Chapter 14
"Good morning" I heard Frisk whisper. I slowly opened my eyes and saw her looking at me. I smiled.
"Good morning beautiful." I said, kissing her nose. She blushed slightly, nuzzling under my chin. I wrapped my arm around her. I couldn't ask for a better way to wake up.
After a few minutes she got out of bed and went downstairs to shower.
The news on the Anti-Monsters seemed to be dying out. The never really did much after their premiere video. Although they did have a page on UnderNet, which was rude as hell as it was a site for monsters. However, more humans have been getting onto it.
I checked the page every now and then, but there was nothing but meaningless threats. I sighed, putting my phone down and changing into a green tank top and jeans.
I was playing on my phone when Frisk walked back in, clothed but her hair still wet.
"So, Chara." Frisk said as she brushed out her short hair.
"Hm?" I asked sitting up.
"What would you say to going somewhere?" She asked.
"What do you mean? Like a restaurant or something?"
"Mmm, not exactly..." She said, sitting down next to me.
"Like, a vacation."
"A vacation?" I asked. She nodded. I smiled.
"Any day is a vacation with you."
"Oh you're such a smooth talker." She teased. I grinned.
"I know I am." She gave me a kiss on the cheek before continuing.
"But yes, a vacation. The government has headquarters all over, as you know. And of course there is the small one here in this town that I go to whenever needed. However there are bigger discussions they said they would like to bring up with me, that would be needed to be done elsewhere. So they gave me a few options. It was either a snowy getaway or a sunshiny one. I chose the sunshiny one because I've had my fair share of snow at Snowdin." She explained smiling.
"And maybe I'd get to see you in a swimsuit." She flirted, playing with tank strap. I blushed deeply, but smiled.
"You're not too bad at smooth talking yourself." I said, leaning in to kiss her. She giggled, kissing back.
"So, would you be okay with that?" She asked, pulling away.
"I would love it, Frisk." I replied. A vacation sounded amazing. Not because of beaches and sunshiny getaways, but because it would all be with Frisk.
"So, are the others gonna go along too?" I asked as I wrapped my arm around her.
"Yes, the government said I could take my whole family. Especially since I said I wouldn't want to do it without you guys." She answered.
"Aw, you're sweet, Frisk. Though we both know the real reason is you'd miss our intense make out sessions." I grinned. She playfully hit me laughing.
"Chara! I would miss you, all of you. Not just the make out sessions." She said.
"Mmm, but you would miss them." I smirked. She looked at me.
"... Well of course I'd miss them." She said shyly. With that response I pushed her down and got on top of her.
"Ah, so you would." I whispered into her ear. She giggled slightly as my warm breath met her skin. I cupped my hand on her cheek, and my other hand ran down her side.
"Oh Chara, I love you." She said. I leaned in very close, our lips almost touching.
"I love you too." I whispered seductively.
I paused a moment, just barely hanging over her.
"Okay, well we should tell the others." I said, hopping off of her.
"W-What?" She asked in a daze.
"The others... about the vacation...?"
"But what about..." She started, left on a cliff hanger. I smirked at her.
"Oh, we can do that later." I said calmly.
"But... you're so mean." She complained. She sat up, looking disappointed and a bit turned on.
I looked at the door and looked at her.
"As much as I would love to continue leaving you hanging, I can't help myself." I grinned as I pushed her back down, kissing her lips. I pulled on her bottom lip as she let me enter. I made her moan a bit as I kissed her, eventually going down to her neck.
After a few minutes of making out, I got up and fixed my hair. I helped her up, and ran my hand down her back.
"I love you." I said, nibbling the crook of her neck. She shivered a little, leaning her head back giving me more access.
"I-I love you too." She said.
"Another announcement? What you guys havin' a kid or somethin'?" Undyne asked. I rolled my eyes, blushing only a little.
Frisk told everyone about the vacation, and they all seemed pretty excited.
"My child! That sounds amazing! Just one question, you told us all of this wonderful news, but have neglected to tell us the actual location." Mom said. I looked at Frisk, she forgot to tell me too.
"Oh!!" She laughed.
"We're going to Hawaii." She beamed. Woah, Hawaii. I've never been there, but from what I've heard it's pretty fucking nice.
"Damn." I whispered to myself. Everyone else began chatting away with excitement about what they were going to do there. I looked at Frisk and caught myself smiling. I couldn't wait to spend a vacation with her.
"Okay guys! We are leaving first thing tomorrow morning! Everyone needs to be ready to be out the door at 4:30 sharp! Our flight leaves at 8:00" Frisk stated. I groaned.
"What's wrong?"
"That is REALLY fudging early." I sighed. 4:30 in the fucking morning??
"You'll live." She replied.
"Alright! We are gonna be there for a week, so make sure you get packed and get a good night's sleep!" Frisk chirped, clearly very excited. Even if the morning thing sucked ass, I still couldn't wait.
Everyone went upstairs and began to pack.
"Oh god, Frisk. Do you have like, a list or something, for what we need to pack?" I asked, already worrying I was going to forget something.
"Yep!" She smiled. She pulled out a piece of paper with a long list on it.
"So we'll pack what we have now, then go shopping."
"Well, we don't have sunglasses, or swimsuits." She pointed out. That was true.
"Yeah, I see your point."
Frisk packed a lot quicker than I did, and a lot more organized as well. I tried to keep things straight in my suitcase, but it ended up a jumbled mess. Not to mention my lack of ability to fold clothes didn't help.
"Haha, Chara. Are you having some issues?" Frisk laughed.
"How did you do that?" I asked looking over at her nicely packed suitcase.
"Not like this." She laughed as she pulled out a balled up shirt.
"I'll help you." She said kissing my nose. I blushed a little as she began folding my clothes, trying to teach me a little along the way. Soon my suitcase was packed as nicely as hers.
"Okay! Shall we go shopping?" She asked. I smiled.
"Let's go."
We looked around at the swimsuits. I was kinda self conscious, especially around Frisk. I didn't want a one piece, but I was afraid of exposing too much. Plus bikinis are really girly anyways.
Frisk looked around, taking time to look at each one, and even asking my opinions on them.
"I'll like whichever one you pick out." I told her. She smiled, continuing to look through the seemingly endless racks. Suddenly she found one, light blue that faded into a darker blue. It was a two piece, but the colors coordinated well. She pulled it off the rack.
"I'm going to try this one on real quick." She told me, walking into a changing room. I waited outside the waiting room. I sighed, this might take awhile.
I was expecting her to walk back out with her clothes on, but instead I heard her whisper my name.
The door opened a slight bit and she held out her hand. I was a little confused as I walked over to the door.
"Come here." She smiled pulling me in. She shut the door behind us.
"What do you think?" She asked me, turning around so I could see her in the bikini. I felt my face blush madly as I suddenly felt a sudden liquid coming out of my nose. I bent my head forward, feeling underneath my nose. I looked at my hand, blood. I immediately blushed way deeper, and tried to hide the nose bleed. I felt so humiliated and embarrassed. I sat down on the small side bench, avoiding all eye contact.
"Chara?" She asked.
"Looks... G-Great." I said, looking at the ground. She walked over and removed my hand from my face, making room for her. She sat down on me and I felt more blood gush out of my noise as I heated up. I felt my heart beat faster as I shyly looked up. She saw my nosebleed and laughed. I quickly covered my nosebleed with my hand again.
"Aww, Chara." She laughed a little, pulling me into an embrace. Because she was on my lap however, my head was against her chest, which made me blush harder.
I couldn't help looking at her, even if it fueled my nosebleed. Her skin was beautiful, and she was somewhat toned. I noticed this before when I caught her in her bra, but now I actually got to look. With her being so close to me, I felt my breath stop a little. I began sweating as she kissed the top of my head.
"I'm going to take that as you like it." She said. I nodded shyly. She looked amazing in it. She lifted up my chin, and gave me a kiss before getting up and getting a tissue from her purse.
I smiled as I wiped up my nosebleed.
"Heh..." I said, still very embarrassed.
"Aw, Chara. You don't need to be embarrassed or shy." She said softly, stroking my cheek.
"You l-look, really. Really good, F-Frisk. I l-like it." I said quietly, trying to act normal.
"Thank you, Chara." She smiled.
I left the changing room a flustered mess. I cooled down a bit, starting to relax. She was just so... God she was beautiful, and sexy, and amazing. And I couldn't not be flustered. Especially since it was the first time I saw her like that. I took a deep breath, and though embarrassed was smiling. She's so beautiful.
Frisk walked out, the bikini with on her arm. She smiled at me. I pulled her in for a kiss, which I could tell took her by surprise.
"I love you." I told her pulling away, regaining my confidence.
"I love you, too." She whispered.
"Okay! Now time for you to pick one out." She said.
I looked around really quick, flipping through a few of the swimsuits. I saw a dark green bikini and picked it out.
"Here." I said putting it into the cart.
"Don't you want to try it on?" She asked me.
"Nah, I'm good. It should fit. Besides I plan on wearing a tank or t-shirt over it." I told her.
"Aw, you're a tease." She said. I smirked.
"I know."
We picked out some sunglasses and sunscreen and headed home. Frisk drove as I sat in the passenger seat.
"Okay, Chara. We have to go to bed, at 8 tonight." Frisk said as we got home.
"8?!?!" I exclaimed.
"That will give us 8 hours of sleep, we have to wake up at four."
"Ughhh. That is so early." I groaned.
"Oh, stop being so grumpy." She said walking up to me. I looked at her with a straight face.
She grinned, pushing my cheeks up to form a smile. Gosh, she is such a dork. But I loved that abut her.
"There you go." She said. But as soon as she let go my mouth fell back down.
"Hmmm..." She thought aloud.
"Aha, I know how to make you smile." She said. I continued looking at her, curious as to what she would do. She leaned in and kissed me, biting my bottom lip a little. I let her tongue slip into my mouth as I slid mine into hers. We kissed for a while until we broke away for air. Of course, me being in love with her was smiling the sincere smile I gave her whenever we kissed.
"There's the smile I love so much." She said putting her hand on my cheek.
"It's only because I love you. I am still going to complain about the early times." I told her. She smiled.
"Well I guess each time you do I'll have to kiss you."
"Frriiiiiskkkk, it's too early." I smirked wanting another kiss. She turned around and grinned, giving me a quick kiss. She smiled, running her hand across my chest flirtatious as she headed to her suitcase. Her flirt made me want to kiss her longer and more passionately.
I walked up behind her and hugged her from behind. She laughed a little, wrapping her arms around mine.
"Hi." I whispered into her ear. She turned around as I kissed her right away. I wrapped my arms around her waist, kissing her with as much passion as I could. I slipped my tongue into her mouth, causing her to moan.
"Mmm." I said, pulling away for a breath before going back to kissing her.
"Chara! Wake up! Time to get ready!" Frisk said excitedly shaking me. I momentarily forgot what we were doing today.
"Ready- f-f" I tried to ask, but fell back asleep.
"Chara! It's vacation day!!" She exclaimed shaking me again. I suddenly realized we were going on vacation and got happy, until I realized it was 4 in the morning. I pulled a pillow over my head.
"It's too earlyh-jfpv" I muffled.
"Yep, now come on. We have to go downstairs, eat, and get to the airport." She said. I didn't move.
"Charaaaaa." She whined.
"Get upppp."
"Too... earllyyy.." I muffled into the bed. I suddenly felt a weight be added on top of my entire body.
"W-What?" I asked, confused.
"Frisk, are you laying one me?"
"Yes." She responded simply.
"Why exactly?"
"Because maybe you'll get up then." She explained nonchalantly.
"I'm fine." I replied slyly. I was complete fine with her laying on top of me. She waited a few moments before sighing and getting up.
"Okay~ I just won't sit next to you on the plane." She said headed towards the door. I paused for a second. I heard her open the door.
"Wait!" I called, looking up out of my pillow.
"You're bluffing." I said.
"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. But I heard Papyrus is very excited to tell his seat partner all about his spaghetti making tips." I sighed faceplanting into my pillow.
"You'll sit with me right?" I asked. I knew she had to be bluffing. But I was still a little worried she wasn't. The plane ride would be terrible without being next to her.
"If you get upppp." She teased, walking out the door. I groaned getting up. I quickly changed, I just threw on some sweat pants and a green tank as we'd be on the plane all day anyways. I met everyone downstairs for breakfast.
Frisk went over the seating arrangements. Her and I would be together, Sans and Papyrus, Undyne and Alphys, Mettaton and Asgore, and then finally Toriel and Flowey. I wasn't quite sure Flowey needed his own seat, but he insisted he didn't want to be carried the whole time.
"Blergh. I can't believe you idiots are making me go on this dumb trip." Flowey groaned.
"Be polite." Mom told him. He rolled his eyes.
"And sitting next to this dead beat as well."
"Excuse me!" She exclaimed.
"I do not think you are a dead beat, Toriel." Asgore added.
"nah, you're chill tori." Sans smiled. Toriel smiled at them both.
After a lot of heavy lifting, which mainly Undyne, Asgore and I did, the suit cases just barely fit in Mom's van. We got to the airport at 4:26, 4 minutes early.
"So, uh Frisk. What exactly do we do for the next 3 hours?" I asked her.
"Have you never flown before?" She asked me. I shook my head. Suddenly I realized none of us but Frisk have flown before. Except maybe Mom and Dad, who were on the Surface before the whole Underground situation.
"Well, we have to get out tickets, go through metal detectors, put away our suitcases and get our carry on bags checked." She explained as we walked up to the ticket counter. There was a big board behind it, projecting all the flights, times, and their locations.
After waiting in a long line we got our tickets and headed to the metal detectors. Ugh, this line was even longer. Frisk and I took the center one as the others split off into the other lines.
"Babe, I'm so tired." I said laying my head on her shoulder from behind. She turned around and kissed my nose.
"I know, but soon we'll be on the plane and you can sleep." She said softly. I smiled at her.
After 30 minutes of waiting in the long ass line Frisk was up next. She set her bags through the side and went through. Of course it didn't go off, as the guard proceeded to swipe around her for a in depth check.
She smiled thanking him grabbing her bags from the conveyer belt.
I put my stuff down and walked through and waited for the guard to check me. As he finished we all heard in alarm go off followed by an extremely angered Mettaton.
"THIS IS COMPLETELY UNFAIR!! I AM MADE OF METAL! THESE MACHINES ARE IN FAVOR OF NON METAL HUMAN BEINGS HOW DARE YOU!!" He yelled while stomping his feet. The guard tried to calm him down but he kept yelling.
"NONE OF YOU ARE DARLINGS! DON'T YOU KNOW WH- UNHAND ME YOU BOFOON!" He demanded as the guard grabbed ahold of his hands, putting them behind his back.
"Oh god, Mettaton." I heard Frisk whisper to herself as she lightly jogged to greet the guard and Mettaton. I watched as she straightened out the situation. I began to laugh as Mettaton started getting fired up again, but she scolded him. He quieted down, a little intimidated by Frisk. She turned and smiled towards the guard who proceeded to check Mettaton by hand.
Frisk walked back over. I smirked.
"My girl's got quite the glare." I said.
"He needed to quiet down somehow." She smiled. I looked back over to them.
"Think he's enjoying the rub down?" I teased.
"Chara!" She laughed. I shrugged.
"I think he is." I added grinning.
After a bit we all finished going through security and put out large bags onto the conveyor to be put on our plane.
"Now what?" I asked Frisk. She was looking at me for a second.
"Oh, sorry." She said snapping out of her trance.
"What's wrong?" I asked her. She looked up and down me then smiled.
"You look so cute standing there tired, with your backpack slung over one shoulder." I felt my face blush slightly.
"I barely even brushed my hair this morning." I commented. She smiled even more grabbing my hand.
"You look adorable." She said. I blushed deeper as she leaned up to kiss my cheek. I smiled, kissing her forehead.
"Alright lovey dovey dorkwads. Where we goin' Frisk?" Undyne asked, the others just finishing up loading their bags.
"'Lovey dovey dorkwads?'" I asked.
"Yeah." She grinned.
The others joined up with us as Frisk told us we just needed to wait for our flight to be called. We followed her to the lounge room where we sat down. I checked my phone: 6:15. Wow, those part 2 hours went pretty fast. I slouched down in my chair. I yawned, wanting more than anything to sleep.
The others sat next to me as they talked. Frisk was talking for awhile too until the conversations died down and almost everyone went on their phones. Except for Sans, who was sleeping of course.
"Hey." I heard a male voice say. I sat up, opening my eyes. There was a guy in front of Frisk, smiling at her. He had brown hair, blue eyes and a black jacket on over his white t-shirt.
"Aren't you the ambassador?" He asked Frisk. She smiled nodding.
"Yes, I'm Frisk, nice to meet you."
"Ah, Frisk. That's a nice name." He said. I glared at him sitting up slightly straighter.
"Y'know Frisk, somebody better call God, because he is missing an angel." He flirted, flashing a smile. I felt anger and jealousy build up inside me. I quickly wrapped my arm around Frisk, and swooped under her legs, setting her down on my lap.
"Hi, I'm Chara. Her girlfriend." I stated glaring at him with a cold expression. He started visibly sweating and made a distressed face.
"Chara! You don't need to be so jealous." Frisk said stroking my cheek.
"I'm sorry, she gets jealous. I'm very flattered, but as you can see I'm in a happy relationship." Frisk said smiling gently at him.
"O-Oh, sorry. I didn't know, I just. Heh, um, nice meeting you." He said, looking at Frisk avoiding all eye contact with me no matter how hard and long I stared at him. He walked away quickly and I looked at Frisk.
"Chara, you don't need to be so jealous." She giggled.
"No, Chara, that was badass." Undyne said fistbumping me.
"That was beautifully dramatic and romantic, darling." Metatton intervened.
"I promise, you don't have to be so jealous okay?" Frisk said to me.
"And you two. Stop encouraging her. She looked like she was about to kill him." She said directing her attention to Undyne and Mettaton.
"It's because I was." I said. Undyne laughed. Frisk looked at her.
"Whatttt? It just shows she cares about you." Undyne added. I smiled at Frisk.
"See. It just shows I care about you." I smirked.
"Mhmm." She said. I wrapped my arm around her and stroked her hair.
"Ick. Kill. Me. NOW!" Flowey screeched.
"Shhhhh!" We all shushed him. People around the airport looked at us, and I awkwardly looked down. Frisk sat on my lap for the rest of our wait, which I was more than happy with.
"Flight 307 passengers if you would please start boarding." The announcements rang out. Frisk stood up as we all followed her to the right gate. She handed in our tickets and the lady smiled wishing us a good flight. When we got aboard a flight attendant brought us to the back of the plane and through a door. It looked much more comfortable back here. There were more rooms between the seats and even little desks that could be pulled out and in.
We sat down in our seats, as I put my backpack onto the floor.
"Frisk?" Mom asked.
"Is this first class?" She asked. Frisk smiled widely nodding.
"W-Wow! That's awesome, Frisk!" Alphys said. After we got settled in I took a look out the window. I was a little nervous, and curious as to how the take off would feel. But I wasn't really that concerned over it.
"This is really cool." I said to Frisk.
"Yeah, I love planes." She said.
"Yeah, I liked watching them as a kid. Especially jets. It's pretty awesome to finally get to fly on one." I told her. Planes were just cool to me, always have been. I wasn't sure why though, they were just badass.
"Really? That's really cool Chara. When I was littler we used to watch these ones called the Blue Angels."
"Yes! Those were my favorites!" I told her. She smiled at me. We talked about the Blue Angels for a bit until we were cut off by an announcement.
"Attention Passengers! Welcome and thank you for choosing to fly with us here today on Flight 307!" The pilot said. He went on to explain where our gas masks were and how to react in certain situations.
"And with that I wish you all a good flight, and will see you in Hawaii!" She finished putting down his mic.
"Here we go!" Frisk said to me. I smiled taking her hand, looking out the window. She looked past me looking out the window as well.
A loud humming could be heard after the roar of the engine. The plane started moving very slowly, I doubt I would have noticed the movement if it wasn't for the moving view out the window.
It began to accelerate, quickly rolling faster down the runway. Before I knew it everything out the window moved to fast to see what they were clearly. Then suddenly I felt a tilt as the ground began to get farther from the window. We were going up. We went up faster and faster, a pressure building in my head. Suddenly my ears popped, and the pressure diminished.
The houses and buildings below us became tiny as we started to level out. Suddenly the view outside the window became horizontal and we could see the ground beneath clearly. It was amazing. And the cloud around us were unbelievably beautiful and breath taking.
I stared out the window, dumbfounded by everything for a couple of minutes. I turned to face Frisk and saw she was looking at me.
"You look so cute when you're amazed." She commented. I blushed slightly, smiling at her.
"Thanks, you look so cute all the time." I replied.
"But look!" I said excitedly pointing out our window.
"I know." She said laughing at my excitement, but somewhat avoiding the view.
"It's beautiful." She added. I nodded, looking back at her.
"Yet you're still the most beautiful thing my eyes have ever seen." I whispered. She blushed, kissing me quickly.
She laid her head on my shoulder as leaned back. I started to fall asleep but couldn't have asked for a better place to be. Staring at breathtaking view through a window on a plane to Hawaii with the love of my life. I couldn't have been any happier if I tried.
Author's Note: Hey guyss!!! So it seems I post this story once every 3 days, is that okay with you guys? Lemme know! And hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know. I know. Hawaii. I'm sooooOooOooOo original xDD But yeah whoo Hawaii. Leave any comments about anything you wanna comment! Thanks for all the support as always guys.
Stay Determined <3
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