Chapter Zero: Pilot
Magnolia. A busy town filled with shops and vendors alike. A river went through the east side of the town that ran off into the ocean.
There was a guild at the edge of town, a guild filled with mages alike, all with different backgrounds, each with lost or terrors.
There, a team went to a job board to pick out a request that payed a decent amount of money so that everyone could pay rent, the S-Class mage of the group bringing the aforementioned rank request.
It was a search and capture/destroy mission. The time frame was meant to last a few weeks due to the location from the maker.
"Old man, my team is taking this one." The S-Class Mage handed the request to the master of the guild, a short but powerful elderly man. His name was Makarov Dreyar. His magic was that of Titan magic, where he can grow either parts of or his entire body itself to that of a giant. He is also the Sixth Wizard Saint out of the Ten Pillars Of Fiore. The mate that handed him the request was a tall brown male. His hair was short and messy, the color white with blue streaks that came naturally. The eyes were the color of a unnatural blue, so bright that they would show up through a dust storm if magically enhanced. He had three tattoos, all that were visible to the human eye. The first one was a dragon that ran up his entire left arm. The second was on his right forearm, the words 'Familia est sempiternum' were inked in bold black. And finally, his third one was his Fairy Tail guild mark, the color being azure blue. It resides on his right bicep and fit well with his character.
The old man's choice of clothing looked to be a mix of a jester's clothing and a party suit; all being yellow. The mage's clothing was that of a tan sleeveless gi that held a black belt around the waist, signaling his rank in martial arts. His bottoms were black combat pants and covering his feet were black military boots. Overall, he looked as if he was in his combat fatigues from the Fioran Marine Corps.
"You sure about this? Something about it seems awfully suspicious." "I'm sure. The pay is good and it looks like it needs to be done right away otherwise more innocent people are going to get hurt, or worse, killed."
Makarov looked at his member and back at the request. While he had faith in his abilities, it was his teammates that made the old man worry. He was afraid that they may not be ready to handle a mission like this and could lead to disaster.
"Very well. But Chaos, you are going to have to take Mirajane with you. If you or one of your members gets severely wounded or incapacitated, you're going to need more than just a cat with wings for a quick way to retreat them to safety. You are in charge of this entire operation since you have the most experience in taking out high level monsters. This is my only request."
The now-named Chaos pondered on this for the moment. While the old man was correct, there was the fact that now his group had to split the money with another member, one that did anything to stir up some commotion.
"Very well, Sky, Esmeralda, Miranda, Mirajane and I will head out shortly. Please contact the requester and notify them that we will be there within a timely manner." And with that, he walked away from the bar, the request in hand as the master already made a copy of the paper and began to make the phone call.
"Alright, so what'd you get us Chaos! I hope it's something exciting!!" A woman with short Emerald Green hair exclaimed. This was Esmeralda. Her magic is Dragon Slaying magic with the element of emeralds. Her wardrobe consisted of a grey shirt with a green leather jacket wrapped around for extra padding, brown capri pants, and a pair of tennis shoes. The guild mark rests on her neck in a green color. Her partner was a little black cat named Miranda. The cat wore a tan little gown with a bag on her back. The mark of the guild is on her back but in purple.
"Yeah, hopefully it's worthwhile!" Said the other female of his group. This was Sky Flora. She was a mage that was found by Chaos a few months prior to the present day. Her last name was also made up by him, and she respects him for that. Hair color was just like his but a long solid platinum blonde all the way through. Her wardrobe was a opened dark brown vest that had a black shirt underneath. The pants were a pair of black leggings that gave her more movement, but weren't too revealing. The girl finished up the look with a pair of white converse shoes that were made for running and fighting. This one's guild mark had been tattooed onto her left bicep in a dark blue. The magic the young woman had obtained is Fairy Magic.
"It is. But we're taking Mirajane with us. With how high the casualties has been, it'll definitely be helpful if we had more than just Miranda- who can only carry one person at a time- to help with evacuation." Questions may arise like, how did one guy get stuck into a team of all girls? He didn't necessarily have a say-so in the matter. He found one of the team members after returning home from an old mission he took. The other just joined along because she wanted to.
The eldest of the Strauss siblings heard her name and walked on over to the group. Mirajane Strauss: the Demon Of Fairy Tail. Known for her magic type and exactly how it is.
Takeover Magic has many branches of beings. There's Beast Soul, which is in possession of her younger brother Elfman Strauss, Animal Soul, which is wielded by her younger sister Lisanna Strauss, and many more. But Mira has seem to harness the power over one of the more stronger Takeover types. Satan Soul is the name of Mira's magic. Her name was also well known as the magazine company, Sorcerer's Weekly, had accepted her for a model for the guild.
She often had her siblings join on some occasions, few where she forcefully dragged Chaos to them, and the rest she did solo. The latest issue was "What is Fairy Tail Cooking up for their swimwear?" The two members took part as Mira wore two pieces while Chaos took on the trunks, tourist, lifeguard, and surfing attire. He did not enjoy it though.
"Yo. You said I was needed?" She wore pulled her long silver locks back into a ponytail with a few strands dangling in front of her face. Her big baby blue eyes held excitement for adventure as she looked upon the group that she hasn't travelled with in a few months. Her outfit was a black spaghetti-strap tank-top that showed her midriff, black tights with short shorts that hugged her rear. Black boots covered her feet.
"Yeah. Emergency op just about 45 miles from Woodston. Supposedly three creatures are causing terror and destruction, and every Mage that has been sent thus far either failed or never came back. Pack your bags. We leave in two hours." He walked out of the building and back to his apartment to pack a large backpack filled with clothes, survival and first aid kits, a flashlight, and a combat knife that he had forged to suit his specialty.
He walked back into town and made his way to the train station, knowing it will be a nightly travel since they grabbed a request so late in the day. Four tickets were purchased, one for him, Sky, Esmeralda, and Mira. Miranda could fit into a small pocket in Esmeralda's bag, saving a small bit of money for traveling.
The next hour passed by quickly, and he was just fixing to doze off before he felt a tap on his right shoulder. Lifting his head up, he saw the eyes of Mirajane as she smiled at him.
"Have room for one more?"
He scooted over, allowing his fellow white haired friend/sister to sit. Her eyes scanned over him as he only leaned his head back and let it hang off the bench. She knew that something was bothering him as his eyes were still open and they had a look of worry.
"Alright, spill it out. What's troubling the big bad lone wolf of Fairy Tail?"
Nothing was said in reply, only that he got up and rubbed his head and eyes.
"Something just doesn't feel right about this mission. I don't know what though."
Before she could ask why he felt that, the rest of the team showed up at the last minute as the train just arrived. She didn't miss the chance to look him in the eyes and now only see the determination whisk away the worry.
The train ride for the first time was almost silent in its own right. The only noise really being Esmeralda being queasy and leaning her head out of the window. Her fellow Dragon Slayer was just simply standing and looking out towards where the mission is taking place.
"Now, how is it that you don't get sick on transport, Chaos? I mean, you are a Dragon Slayer as well but I don't see you getting all green in the face." Sky looked at him in curiosity.
"My father knew that in the future that we would have to part ways. So the old fool didn't want me getting sick every time I got onto a vehicle or something I don't trust moving around too much with me on it. So he cleared off a boat that was a month away from shore and dropped me off there, telling me that I won't be returning unless I steer the ship home. Of course, he had to choose the worst day possible, too. Dropped me off in the middle of a storm and left me. I only had whatever was in the water to eat, so yeah. I had to overcome it throughout the most hellish experience a Slayer can get."
Esmeralda just gave him a deadpan stare, not really sure if that's the actual reason for why he's not so bad. She couldn't hold it for long, though, as her face turned green again and threw her head out of the window.
He wrote in a note pad and showed it to the other three passengers saying, "I also don't eat as much as they do. That's the trick, but I won't tell them that." The girls giggled and he threw the paper out the window. Gone to never be seen again.
The rest of the trip consisted of them just talking about whatever, conversing over their week apart, what hobbies they've taken up, and strategized a plan for what's to come.
But no matter how much they prepared, they could not have been ready for the destruction that awaited them.
A town fifteen miles away from the request site is where our group was dropped off at. In the distance, smoke fills the air as our heroes know they don't have much time to dawdle and immediately set foot for Woodsworth. Since they wanted to use as minimal magic on the way over to the town, Chaos carried Esmeralda in a fireman's carry, explaining they had no time to just sit around and wait for the poor girl to regain her senses. Good thing she did about three quarters of the way there, though;
Because as soon as our heroes arrived, the scene was utter destruction. The citizens had the females and children evacuate. Then, any male who had a serious medical condition, were the last line of carrying on the family line and name, or just were unfit to defend, followed after. The rest of the military tried to take down the attackers, but it was almost complete genocide.
The front group was the first to fall, the unknown enemy before them using non magic weapons to shoot from afar had taken down most of the tanks and some of the energetic "Kyle's" of the town without fail. The rest were caught in the crossfire as they had no clear way to avoid the oncoming onslaught their foes unleashed onto them.
Chaos and Esmeralda were the first to charge in, the two dodging bullets, lasers, and projectiles with perfect timing and precision. But when they got up close, Esmeralda was swatted away by the larger of the three opponents.
The beings were similar to robots, acting on a whim. One of them had a half domed-shaped head with a red light signifying it's eye of sort. A small frame, but tall as well, easily standing a foot over Chaos and his teammates. In the middle of the robot, a white radiolarian substance was protected by glass.
The second one had a more slimmer frame, it's head shaped more like a Star with spikes coming out of it. Same as its comrade, one red light in the middle of its head and a white substance in the frame.
The third one stood almost three feet taller than the group. A bulky-built structure signifying that the robot was the tank of them. A small head with a red light, and a white substance were also equipped.
Not having time to aid his compadre, Chaos leaped into battle, attacking the tank of the group while ordering Mira and Sky to attack the slimmer one with ranged attacks, while Esmeralda focused on the mid-ranged opponent, much to her dismay; after all, she wanted payback on the taller one that had effortlessly threw her away.
He unleashed his basic attacks first, wanting to test the dexterity of its structure. But he was unable to land his signature combo as his opponent had teleported behind him and slammed its weapon into his side.
The damage was imminent, breaking a few ribs and making him cough up blood.
Quickly shaking out of it, he spun around and used all of his force into his fist, slamming it into the head of the enemy.
Its head popped off and had sparks electrifying from the separated wires. Thinking it was over with, he smirked, waiting for the damned thing to fall; but he was once again slammed away, his foe still standing with the attacks becoming more wild and unpredictable.
"Shit! They can still operate headless!"
Having been put on the ropes, he avoided the blind fire coming from the creature. But it continued to advance towards him. He charged up a Roar, and unleashed the flames of the Azure Dragon onto the body, hearing screeching as its center was taking damage due to its shield now being taken down.
'These things. They're organic almost!' "Aim for the center! That their weak point!!" But to no avail, his comrades were taking more damage than he had and were unable to heed his words.
Esmeralda took out the arm that wielded the gun, but it only attacked more harshly, her elemental magic not doing damage to it. She was overrun and was forced to retreat before she faced the golden gates above. She was soon unable to stand and was brought to her knees.
Mira and Sky managed to do some damage, but it only seemed useless as it would put up a shield that absorbed the damage and returned it back tenfold, as well as healing the wounds. Sky was knocked unconscious but Mira still was able to barely hold onto her takeover form, doing everything in her power to protect her squadmate.
"Miranda! Mirajane! Take the others and get them to safety! I'll have to go all out and they will only get in the way!"
The two understood perfectly, grabbing the two and going back to the medical tent set up in town.
Scales overtook Dranigon, as his power skyrocketed and he sped to the smallest one. He slammed his fist through the eye and his other through the center, killing it but immediately removing his hand as the white substance began to burn his arm.
'How is this damaging me? I should be immune to all sorts of heat! Unless, of course. It's not just a simple heated liquid, it's like acid!' Moving quickly, he charged to the mid ranged fighter, taking it out with a flame covered arm of his previous victim, the creature screeching as it felt its core being destroyed before it powered down.
The larger one studied the calculations and relayed it somewhere. Chaos knew he didn't have much time left, his form not meant to be held this long with this much power being poured out. He went to finish the beast off, but was taken down as it slammed its metal-coated fist into him. The robot then grabbed him, almost ready to teleport away, before Chaos regained his senses. The Dragon Slayer gripped the Android-like being on both sides of the radiolarian liquid. He started to pull as the creature felt itself being literally torn in two.
One last movement came from the creature, it slammed its hand into the Slayer's leg; breaking it as it felt the rest of its life force failing. One last message was made.
RETURNING TO BASE WITH DATA AND BEING]" And with that, was ripped in half, dead to the world.
The scales left his body, no longer being able to stand, the young man fell onto the ground. He was fixing to get back up to return to his teammates but was interrupted. A portal opened in front of him that seemed to pull him in. He couldn't fight it as all of his strength left his body.
The Mage was taken into the portal as it closed.
Chaos Dranigon, the new Hero Of Woodsworth, was MIA.
-Rune Knights medical tent-
Sky was the first to awaken from her state. A wave of pain washed over her as she tried to stand.
"Take it easy. You have several injuries from the battle."
The girl looked to her right and saw the small black cat sitting there next to Esmeralda.
"What happened?"
"We were forced to retreat, Chaos demanded us to after he saw how things were turning out. We've been here ever since."
Mira stood at the door as she relayed the message. Before Sky could ask questions, the three females could hear cheering as the knights that lived yelled their hearts out.
"Guess he won, huh?"
"Guess so. Let's go see him." Miranda grabbed her and flew her over to the cleared battle zone. The girls searched everywhere, but only found the remains of the robots. That didn't stay for long as the bodies started to dissolve before their eyes. Chaos was nowhere to be found.
"This must've been what he meant by having a bad feeling."
Three weeks have passed. All of Fiore searches for the missing Lost Dragon Slayer. The last of his kind.
Two months have passed. The Magic Counsel ordered for the search to be called off. The day after they announced Chaos Dranigon was Killed in Action, with his remains turning into ethernano since no body was ever found. The only thing left was his katana from his dragon parent.
Fairy Tail continued to search though, every mate used every excuse, rumor, or lead to find their guildmate. But we're unable to do so.
Most of them gave up, accepting the fact they will never see him again. His squad mates and fellow dragon slayers thought differently. Laxus, Natsu, and Happy formed a team, the trio training and searching for their comrade. Sky, Mira, Esmeralda, and Miranda stayed as a group, doing the same as the aforementioned trio.
The squad of females trained with each other with maximum effort, getting stronger so that if someone has captured their comrade and is stronger than them, they can overtake that person and their crew with sheer force alone.
Natsu, Laxus, Happy trained relentlessly. The feline learned a new battle form and trained himself to be able to hold it for extended periods of time.
These seven people never quit looking for their friend. If something tried denying their path they'll either go around, over, under, or just straight-up plow through the damned thing.
-Unknown Location of an unknown universe-
Three days after the Battle Of Woodsworth
-Chaos POV-
My eyes are finally starting to open. But, even then, I can't see anything. The room is pitch black and my senses seemed to have dulled. Then again, I'm still recovering from over exhausting Dragon Force so it would make sense that everything is still recovering.
Before I could make another thought, a familiar red light is visible.
"So you have awaken, Being of Light."
"What? How can you-"
"Understand you? Well. You have been out for awhile. From where you came, three days have passed. The same amount of time here as well. I've had more than enough time to scan your thoughts, language, and heritage."
'So this thing knows what I can do. Being out of it for three days I guess isn't really a good thing.'
"Alright. Let me ask this."
"Do speak, if you wish."
"Where the hell am I, what are you, and why did you capture me?"
The weird figure made no sound for a moment. I was beginning to think receiving an answer is futile before it finally spoke.
"You are in the Vault of Mil. I have captured you because you wield the power of Light. Light Wielders are a insufferable pain but I haven't a need to really exterminate them yet. As for what I am. Well, that's not so simple. I am a being of the Fourth Dimension. My army is simply extensions of me. Think of it this way. A man can order troops and that is his battalion. An alpha wolf leads the others and that is his Pack. I am my army. My army is me. I am the Vex Mind. My troops are far to be underestimated as we have slain thousands upon thousands of those who also control the power you have. Yet, yours seem a little different."
"Far to be underestimated? I took out three of your goons by myself and didn't even sustain that much damage. Now I know what they are capable of and how to go about it, and I bet I could take dozens more than the ones you sent."
Hm hm. You truly are adaptive to combat. Once you read your enemy, it's moves and others of the exact style are predictable. But it is not of the matter. The ones you slain are easy to replace. I can go to another time when they were still enabled and replace the ones you slain, making my army seem infinite, but really all the same.
You will make a fine specimen to study and torture. I can see almost everything except for one thing through you."
"And what's that, asshole?"
"I cannot seem to access where your universe is. You may be the only being of Light we have seen from there, but if there are more, I will exterminate your entire world. I will break you until you finally give me what I want. And only then will I be able to spread darkness not only around in this dimension, but yours and thousands of others as well. How those three troops landed in your universe is a mystery to me.
"We will meet again, Light Bearer. But it won't be long until I have what I need."
The light diminished and it was once again pitch black. I couldn't stay awake anymore and began to lose consciousness.
Guess I'm way too far from home now, aren't I?"
-End Prologue-
Hey guys. This will be another crossover fic. I've play Destiny 1 and 2 and I love the gameplay style and the fact that it's pretty much a super powered Halo game. Makes sense since the creators are also the ones who made the Halo franchise.
Anyways, I'll be heading back home soon and starting college. Updates will be more spaced out than they were before.
Next one I'll update will be the The Hunter with White and Blue Hair.
See ya next time!
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