Chapter 7
I smelled the aroma of eggs and bacon, my eyes slowly lifting. Through my blurry vision I saw Frisk standing there holding a plate of breakfast.
I stretched, sitting up. She smiled at me handing me the plate. I smiled back at her, remembering last night.
"Again? Thanks Frisk." I said.
"But no chocolate?" I joked. She smirked, pulling out a chocolate bar from behind her back and handing it to me.
"Damn. We've been dating for less than a day, and you're already a better girlfriend than me." I smiled. She giggled a little.
"That kiss last night would beg to differ." She smirked, blushing a little. I felt my cheeks heat up.
"Well aren't you feeling flirty?" I asked, taking a bite of my bacon.
We finished breakfast in our room, while all the others ate downstairs.
"So, um. Should we tell the others about this?" I asked awkwardly.
"I-I'm not sure... Maybe not yet. I'm not sure how Mom would feel." She answered.
"Shit, that's right. She sees us both as her children." I sighed putting my plate aside. She nodded sadly.
"Well, I guess for now it'll be our little secret." She smiled. I smirked.
"I'm okay with that."
She walked over and leaned down about to give me a kiss when she suddenly pulled away.
"Was that mom calling?" She teased. I grinned.
"Nice try, you butt." I said pulling her down into a kiss. When she started to pull away I stood up and pulled her into a hug.
"Frisk... I am really happy I can call you my girlfriend." I said honestly, blushing deeply. She placed her head on my shoulder for a moment.
"I'm happy you're my girlfriend." She whispered back in my ear. I smiled, holding her tighter.
Beep... Beep... Beep...
I sighed as Frisk pulled away to grab her phone.
"It's the government." She said answering the phone.
"Ugh. Stupid government." I groaned loudly.
"Shhh!" She giggled gesturing for me to be quiet. I grinned as she continued talking on the phone. However Frisk's smile quickly faded as she started rushing to grab her keys.
She hung up and threw her phone onto the bed.
"What- What's happening??" I asked.
"They said there's an overwhelming amount of complaints coming in today, they want Asgore and I to meet at headquarters right away." She answered, breathing heavy. I could tell she was getting stressed.
"Woah, woah, woah." I said grabbing her by the shoulders steadying her.
"You are one person. Breathe. And do not get overwhelmed. Okay?" I stated looking her in the eyes. Her face softened as she nodded.
"Good. You're such a worry wort." I smiled.
"I know." She smiled back.
"Could you please make sure Asg-"
"Yep." I said heading out to the hall.
I ran downstairs and didn't see Asgore.
"Hey, Flowey. You seen the big guy at all?"
"No. And 'big guy'? What are you so stupid you can't even remember people's names?" He mocked.
I groaned. I walked out of the kitchen and bumped into Undyne.
"Oh hey, sorry punk. You're in quite the hurry. Hey, nice muscle build." She said looking at my arms.
"But you still can't compare to these." She grinned flexing her arms. I laughed dryly.
"Very nice, Undyne. Anyways, have you seen Asgore this morning?"
"I think the old man is sleeping." She answered.
"Ugh of course he is." I mumbled walking past her.
"What, leaving so soo-"
"Gotta get him up." I called running past her.
I knocked on Asgore's door.
"Hey! Asgore wake up!" No response.
"Asg-uh, Dad!!" I yelled pounding on the door a little harder.
There was a deep mumble and a barely audible, "Who is that?"
"It's Chara! Now get up you and Frisk have to go to headquarters."
Within a few minutes they were both dressed and ready to go.
"Very fancy suit, Frisk." I said. The black suit really fit her. It had a blue tie and she wore black suit pants. She look cute in it, but at the same time she looked very confident.
"Thanks Chara." She smiled. Asgore was by us, so I just gave her a small smile goodbye.
After they left I walked over to the couch and collapsed.
"So you're back, I see?" Undyne said sitting down next to me.
"Yeah, just had to wake D-Dad." I explained. Just like with Mom, I was having trouble calling them Mom and Dad.
"So what are your plans for the day dork?" She asked me.
"I don't know. I've been doing everything with Frisk. But now that she's at a meeting I'm not sure what to do."
"I've noticed. You two might as well date already." She scoffed. I bit my tongue trying not to blush.
"Me and Frisk? Yeah right." I lied.
"I guess I'll just watch tv all day." I sighed slumping on the couch.
"You could get a job." She suggested. I looked at her.
"But Frisk will only be gone every so often. If I get a job I'd have to be gone almost everyday." I replied.
"Jeez, you really are clingy to her." I bit my tongue once again.
"Yeah, it's whatever." I shrugged.
"I guess I'm going to go for a walk." I said getting up.
"Alright, see you later weirdo."
As I walked through the park I had a strange feeling. Like someone was watching me. I looked around, a little nervous. But nothing seemed wrong or out of the ordinary. I felt my back pocket, a pen. Good, just in case. I tried to shake off the eerie feeling that was drifting over me and kept walking.
I pulled my phone out from my pocket and checked the message. It was from Frisk.
Chara. There are so many complaints. And some of these people are so demanding ><
I sighed, the message bringing me down a little. Frisk is trying to make peace between two races and restore hope for the world. Yet there are so many people making things difficult.
I'm sorry, Frisk. I can kill them if you want >:)
Chara! No! Bad! No more killing!
Haha, I was just kidding. I promise. :)
Good :)
I looked around the park. There were families, dog walkers, young couples, even a few old ones.
I miss you. I sent.
I miss you too. I smiled, looking at her profile picture. Maybe it was just the thought of being caught up in a relationship filling me with joy, but I really, really missed her.
What time do you think you'll be coming home?
I'm not sure. 8:00 the latest.
I checked the time at the top of my phone. 11:30
I know. But I will text you when I am headed home, okay? I sighed.
I put my phone away, just to pull it back out a second later.
Also, don't stress the complaints. Those assholes will wind down soon enough.
Haha, okay. Thanks Chara :)
I put my phone away for good this time and continued walking. Frisk has done a lot for me. And I haven't really done much in return. A thought struck me as I headed home to do some research.
"B-Back so soon? Undyne said you were going f-for a walk." Alphys greeted me.
"Hey Alphys. Yeah, I wanted to look something up."
"O-Oh! Okay, um, do you want me to? I can find things pretty q-quickly." She said adjusting her glasses.
"It's nothing huge, just looking for a good ice cream place around here. Specifically one with artic swirls with soft chocolate, strawberries, and whip cream." I answered.
"Wow! That's v-very specfic."
"Yeah, it's Frisk's favorite kind." I smiled, blushing slightly.
"Aw! T-That's really nice of you, Chara."
"Thanks, I just haven't done much for her. But she's done a whole bunch of stuff for me." I explained.
"That's c-cool! Hm... let me do some quick statistics." She said pulling out her phone. Her face scrunched as she started researching somethings.
"Hm... well it seems that, taking into account all of the ice cream places in the surrounding ten miles, the chance of one place having that certain dish looks like... 11.3%" She stated. I sighed.
"So, there probably isn't a place with that then?"
"Wait..." She said punching in some things.
"Hm... It see- Oh! H-Here's a place. I-It's about 5 minutes from here." She said reading her phone.
"Can I see it?" I asked. She nodded, handing me the phone.
I skimmed through their entire menu, stopping at the Artic Swirl section. They had both hard and soft ice cream, had strawberry toppings, and whip cream of course. I smiled at Alphys.
"Awesome, thanks." I said handing her back the phone.
"N-No problem, Chara." She smiled.
Hi! I am on my way home. Frisk texted me. I checked the time. 7:33. Nice, early.
Nice, I missed you. Also, um, don't get to comfortable when you get home.
... Why?
I have a surprise. Nothing big, at all. Just can't allow you to keep kicking my ass as a girlfriend, even if it's only Day 2 of dating xD
Haha, okay Chara. Sounds great :D I put my phone on the bedside table and started getting ready.
Also. I know Asgore is like a fatherly figure and such. But um... he can't drive very well.
Haha. I don't doubt that.
Seriously Chara, we almost ran into a pole 4 times.
Wow, that takes skill to be that bad.
A few seconds went by before she texted again.
The same pole. -_-
I burst out laughing.
Hahahahahah! That's amazing.
I am being convinced we are never going to make it home. I'm not quite sure how we even made it here.
Haha. Okay, just make sure you don't die. At least not before we go out tonight.
Haha, I'll try not to.
Good :)
I heard the door open as Frisk walked in.
"Hi!" She said smiling.
I smiled greeting her and A-Dad. After Dad retired to his room I hugged her.
"I missed you." She said while we were hugging.
"I missed you too." I replied.
"Okay, I'll just put on some better clothes and then, we're going out you said?"
"Yeah. It's nothing big at all. Just thought it'd be kinda nice. It's something I know you like."
"Hm... what do you know I like?" She thought aloud to herself.
"I don't know? What do you know I know you like?" I smiled. She laughed a little pulling out a shirt.
I was looking at my phone when I looked up to tell Frisk something. Her shirt was off and she was standing in her bra. I felt my face blush deeply as I slowly looked down. She was really, really gorgeous... Even kind of sexy... Her skin was soft looking and nearly as tan as the rest of her. I tried hard not to blush, but I knew that there was no stopping that.
When she had her shirt pulled on I looked up at her and saw she was blushing lightly.
"Heh..." I said, trying to stay cool.
"U-uh, you want your jacket?" I asked handing it to her. She smiled nodding.
After a few moments my blush wore off, as well as hers.
"So, where are we going?" She asked as we walked down the sidewalk.
"I don't know, where are we going?" I asked back grinning.
"You're a butt." She laughed.
"Sorry we had to walk." I said.
"It's okay, I like walking with you." She said smiling, squeezing my hand. I smiled, her words were like magic to me.
"I like walking with you too... And hopefully you'll get used to it."
"Why?" She asked.
"I... I don't know how to drive." I said aloud.
"You don't?"
"No, I fell into the Underground when I was 15. And y'know, didn't really focus much on driving. And now, well yeah." I explained.
"Ohh, I get it. If you wanted, I could teach you sometime." She offered. I looked at her.
"Yeah! Why not? It could be fun. Although I still would want to enjoy these walks." She said swinging our held hands. I smiled.
"Thanks. And me too."
Soon enough I saw the ice cream parlor approaching. I held her hand tighter as we crossed the street.
"Alright, here we are." I said. She smiled at me.
"Ice cream!" She said excitedly.
"Yeah, but wait it gets better. Not only do they have ice cream, they have artic swirls. With soft chocolate. Strawberries. And of course the whipped cream."
"Really?!" She asked surprised.
"Yeah. Figured y-"
"Yes I love it!" She cut me off. I laughed.
"Haha, you're very excited, huh?"
"I haven't had this ice cream in... well before I came to the Underground. And about 7 months before that!" She exclaimed.
"Well, that is much too long gone without your favorite ice cream. Wouldn't you agree?" I grinned.
"Yes, yes indeed." She smiled.
We headed in and she got her order in immediately, she said it so quickly the guy had to ask for her order again. I got a regular chocolate in a bowl, with chocolate sauce on top.
"Can I have a bite?" I asked as she ate her ice cream. She smiled, getting a spoonful and feeding it to me.
"Mmm, you sure do have good taste, Frisk."
"Mhmmm." She said indulging herself in another bite.
"Should I even offer you a bite of mine? You seem kinda preoccupied there."
She laughed swallowing her bite and opening her mouth to me. I smirked feeding her a bite of mine.
"Mm, yours is good too." She said.
"But, not as good as mine." She grinned.
"Hm... I don't knowww. Chocolate syrup is pretty good." I teased smiling.
The night seemed to fly by after that. We were in the ice cream parlor a lot longer than I had expected. About an hour and 15 minutes. We talked endlessly, about everything. We talked about her job, we talked about the park, we talked about things we found on UnderNet. She was the only person I could talk to with so much ease.
"Hey kids. I hate to be a push over. But you both finished your ice cream, about 30 minutes ago. I have to close up soon." The manager said.
I checked my phone. 9:17. Wow.
"Sorry, sir." Frisk said standing to leave.
"Thanks for letting us linger." I added.
"Eh, I like seeing young romance. Who am I to ruin somethin' like that?" He smiled shrugging. He reminded me of Sans.
Frisk giggled a little, thanking him before we left.
"Nice guy." I said, stepping out into the crisp air.
"Yeah, he was very kind." Frisk agreed.
"I'm really tired." Frisk said walking into our room. I followed behind. She turned around to face me, and I greeted her with a kiss.
Instead of a quick kiss like I was expecting, she deepened it, much like the one we had yesterday. She wrapped her hands around my neck, being very passionate. I pulled away, catching some breath.
"Well, that was a surprise." I said, surprised by how much she enhanced the kiss.
"What? You didn't like it?" She asked smirking, her breath tingling my neck.
"Where'd you ever get that idea?" I smirked back. I went back in, kissing her again. When she pulled away I put my forehead to hers.
"Frisk, you're amazing." I whispered.
"You are too, Chara." She smiled. I closed my eyes, my forehead resting gently against hers. She also smelled, really nice. I opened my eyes and saw hers closed as well. I smiled.
"You're cute." I said softly. She opened her eyes, and their beautiful blue glow caught my breath.
"So are you..." She giggled back.
I sighed, looking at the time. I could tell Frisk was tired. I didn't like sleeping separately though. Even when we were just friends I still longed for company, especially hers.
"Frisk?" I asked.
"Do... do you think we could s-sleep together tonight?" I asked shyly, my face heating up. Her face blushed, as she looked a little surprised. But she smiled gently and nodded.
"I'd love that, Chara." She said closing her eyes again. I kissed her on her forehead before releasing her.
I put away my keys and phone, and was too tired to change into sleepwear. I got on my bed, and scooted over to the side, making room for Frisk. She blushed a little as she got under the covers and lay beside me. She turned off the light, then moving closer to me. I felt myself blush madly, kind of glad she couldnt't see my face. However I got closer as well, pulling her into my embrace. She laid her head on my chest, as my arms were wrapped around her.
Everything in that moment seemed perfect. Frisk gave me feelings I didn't even know I could feel.
I took a deep breath.
"I... I l-love you." I said aloud, my voice wavering with nervousness. I wasn't sure if it was too early to say that. But I already knew it to be true.
She put cupped my cheek with her hand lovingly.
"I love you too, Chara." She whispered as she started to fall asleep. I've never felt more safe or loved. I stroked her hair as I too began to fall asleep.
I woke up to a pair of blue eyes looking up at me. Frisk. She was still laying on my chest, smiling at me.
"Hi Sleepyhead." She said, causing me to smile.
"Good morning, Frisk." I said, pulling her closer.
"Do, do you have any plans for today?" I asked her. She shook her head.
"Do you think, we could stay in today?" I asked.
She looked up at me and smiled, nodding.
"Yes, I'd like that." She yawned.
"You're pretty tired huh?"
"Mhmm..." She said drowsily, drifting back off to sleep. I smiled leaning my head back. How did I even get this lucky? God knows I didn't deserve it.
Author's Note: Hey guysss!! Hope you enjoyed the new chapter... Hehe ice cream date xDD It's currently 4:37am when I am doing these final edits but eh sleep's for the weak anyways xD I really hope you enjoyed some fluffz and this chapter in general. Leave any feedback or anything else you wanna write in the comments! And thank you all for the support on the previous ones, you seriously put the biggest smiles on my face <3 As always stay determined and see you in the next chapter!!
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