OCs 5
Timezone: EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Name: Purple
Gender: boy (but we're not sure)
Race: human
Appearance: (I don't have a lot of room to put up all of them.
Team: several (ask)
Partner: Shandowa
Backstory: His mother vanished from an attack upon their home. His father disappeared years after he was brought into custody of two cultists. His sister was captured before breaking out. He traveled in her shadow as the enemy trying to help her. He worked with countless evil teams.
Other: knows the evil side better than most
Name: Mlm
Race: Silhouette
Team: Snom, Buneary, Munna, Pyukumuku, Garbodor, Audino
Partner: Snom
Backstory: was an experiment for some nonbelievers who thought they could successfully make something without the help of magic. They had almost finished them when they were attacked. They were pushed into the wild and forced to live on their own. They were given all of the paperwork of the experiment and information of the group. They was found by a friend of the group who took them in and gave them a bag of thing that they would be able to use in the future. They then were released again and went to the woods, hoping to find a new life.
Name: Cessil
Gender: boy
Race: ?
Team: Amaura, Tyrunt, Munna, Dewott, Foongus, Abra
Partner: Remedy
Backstory: was taken from his family at a young age and was experimented on. Was rescued by Remedy and trained by the small pokemon.
Other: has a unique aura and incredible ability. Child of Anabel and Steven
Name: Remedy
Gender: referred as a girl
Race: Pokemon
Type: um... unsure.
Partner: Cessil
Backstory: the strongest pokemon you'll meet. Just half the time doesn't show it. Save Cessil and trained him under it's abilities
Other: legendary
Name: Glowce
Gender: boy
Race: human
Team: Malamar, Dragalge, Trevenant, Nidoking, Ambipom, Happiny
Partner: Happiny
Backstory: lived with a family of female in a region surrounded by tech, he fled to the sister region to get a chance at life.
Other: mostly female family (you can ask)
Name: Qidorr
Gender: boy
Race: human?
Team: um.... sword
Partner: Willowqix and Laxie
Backstory: is a chief of his town. He's friends with Glowce after he moved.
Other: his sword holds his team
Name: Eyrin
Gender: girl
Race: pokemon
Type: ?
Team: Caterpie, A. Raticate, Flabébé, Joltik, Bastiodon, Finneon
Partner: Caterpie
Backstory: is a guardian of the Legends Peak and a practical slayer of legendary pokemon
Other: champion
Name: Kevin
Gender: boy
Race: human
Team: Quagsire, Seismitoad, Snom, Azumarill, Yamask, Croagunk.
Partner: Snom.
Backstory: is a quiet boy with a insane and murderous attitude inside. He has been known to be a silent killer and has been suspected to have killed people. No one's sure.
Other: Nessa brother
Name: Laxie
Gender: girl
Race: pokemon
Type: Fairy
Partner: Qidorr
Backstory: was born alongside Qidorr and grew alongside him. Is known for its strength
Name: Nebly
Gender: girl
Team: Lapras, Blastoise, Golduck, Jellicent, Cramorant, Malamar
Partner: Hatenna -> Hatterene
Backstory: was originally going for a water themed life before changing her ways and going for a unique route
Other: Nessa sister
Let me know if you have any questions or need anything else.
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