Chapter 9
I awoke a little, not opening my eyes. I felt an emptiness and absence of warmth. I felt around and realized I was lying alone in bed. I opened my eyes, sad Frisk wasn't by me.
Once my vision became clear I saw Frisk at the computer, her back to me. She was going back and forth between typing things, reading, writing notes on a notepad beside her. The lights were off and I heard her yawn before continuing her typing.
I picked up my phone and checked the time.
I sighed, sad to see her working this late in the night. I got up silently and flicked on the lights. She jumped a little, startled by the sudden brightness. She turned around to look at me.
"Oh no! I'm sorry Chara, I didn't mean to wake you!" She apologized pleadingly.
"It's okay, I woke myself. Also you should keep the lights on, I don't want your beautiful eyes to strain." I smiled. She blushed slightly.
"But what about you? You need sleep."
"I'll be fine." I said walking to her. I kissed her on the top of her head.
"Speaking of sleep, when do you get any?" I asked, a little worried.
"Well, we sleep in kind of late, besides I am not usually up this late."
"I didn't even know you woke in the middle of the night to do this stuff."
"I got to bed with you around midnight, and some nights I don't need to get up at all, others I usually get up around 2 or 3 and work for an hour or so." She explained.
"Why not just work before you go to bed?" I asked.
"The government policies say all work must be done at 2 am or later, unless said otherwise." I sighed, the government was too strict.
"How will they know the difference?" I asked.
"They have logs and can check times. Besides I'd feel bad going against policy."
"Ugh." I sighed once again.
"As long as you're getting sleep and are okay with it. But... if you wanted I could go to headquarters a-"
"Chara!" Frisk giggled. I grinned.
"Do you want anything?" I asked walking towards the door.
"A glass of water would be nice." She smiled.
"Glass of water it is."
I rubbed my eyes heading downstairs. Usually I like my sleep, but it was for Frisk. I walked past the living room when I suddenly felt a cold hand grab my arm. I jumped turning around putting my arms up in defense.
"woah woah woah, kid. it's just me." Sans said. He flicked on the lights and walked back over.
"Sans! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I exclaimed putting my hand over my chest.
"eh. sorry." He shrugged.
"so whatcha up to?" He asked me changing the subject.
"Getting Frisk and I some water." I answered starting to walk toward the kitchen. I gestured for him to come along. He walked behind me. I turned the lights on in the kitchen and saw him already leaning against a counter.
"How do you do that?" I asked.
"i've got my shortcuts." He answered plainly. I wanted to know a little more about how, but was too tired to carry on that conversation.
"now uh, kid. i gotta talk to you about somethin'." He said as I grabbed out two cups.
"Well I assumed so."
"yeah, so. i don't know if you 'member our past." He started. I clenched the cup at his words. I started to get a little shaky.
"Y-Yeah. I'm really sorry. For everything, Sans." I said solemnly turning to him. He looked at me and nodded slightly.
"yeah. but i still don't fully trust you kiddo." I kind of figured, he seemed to always be watching or glaring at me. We weren't exactly standing on the best of feet right now.
"I understand why." I said honestly starting to sweat a little. How could he trust me. I've done... so many things I regret.
"so. help me kid. restore that trust k? because i have an eye on you and if anything happens..." His pupils faded and his inky black eyes were left behind staring at me. I started to scratch at the cups, my nervousness growing quickly.
"let's just say you'd have a bad time." He said coldy, his eyes continuing to stare. I gulped a little nodding the slightest bit. I couldn't move much more than that. His gaze made me extremely uncomfortable.
"but hey lighten up. frisk seems to trust you. not quite sure why but she does. but i trust her." He lightened up, his pupils restoring their places in his eye sockets.
"H-Heh u-um yeah, I lo-" I suddenly realized I was about to say I love her when I stopped.
"I'm not sure why e-either. But I'm g-grateful for it." I finished shakily. He looked at me questionably.
"hm. k kid. i'm goin' to bed. glad we had this lil' chat." He said walking out the door. I stood frozen for a moment or so. He scared me a little. But I wouldn't hurt anyone anymore. I'm determined to show him I've changed.
I shook off the eerie feeling he left behind and filled the glasses with water, my hands still shaking a little.
"Here you go, Frisk." I said handing Frisk the glass of water. I smiled weakly, trying to hide I was nervous just minutes ago.
"Thank you, Chara." Frisk smiled taking the glass.
Frisk, however, knew me too well.
"Chara, is something wrong?" She asked, her expression changing to concern.
"N-No, I'm fine." I said, trying to smile bigger. She seemed to know something was off, but shook it off, thankfully.
"Okay, as long as you're sure. If you ever need to tell me anything, don't hesitate too, okay?" She said grabbing my hand. She gently rubbed her thumb back and forth on my fingers.
"Okay." I smiled.
"I love you." She said. My heart warmed.
"I love you too."
"...ra..." I faintly heard Frisk's voice.
"C..ra..." I heard slight giggling.
"Chara." I finally heard Frisk say. I felt gentle shaking and slowly opened my eyes. I saw Frisk looking down at me. I felt a hard surface below me.
"Am I o-on the ground?" I asked slowly, my sleepiness not wearing off quickly.
"Yes." She giggled.
"Do you know why?" I asked, starting to wake up a little more.
"Yes." She continued smiling before planting a kiss on me. I smiled a little shocked, either way it was a great way to wake up.
"What was that for?" I grinned.
"You're on the floor because last night you said you didn't want me to go to bed alone, so you sat there talking to me for an hour while I did boring government stuff before you fell asleep. I finished my work and went to sleep next to you." She smiled. I felt myself blush.
"Well, it's true. I don't want you to have to go asleep alone." I smiled. She blushed a little now.
"I guess you're the better girlfriend now." She said. I pondered this for a moment, still knowing Frisk was the best girlfriend a person could ask for.
"Nah, you're still the best, Frisk." I grinned lifting my hand and gently placing it on her cheek.
"I love you." She giggled.
"I love you too."
"Oh no." I heard Frisk whisper to herself. She was on the computer again, but this time just for fun.
"What's wrong? Did you die in that game again?" I asked.
"No... This video..." She replied seriously. I sat up, getting a little worried.
"What- I thought you were playing a game?"
"I was... But I have notifications on for anything that could deal with monsters or my job.
"Ah, that's clever. But wait, this isn't gonna be good... Is it?" She shook her head slowly. She was really starting to freak me out, so I went up to see the video.
"Can I see?" I asked leaning down behind her chair. She pressed the replay button and a person was standing in black, with a hood shadowing out their face.
"We. Are the Anti-Monsters Cult. We as humans being the superior race can not share the Surface with people as grueling as the monsters." Shit.
"We are small, but we are strong. We will do whatever is in our power to take care of this issue... Even if it means making some sacrifices." My heart started pounding, were they talking about Frisk!?! I reached down and grabbed her hand.
"We may appear tomorrow. We may appear in a year. But we are always fighting." With that the screen glitched to black. I walked to Frisk's side and bent down to get level with her.
"Frisk. For as long as I am on this Earth. I will not let anyone hurt you." I said firmly, staring her in the eyes. She smiled, pulling me into a hug.
"Thank you, Chara." She whispered.
"Anything for you." I said hugging her back.
For the rest of the day the Anti-Monsters were in the back of my head. I knew I shouldn't worry. Their a small group, and there's probably others. I just couldn't shake the thought from my head.
However I was not the only one concerned. Everyone in the house quickly discovered the news. It was the big topic at dinner, which everyone was at this time.
"Frisk, my child. Did you hear of-"
"Yes mom. But I am not going to stress over it." Frisk answered, already knowing what she was going to say.
"They are just a small group. Besides, it's not like there haven't been people against monsters this whole time." She said taking a bite of her steak. Her words even reassured me a little.
"Thanks Papyrus, but don't worry. Hopefully they won't do anything." Frisk smiled.
"Yeah, because if they do. They'd be dead the next day." Undyne said smiling at first, but then her voice turned cold.
"yeah kid. what she said."
Frisk smiled. She seemed to be happy knowing so many people cared for her. I wanted to speak up, but wasn't sure if it was a good idea.
"Do not fret, Frisk. And besides, Flowey is down here in the kitchen all the time. He could possibly signal us of any intruders." Asgore stated.
"No I wouldn't." Flowey responded from his sill. I rolled my eyes.
"Aw, thank you, you guys. You are all too sweet." She smiled, not mentioning Flowey's remarks.
"I-If you want, I c-can add an alarm system. I mean if the whole F-Flowey thing doesn't work out." Alphys said.
"That's a good idea." I said before anyone else spoke. I wanted to make sure it got installed, and I wasn't sure if Frisk was going to say yes or not.
Everyone turned to look at me, as I hadn't said much at all during this dinner.
"What? It is." I said noticing everyone's stares. Mom smiled and agreed with me along with everyone else.
"O-Okay! I'll get it set up asap-p." She said confidently.
It was silent for a few moments, but I noticed Undyne staring at Alphys.
"I have the smartest girlfriend." Undyne said admiringly.
"Undyne!" Alphys said as she flushed a deep red. Undyne, along with the rest of us laughed.
"Darlings! Why do you never portray this kind of romantic action on camera!" Mettaton complained.
"What happened the last time you tried that?" Undyne asked him. He rolled his eyes.
"You smashed my camera into my face." He robotically sighed.
"Exactly." She grinned. I laughed way too hard at the thought of Undyne smashing a camera into his face. Then my laugh caused Frisk to laugh, and pretty soon we were all laughing. Except for Mettaton, who was staring at us all annoyed.
"Sorry, just. The thought. Of Undyne. Smashing a camera into your face." I said between laughs. I was dying, that thought is too funny.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Frisk smiling at me as I continued to laugh.
"Darling. It was painful." Mettaton said crossing his arms.
"Deserved it robot freak." Flowey spoke up.
"Hey! Little guy, you might be a flowered freak but you're starting to grow on me, you know that?" Undyne said to Flowey. Flowey rolled his eyes.
"Oh joy, oh joy." He groaned.
Dinner finished and Frisk and I headed up to our room as usual.
"Charaaaaa." Frisk said teasingly.
"Yes?" I asked turning to her.
"You were laughinggg." She teased. I smiled at her dorkiness.
"Har har har. I only laughed a little." I defended.
"Nice try. You were dying." She grinned.
"Mmmm. Maybe only a little." I replied grinning back.
"I liked hearing you laugh a lot. I love your laugh." She smiled. I felt my face blush slightly.
"Yours is much cuter. Trust me."
"I don't think so." She answered.
"Frisk, I laugh like a monkey who had one too many drinks."
"You do not!" She laughed.
"I kinda do."
"Haha, no you don't." She giggled.
"If you want to describe yourself as a monkey though, you are the cutest sounding monkey ever." She smiled. I felt myself blush deeper walking over and sitting next to her.
"Thanks." I smiled slightly, kissing her cheek.
We stood up talking most of the night. I looked over and checked my phone for the time. 2:3"
"Wow, it's half past two."
"Really? We should probably go to sleep. Well, I'll work on some stuff and then sleep." Frisk said.
"Aw, but I don't like going to sleep alone." I complained, whimpering a little. She giggled as I took her hand.
"I'll stay up with you again." I smiled. Frisk blushed a little smiling.
"Okay, it won't be long tonight, thankfully." I sighed in relief, that's good. I felt Frisk needed sleep. I squeezed her hand before she got up.
She walked towards the computer along the wall when a wooden shelf with a collection of books snapped. It fell quickly, the edge landing on her ankle and foot.
"OW!!!" She cried out in pain collapsing, bringing her knee up and clenching her foot. I felt my heart drop as I saw her hit the ground. I started panicking and ran to her side.
"Frisk! Frisk! Oh my god! Are you okay?? Let me see your foot!" I sputtered out anxiously, seeing tears form in her eyes. I moved away the shelf and books. My heart pounded as she carefully let go of her foot. As delicately as I could I took her shoe off.
"Ow-" She winced in pain. I felt terrible for causing pain but I had to look at it. When I pulled her sock off it was evident her foot got damaged a lot. It was stuck at a 45 degree angle. When I tried to move it she cried out, and it wouldn't budge.
She had a cut on the side of her foot, which is where I am assuming the edge of the shelf struck. Tears rolled down her face as I continued to inspect it. Bruising formed along the side of the cut and around her ankle. I shook my head.
"It looks broken." I said quietly, my heart tearing itself apart seeing Frisk cry.
"Okay, okay, it's fine. You're gonna be fine." I told her, trying to calm her as well as myself down. I slid my hands under her back and legs and picked her up bridal style. I lifted her injured foot, trying to keep it elevated.
She put her head on my shoulder, sobbing quietly. I ran outside our room and knocked on Asgore's door.
"A-Dad!! Wake up! We need to get Frisk to the hospital NOW!" I yelled. I went to Toriel's next.
"MOM! Frisk hurt her foot! Y-"
"hey kid. what's with all the rukus?" I heard Sans say from behind me. I turned around.
"Oh thank god. Frisk hurt her foot and we need to get her help asap." I said hurriedly, still panicking.
He looked over Frisk, and looked at her foot.
"yeah that's a doosey alright. c'mon i know a shortcut." He said snapping his fingers. Suddenly my vision was filled with a light blue light, extremely bright. I felt my body turn jello-like, my grip on Frisk tightening.
And in a flash it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. I felt my body stabilize and realized we were standing outside a hospital. Relief filled me.
"Thanks, Sans."
"no problem, kid. it was for frisk y'know. here, i can take her." He said putting out his bony arms. I felt protective over her and wanted to snap at him. But I remembered no one knew we were dating.
"Um, it's okay Sans. I've got her." I said, calmy declining his offer. He shrugged.
"whatever kid. now uh let's get her inside." We went in and I explained to the lady at the desk what had happened.
"I see. If you could fill out this paperwork, then we can have her get examined. But thankfully it looks just like a broken ankle." She said handing me some papers.
"Okay, but can you get her in sooner? She's kind of in a bit of pain if you couldn't tell." I said motioning to her head on my shoulder. The lady saw her and sighed.
"Miss, you have to fill out the paperwork first, I can get her a wheelchair while we wait." I felt myself get a little angry.
"Ma'am. She. Needs. Help." I said slowly, trying not to snap.
"I realize, the paperwork doesn't take long."
"Don't you have an icepack or something??" I growled.
"Chara, it's okay. I can wait." Frisk whispered looking up at me. Her face was soft and calm, but tears were still slowly going down her cheeks. I breathed hard out my nose trying to calm down for her sake.
I looked back up at the lady.
"Fine. Can you, please, get a wheelchair." I said gritting my teeth. The lady looked at me disgusted, back down at Frisk, then back up at me.
"Yes." She said before walking away. She came back with a wheelchair and I gently set Frisk in it, grabbing hold of it. I started to walk away when Frisk slapped my arm gently.
"What?" She motioned towards the lady. I looked at her and she gave me a stern face.
"Thank. You." I reluctantly said to the lady. Frisk smiled at me.
I strolled her over and sat next to Sans.
"This hospital is stupid." I mumbled to myself. I began filling out the form as fast as I could, Frisk seeming to be calming down a bit. A girl with straight black hair and some tattoos who was sat across from us looked over and examined Frisk.
"Hey, aren't you the ambassador?" She asked Frisk. Frisk looked up and smiled nodding.
"Heh, cool. Thanks, uh, my best friend's a monster." She said coolly. I saw Frisk's smile become warmer, and more genuine. I felt myself fill with pride. I was so proud of her. She's amazing.
"That's amazing." Frisk replied. The girl walked over and sat next to Frisk, pulling out her phone. She turned it on and showed us her lockscreen.
"This is her." She said. The lockscreen showed her and a black tsunderplane. They were smiling with their tongues out.
"Haha, I love tsunderplanes. That's awesome." Frisk said.
"Yeah, so thanks again. My name's Taylor." She said.
"Frisk." She smiled.
"Oh! And this is Chara." Frisk said motioning to me.
"Hey." I said flicking my hand. She smiled.
"Hi. S-"
"Taylor Jungila. You may head in now." A nurse called looking around the waiting room.
"That'd be me." Taylor said standing up.
"Nice meeting you guys." She said before following the nurse. Frisk turned to me.
"Chara! That was amazing." She beamed.
"It was. You're-" I was going to say amazing, but remember Sans was next to me. And I wasn't so sure I trusted whether he was actually sleeping or not.
"Amazing." I mouthed to her. She smiled, blushing slightly.
"Seeing that just made me realize I actually did make a difference. Even w-" She cut herself off, wincing in pain.
"My foot... just had a relapse." She laughed weakly. I took her hand, squeezing it a little.
"Sans, I finished filling out the information. You coming?" I asked him. He opened his eyes and nodded.
"let's go kiddos." He said standing up.
We were brought into a hallway while Frisk went in for x-rays. I shook my leg rapidly up and down, worried about Frisk. Even if it was just a broken ankle, I still feel very anxious.
"what's wrong with you?" Sans asked leaning back in his seat.
"I don't know if you saw... but Frisk broke her ankle!" I exclaimed.
"yeah. i ask again. what's wrong with you?"
"What do you mean? I'm worried!"
"you? worried over someone besides yourself?" He snarked. I felt myself get angry. I've changed! I'd never hurt anyone. Especially not Frisk!
I bit down on my bottom lip, trying not to explode.
"Sans. I know, you have so many reasons to not forgive me. But I've changed. I really wish you would see that." I huffed.
"yeah. well i really wish you'd see the memories i'm stuck with. his head on the ground. your foot coming up and stomping him to dust." I put my hands over my ears, starting to shake violently.
"Sans! I've changed! Stop! Please, please stop!" I yelled. Oh god, what have I done! I tried to shake away the memories of everyone dead. Dust spilled everywhere.
"woah kid. calm down." He said putting a hand on my shoulder. I shuddered, pulling away from him. He triggered me.
Tears started streaming down my face as I whispered to myself over and over again.
"Monster. Monster. No I'm not! But I am! No, no, no." I kept my hands over my ears, shaking, my eyes closed tightly shut. The world around me seemed to fade into the distance until I could no longer hear anything at all. I continued shaking and crying, until the air around me seemed to change.
I slowly opened my eyes and saw I was standing in darkenss. It felt like I was standing on solid ground, yet beneath me me I couldn't see anything stable. I looked up, and saw him standing there. Asriel.
I gasped, and he smiled at me.
"Howdy, Chara."
"AZZY!" I yelled running forward and tackling him down into a hug.
"Hahahah! Chara that tickles!" He laughed. I pulled away looking at him.
"Azzy, I'm so, so sorry. For everything." I cried.
"For what, Chara? And I can't be mad at you anyways, we're best friends, aren't we? Brother and sister, amigo and amiga, player 1 and player 2, be-"
"Azzy, you're being a dork again." I smiled a little. He laughed.
"You always said I'm a dork. And a crybaby, but this time..." His face turned sincere as he saw my tears.
"Wait Chara. Why are you crying?" He asked sadly.
"I missed you. And I'm so, so sorry." I said softly hugging him again.
"Chara, it's okay. I love you." He said quietly.
"I love you too." I sobbed gently into his shoulder. All of a sudden he disappeared, causing me to topple over onto the ground in front of me.
"Azzy?" I asked softly. I stood up and looked around.
"AZZY!" I called. The darkness that was calming just seconds before seemed to be grasping around my throat, cutting of my ability to breathe. It felt claustrophobic. I became dizzy and my vision blurred with tears.
"NO!" I yelled, crumpling to the ground.
"AZZY, PLEASE!!" I cried!
"PLEASE! PLEASE! P-PLEASE! Pl-Please!!! A-Azzy! Please! Please. Please, don't leave me." I said putting my arms over my head and locking into a ball position, crying into my knees. The darkness seemed to envelope me, as I felt myself fade from reality.
Everything went black.
Author's Note: Hey guyssss two updates in one day ahhhhh. This was especially for my friend CaitlynCaccamise who asked me to post the next chapter xD And so... That was an eventful chapter... Heh... xDD Okay well I'll see you guys in the next chapter, leave any comments about anything you wanna say, I lovezz you guyyyss <3 As always, stay determined.
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