Chapter 3
"Chara, time to wake up." I heard a faint voice call.
"Charaaaa. Get uppp." Frisk.
"Noo I don't w...." I mumbled, unrecognizable from my sleep grogginess.
"Yes you do want to, time to get up." I felt her shake my shoulder.
"Ugh, fine." I groaned opening my eyes. I hate mornings.
"Hey, you are alive!" She joked.
"I mean technically, I'm still dead." I responded drowsily. I saw her roll her eyes as she held out a plate.
"What's that?" I asked sitting up.
"Look and maybe you'll see." She teased. I rubbed my eyes, and focused on the plate. My vision cleared and I saw eggs, bacon, and a bar of chocolate. I felt my eyes widen at the chocolate... CHOCOLATE.
"Oh my god, you got chocolate!?!" I exclaimed.
"Haha, yes I did. Here you go." She said handing me the plate.
I grabbed the chocolate bar and tore off the wrapper, taking a giant bite into it. Mm, it tasted so good. I hadn't had chocolate in so long.
"Wow, eager to eat that chocolate, huh?" She giggled.
"I told you... I loveeeee chocolate." I answered between bites.
She walked over and sat back on her bed, picking up a plate of her own.
"Thanks, Frisk." I said looking at her. She smiled back at me with a nod.
"You're welcome, Chara."
I wonder why she's being so nice to me? I've noticed this a thought I've been thinking about a lot. Everything always comes back to this one train of thought. I thought about asking her, but I knew she would just say the second chances, forgiving, and all that other stuff she always said. No matter how many times she said it, or how it made me feel when she said it, I still thought about the question often.
I looked up and took a breath, about to ask, but decided not to. I looked back down to my chocolate and devoured the rest.
I ate the rest of my food and put my plate to the side. I looked over at Frisk, who was very delicately eating her food. I found it kind of cute... Wait no, what am I saying. We are just friends, and new ones at that.
"Wow, pretty hungry I see." Frisk said noting my empty plate. I grinned.
"Yeah, the egg could have used a little more, majoram, and basalt." I said mimicking an Italian person.
"Oh, could've it now?" She asked back.
"Oh, I am very sorry Mr. Chef, next time there will be extra majoram, and basalt." She added, using an Italian accent of her own. I smirked.
"My accent was better."
"Haha, please Chara." She laughed.
I raised an eyebrow at her questionably.
"Are you saying... you think your accent is better than mine?"
"I don't know... maybe I am." She smirked.
"Oh reallyyy." I remarked.
"Indeed Mr. Chef, I am Italino, no?" She asked using Italian gestures and scrunching up her face. It was amazing.
I laughed before saying,
"Ah, you are indeed a dork, no?"
"Chara!" She playfully yelled.
We laughed when we heard a sudden knock on the door.
"Children, may I come in?" We heard Toriel call.
"Yes mom."
Toriel walked in, her usual purple dress flowing behind her.
"Good morning my children." She smiled looking at both of us.
"Mornin'" I answered.
"Good morning, Mom." Frisk said.
"Did you have a good first night's rest?"
"Yeah, I slept the entire night." Frisk nodded.
"Good, my child. Chara, how about you?" She asked turning to me. I smiled.
"It was g-good." I said with a stutter, I still wasn't completely used to having her back in my life.
"Good, I'm so happy to have you back." She said smiling sincerely. I nodded, and gave another shy smile.
"Okay, my children." She said snapping out of her state and into a more serious tone.
"Get changed, brush your teeth, brush your hair, put your dishes away, an-"
"Yes, mom. Don't worry, I won't let us forget anything." Frisk cut her off smiling. Phew thank goodness, who knew how long that could have gone on for.
"Oh, it seems I was going on and on. Okay, goodbye my children." She smiled leaving the room.
"She always talks so formally." I noted after she left.
"Yeah, but I like that about her." Frisk answered. I smiled, she seems to only see good traits in people.
"Okay, well, let's get ready." Frisk said standing up.
"Hey guys." I said walking down the stairs, Frisk right behind me. She said if I tried greeting them I might get more comfortable around them.
"Sup punks." Undyne replied sitting on the couch, Alphys under her arm. They were watching some kind of anime.
"Haha, maybe Papyrus. It's only breakfast, don't worry about it right now" Frisk giggled.
"Blue human?" Frisk asked confused.
"Ah, I see. You're so smart, Papyrus!" Frisk cheered on. I gave him a slight smile and nodded in agreement.
"WHY THANK YOU BLUE HUMAN! IT IS TRUE. I, BEING AS GREAT AS I AM, WOULD NATURALLY BE SMART." He explained, putting his hand on his chest which he puffed it out. Gosh he is a dork, but he's pretty nice.
Sans was on the couch arm, watching anime with Undyne and Alphys.
"Good morning Frisk." He said. He glared at me, giving me a slight nod. Was that his good morning? I heard Frisk sigh as she walked towards the dining room. Asgore was sitting at one end eating eggs and bacon.
Toriel sat at the other end, avoiding eye contact with him. Looks like she's still upset.
"Thank you again, Tori. This breakfast is amazing." Toriel sighed and looked up at him.
"You're welcome..." She said hesitantly, but warmly. Frisk smiled, seeing they were starting to make up.
"Wait, M- Tor... um, M-mom, made breakfast?" I asked Frisk. I'm not quite sure about Toriel and my relationship, but I hope we can mend it, or I could at least get used to it again.
"She made breakfast for everyone else. I wanted to make yours." She said smiling at me. I felt a slight blush come across my face and looked away.
"Oh, good morning again my children!" Mom said turning around to see us.
"What do you have planned for today?" She asked us. I looked towards Frisk. I had no idea. Thinking about it, I have no idea what I am going to do at all now that we are on the Surface.
"Just take a walk around town, get some stuff set up." Frisk answered. Well that's kind of vague. I just nodded along, so mom seemed satisfied.
"Okay, be careful, and have fun. I will have a butterscotch cinnamon pie made tonight."
"Yay, thanks Mom." Frisk smiled.
"Awesome, thanks" I replied.
We walked back out to the main room when we noticed Mettaton was missing.
"Anyone seen that high class sex toy robot?" I asked. Frisk played hit me, giggling a little.
Sans eye glowed blue. I started sweating, was he really that offended by it?
"You're lucky Papyrus is in his room." He scoffed. Well, I wouldn't have said it if he was around in the first place. I looked away from his glare and the air was left empty.
"Is no one gonna answer?" Undyne asked pausing her show.
"Well he went to meet some kind of manager to get a contract or somethin'." She finished.
"Y-Yeah, he wanted to get his career set up as soon as possible." Alphys added. Undyne laughed.
"Why didn't you just say 'ASAP'?" She grinned. Alphys blushed.
"You're adorable." Undyne added, grinning wider.
"Undyne, stop!" Alphys said getting flustered hiding her face in Undyne's jacket. Undyne laughed some more. I couldn't help but smile at them.
"Hehe..." Frisk giggled.
"Okay, Chara and I are going to go out." She announced to everyone. I looked at her quizzically. She grinned.
"See ya." Undyne waved, looking back at the tv.
"B-Bye." Alphys muffled through her jacket. Undyne kissed her forehead before unpausing their show. Sans waved slightly.
"Okay, let's go." Frisk said opening the door for me.
"So where we goin'?" I asked once we stepped outside. Frisk stood there for a moment staring at me, smiling.
"What?" She continued to stare.
"We.. are going... shopping!" She exclaimed.
"Shopping." I restated. Oh god, shopping.
"Yep!" She said excitedly.
"Oh god, Frisk."
She giggled laughing at my reaction.
"Do you even have money?"
She pulled out a wallet and opened it up. There were a couple one hundred dollar bills in there.
"Holy shit Frisk!"
"Hehe, government paid me early for the ambassador job." She winked.
"Haha, your a lot more mischievous than I gave you credit for." I winked back.
"I don't know if I'd call it mischievous." She answered, ironically mischievously.
"Sure, Mrs. Casually carrying around a couple hundred dollars." I retorted.
"Okay, I see your point." She laughed.
"Okay, let's go!" She said grabbing my hand. I groaned.
"Don't care!" She called while she ran ahead, dragging me along with her. I smiled at her remark.
"Okay, we need to get some jackets and shorts. Mom already made us a lot of shirts." Frisk said grabbing a shopping cart.
"I'm not very good at shopping. Or like it for that matter." I said.
"That's because you're all tomboy." She replied walking down the first isle.
"Yep!" I answered grinning.
"Okay, first let's get some jackets. Winters here can get cold, and nights can be chilly."
"Mkay." We walked down a few isles until I saw the jacket I wanted.
"This one." I said grabbing it off the rack. I took a full look at it, nice. It looked cool. It was dark green with a thin black lining along the zippers.
"How could I have guessed you were going to get a green jacket?" She teased.
"Ha, I know right so surprising. And don't be jealous because my jacket is cool looking." I smirked. I put it in the cart and looked at the other jackets.
"Which one do you wanna get?" I asked.
"Hm... I'm not sure, there are so many options."
"You're gonna be a real girl about this, huh?" I teased.
"Haha, you could call it that." She grinned, continuing to walk. Suddenly a jacket caught my eye.
"Oh, Frisk. This. Is. The. One." I said pulling down the jacket. I revealed it to her.
"It's an original Galliano." I waved my hand up and down in front of it, showing it off like a fashion designer.
"Pff..." She said trying not to laugh.
"Chara, I think you may be right. It's so... stunning." She replied. I grinned wider.
"It doesn't get anymore stunning than a pink Dora the Explorer jacket." I stated.
"You're so right." She agreed laughing.
I grinned putting it back on the rack. Then I saw an actual jacket that I thought she would like.
"Woah, this might be the actual one." I said walking up to it.
"What? A Barney jacket? That would definitely be the one." She joked.
"Oh, I'm sure it would be." I answered as I pulled the other jacket down.
The jacket was mainly dark blue, but had a light blue lining down by the zipper. The hood also had the lining around the rim. It was kind of like mine, but more like Frisk's color scheme.
"Wow, I love it Chara!" She said, her eyes brightening.
"It's kinda simple, but it seems like something you'd like. Although all I've ever seen you in is your striped shirt."
"I love it! And same goes for you." She smiled. She took it from my hands and felt it.
"I like the material too." She added before placing it in the cart.
"Nice, looks like Dora's got competition." I grinned. She laughed back, agreeing.
"Well, that was a successful shopping trip!" Frisk exclaimed as we walked out of the store carrying our bags.
"Yeah." I answered. We got a good amount of clothes. I got some black shorts, a couple of jeans. There was one pair of dark colored jeans with rips in them. They looked awesome. I was most excited about those and my jacket.
Frisk got a couple of different colored shorts, and some jeans as well.
"See, was shopping that bad?" She asked.
"Well, you make it somewhat bearable." I half smiled. She smirked.
"I'm not sure if I take that as a compliment or insult."
"I think it was an insult." Her jaw drop as she played hit me with her free arm.
"I'm joking! I'm joking." I reassured her.
"... Maybe." I laughed. She laughed too as I followed her turn down another street.
"Wait, wasn't the house the other way?" I asked confused.
"Yes." She answered simply.
"..." I just stared at her, completely lost now.
She looked over at me and smiled, a small amount of laughter escaping her.
"I'm confused." I finally stated, although I figured she was completely aware of that.
"Haha, I see that." She grinned.
More silence.
"Are you gonna... clear up my confusion or...?"
"Haha, okay I wanted to keep it a surprise as long as possible, but if you're realllly that curious." She edged on. Surprise?
"Surprise?" I asked raising my eyebrows.
"Yeah, I'm going to treat us to lunch. It's only a small gesture, but I wanted you to get more comfortable around here." She said, smiling warmly at me.
"What?" I asked stunned.
"We are going out to eat at a little restaurant place I found." She restated. I just stared at her like a deer caught in headlights.
"Haha, what's that face for? Don't like free food?" She mocked. I shook off the face, suddenly realizing I was just staring at her.
"Heh, nah. You're just spending too much money on me." I answered.
"I showed you the wallet." She said in a higher convincing voice.
"Oh yeah, Ms. Cash." I smirked. I still felt kind of odd she was doing all this. But I didn't want to tell her that, so I just let it slide.
"Here we are!" She exclaimed as we walked up to a restaurant. The sign read "Killby's". I rose an eyebrow at her. She giggled a little.
"I know, I know, but they have really good food I've heard." She laughed.
I smiled as we walked in.
Hey guyss!! Hope you enjoyed the third chapter. I've been posting these kind of random. How often would you guys like me to post? Once every three days, once a week, etc.? So plz answer that in the comments xD
Thanks for reading guys whooooo xD Have an awesomme day/night depending on what time it is for you rigjt now :D
(Also the butiful restaurant name came from TheReturnOfTurtle xD Go check her out she is awesome and also has Undertale stoof, including lyrics she made to Megalovina WHICH ARE EPIC)
Okayz bye now :)
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