Chapter 1
I slowly pulled away looking down at her. The bed dipped where my hands were placed, as I kept myself on top of Frisk.
"Heh..." I smiled. Her blue eyes were sharp and bright in contrast of the dim room. Her smile brough a genuine smile to my face. The smile only she could cause.
"You're a good kisser." She said, wrapping her hands around my neck. Her touch sent goosebumps down my spine. I dipped my head back down to connect with her lips once again.
Their warm, soft embrace filled me with butterflies. Her hair brushed up against my cheek as I felt my face blush.
"Chara..." She said, pushing me back a little. Her face turned serious.
"W-What's wrong, Frisk?" I asked, worry filling me.
"I just wanted to tell you." My heart pounded in my chest, our faces only a few inches away. Her warm breath tickling my cheeks.
A small smile formed on her face.
"I really love you." She blushed, giggling.
My heart warmed, my smile growing a little warmer with it. I felt my face blush and time seemed to freeze.
I was going to reply, but instead I cupped a hand around her cheek, and gave her the most passionate kiss I could. She returned with the same. I bit her lip, and very slowly, teasingly, pulled away.
"I love you too." I whispered.
One year earlier....
"Frisk. I heard the Barrier break, why don't you and your other friends go skip along singing dandy doo songs on the surface." I hissed as I saw her walk towards me. She smiled, ignoring my remark.
"Chara." She said softly, taking another step towards me.
"Oh I see. You're looking for a fight." I grinned, swiftly pulling out my knife from behind me.
A sudden look of panic crossed her face, but she quickly returned to her calm, hopeful state.
"No, I want to save you." She smiled, taking a few more steps forward.
"What? Save me? Yeah, right. You're lying." I growled. First thing I learned, never trust anyone. Especially not someone who wouldn't help me earlier.
"Chara." Her voice was higher than mine, and softer. Yet not one single ounce of her voice was filled with doubt or fear.
She took one more step forward, now within arms reach.
"You're good. I can feel it. I don't know your motives, or much about your past before the Underground, but I do know anyone can be a good person if they just try." She reached out and grabbed my hand, smiling warmly.
"W-What? What if I don't want to try to be a good person, Frisk?" I spat, my voice starting to waver. Feelings began erupting in my head. Who does she think she is? But, at the same time, this could be freedom. Wait no, no! Why should humanity continue in their disgusting ways. But then again, the monsters shouldn't be harmed as casualties like... like him.
Her smile didn't fade, it just grew stronger. Her blue eyes were sharp and seemed to be glowing among the catacombs.
"Chara. I know that's not true. You can change, for the better. I believe in you." Her hand was soft and warm, comforting. I felt... Strange. I felt something start to overcome me. Something I hadn't felt in a very long time.
I smiled the slightest bit, and her eyes seemed to brighten up even more, though I didn't know that was possible. Red leaves blew around us, some catching on my legs.
"Chara. Please come to the surface." She said quieter, a small wisp of plead in her voice.
How could I face those monsters again? After everything I did? And Toriel... How could I just stop my urge to kill. Humanity, could I stand to be around humans again?
"Humanity isn't all that bad." She said, as if reading my mind. I looked down, my knife gently swaying at my side, my other hand taken in Frisk's.
"Frisk. Don't you know, humans are the true monsters." I whispered, my eyes growing teary.
"If all humans are bad... Why would I be trying to save you? I want to show you not all humans are bad. Don't think I am dragging you back up to some kind of hell. I just don't want you to be lonely." Her words stabbed me harder than any fight could. Pain hit my heart as I thought of how I ruined his life. He didn't deserve to die... If I kept on like this... My conflicted thoughts brewed in my head.
I looked back up to Frisk.
"Chara, don't cry." She said pulling me into her embrace. She stood with her arms wrapped around me, hugging me like a long time friend.
I stood there, my arms swinging at my sides. She was actually trying to... help me? Tears began to escape my eyes. Maybe she is right... if more humans are like her, it won't be that bad...
"You don't have to be alone anymore Chara. Loneliness is the most powerful and devastating force. You don't deserve to go through that." She said, slowly stepping out of the hug.
I began crying even more, dropping my knife.
"But I do Frisk! He is dead, his soul is gone... because... because of me!" I shouted.
"No, no, no, no Chara! No one deserves it! It wasn't your fault! Things happen sometimes, you can't blame yourself for everything." She exclaimed grabbing my shoulders and facing me towards her. I looked up at her, and saw my red eyes glowing onto her face. I sniffed, quickly trying to recover from my breakdown. My heart ached, and my emotions were in overdrive.
A rainbow button appeared in front of Frisk. I took a few steps back.
Frisk smiled at me, her eyes tearing a little as well. I felt my stomach drop as she gently reached up and pressed down on the button.
I collapsed to my knees, overwhelmed. She saved me? How? Why? I don't deserve to be saved...
The leaves crinkled as she bent down to face me.
"Come on." She said tenderly, taking my hand. She stood up and I followed her lead.
"It's okay." She whispered before turning around. She gently led me out of the catacombs and to the Barrier.
"Are you ready? They are in the next room waiting for us." Frisk asked, her voice sincere.
I shook my head, wiping away the last of my tears. I had to stay strong, I had to be. I couldn't hurt anymore people for my own selfish wants.
"It's okay, I promise." She added, gently squeezing my hand.
I took a deep breath, calming myself, and nodded.
"Okay." She smiled, leading me into the room.
I walked in, my eyes squeezed tightly shut, still afraid of their reactions. What if they hated me? And could I blame them?
Frisk stopped, and there was a long pause.
"Oh, Chara! Open your eyes!" Frisk giggled a little.
"Oh, Chara! Open your eyes!" Asriel giggled.
I slowly opened my eyes, seeing Mom, Dad, and Asriel all standing in front of me holding out gifts.
"Surprise!!" They yelled. A giant green banner hung from wall to wall: Happy 16th Birthday, Chara!
My eyes swelled with tears, as I smiled greatly.
"Haha, thanks guys."
"You like it, my child? The green was Asriel's decision."
"Yeah, good choice, Azzy." I smiled.
I suddenly felt tears well in my eyes again, but shook it off.
I took another deep breath. I reluctantly opened my eyes. I was surrounded by everyone I had been with in another time. Everyone I had tried to kill. Everyone who had loved me.
"My child!" Toriel cried out running towards me. She wrapped her soft arms around me, crying softly into my shoulder.
"I thought I would never see you again, my child." She sobbed, gently pulling back to look at me. I gulped, trying to not think about the memories. I only smiled a little, and nodded.
"Young one, my heart is filled with joy, seeing you back with your family." Asgore smiled at me, a few tears forming in his eyes as well.
Everyone else circled around me, hugging, crying, smiling, laughing. I stood stunned. The world seemed to continue on around me, but I was stuck frozen, unable to move.
I just smiled, holding in tears of frustration, sadness, and hundreds of other emotions trapped within me.
"Haha, hey punk. Nice to see you showed up."
"I-I got some new anime, y-you could watch! You have a-a lot to catch up on!"
"Hello, darling. Nice to re-meet you." A tall female looking robot said. Who is she, or he? I don't recall them.
"Oh yeah, t-that's Mettaton!" Alphys said. Oh! He used to be a ghost...
Frisk stepped back, watching and smiling. Everyone was saying things all at once.
Everyone... except Sans. I looked up at Sans and his left eye was glowing a fiery blue. I felt my heart pound faster. He knows. He knows what I've done. He knows everything. I don't think he has forgiven me. But why should he? I'm worthless...
"S-Sans!" Frisk whisperly shouted running over to him and hitting him on the shoulder.
"Stop it!"
"Heh..." His blue flame left, but the pupils were still missing from his eyes. He starred at me as he talked, and my pulse beated faster.
"Sorry guess I got a little heated." He smirked, his pupils returning as he looked towards Frisk.
"Sans...." Frisk scolded.
"Okay, okay, everyone. I think it is time we return to our rightful place, on the surface." Asgore stated, silencing everyone. Everyone smiled and cheered, and followed him out and through the Barrier.
I stood standing, watching everyone go in front and walk to freedom. I was still frozen. What just happened... how could that have happened?
Everyone got ahead, and Frisk started to follow behind. She stopped, and turned to look at me.
"Chara... are you okay?" She asked walking back toward me.
I felt my eyes sting and burn. I took a deep breath and nodded. A lie.
Frisk stood there for a moment watching me, as if she was suspicious of something. I started sweating, but she softened up again, taking my hand in hers.
"Let's go." She said softly, leading me out to the Barrier.
"I want to stay with you!" Frisk said, hugging Toriel.
"What? Frisk... You really are a funny child. If you had said that earlier, none of this would have happened. It is a good thing you took so long to change your mind."
"Chara, my child? Are you willing to stay as well?" Toriel asked looking towards me. What do I say? This is a whole new experience, this all was happening way too fast.
"She'll stay with us." Frisk interjected. I nodded along, trying to seem more enthusiastic than I felt. Toriel's smile brightened.
"Today is truly an amazing day, my children. Come, we should meet the others."
I was still kind of on edge, and Frisk must've noticed because she said,
"Actually, we will catch up with you in a few minutes."
"Okay, my children." Toriel said warmly, before walking away to join the others.
I stared at the sunset. It really was beautiful. It's been a long time since I've seen it.
"Pretty, huh?" Frisk asked, standing next to me staring at the beautiful sunset as well.
"Chara, I know it's gonna be hard for you to readjust to normal life, and get used to everything. Just know that there a bunch of people who really care for you." She turned to me.
"I don't know... but... t-thanks..."
"Don't worry about it Chara, everyone deserves a second chance." My tears which had evaporated were beginning to form again. I wiped my eyes, turning away from Frisk as I did so.
"Things will get better, Chara. I promise."
I smiled at her. Her voice seemed so convincing and comforting.
"We can even be best friends!" Frisk exclaimed. I grinned.
"In what world are you thinking of?" I teased.
"Chara!" She laughed while hitting my arm. I laughed a little, something I hadn't done in awhile.
"Well, we should catch up to the others. Come on." She grabbed my hand, and yet again led me to the others.
Authors Note:
Heyyy guyssss! Okay, so for those of you reading my Alphyne fanfiction. I am not, by any means, dropping that story! I just recently discovered how much I love this ship and couldn't help myself xD For those of you who do not like Charisk welp... yeah idk xD. Those of you who do like it, we shall sin together xD. (ALSO I AM SO SORRY FOR SANS' TERRIBLE PUN I CAN NOT PUN FOR THE LIFE OF ME PLEASE DON'T JUDGE TO HARSHLY XD)
Have an awesome day and/or night everyone! :D
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