Chapter 9
*Sonic's POV *
I wanted to kiss him. And I could tell he wanted to as well but no matter what, I could not bring myself to do it. I was too shy to do it. All I was able to do was wrap my arms around his arm and walk beside him.
"Maybe we should separate." I said, I knew Shadow would worry but it's the only thing I could think off to get Metal to come to me.
"I dont-" I cut him off as I let go of him.
"Or at least hide. Metal won't come out if you're with me. He needs to see me alone. You know that." I said, I knew Metal was watching from somewhere, I just didn't know where.
He was hesitant but slowly nodded. As he was about to turn away, I suddenly got the courage and grabbed his hand then tugged him down.
Our lips crashed together and I could feel his whole body tense up, he wasn't expecting that. Heat rushed up to my face as I could not believe what I was doing. I was kissing Shadow, Shadow the Hedgehog. He was now my boyfriend, Shadow the Hedgehog is my boyfriend and I'm kissing him.
He tried to move his hand but he was hesitant. He didn't know what to do. I don't think Shadow has ever been in a relationship or been this close to anyone. I helped him out a bit and moved his arms around ny waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He was kissing me back but he was still tense.
I slowly pulled away after a bit, his face was a bright shade of red as was mine.
"I-Im sorry... I..." I muttered but he moved his hand behind my neck and pulled me closer for another kiss. It wasn't long, but it felt amazing. Butterflies were in my stomach, giving me chills travel all over my arms and my back.
When he pulled away, he rested his forehead on mine and locked eyes with me. "I... wanted to do that for so long..." He admitted, I could tell he was having a hard time being open with me but he did it anyways. Shadow was getting out of his comfort zone for me. He was really trying.
This made me give him a big smile in return, I didn't expect Shadow to do any of this. I knew it would take time since Shadow was never someone who allowed people near him but with me, now... He liked it. He liked it enough to even hug me. He's never even hugged Rouge before. He always pushes her away or pinches her wing so she falls backwards and let's go of him.
"M-Me too..." I admitted back to him. The feeling that I was being watched came back making me snap out of it and slowly pull away from Shadow. "Go Shad, I'll be fine. I promise." I gave him a quick peck on the lips and then started walking away, making sure he wouldn't follow me.
Around 40 minutes have passed, and there was still no sign of Metal. I was going to give up and try to find Shadow again but then I heard it. With each step, there was a crack of dried twigs and leaves under his metal feet, accompanied by a faint grinding of gears that once moved smoothly. Occasionally, a soft metallic clink resonates as loose bolts and fragments of his outer casing brush against each other.
Metal was here.
I could now see him, standing just a few feet away from me. As I got ready to fight, I realized he was holding the last chaos emerald but he didn't look like he wanted to fight. He looked... unsure of its own purpose. He was looking straight at me yet I knew he wasnt looking at me. As if his sensors, once sharp a d perceptive, were now flickering. He took more steps closer to me.
"Were you looking for me?" I asked, hesitant but I also got closer. "I can take you to Tails. He will fix you up." I tried to stay calm. Did he not want to hurt me this time?
Metal kept looking at me, he was trying to focus his attention to me but he kept glitching. He won't hurt me. He can barely even stay up. He knew to wait until I was alone because Shadow would had immediately attacked him but knew I wouldn't.
His arm started to move and his steps started to drag. He was about to shut down. He managed to extend his arm to me and show me the emerald. He was giving it to me. Then I watched as he collapsed in front of me.
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