(Heathers) I am Damaged ( JD x fem. reader)
Setting/scene: Heather's musical when JD is about to blow up.
Y/n POV:
I cried as JD took a knee by me.
"I am damaged." He sang.
"Far to damaged...but you're not beyond repair"
I look up into his eyes. Oh his eyes that always mesmerized me...
He started taking the bamboo away.
"Y/n.... Stick around here...make things better, cause you beat me fair and square."
"Please stand back now." I stand up along with him. "A little further" I stepped back more not knowing exactly want he was planning.
"Don't know what this thing will do." I look at him with thoughts flying through my head. I didn't like them.
"Hope you miss me. Wish you'd kiss me," Oh good please no. "Then you'd know I worship you." He started crying. No. No. No.... This can't happen...
"I'll trade my life for yours."
"Oh my God."
"And once I disappear"
"Wait hold on!" I reached out to him desperately.
"Clean up the mess down here!/Not this way!"
He turned on the bomb.
"Our love is God" He sang
I stepped closer to him.
"Our love is God." He repeated.
I held held his cheek with my hand.
He looked up at me and once again said "Our love is God."
I kissed him deeply and pulled away.
"Our love is Go~~~d" We said simultaneously. He smiled a little at me and pecked my lips.
"Let's say hi to God." I said as there was a bright light and then blackness.....
How'd I do? What do you think ey? Well, see you later beautiful readers. Remember stay seventeen...
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