless other characters come up with something
The Green Streak,
The Flyer,
The Shocking Speedster,
The Cavalry (she did not approve of that last one)
New Haven, Connecticut, though she's originally from London, and currently lives in Maine and works out of D.C. she now lives in San Francisco
English. She most commonly uses RP, the common style for BBC Radio 1 and other news outlets. Think Harry Styles, I guess
•Super Speed: she's a speedster who can run up to 7,500 mph, though it takes her a few seconds to reach 75 mph, and about ten minutes to reach her top speed. She's constantly working on getting her speed up, even though she's a superhero.
•Electricity Generation: as she moves, she generates electricity. It isn't enough to electrocute someone, but it acts like a weapon when fully charged (50,000 volts when fully charged, 0.02 amps, the same as a police taser). It takes about 2 minutes to charge depending on the speed she's going, and she has a rubber case to discharge it in on her leg
•Electricity Resistance: she's resistant to electricity because she creates it. If she wasn't, she'd constantly shock herself. She can't pick up a high voltage electric wire with her bare hands or anything crazy like that, but she could hold an electric fence meant to keep livestock contained.
•Electricity Manipulation: She can manipulate the energy she creates from running, or electricity from other sources, like lights or telephone wires, but nowhere outside a sixty foot radius.
•Enhanced Durability: Just because she'd die if she fell if she didn't have it. She can't withstand a building collapsing on top of her, but she can live through any slips and falls she has...unless it's off a cliff and into, say, the Grand Canyon. Then she's in trouble. Punches and kicks aren't as effective as spikes or knives or claws.
Super-Weaknesses to those Powers:
•The electrical discharge she creates shoots off of her when she runs- unless she actively controls it in some manner or has an object to do so. She can store the energy in battery packs or electronic devices. Alternatively, she can discharge it on a nearby object or even hold it internally.
•With her super speed, she runs through shoes like water on a hot day. They can literally burn her feet or leave streaks across surfaces if she has to skid to a stop. In addition, she's constantly in need of food. The glucose, protein, and carbs in her body are broken down to create the energy as she runs. If she surpasses her limit, she could drop from low blood sugar.
•She's very vulnerable to skidding and slipping if something's slick on the ground, like oil. Which is the only reason she has enhanced durability because I don't want her to break her neck the first time she reaches a high speed.
•The enhanced durability covers blunt damage more than damage concentrated on a single area. She's not resistant to sniper bullets or swords, but if she's, say, hit by a car or slammed into a brick wall, as long as the car doesn't run over her or the wall doesn't collapse on her, she has a good chance of being bruised rather than hospitalized. Acids and fires, however, focus on the cellular level and do very much burn her.
•Just because she's resistant to electricity doesn't mean she's immune. It just takes five tasers to get her down rather than one. She could touch an electric fence and it'll feel tingly rather than shocking.
•The electricity generation is her biggest problem. She can't control her output like a light switch. She can only control how much is produced and where it goes. She doesn't have the option to just use speed or just generate electricity. They're a package deal. Her equipment allows her to store electricity to some extent to use without her speed, but it's just like a normal taser.
•she can use herself as a conduit for electricity if she needs to, but much prefers to keep it in other objects because it makes her teeth chatter and makes her jolt just like anyone else if it's enough electricity.
Non-Super Abilities:
She absolutely loves Parkour. She pole vaulted, high jumped, and long jumped in college. She knows how to fall without severely hurting herself, which is a good thing with her powers. She knows some basic martial arts and boxing thanks to training. It's really her legs and your surroundings you have to watch out for. She absolutely loves gymnastics and anything with fancy footwork to reduce the chance of slippage or being tripped. Sidenote: She has a degree in criminology with a minor in astronomy.
Non-Super Weaknesses to those Abilities:
She can only land properly when she has time to correct her fall. She isn't sure about the legality of parkour, so she doesn't talk about it. Her form isn't anything to really notice, and more for defense. Though she can hold her own and use her speed to her advantage, she isn't the type to punch first and ask questions later. She also has a tendency to show off, not because she wants to impress people, but because she loves the thrill of flipping and somersaulting.
Weapons/Tools/Misc Equipment:
She has two lithium batteries along her arms that collect the charge she gives off so that she doesn't shock anyone unless she wants to. She can transfer the charge between them to power one or the other up if she needs it. Unfortunately for whoever she's fighting or rescuing, the collection doesn't work when they're overcharged. It's like a static shock from a car door or door handle if she's able to suppress it enough. Otherwise, depending on her speed and surroundings, she could hurt people.
Luckily, she has gloves and her suit to prevent her from shocking those she's helping. In the event that her tasers break, the gloves have holes on the fingertips that she can direct charges through.
She also has a pistol, though she swore she'd never actually use it unless she absolutely had to. It's more of a reminder to her that deadly force isn't necessary and she shouldn't be a hero if she can't find a way around it, not with her superspeed.
Overall Skill in Combat:
She has had hero training and is fit, so it's definitely not shoddy work. She just has a couple glitches that can get in the way of her job if they're exploited. She does have formal police training, but it isn't American police training.
Moral Alignment:
Lawful Good, though she doesn't mind bending a few rules here and there
Polar Alignment:
Current Relationships:
As for familial relationships, her uncle lives in New Haven, Connecticut, and her grandparents live in London. As for romantic relationships, she has a girlfriend with the ability to make people blend into a crowd and they're adorable together, especially when frustrating reporters. She's single.
She trusts her family before all else. She doesn't totally trust Nightwatch to do what's needed. She doesn't trust Nightwatch superiors at all.
Hair Color:
A black asymmetrical cut with a lot of bright green
Eye Color:
Body Type:
She's lithe and toned, with a runner's build. She never skips leg or arm day
Typical Civilian Outfit:
In the morning, she's usually wearing some sort of athletic clothing, such as water wicking leggings and matching tops, with tennis shoes (she never goes anywhere without some form of running shoe or combat boot, unless it's a special event). Depending on the weather, she'll probably have on a hoodie, maybe even one of those touristy ones with D.C. in big letters. Any other time, she's alternative with her fashion. She'll have dark eyeliner and a black leather jacket with flat studs on the lapels, a band shirt, ripped jeans with black leggings underneath, and military grade combat boots. On occasion, she'll choose some outfits that just look good on her or a mix of both fashion and function.
Alias' Costume:
She has a black suit with neon green accents, and a sort of helmet-like mask that covers her head. Her suit has some padding to cushion impacts, but it isn't super thick. (See figures)
She has about five ear piercings
Note: this is just a hair and eye reference. Next ones are more her
Note: these three are the closest I can find
Note: the mask would have a detachable piece going over her mouth so that she doesn't swallow bugs and extend across her forehead and wrap around like a helmet because it is one. It's far too risky for her to not have a helmet. Carry the jacket over to the following color scheme and base suit.
Sturdy gloves so she doesn't shred her skin if she slips and skids or does a cool slide. There's insulation except at the tips of her fingers so that she doesn't shock someone if she has to carry them.
And, of course, can't forget the ever-changing shoes (a lot of these don't match the green on the vest, which is the true green she uses)
Mental Health:
Nothing much of note except a severe phobia of spiders, a tendency to suppress her own problems to help others, and sacrificing her life outside of her job to keep working. She thinks she doesn't deserve to say no and have the night off if they call her in, and has been manipulated in the past to believe that if she doesn't, it's her fault if anyone dies.
Her family is well off. She did move to the U.S. from England, after all. Now, she's extremely rich thanks to Oono Ni, but she considers that Helios money more than her money
Religion/Belief System:
Thoughts on Metahumans:
People are people: there are bound to be some rotten apples and some good ones.
Anything you'd like to add:
Her mom's side of the family, the Adachi's, are speedsters as well
Are you public about your identity:
Absolutely. Her family was well known in England, but they've been out of the spotlight for about her whole life, and she isn't one to pull cards.
So, I should probably start with her parents. Her dad had electrokinesis. Her mom was a Japanese American speedster on a series of missions in south London. She met Erin's dad, they fell in love, all that stuff. It would've been perfect if it hadn't been for the mission. Her family had taken down a notorious gang and one member wasn't accounted for. A year later, she was born. When her parents went back in the field after a few months, that member came back with some friends and a hidden bomb. Her parents didn't make it out, but neither did the villains.
She doesn't remember her parents, so it doesn't bother her as much as it did Bruce Wayne, but it gives her pause when it comes to people mentioning their familial relationships. It's always been her and her uncle and grandparents (thanks to a rather nasty custody battle). She didn't relate to Mother's Day or Father's Day the same way other kids did. Otherwise, she's a normal person who pushes herself to excel a bit too hard. She has a tendency to question authority when necessary and rebellious streak. She's good at her job and only wants the best for the people, even if that means crossing her fingers behind her back. To her, circumstances can circumvent the rules.
Which is the total opposite of what Erin did when her powers formed. The powers showed up when she was sixteen, but the electricity generation wasn't noticeable until later and the resistance was built up over time. The speed though? That was volatile. She had difficulties slowing down, didn't even realize she was going too fast until people started trying to catch up. There wasn't an off and on switch. It was just a gradient that came to a halt. She got in trouble for running through the halls, but she was just walking. So, she practiced. Over and over and over again, Erin tried slowing herself down, but it took a semester. She didn't slow down her hands when taking notes and definitely didn't slow down on the track. That was an advantage she could live least until she kept shocking everyone. As she worked on slowing herself down, she was also getting faster. It led to electricity stocking up faster and she didn't know how to stop it. It turned out she couldn't use one power without using the other. She could slow the electricity, but it would still generate. It was a byproduct of the speed. To keep from shocking people, she'd charge laptops and phones or old batteries. Throughout the school day, she'd keep dead batteries in her pocket. They would charge by the end of the day. She just has some more professional batteries now, and can use it to her advantage.
Of course, being a teen brought more drama than just powers. She thought she was into guys, but she never ended up with any male crushes, not even on celebrities. When she was partnered up with a girl in her class for a group project, that's when it hit her. She spent the rest of her time in school hiding that she was, without a doubt, lesbian.
She went to a police academy before she went to America. England had the GPA (Gay Police Association), and had had it since the 90s. She thought it'd be fine, and it was when she was there, regardless of if she'd been in the closet or not.
It was always about becoming a hero. The police dealt with non-metahuman activities, but the laws and training were important to her if she wanted to apprehend people effectively. And she wasn't certain on American views and regulations. She switched to an American academy after she moved to supplement that. It didn't work out well for her, mentally. It only pushed her further into the closet. She finished the courses, but a certificate was all it was to her. It was after that when she became a sidekick.
She got scholarships to some American schools while she started out at Nightwatch. People would ask her to say certain things and were completely bewildered by her slang. Also, taxes aren't added onto the price of the individual items? You have a machine that calculates taxes at the register? What kind of madness is this? If it's five dollars it should be five dollars, not five o' seven! That's false advertising!
One good thing that came from the move though? She met Jess. Cheesy, sure, but she wouldn't be the person she is if they'd never met. While she was in college and being a hero on the side, Jessica helped her accept herself. She gave her a much needed outlet to safely talk before she was ready to come out. Without that, she might not have given her family the chance to accept her at all by cutting them off before they could hurt her. She did come out to her uncle, and they're as close as ever, but her grandparents found out through a magazine article after a casual comment in an interview went viral. They called her, not the other way around like she wanted it to be, and it was easier for her to blame the magazines than realize they still wouldn't be on speaking terms regardless of how they found out. It was just vague enough that she wasn't outed to everyone and had the chance to come out on her own terms amid the rumors it caused, but she locked down on any media recognition after that.
It was after that that she started dating Jess, but she didn't kiss and tell until they were both ready. A few years later, Erin was more open with interviews and forms of media, but whereas before and during her battening down the hatches, it had been charity and awareness work, now they wanted to focus on Nightwatch and her, especially her being accused of murder. She wasn't a fan.
And then she found out Jess cheated on her, and had been for the past year. Erin's life had already been on the rough side for that time, what with getting framed for murder and being overworked. She went to a bar that night, and that's when her life with Helios started.
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