Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Rebecca didn’t know how long she had been inside that dark room; it seemed like eternity. There was only a thin crack of light from underneath the door, but even when she lay down on the floor to try and look out under it, she couldn’t see anything. She had been kicking and screaming at the door for ages but still it wouldn’t budge. No body came, no matter how loudly she cried for help. She tried to get her hands free in the hope they would help her escape, but the thin wire holding them tied behind her dug into her wrists and hurt her, drawing blood, so she stopped struggling. Exhausted, she slumped down against the wall. Trapped in the room, her mind thought about her parents back home, and whether they would be worried about her, or even notice she had gone. She felt sorry for her poor uncle, as he was the last person to see her alive. She tried fighting back her emotions, realising she hadn’t even said goodbye to them, or told them how much she loved them.
She tried to think back to how she ended up here in the first place, hoping it might give her an answer, but still it hurt her head to think about it, so she stopped. Sighing, she thought back to what Loki had said when he brought her here, and what he’d said when she asked him to set her free. He’d said “Not yet”. She frowned, thinking. What did he mean by that? Was it because she had not given him an answer, or was there something else going on. There must be, she thought, otherwise it wouldn’t explain how upset and in pain he was before when she saw him, saying that he couldn’t afford to fail at his job. Was he a prisoner, just like her, she thought. Her mind raced; she thought that it might be Barton who was controlling him, but thinking back on it, he did follow Loki’s orders, just like everyone else with the blue eyes. Loki was different to them, as his eyes changed. Perhaps he was trying to fight whatever this blue thing was, possibly being controlled by this other person who he was so scared of?
Rebecca was snapped out of her thoughts by the loud clanking and unbolting of the door. Scared it was Barton returning; she pressed herself up against the wall where she sat, holding her breath. The door swung open, and she was temporarily blinded as a figure walked in and stood in front of her. Quickly her eyes adjusted to the light, and she looked up, straight into the green eyes of Loki, letting out a huge sigh of relief. “Why did you run?”, he asked seriously, a look of disappointment on his face. “I’m sorry”, she replied weakly, looking down at the floor. “I don’t want to stay here any longer. Please, let me go. I want to go back home”. A small tear trickled down her cold cheek. He kneeled down beside her, reached out his hand, and gently lifted up her chin, wiping away the tear. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, but I can’t”, he said sadly, looking into her eyes, feeling her pain. Looking down at her, he could see her face a mixture of sweat, tears and blood, her brown hair messed up and loose at her shoulders. Her once lovely green dress was dirty, torn, and speckled in her blood, with her legs grazed and bruised; her trainers where also dirty and speckled in blood.
“Your hands”, he said shocked, seeing how tightly the wire had cut her in her struggling. Loki immediately pulled out his dagger and cut them free; Rebecca cried out in pain on there release. “Why did you struggle?”, he asked sternly. “You could have seriously injured yourself further”. Massaging her bloody wrists, she looked at him, unsure how to reply. “If quick, I survive. If not quick, I am lost. This is death”. She paused before continuing. “It’s a quote I learned at collage. I didn’t understand it at the time, but now I do”. Loki never took his eyes off her wrists the whole time she was speaking. She turned away, her eyes filling with tears again. “Your going to kill me, aren’t you?”, she spluttered. “No, not at all”, he said reassuringly, putting his dagger away and resting his hand gently on her shoulder. She flinched slightly under his touch, and tried to keep her emotions under control. “Your body, it’s so cold”, she said, looking back at him. “I’m sorry”, he said apologetically, removing his hand.
Hearing footsteps approaching up the corridor, Loki looked at Rebecca seriously and said, “I’m sorry about what is going to happen, but I need you to do exactly as I say. I don’t want you to get hurt again”. Rebecca, suddenly very alarmed, nodded quickly, not wanting to endure any more pain. Reaching inside his pocket, he pulled out a thin piece of golden material. “Don’t worry”, he said soothingly, “This one won’t hurt you should you struggle”. He stood up, towering over her, his green eyes fixed on her. Rebecca cautiously got up onto her feet, and hesitantly offered her wrists out to him in front of her. “No, sorry. Behind you please”, he said apologetically, but firmly, his eyes still fixed on her. Slowly she turned around, reluctantly placing her hands together behind her back. She flinched as his cold hands touched hers, as he gently wound the material around her hands, being careful not to hurt her. He finished and put his arms on her shoulders, turning her back around. Spinning around, she looked up to meet his eyes. “Now, do as I say and you will be ok”, he said sternly, but reassuringly to her, his pale face serious. She nodded. Seeming satisfied, he turned around and stood in the doorway looking out down the corridor, blocking the exit. Rebecca tested her bonds. They held her wrists together firm, but didn’t hurt her when she struggled.
Hawkeye emerged from around the corner and stopped in front of Loki, looking in through the open doorway down at Rebecca with his piercing blue eyes. “Sir, time to go. Everything’s ready”. “Good, then lets go”, Loki said, turning back to look at Rebecca, his green eyes tinted blue. Reluctantly, she shuffled forwards towards Loki, her eyes flicking between him and Barton. “Bring her with us”, he ordered at Barton, closing the door behind her before walking off up the corridor. She glanced at Barton, and tried to back up against the door away from him. He grabbed her arm and pulled her closer, “Sorry miss, just following orders”. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a dark hood. Before she even had time to react, the hood had been pulled over her head, rendering her blind.
She couldn’t see anything; she could only stumble in the direction Barton dragged her, daring not to speak. Rebecca tried to stop at one point, but he grabbed her arm tighter and whispered into her ear which startled her at his closeness to her. “You don’t want me to carry you again, do you?”. Shaking her head, she continued to be dragged along by him. They turned corner after corner after corner; Rebecca tried to keep track but soon lost count. She could hear the footsteps of others walking around her. She knew these were the scientists and the agents, as they were all walking in rhythm together, like an army. She heard the sound of a large door being unbolted ahead of her, and soon felt a cold icy wind blowing against her, feeling gravel underfoot as she walked. They were outside, but she had no idea if it was night or day as she couldn’t see anything from out of the hood. She could hear the sound of a vehicle ahead of them being started, and its doors being slid open. She panicked as another pair of hands grabbed her from the other side, and together both Barton and the other person lifted her up inside the vehicle. Once inside, a familiar hand rested itself on her arm, and gently eased her down to sitting in a corner. “Loki?”, she asked quietly. They didn’t reply back, but instead put their hands onto her shoulders lightly, calming her. “Sleep”, a soothing voice whispered into her ear, comforting her. Hearing the vehicles engine roar and the door slid shut, she did just that, letting the voice drift her away.
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