Chapter 12
A few weeks has passed since Frisk broke her ankle. I have been waiting on her hand and foot, wanting to make sure she gets enough rest.
The government keep pissing me off however. They keep telling her to get more work done, and she always tries to, but she is constantly tired on pain medication. Last time they called I took the phone before she could and told them what was wrong. When they didn't listen I told them off. They agreed to let her take a break afterwards.
We still weren't out to the others about us, although our relationship is stronger than ever. We still went out every now and then, but the crutches made everything take a lot longer. So on days we stood in we just talked or played video games.
"So Frisk." I said sitting down next to her leg.
"The others are all out of the house for most of tonight, I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie downstairs on the flat screen. Might be better than youtubing on our computer." I joked. She laughed a little nodding.
"Here's the deal though." I smirked.
"It's gonna be a horror movie."
"Bring it." She challenged.
"Oooo, alright, we'll see how you handle it." I challenged back, grinning.
We got settled downstairs, I made some popcorn and got the big fuzzy blue blanket Frisk fell in love with at the store. She gave me puppy dog eyes and I couldn't resist buying it for her.
"Okay..." I said bringing up Netflix.
"Chara... Are we netflix and chilling?" I felt my face blush a bit, as I realized what she was implying.
"I suppose we are." I joked, trying to cover my blush. I clicked on my profile for Netflix. The screen faded in revealing a bunch of little kid shows.
"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself. I saw at the top of the screen it said Netflix For Kids.
I groaned.
"Really, Mom. I'm 18." I sighed. Frisk laughed as I scrolled through the endless Dora's and Scooby Doo's.
"Chara, we could watch Disney Halloween shorts. If you think you are brave enough." She snickered.
"Oh no, no, no. Much too scary for me." I smirked. She laughed as I switched over to Mettaton's account.
His homepage was filled with gay sex movies.
"Oh god!" Frisk exclaimed.
"This..." I sighed.
"This does not surprise me." I said disappointingly. Frisk giggled a bit as I got up the horror section. I went across them, and saw "Hush." It was realistic and about a serial killer. I grinned clicking play.
I laid back getting comfortable. Frisk put the blanket over me, getting under as well.
I smirked, yawning and wrapping my arm around her, pulling her closer.
"That was soooo smooth." Frisk joked.
"I know, I'm very smooth." I said looking at her. She kissed my cheek.
"I know, you're very smooth." She said grinning. I laughed, kissing the top of her head.
The camera began panning out towards the glass door. Frisk started gripping my arm tighter.
The killer was standing there, and the door between him and the girl was open. Suddenly music kicked in and they made a break for it. She just barely beat him and slammed the door close, causing Frisk to scream and hide into my chest.
I smirked, pulling her closer.
"I already like this movie." I flirted.
She blushed a little, pulling her head out from my chest. She playfully hit my arm.
"What was that for?" I asked offended like.
"You know what." She said raising an eyebrow a bit, before laughing. I grinned, kissing her lips.
"Mmmmm, that's what." I smirked. She grinned as well, laying her head on my shoulder.
The end credits began to play as I stretched, yawning. I looked down at Frisk, who was smiling at me. I smirked, my hunger for her growing.
I leaned back down, laying next to her. I turned on my side and turned to face her.
"So..." I said, leaning closer to her face.
"Did you like the movie?" I whispered, grinning. She blushed, smiling a bit. She nodded.
"You know what I like?" I asked softly. Her blush deepened.
"W-What?" She asked, stuttering a bit. I grinned putting my hand up to her cheek.
"You." I said breathing out hot air. She smiled, as I leaned in all the way kissing her. I licked her bottom lip, and she let me in right away. I pushed in hard with the kiss, my love for her indescribable.
I trailed my hand down her side, causing her to shiver a bit. She moaned the slightest bit, my need for her continuing to grow.
I slowly pulled my tongue out of her mouth, biting her lip. I moved down a bit, getting to her neck.
"Chara, what... what are y-" She was cut off by a moan from herself. I kissed her neck gently at first, then beginning to suck. I licked around, even biting a bit. Her skin was soft and good tasting. I felt my excitement and hunger growing.
She released small moans of pleasure, as I worked each spot to my very best. I trailed my tongue over, and began to suck at a new spot.
"Chara~" She moaned out loudly, grabbing my back gently. I grinned, I had found her sweet spot.
I brought my hand back up to her neck, biting and sucking at the spot. She began sweating and panting. I pulled away for a breath, then going back, kissing the spot softly.
I explored the rest of her neck, kissing harder in some places than others. I came back to her sweet spot, working it a little more.
"C-Chara..." She said through her moans. She was shaking, the pleasure enveloping her. I smiled, knowing she was enjoying herself.
I sucked one final time, licking the spot afterwards. I let go of her skin backing away a little. Her eyes were closed and she was blushing deeply. She slowly opened her eyes as I smiled at her. I went back to her neck, and kissed the spot very delicately, as a final touch.
"I love you." I whispered, resting my forehead aganist hers.
"I l-love you too." She said, still a little shaken from the pleasure.
"Was that okay?" I said. She smiled shyly, her blue eyes as bright and beautiful as always.
"Chara... It was amazing." She whispered. I smiled, wrapping the blanket around us. I pulled her into my embrace as she lay on my chest.
Frisk fell asleep quickly as I rubbed her arm gently. I smiled, happy to just be cuddling with her.
After a few minutes I checked my phone: 9:48
I sighed, knowing the others were going to be home soon. I shifted, starting to get up.
Frisk made a soft whimper noise, weakly trying to pull me back down. I smiled a little, seeing she wanted to keep cuddling.
"We can keep cuddling upstairs, okay?" I said softly. She groaned a little, but let go of my arm, pulling herself into a ball.
I put away our garbage and came back to Frisk who was sleeping.
I sighed happily, carrying her in her blanket upstairs.
I set her down gently on the bed, with the blanket around her. I checked the time: 10:05
I heard the door open downstairs and the footsteps of our whole family. I went down to greet them all. Sans avoided me however. We still hadn't spoke, although Frisk did give him quite the scolding. Which I found cute, her overprotectiveness.
Despite the early time everyone went to bed. I found Frisk upstairs on her bed sitting up.
"Hey, sorry did I wake you?" I asked. She shook her head.
"What's wrong then?" I said, a little worried.
"I woke up, and you weren't here, and I wanted to go to sleep with you." She said sleepily. My heart warmed a bit as I smiled.
"Aw, you're clingy." I teased. She made a pouty face as I walked over and sat next to her.
"But it's okay, I'm clingy too." I smiled. She kissed me on the cheek, as we laid down together.
"I love you, Frisk."
"I love you too, Chara" She whispered.
"You know. As much as I love your name, it's the most beautiful name I've ever heard." I said smiling at her.
"Would it bother you... if I... called you 'babe' or 'princess' sometimes?" I asked kind of shyly.
She giggled, looking at me.
"You can call me whatever you want to call me." She said.
"So, 'buttface' it is." I grinned.
"Chara!" She playfully yelled.
"I love you, my princess." I smiled. She blushed slightly and kissed my nose.
"And I love you, my prince." She giggled.
"Ohhh, I see how it is." I laughed.
- A Few Days Later -
I pulled down on Frisk's lip, slipping my tongue in. I held myself above her while we made out on her bed.
I hit her foot slightly, causing her to wince a bit away from the kiss. I looked up, my eyes widening.
"Shit! I'm sorry Frisk, is it okay, I'll ge-" I started quickly getting off her.
"Hang on Chara." She said, pulling my shirt back down towards her.
"My foot is kinda hurt..." She said, flirty like. I felt worried for a second before I realized what she was doing.
"But I think you know how to fix it." She smirked. I felt my face blush deeply.
I wrapped my leg over her, back on top completely.
"I think I know to." I grinned, kissing her. I slowly moved down to her neck, hitting her sweet spot.
Minutes passed and everything except Frisk and I disappeared. I melted into our session, not aware of the surroundings.
I sucked, causing her to moan softly, but it was mostly muffled.
"Children!!!!" We heard Toriel suddenly scream. My eyes shot open and I saw Frisk's face shocked as well. I got so flustered I jerked away from her too quickly, tumbling off the bed hitting the ground.
"Ow, shit." I whispered to myself.
"Chara! Are you okay?" Frisk asked worried, peering over the bed at me. I sighed, rubbing the back of my head which was pounding.
"Y-Yeah. I'm fine." I said, relaxing down on the ground.
"U-Uh, hi M-Mom!" Frisk said, her face dark red.
"You are h-home early." I said awkwardly.
"Why yes, but children!! Are you two romantically involved?" I felt my face blush hard, as all sorts of thoughts ran through my brain. She had seen us! Our MOM walked in on us MAKING OUT!
"M-Mom, we can explain, i-it's just..." Frisk started, avoiding eye contact. I finally managed to stand up, running my hands through my hair constantly. It was something I do when I get nervous.
"I, uh, we were just..." I walked closer to Frisk.
"Children." Toriel said firmly. We both looked down, overheated with embarrassment.
"It's clear you both have developed feelings for one another." She began. Oh fuck. My hands began getting clammy as I bit down on my bottom lip, beginning to sweat.
"While I do view both of you as my children, you are, I suppose. Not technically siblings. You never even lived together before now." She said. Although still completely flustered, I looked up a bit. Was she... okay with us?
"So. I do not mind you two are romantically involved." She finally stated. I sighed in relief, I saw Frisk did too. I sat down on the edge of her bed, still running my hand through my hair, but not as wildly.
"It is actually kind of sweet." She smiled at us.
"Oh, thank you so much Mom. We were so worried." Frisk said, taking my hand. I looked down at our hands and smiled, looking back towards Mom. So much joy flood me. Thank god she approved of us.
"You should tell the others about this, however." She said. We sighed nodding. She was right, it's been too long without them knowing.
"Thanks, Mom." I said. She smiled at us, about to leave. Before she left however she turned back around to look at us.
"Also, Chara and Frisk. Please remember to lock your door, even whilst no one else is home." She said, giggling a little. I felt my blush deepen once again as she locked the door behind her and left.
Frisk looked up at me and laughed a little seeing my expression. I leaned into her shoulder, so my screaming became muffled.
She laughed harder.
"That was so embarrassing." I confessed pulling away from her.
"It was terrifying." She agreed. She tilted her head at me.
"Is your head okay, baby?" She asked rubbing the back of my head soothingly.
I smiled at her, nodding slightly. I giggled a little as well, as her affection was adorable.
"Thank you, though." I smiled, leaning in and giving her a kiss.
"I love you." She whispered.
"I love you, too." I whispered back.
"Okay everyone. Chara and I have something to tell you..."
Author's Note: Cliff hanger, dun dun dunnnn. Well kinda I guess xDD But I hope you guys like this chapter! A little bitz of lemon xD If I ever go any farther there will be warnings but eh, lemme know if you want a warning for stuff like this. But thank you again so much for reading!! Leave below any comments about anything you wanna say, and have an awesome day/night! Ily guys, thank you for all the support. Stay Determined <3
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