Chapter 19
I was flipping through channels, waiting for Frisk to go on lunch break. I sighed grabbing my earbuds as nothing good was on tv.
Suddenly there was a flash of blue as Sans appeared in the room. I jumped, scared by his sudden appearance.
"Sans, don't scare me like that, holy shit." I breathed putting my hand over my chest. I suddenly realized it was Sans and began getting worried. Frisk isn't here. What if I snapped or broke down. I took a deep breath, recollecting myself.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"heh. scared ya eh? just wonderin', how's the whole dating thing goin'?" He asked. I looked at him curiously. Why did he care, he still hates me.
"Fine, I guess." I responded plainly, although I knew it was far better than just fine.
"hm, k." He replied.
"K what?" I asked.
"i dunno. just uh, look. you have not been doing bad so far." He said. What, was this some kind of test to him? I know what I did is unforgivable, and I still carry the guilt. But it's been over a month now. I've been trying, why won't he see that?
"you haven't even killed anyone." He huffed.
"I'm not going to kill anyone anymore." I stated, my eyes glowing a bright red. I felt my anger starting to boil over, but took another deep breath.
"yeah, sure. anyways kid. what happened last night?" He asked me. I looked at him confused.
"Uh, I watched tv. Frisk got home. We went to sleep." I said.
"what about the middle of the night?" He asked. I thought a second before remembering my nightmare. The reset button. I didn't want to tell him about that though, it was too personal. At least, the nightmare part was.
"I slept. Frisk slept. What's up?" I asked him. His pupils disappeared as his expression grew darker.
"Why did Frisk destroy the reset button?" He asked coldly. I felt my heart stop as I realized he knew. Well, he's Sans. He always knows everything.
"How did you know that?" I asked sitting up straighter.
"you know I remember timelines... Clearly. i feel resets and just knew the button broke last night."
"Aren't you happy?" I replied, thinking he would happy to never be trapped in the Underground again.
"not until i gain my trust in you. which I haven't. so i am somewhat worried about you now the button is broke." He answered. I stood up.
"Sans. It's been over a month now. What will it take for you to trust me again?"
"good question. tibia honest, i dunno yet." He said lowly. I groaned. Was he seriously making puns right now?
"S-" I was cut off by my phone ringing. I expected Sans to teleport out but he just stood there staring at me.
Ring... Ring... Ring...
"Are you go-"
"nah." I sighed. Him being here made it so much more awkward.
I walked over and picked up my phone. It was Frisk. I smiled as I answered the phone. Sans made my mood drop a bit, but a call from Frisk made me feel extremely happy.
"Hi Chara!" Frisk said.
"Hey beautiful." I said smiling, forgetting Sans was there as I laid on the bed. I could feel her smiling through the phone.
"So what's up?" I asked her.
"Chara! I saw the cutest thing while we were driving! We were driving and the driver suddenly halted and I was like 'what's wrong?' And he pointed forward, and there was a whole family of deer!! There was a Dad, Mom, teenagey looking one, and a tiny baby one! It was so cuteeee!" She exclaimed. I laughed to myself. She's so cute.
"That sounds pretty freaking adorable, I'm not gonna lie. Not as adorable as you though."
"Aww Chara you're sweet but shut up! You are gonna make me blush in front of the super high class government driver!" She said laughing a bit.
"I see no problem with that." I grinned. She laughed.
"Did you get any pictures of the deer?" I asked.
"Yes, want me to send them to you?"
"Yeah, I want to see this so called cuteness for myself."
"Haha, okay I'll send them after this call." She replied.
"Okay, I love you." I said.
"I love you too. And miss you."
"I miss you too, even though you only left like 5 minutes ago." I said laughing a bit. I really did miss her though.
"Haha-" She hesitated a moment and I could tell she was thinking.
"I miss you, and-" She cut herself off.
"I'll text you the rest. I love you, bye." She said hanging up. I pulled down my phone confused. Why was she hesitating so much?
I clicked the notification on the top of the screen which was a message from her.
"jeez kid think you flirted enough." I heard Sans say.
"No." I responded simply. There was always more times I could flirt or tell her how beautiful she is.
Sorry Chara, they were rushing me to finish the call. Also I wanted to say, later I was wondering if we could have a movie marathon or something. Work was stressful yesterday and I really want to have a cuddle night with you :3
I blushed slightly. That sounded amazing. I felt myself warm just thinking of the thought.
Hmmm let me check my schedule I responded sarcastically.
Oh yes, I forgot you are a very busy woman
Yes indeed, I am. Ah it seems I am free
Okay, see you then?
Yes m'lady
*fedora tip*
Yes xDD
I put down my phone smiling slightly at our conversation. I looked up and saw Sans. Fuck, I forgot he was there.
"May I help you?" I asked.
"heh. who was that?" He asked. I gave him a "duh" look.
"Who else would I call beautiful?" I responded.
"i dunno. who knows you could have 5 girlfriends for all i know."
I felt my anger surge upwards. Who the fuck does he think I am?! I would never ever cheat on Frisk. I stood up sharply walking over to him.
"What the fuck Sans?!?! I will NEVER cheat on Frisk. EVER! Don't bring up that kind of shit with me, okay?!" I yelled. He backed up, his eye turning fiery blue.
"tread lightly my friend." He said darkly, snapping his fingers.
A blue light flashed in front of me, as he teleported away. Anger was left still boiling in me. I walked over to a mirror and saw my face was beginning to morph. A small string of black goo was falling from my eye. I took a deep breath, trying to stop.
Within a minute the goo dissipated, and my face cooled. I sighed sadly. The goo just reminded me how I'm not even human. I'm a demon.
I looked down at my arms, faded scarred cuts along them. Thankfully Frisk never really brought them up, although she has taken notice before. Past memories began seeping into my brain as I started to pull a strand of hair. Think about the pain not the memories.
"Pain, not memories. Pain, not memories." I whispered to myself. I began to wince as I pulled harder. Finally I stopped, taking a deep breath.
I ran a hand through my hair, looking in the mirror once again. I'm a mess. I sighed again pulling off my shirt for a shower.
I heard a sudden pounding on the door as I paused the tv.
I sat up groggily as the pounding continued.
"One sec I'm coming jesus christ." I said.
"PUNK! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE! NOWW!" I heard Undyne yell. I ran over hearing her in clear distress. I began panicking. Undyne was never concerned over anything.
"What's wrong??" I asked as I swung the door open. She ran in.
"You need to fucking get the address of the headquarters. Now. Get Frisk out." She stated. Her voice was stern causing me to begin worrying.
"Why...?" I asked lowly.
"The Anti-Monster shit heads are going to attempt an assassination Chara! ON YOUR GIRLFRIEND NOW GET OUT YOUR GOD DAMN PHONE!"
Shock filled me. This was so sudden. No, they couldn't be. Then again they constantly leave threats. My arm began shaking with fury as I pulled out my phone.
"How do you know?" I asked quickly bringing up Frisk's messages.
"I have the smartest girlfriend. She figures this shit out."
"Couldn't she figure out the address?" I asked beginning to type.
"Well of course the fucking government will have more security than some asshole baby group." She scoffed. That was true. I began sweating as I sent the message. My hands were shaking and I felt my face being heated.
Babe you need to get the fuck out of that building now. AMC has a planned attack. Send me the address, now.
"Chara? What the fuck is coming off your face?" I heard Undyne ask. I noticed black goo dripping down to the floor.
"AUGH!" I groaned running to the bathroom. I slammed down my phone, my adrenaline pumping. She needs to answer!! I looked in the mirror trying to wipe away the goo.
"What the fuck?" I heard Undyne ask walking in beside me. I looked up at her in the mirror.
"It's my genocide mode." I said through my teeth.
"It's pr-" She was cut off by the tv playing. I paused that, what the hell? We both ran back in to see a special forecast.
Government Hawaii headquarters have been attacked. Hostages are being held inside as the Anti-Monster Cults are in search for what the officials believe to be the ambassador, Frisk Dreemurr.
I felt panic swarm me. No, no, fuck no!! She's my everything! She was amazing, how could they want to hurt someone like that.
"THOSE FUCKERS!" I shouted. I turned to Undyne before running to grab my phone. I could feel my eyes burning. No, not now. I need to stay strong.
Frisk please please, text me the address.
Come on baby you're stronger than this I know you're okay tell me the address.
Chara, 588 Leighn Rd. I'm okay, staying safe.
Relief flooded me as Sans suddenly appeared to my left.
"did y-"
"588 Leighn Rd. Take us there now." I demanded cutting him off. His eye flashed blue and he gave me a cold glare before teleporting us.
My joints restabilized from the teleportation sensation. I looked ahead and saw government officials and police officers gathered along the perimeter of the building. My heart pounded as I balled my fists.
"Chara." Undyne said grabbing my shoulder back.
"Take this." She said handing me a sharp, decent sized switch blade. A swarm of power surge through me holding a knife. I took a deep breath, gripping my fingers around the handle. Sans shot me a glare. I knew he was worried about me having a knife. All I knew was Frisk is in trouble, and I will only do what is nessecary.
I nodded sharply to her before looking back. The building itself was made of these white bricks, a clean smooth stone sidewalk surrounding it.
I started running towards the building. I focused on Frisk, maintaining my breathing, and getting to the building.
I heard quick footsteps behind me, knowing Undyne and Sans were following.
Out of nowhere a giant arm pushed out in front of me knocking away some breath.
"Move!!" I yelled. The giant police officer turned to face me.
"We are in a lockdown situation. Please ma'am, evacuate the scene." I felt my anger grow.
"Ma'am!! I need you to back away. The ambassador's life is at risk!" He responded sternly. Hearing that Frisk's life was at risk caused waves of terror to flood me. I could not lose her. I was scared, my hands clammy. But that thought just fueled my determination.
I turned around facing Sans. We both loved Frisk too much to let our past conflictions stop us from saving her.
"Sans." I stated. He nodded snapping his fingers. Yet again I felt my body demobilize as we were swarmed with blue.
The blue dissipated leaving us in a hallway. The building was decently sized, but not too big. Not many rooms you would need. But it was big enough for me to worry about finding Frisk in time.
I took a deep breath looking around. It'll be fine, it'll be fine. Underneath us was a dark red carpet, with a yellow outline. Along the white walls were paintings of presidents and different representatives I really couldn't give two shits about.
My adrenaline was pumping as I looked around. There was one guy in black standing at the end of the hall. I gripped my switchblade harder as fury erupted within me. On the back of his hoodie, was the Anti-Monster symbol.
I felt my face morph and melt as my voice turned demonic.
"YOU BASTARD!" I screamed running towards him. He shot his head around, aiming a gun at me. I heard multiple shots go off as bullets whirled past me. They clearly didn't realize my dodging abilities which I earned from fights in the Underground.
I wrapped my arm around his neck, a mask on his face. I squeezed my arm tight around his neck as I tore off his mask.
His eyes were wide as he put his hands up. I saw my black liquid dripping onto his shoulder. His eyes moved around the room frantically, until finally looking at me. His face filled with panic and horror as my eyes and mouth began dripping down farther.
"MONS-" He began to yell.
"If you have any idea what is good for you, you will shut up. And tell me where the ambassador is." I threatened in his ear, raising the knife.
"I-I don't know! W-We hav... haven't- f-fo... foun..." I felt his body go limp as his words trailed off. His head fell forward resting on my arm. I realized I caused him too black out because he couldn't breathe enough.
I groaned, throwing him off my arm. He hit a wall, landing limply on the ground. His arms were now exposed and I looked at my knife. I bent down and slit a cut across his wrist.
"That's for Frisk..." I growled under my breath. As much as I wanted to kill him, I knew Frisk wouldn't want that. But no way I was going to let him get off without some sort or revenge.
I looked back down the hall to see Undyne fighting another guy, a spear being summoned. Sans was no where I could see, but I heard the whoosh his teleportation made through the wall.
"Undyne!! I am going to look for Frisk!" I called down the hall. My voice still genocidal and demonic. She didn't respond but I saw her give a slight nod. I gripped my knife running down a turn. I opened the first door I saw, and it was pitch black inside. I growled to myself, my worry growing.
I kept moving, looking in each room. The door knob turned as I opened another door when I was suddenly pulled backwards by my neck.
I immediately brought up my knife, stabbing it into who's ever arm this was.
"Ow!! You fucker!" I heard a higher pitched voice yell as her arm pulled away. As it pulled away I pulled out the blade, causing her to shriek again.
I spun around to face her, uppercutting her. Her head swung back as she walked backwards into a wall.
She looked back, tears in her eyes. I walked up ripping off her mask and throwing it to the side. I slammed my arm in front of her neck pinning her to the wall.
"Where is. The ambassador." I growled out, my mouth melting down forward. Black spit shot out my mouth landing on her clothing. She was gripping her arm as she closed her eyes tightly.
"We can't f-find h-her." She said through her hics of crying.
"THAT'S NOT A GOOD ANSWER!!" I yelled back getting closer to her face. She strained to push her head farther against the wall, but it was no use. I felt my pulse beating in my hand and chest.
"It's just a stab." I spat out seeing her eyes tear. I groaned, realizing I wouldn't get an answer out of her. I pulled my arm away, freeing her from the wall. She crumpled to the ground, still clutching her arm.
My phone binged as I quickly scrambled to grab it. I looked at the contact and a wave of relief crashed through me when I saw it was from Frisk.
Chara, we need to go gROcery shOpping Mkay? maybe the 25th?
What the fuck?? Why is she talking about fucking grocery shopping now. 'Mkay'? She doesn't talk like that. And why are there random capitals.
Frisk, wtf?? Where are you? I replied.
Capitals. Was all she sent back. I got more confused as I stared at my phone, sweating immensely. Suddenly it clicked.
I looked at the grocery shopping message, at just the capitals:
Room, which room? I read the message again. Wait, was it the 25? I suddenly realized as I put it all together.
Oh my god she is so smart.
I shoved my phone in my pocket and looked at the room's number of the room that is ahead of me.
I looked at the doors around it, figuring out which ways the numbers went. 46 was to the right, 48 on the left.
I readjusted my grip on the knife as I began sprinting to the right.
There has not been enough angst in this story >:)
But hi xDD
So I hope you guys enjoyedddddddd and have fun with the cliff hanger xDD
But yeahs just wanted throw in some angsty angst, but I hope u guys liked it all ze same!!
I'll see you guys in the next chapter, thank you for all the support, it seriously makes me smile every time :D
And as always
Stay Determined <3
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