Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Rebecca knew she was still in the alleyway. She could smell it, and feel the harsh, dirty ground pressed against her cheek. Groaning, she opened her eyes weakly, trying to see through the blurriness. Disorientated, she tried to stand up, but immediately felt her legs give way underneath her. A pair of strong arms reached out and grabbed her, lifting her back up before pushing her against the wall behind her. Pinned by her shoulders, catching her breath, her vision gradually cleared. She found herself looking face to face with a young man, with deep, unsettling blue eyes. He stared at her blankly, holding her firm, his nose centimetres from hers. Confused, she looked around, and noticed another figure standing further off in the shadows, his back turned to them. They seemed familiar, but she couldn’t place it. Puzzled, she took an intake of breath, preparing to ask them what was going on; but her eye line dropped, right down onto a body. Her mind cleared; everything came flooding back. The people that followed her, the man that saved her …
Fear overwhelmed her, and she tried to scream. The person holding her must have sensed this, as they quickly adjusted their hold, one arm pinned against her chest, the other snapping over her mouth, muffling her panicked cries. “Shut your screaming. No one is coming”, he said to her, gripping her mouth tighter. “Now, if you stop screaming, I’ll take my hand away to allow you to speak. If you scream out again however, I will silence you for good. Understand?”. Rebecca nodded, and immediately rendered herself mute, fearing for her life. Seeming satisfied, he pulled his hand away, but kept his arm on her, keeping her restrained against the wall.
“You have taken something, child. What have you done with it?”, a harsh, cold voice asked from the shadows. Rebecca nearly screamed out again in shock. She’d forgotten the other figure was standing there. “What? I don’t understand, who are you?”, she asked them, glancing from one figure to another. “I’m Clint Barton, I work for SHIELD as one of their agents. We followed you …”. “Enough”, the other voice commanded, “Pathetic mortals. I have to do everything myself”. He stepped out from the shadows, his green eyes fixated upon Rebecca, filled with annoyance. She noticed his attire was different to Barton’s, covered in black and green material with glints of gold. He stepped up closer to her, bringing his ghostly pale face next to hers, and whispered into her ear, “You will do as you are told, child. Otherwise you will find yourself in the same state as the other SHIELD agents that followed you down here in the first place”.
A tear rolled down her cheek, and she nodded, agreeing to do whatever he asked. He pulled away, and turned as if he was ready to leave. Suddenly he span round, bringing his hand across her face with such force, her head smashed sideways into the wall. Off balanced and startled, she cried out in surprise and pain, her eyes welling up in tears, as Barton’s grip held her firm. The other mans hand was then against her throat, his dagger held against it. She could feel its cold, sharp edge, digging into her flesh, drawing blood. Bringing his pale face close to her again, he sneered into her ear “I am Loki of Asgard, and I will have what is mine. You have one last chance. Where is my ring?”. Rebecca’s mind, filled with confusion and disorientation, refused to think. She couldn’t remember. Chocked up, she weakly replied, “I … I don’t know. I can’t remember”, breaking down in tears, fearing her life was over. “Well then, we will have to do something about that”, Loki said slyly, pulling the dagger away from her, fixing her with his wicked stare; a devious grin crept across his lips.
He snapped around, walking off as a black van pulled up at the top of the alleyway. “Bring her with us”, he ordered over his shoulder, pocketing his dagger. Rebecca then felt herself being grabbed and thrown over Hawkeye’s shoulder, as he carried her off. She screamed and thrashed around, hitting him hard on his back to be put down. They reached the top of the alley, and the van door slid open. Loki climbed inside, and turned around and grabbed hold of Rebecca as she continued to thrash around in a blind panic. She felt his large, cold hands close around her neck, choking her as they pulled her inside. She tried to grab hold of him to loosen his grip but he held firm as she sank to the floor. As Hawkeye jumped into the back of the van and closed the door shut, she felt herself slipping into darkness. Loki leaned down and quietly whispered in her ear, “Let it take you. Just let go”. Loosing sense of all conscience of her surroundings, she let go and slipped into unconsciousness.
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