For Thor
Name: Dalilah
Nickname: Liliah (Most)
Species: Human (Cursed)
Born: c. 13th Century (Age Unknown/1000+)
Anck-Su-Namun (Mother)
Imhotep (Possible Father)
Seti I (Possible Father)
Nefertiri (Possible Half-Sister)
Anubis (Former Lover)
Born: c. 13th Century (Age Unknown/1000+)
Delilah is the daughter of Anck-Su-Namun and either Imhotep or Seti I, because her mother's relationship with both men overlapped. After her mother's suicide following the murder of Seti I, Delilah was taken and raised by priests of Anubis.
Delilah grew up to become a High Priestess of Anubis, becoming talented in dark magical arts. At some point in her later teenage years, Delilah became romantically entangled with Anubis, eventually coming to bare his child. Anput, seeing Delilah as her romantic rival, poisoned her, killing Anubis' child and bringing Delilah to the brink of death. Anput then saw to tell Anubis that Delilah herself had sought out a way to kill the child. For the betrayal in his eyes, Anubis cursed Delilah with everlasting life, until he deemed her sufficiently punished.
Delilah is one of the most mysterious characters on the Avengers. She is quiet, troubled, brooding, grim, moody, seemingly emotionless, intelligent, studious, and sarcastic. She can always come up with a smart remark, specifically in reply to most of the Avengers' antics and attempts at humour. Her appearance and attitude appear to be that of a typical modern goth female.
Delilah is often portrayed as the most mature member of the group, often giving her own advice to the others about various subjects, and generally staying cool and calm, even in desperate situations. She is, however, also the most emotionally-restrained of the Avengers, appearing secretive and distant; she initially does not allow any of her fellow Avengers into her room and spends most of her time by herself, usually meditating or reading one of her numerous books. The reason for her emotional restraint is due to the adverse effects her emotions have on her powers. If her emotions become out of control, her powers can become erratic and spontaneous, becoming active without her will.
In the course of her years with the Avengers, however, she gradually, if only slightly, warmed up to her teammates.
It is difficult for Delilah to build trust for anyone, and even more difficult to truly forgive if that trust was to be broken.
Delilah is often shown to make sarcastic remarks about almost everything and can be seen as rather rude at times, but there is a slight chance this personality wasn't always who she was. When the Avengers first met, Delilah appeared to be more innocent and insecure. She declined Clint Barton's offer to get pizza, probably because she's afraid that he wouldn't like her, and because of him, feels as if she does not fit in with the others. Both Steve Rogers and Tony Stark were not hesitant to accept her as a friend, even when she wasn't so sure herself. She was the first one to verbally recognize the others as friends, and even openly admits to Thor being funny, which no sooner than a moment later, seems to regret making that statement. Her pessimistic and sarcastic attitude is then likely derived from having to put up with constant corny jokes and immaturity from certain members of the team.
Despite her seemingly unfriendly attitude, Delilah does indeed care greatly about the people she is attached to, as prominently displayed in regard the rest of the Avengers, whom she has come to see as her closest friends and family.
Finally, there are many instances where Delilah is portrayed as the most understanding friend among the Avengers. While seemingly uninterested towards Tony's T-Car, Delilah is ultimately the only one who approaches and comforts him, even going as far as to assist in rebuilding the destroyed car. Overall, Delilah is not cold-hearted, merely introverted, caring deeply about those close to her. While Delilah seems to not care one bit about their hobbies and personalities, she does show her friends that she does care about them and values their friendship when it matters most.
Delilah also appears to dislike conflict, at least amongst her teammates, deeming it to be "pointless". Whenever an argument breaks out, Delilah is usually the one who tries to get her teammates to stop fighting and focus on the task at hand.
Due to her unstable emotions, Delilah is potentially the most brutal and ruthless of the Avengers, with some villains ending up severely traumatized or nearly dead should they anger her.
Physical Appearance
Delilah dons an indigo-colored cloak, rarely revealing any of her body besides the lower portion of her face. Beneath the overlying garment, Delilah wears a black, long-sleeved one-piece suit, complete with red gems near her hips. She sports a pair of indigo shoes with skulls prints on the soles, and her legs are completely bare. A red jewel-encrusted clasp keeps Delilah's body locked away from salacious eyes, and her hood is usually drawn over her head. Whenever Delilah does lower her shroud, she shows off her pale-greyish skin and short black hair. Also, she has a red, diamond-shaped chakra on her forehead.
Powers and Abilities:
"My powers are driven by emotion. The more I feel, the more energy I unleash"
- Powers
Immortality: After being cursed by Anubis, Delilah does not age nor decay and is immune to death by disease or sickness.
Accelerated Healing: After being cursed by Anubis, Delilah will heal from physical wounds much faster than humans.
Astral projection: Delilah can manifest an astral projection through her subconscious, "Soul-Self" — a ghostly extension of her soul that exists in a state of pure energy which she can physically project from her body. Her Soul-Self appears as a demonic version of herself with pale skin and dark lines that cracks from her completely black eyes and is an independent entity that provides awareness to any impending danger, and can physically interact with those around her to protect Delilah.
Superhuman strength: Delilah has shown to easily overpower others with her strength.
Illusion Casting: Delilah has the power to make an illusion of people.
Umbrakinesis: Delilah has the power to produce pure negative energy that resembles a black, viscous liquid or mist from her body and manipulates the element for a multitude of purposes. After some training with the Avengers, she was able to control and has developed a finer degree of control over it such as being able to effortlessly restrain Thor, an individual who possesses super-strength.
Telepathy: Delilah is able to read and enter peoples' minds through physical contact, allowing her to view their memories.
Healing: Delilah possesses the ability to rapidly heal others from any physical injury, such as when she was able to resurrect a dead deer and heal its wounds without even trying to.
Telekinesis: Delilah has demonstrated the ability to telekinetically move objects or other individuals without physically touching them. Her telekinetic powers have been able to throw people across rooms and lock doors into place.
Telekinetic blasts: Delilah can exert enough telekinetic force to form a powerful blast of concussive force.
Disintegration: Delilah can tear down the molecules of a being telekinetically, destroying them.
Magiportation: Whether through portals or instant apparition, Delilah can transport herself or other people/things instantly to a different location via Dark Magic.
Flight: Delilah can fly/float, so she floats most of the time instead of walking.
"You want dark? I'll give you dark"
Telekinetic Force-Fields: She can erect unusually strong shields of sheer telekinetic and dark energy around herself and others for protection.
Empathy: The psionic ability to sense the emotions of others, allowing her to gain insight into their thoughts and intentions, and even experience their own feelings. This also enables her to sense the mental state of others, as she has stated that she would know if someone's mind had been tampered with. However, this apparently does not work if her own mind has been tampered with. Delilah can absorb the pain of others into her own body in order to induce rapid healing for them, and can heal herself by going into a trance of emotional calm. She can receive precognitive flashes of the future when exposed to extreme emotion. By using her empathy to guide her, she can track others.
- Abilities:
Skilled combatant: Delilah is capable of fighting when need be, if her powers were ever out of reach.
Skilled swordswoman: Delilah has skill her obsidian cutters.
Referenced by Bruce, Delilah doesn't like paprika.
Delilah's weapon of choice is a pair of two bladed obsidian cutters of Egyptian making.
She enjoys waffles, according to a sarcastic remark, more than life itself.
Delilah dislikes chickens, as she considers them a mere annoyance. However, she was once gifted a giant chicken doll from Thor, who won the prize for her. The reason for this is because she is allergic to their feathers.
Most of the time when Delilah is upset about something, Thor was ultimately the only one who successfully made her feel better. He was also the first to be hugged by Delilah out of comfort.
Delilah likes Grape Crush soda.
Delilah dislikes pineapple, at least on pizza.
Delilah likes coffee and drinks it often
"Sometimes, when I feel the darkness come out... it feels good." - Delilah to Bruce
Name: Riona
Nickname: Ri (Most)
Cernunnos (Father)
Brigid (Mother)
Riona is a Caucasian female. She is 1.69 meters tall, with long red hair and freckles on her cheeks and nose. Her hair is pulled back with braids in the back and on the sides. She also has accessories in her hair such as beads. Her eyes are green and her eyebrows are narrow. A lifetime of intense physical activity has resulted in her being in exceptional physical condition.
Riona is curious, determined, and intent on uncovering the mysteries of her world. Riona sees technology as a practical and unique tool to aid her.
She is very blunt and sarcastic, never hesitating to tell people exactly what she thinks of them even when it wouldn't be wise to do so. She is especially shown to despise those who consider themselves better than others. She is also rather impatient and has little tolerance for those who waste her time or dodge questions. Riona is also compassionate and sympathetic towards others in need, particularly towards those who are considered outcasts. Her benevolence is her greatest strength and has garnered the respect and trust of many who have interacted with her.
She does clearly understand the physical nuances and taboos of human behavior, as she is able to understand when others are attracted to her.
Riona has little respect for laws, especially if they get in the way of what she believes to be right. She also encourages people who start questioning harsh laws.
Riona has shown great physical and emotional resilience during her time on Earth, always moving towards her goal despite the harsh obstacles she comes across.
Powers and Abilities:
"Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire." - Riona
Fire Manipulation/Pyrokinesis: Riona possesses the mental ability to control ambient heat energy and the physical ability to transform her entire body, or portions of her body into a fiery, plasma-like state of will. She is even able to imbue a metal object she touches with fire, using the object as a melee weapon, which she has done to objects such as pipes, tools, car parts, and even chains.
- Plasma Form: Riona possesses the physical ability to envelop her entire body or portions of her body with fiery plasma without harm to herself. Ordinarily, when aflame, Riona is enveloped by a low-intensity flame of low-level plasma (reddish, approximately 780 Fahrenheit), which ranges from 1 to 5 inches from her body. She can, however, generate much higher levels and flames about herself. In its plasma state, Riona's body is no longer solid; projectiles that are not melted pass harmlessly through her body.
- Pyrokinesis: Riona can generate shapes composed of fire from any point on her body (she usually employs her hands to "sculpt" the flames). She can form fire into long streams, spheres, or even more complex shapes like letters in skywriting. These flames-objects will only remain their shapes as long as she concentrates upon them. The objects will only burn about 3 minutes before expiring unless Riona continues to infuse them with energy.
- Nova Flame: Riona refers to her highest, hottest levels of plasma that she can create as her "nova flame." The exact temperatures that her "nova flame" can attain are not known. At an average rate of expenditure of energy, Riona can stay aflame for about 16.8 hours. In her younger days, she could only maintain her flame for much briefer periods, and sometimes exhausted it while in combat. She cannot maintain her "nova flame" for as long a time as she can maintain her ordinary flame. Riona can release all of her body's stored energy in one intense, omni-directional "nova-burst," which can reach about 1,000,000 F, and which is similar to the heat-pulse of a nuclear warhead detonation, with an area of total devastation of about 900 feet in diameter and the power of a super nova. (Riona has claimed that she can destroy a small moon with her nova-flame.) This violent discharge uses her entire reserve of energy (except for the necessary to keep her alive) at once, entirely exhausting her flame power. She generally requires at least 12 hours to recover entirely from such a feat.
- Flight: Riona's plasma has a high hydrogen content, and is surrounded by an exuded cloud of mono-atomic hydrogen atoms. The hot cloud provides sufficient positive buoyancy for her to float. With mental stimulation of her flame, she can provide enough lift to carry around 180 pounds. By forming a jet from her feet, directed behind her, she can achieve a normal flight speed of 140 miles per hour, and accelerate up to supersonic speeds capable of catching up with faster beings while in the Earth's orbit.
- Thermokinesis: Riona has the ability to mentally control the ambient heat energy within her immediate environment, even when she herself is not aflame. She can reduce objects' temperatures (if they are in a normal range for existing on Earth's surface) to about 30 F, raise them to several hundred degrees, or extinguish open flames. Her radius of influence is about 80 feet. The heat energy she takes from the environment is absorbed into her own body. If she takes in a critical amount while she is not aflame, she will become aflame. There are unknown limits to the amount of flame she can absorb into her own body harmlessly while she is herself aflame.
- Immunity to Fire & Heat: Riona is unaffected by heat and flames, including her own, even when part of her is aflame and the rest of her is not. Her flesh cannot be scalded or burned by any heat source whose level is below that of her maximum output.
- Fire blade: Riona can create thin blades of fire by narrowing her flame projections, which can subsequently be launched at opponents.
- Incineration: Riona is able to channel her fire to incinerate things and beings into ashes.
- Heat Manipulation: A sub-power to her manipulation of fire and enchantment, Riona is capable of applying heat to anything she touches. She can set any object in a high-temperature state causing anyone to feel a burning sensation without infusing fire.
Smoke Manipulation/Typhokinesis: Riona can create, shape and manipulate smoke. Riona can shoot smoke out of her hands. She can also deploy smoke grenades, which, after explosion, cover affected enemies in smoke and incapacitate them. Riona can use the chain that she wears around her wrist as a whip, seemingly imbuing it with burning ash, and sometimes fire. Riona prefers to use her fire powers as she has greater control over them.
- Smoke Attacks: Riona can release smoke to attack, in various shapes and intensities.
- Deoxygenation: Riona can use her smoke to erase the oxygen from surrounding environment causing a respiring organism to choke and even go into cardiac arrest.
- Mental Hallucination: By removing oxygen, Riona can cause others to hallucinate.
Strength and Endurance: Riona possesses the strength and endurance of a woman of her age, height and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. She is strong enough to lift heavy machine weaponary components such as a Thunderjaw Disc Launcher or a Ravager Cannon, maintaining aim and enduring the recoil. She has enough endurance to engage the largest, most formidable machines for sustained periods, evading their attacks and inflicting damage until she finally destroys them.
Master Acrobat: Riona is very nimble and can scale rock faces with ease.
Combat Prowess: Riona was trained to fight by her parents, and is more than capable of taking on most human enemies as well as machines.
Master Archer: Riona is highly proficient with the bow and arrow, having practiced since childhood under her parents.
Master Crafter: Riona has an intricate knowledge of machines and can combine materials salvaged from them with natural materials in order to craft ammunition, traps, and tools. She is even able to fit override devices to her spear.
Scientific Mind: Riona has demonstrated skill at scientific observation and inference. She routinely demonstrates curiosity and acute powers of observation, reasoning and deduction, all traits of a competent scientist.
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