CPU Cell Room
The guards tossed the four goddess into the cell and then lastly violently threw Alex into the cell making sure he hit the wall. The guard locked the cell and walked away. "Alex!" Noire went towards Alex as she saw his face. He had blood pouring from his forehead, nose, and had a bruised lip. "Alex! Can you hear me!?" "Keep it down. Even the littlest sound hurts my ears." Alex said slowly. "I feel like crap. That Nomu the old man summoned was more stronger than the one Arfoire had before." Neptune was currently messing with the bars with her trying to gnaw at them. "Guard! Guaaaaard! I need to make a call!" Noire sighed, having already been fed up with Neptune's antics. "Neptune, give up. One, there are no phones here, and two, this prison is made specifically to hold CPUs. I highly doubt you're gonna make any progress with trying to break these bars." To accentuate her point, she even clutched the bar and tried it, albeit a bit half-heartedly. Neptune huffed and pouted, crossing her arms defiantly. "Then, that means I'll have to utilize my powers as a protagonist and use my patented 'plot convenience!'" she shouts as she places two fingers on either side of her forehead and seemingly concentrates on the prison bars. While the two were busy talking about Neptune's supposed 'powers,' Blanc remained quiet, huddled in her own corner and away from the others' stupidity. "This... is all you girls' fault... If only you weren't here. If only you had stay in your own nations, I..." As the brunette let that sentence trail off, Plutia frowned upon seeing the forlorn expression on Blanc's face and moved to comfort her by patting her head; "There, there, Blanny~" "Shut up! And don't touch me!" the harmless gesture of comforting affection was clearly unwanted as Blanc snapped, slapping away Plutia's hand harshly. The violet haired CPU visibly winced. "Ouchie...!" "Are you alright, Plutia?" Noire asked. "Yuh-huh. I'm fine." "And you! Don't you start taking your anger out on us just because your right-hand man betrayed you!" Noire pointed at Blanc, a fierce expression on her face. Blanc looked up to match hers. "How was I supposed to know that he was a part of the Seven Sages?" "Uh, maybe a more in-depth analysis on his background, perhaps?!" "Hey, you two. Please don't fight," Plutia pleaded, not at all a fan of watching two people fight. "EVERYONE JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!" Alex yelled before coughing up blood again violently. "Blanc?" he got no response at first. "Blanc. Blanc, look at me, please." He seemed to make some progress as she slowly lifted her head, her eyes misty and a little red; "You..." "Are you alright, Blanc?" "You...You should be dead..." "Hey, that wasn't the first time I've been beaten to a bloody pulp. As bad as it sounds, I'm used to it at the point in my life." "B-but...b-but... I-I... I tried to kill you... twice... Why are you....being so kind to me..." Blanc asked, tears brimming from her eyes. Her voice was quavering and she only just barely repressed the urge to cry. "Well, do I have a reason not to be kind to such a strong and beautiful girl?"Alex asked jokingly. Blanc's eyes widened at his response, even more so when she felt his head lay on her shoulder as he tried his best to hug her. Her pride momentarily resurfaced and she started pounding on his back, not that it was hurting him anyways; "H-Hey! S-Stop it! Get off me, you creep! I do not want your god damned pity!" Alex knew Blanc's resolve was weakening. She just needed one more push; "I know. What you don't need is sympathy. What you need is a shoulder to cry on. You're not alone anymore, Blanc, so go on. Cry. I won't think any less of you for it..." Blanc tensed up, a gasp escaping her lips. She didn't notice the tears streaming down her face as she felt the walls she built around her heart crumbling. Her body shivered and she let out a few whimpers. In a last ditch effort to not wail, she bit her bottom lip, but it was only a brief moment before she completely shattered, and began to cry as she clutched onto Alex like a lifeline and began bawling. The years worth of stress, anger, and sadness finally being allowed to seep out. Alex let her express her feelings with no interruption, the warm feeling in Blanc's heart growing as she continued to cry her heart out. "I...I..." "Sshhhh... It's okay..." Alex cooed, his experience with older sister mirroring this. "I never even wanted to be a stupid CPU in the first place! I tried my best! I did everything I could, but even that wasn't enough, and then, and then, those other girls had to come and ruin everything!" "Mm-hmm..." "And now, I failed my entire nation! Now that man is gonna rule Lowee, and everyone will hate it, and then they'll hate me" "So?" "Wh-what?" Blanc was shocked by the response. She pushed Alex's head off her shoulder, but was fully intent on staying within close, finding his face to be surprisingly reassuring. "I said, 'so?' So, things aren't going well. Alright, that happens. All you really need to do is go out there and show Lowee what their CPU can really do." "I-It's not that simple! Don't you get it?!" "I don't," He replied. "So, you might've messed up. That's okay. You've been a CPU for years, so I've heard, despite not even wanting to. Yet, you've managed uphold it for so long. Of course, there's gonna be a few big upheavals. You've gotta just keep going and going all the way to the end. And really, I'm sure Badd has no idea how to run Lowee and will just throw in into the ground. But the people don't know that right now. We--and by we, I mean you--need to show them what happens when you mess with not only this nation, but its ruler as well!" At this point, Blanc's crying had died down to a few sniffles; "B-but, I can't even use HDD now... How can I even..." She would've continued had not for the sensation of Alex's forehead touching her's. Their eyes stayed locked on each other's before the boy, with a warm smile, said; "You can, Blanc. Why is that? Because... I believe you." "I do, too, Blanny." Plutia pipped joining in the conversation. Neptune and a seemingly annoyed Noire were right beside her. Suddenly, and without any warning, she transformed into Iris Heart. "I shall put my faith in you. And so will they." "Whoa! Why'd you transform!" Alex asked what the Nep-Nowa duo wanted to know as well. "Uh..." Neptune shook her head after the initial shock died down and transformed into Purple Heart. "I agree with Plutie. Despite it just being the four of us, I think it should be enough." "Ohhh, Noiiire..." Noire snapped back into reality when she heard the bone-chilling call. She was so focused on the fact that her right hand man was consoling the person who was supposed to be their enemy. 'I'm TOTALLY not jealous, or anything! Yeah! Of course not...' thought Noire. Noire's tsundere-like thoughts were put aside as she went into HDD mode as well. With a reluctant scoff, Black Heart says; "Fine. Just this once, I'll put faith in Lowee's CPU." Blanc gasped softly and she even began blushing a bit. She had a hard believing this was happening: her supposed enemies not only helping her, but even placing their faith in her. For the first since becoming a CPU, Blanc began to truly believe that she could trust someone else. She felt a warm sensation take over that transcended trust. Shares. The Shares formed from the trust given to her by the CPUs and the boy she tried to kill twice. "I... can feel it..." she whispered softly before the revived goddess transformed once again into White Heart. Alex took this as a sign to get off her. White Heart smirked evilly and cracked her knuckles. "Heh! That's more like it. Now that fat ass is really gonna get it!" "Oh heavens, I seem to have found all of you I quite the pickle." All four turned to see, "Vert!?" Alex and Purple Heart shouted as Vert revealed herself to have the key to unlock the cell. "Where'd you go Vert!?" Said Purple Heart. "Nothing important. Thankfully, I found the key." "Is that the master key? How'd you get that?" Said White Heart. "Managed to snatch it from a guard." Vert then unlocked the cell and released all four kids from their cuffs. The four goddesses stretched while Alex held his left arm. "Did Nomu break your arm?" Asked Black Heart. It didn't. Came close however." The four girls went back towards Badd's location while Alex stayed behind for a second. "Thank you. I really appreciate it." "No problem Alex. Anything for a friend." "Later." Alex then ran towards the girls to catch up with them. "I should take my leave now. I did see all the CPU's in action like I intended too. Alex however has some impressive moves. Maybe I can convince him to join Leanbox." Said Vert as she left the cells.
Blanc's Room
When they reached the doors, they heard a guard complaining to Mr. Badd about the camera being heavy. Alex used his Susano'o fist to break down the door; "Knock, knock, Baldie! It's your not-so biggest fa-a-ans!' Mr. Badd turned his head to see him as well as the CPUs, but what really caught him by surprise was the fact that Blanc was in HDD form; "What?! How? How did you escape?! And Blanc, how did you transform with such miniscule Shares?!" "I don't gotta answer shit for you, ya fat bastard! I'm here to get my nation back!" White Heart boasted, brandishing her axe. "And how do you plan on doing that? Beating me senseless won't change a thing." "Sucks to be that old guy. I'm getting outta here while I can," said a guard, but felt a rope wrap around his leg which prevented him from moving. Looking up, he saw Iris Heart looming over him. "Waah! Don't hurt me! I'm too young and cute to die!" "Ufufu" the sadistic goddess giggled. "Don't fret, young man. I won't hurt you as long as you... cooperate~" "Huh?" "Did I stutter? Why don't you be a good little boy and record our little scuffle..." "U-Uh, y-yes, ma'am!"The guard instantly agreed and Iris Heart let him go as he scurried over to the camera. Mr. Badd saw this and scratched his chin. "So, thats what you're up to!" "That's right. We're exposing you for the sack of shit you really are!" Alex pointed at the portly man. "Regardless, I've prepared for this possibility!" Badd reached into his suit pocket and pressed a button. Suddenly, a mech appeared behind him. Badd flooped onto an orange armchair with joystick controllers and strapped behind a pink bar. The mech had a fat silver body (perfectly complimenting the operator, I might add...), purple pincer-like claws. The mech's head design seemed to represent Badd's younger self, as it seemingly had a pair of green "glasses" and a brown "moustache." Badd slammed the mech's foot on the silver sand, laughing maniacally; "Hahahaha!! Now, I can really fini--" He couldn't even finish his boast as Alex kicked the "face" of the mech, causing it to fall backwards and cracking the "glasses." He landed right above it, smirking tauntingly; "It's good that you're confident. But if you leave yourself wide open, you just look stupid. So, c'mon, try and make us fight seriously!" "But I'm not your opponent. He is!" Badd backed away from Alex as he got the mech to stand again. Alex knew what was coming. He summoned the Susanoo ribcage as Nomu came charging in as it punched Alex's ribcage sending him back. Alex had to know something. "How did you even get that?" "Oh, this? I used a part of Lowee's national funding to have it built!" The boy turned back to White Heart. "Blanc, when we take your nation back, you better swear to me you're gonna use that money wisely..." White Heart flinched and then turned her head away from him, clearly embarrassed; "Fine! Whatever! Hey watch out!" Alex barely ducked under Nomu's punch. He backed away. "Girls! It's up to you four to pummel this guy to the dirt!" "Hmph! Hell-frickin-yeah!" Now, White Heart was more pumped up than ever. Iris Heart turned to the guard. "Boy! Start recording. Now." "Recording!" The guard nodded rapidly and turned on the film. "Showtime!" Alex shouted as the four CPU's charged towards Badd. The mech's arms morphed into machine guns as it rained bullet hell on them. All four of them flew away from the bullets' range. Badd switched the machine turrets for missile launchers. upon launching said missiles, they homed in on Alex to try to double team him. The boy charged up an ord of lightning into his palm and swung it in an arc in front of him, exclaiming; "Chidori: Senbon!" Numerous tiny needles emerged from the orb and headed straight for each missile, setting them off before they could hit anything as Alex went back to Nomu as it got Alex in the gut shoving him back with a nasty impact. Just then, White Heart emerged from the resulting cloud of smoke and swung her axe at it, smashing through the head to the point of its curcuitry being visible. Badd's mech started to malfunction just as White Heart stepped up to punch it, the sheer force sending the mech on a nearby bridge, causing debris to fly all over. When said debris cleared, Purple, Black, and Iris Heart dove down from above and slashed at the mach's head, completely shattering it. The contraption's malfunction worsened and began to sound. Badd had ejected from it, saving him from being completely annihilated. White Heart wasn't having any of that. "Oh, no, you don't! Bring your ass back here!" she commanded as she flew towards him, smashing her axe at the chair and sending the portly Seven Sages member plummeting onto the ground. Right before Badd fell, he pressed a button. Alex saw Nomu power up as it's skin turned from dark purple to dark red as it's black turned black. Nomu punched Alex hard in the stomach sending him back. The girls surrounded Badd not letting him leave.
"I admire you keeping your eyes on me, but, Nomu, SMASH!" Nomu charge forward at the goddess ready for a massive blow, until, "SMASH!" Alex jumped in and punched Nomu away with a massive smash attack. 'Come on! I can do it!' Alex tried and saw that the red veins that usually only covered his arms, were now covering his whole body. "This, is my next step to mastering One For All!" Alex said as he and Nomu rushed towards each other as their fists collided sending a shockwave. Both Alex and Nomu pulled back and collided fists over and over again until both were colliding fists so fast that it was a blur. "If your power isn't nullification but absorption, then there's a limit to what you can take right!?" Nomu hit Alex on the left side of his body causing it to bleed. Alex reacted for a second, activated his Sharingan, and continued fighting on. "Made to fight me!? If you were really made to fight me at 100%, Then I need to go beyond and force you to surrender!" Alex said as he pushed Nomu back. The feeling of One For All coursing though his body slowly ate away at his bone as it hurt more and more every passing second. Alex was able to get solid hits on Nomu as it also got Alex in some areas. Nomu charged at Alex ready to end it. However, Alex teleported behind Nomu as he charged one last final smash. "One For All, 1,000,000%, Delaware Detroit SMASH!"
Alex punched Nomu with so much force that it went flying more far than before. Alex shouted at the top of his lungs. His arms hurt like hell as they felt like they were broken, yet, he was still able to move them. As the dust settled, Purple and Black Heart reverted yet White Heart and Iris Heart remained in HDD. Alex knew where this was heading and moved towards the camera; "Lemme see this real quick?" He grabbed the camera from the guard and pointed it at himself, smiling for the people watching; "So, uh, before we continue, any parents watching this may want to remove their children from the television screen because trust me; this is gonna get violent... As for everyone else, enjoy our lovely dose of mayhem courtesy of your true leader, Lady White Heart." He took over as cameraman for the guard, who took this chance to escape, just and both goddesses slowly approached the defeated Badd. "W-Wait, Alex, I don't think we should be broadcasting this!" Noire held her hand out, blocking the camera lens. "I already gave the warning to the kiddies. Now, move your hand," Alex slapped her hand away. "Hey, Plutia! Stomp on his gut for me, will ya? And afterwards, try and play a song on it, drum style!" Iris Heart's grin broadened at the prospect as she along with White Heart began "harassing" (more like torturing) Mr. Badd. "N-No, don't! Stop!" he squirmed in a fetal position. "I'm sorry, okay?! It was a set up! I didn't mean to do it, I swear!" "If you didn't mean to, you wouldn't've done it, asshole!!" "Hey, Blanc, shave him bald! I nabbed a taser from one of your guards earlier! Let's shock his jimmies, too!" Alex suggested, as he enjoyed watching this, making Neptune and Noire uncomfortable (and turning Iris Heart on). "...Or better yet, pluck 'em out!" "I can't believe I let this pig pull my strings! How embarrassing..." White Heart muttered before glaring at the camera. "Hey, all you punks watching this, listen up! If your EVER lose faith in Lowee again, you'll end up like this pathetic excuse for a man!" "Yeah!!" Alex cheered as he focused on Badd again. "Ahhhh! Stop! Somebody save meeee!" he squealed. Alex shut off the camera and tossed it offhandedly. It landed with a loud crash; 'That was loud... I hope it's okay, but...' The boy pushed past Iris Heart, stopping her from cracking her whip at Badd again, for now; "Hold up, Plutia. At least let me get in a few words to him" Alex lifted up Badd harshly by his ruined suit and glared at him; "Y'know, Mr. Badd, I can forgive a lot of things. I can forget more, as well. But... what I absolutely can NOT forgive... is someone... who makes a girl cry!!" Alex reeled his right foot back, slowly, the murderous intent coming from him sending a chill down not only Badd, but everyone else's spines (although Iris Heart was even more turned on than before); "And by the time we get through through with you, you won't know which body part is your fat-fucking ass and which part is your god damn wrinkly FACE! YOU HEAR ME!!" Alex swung his leg into a high kick, straight to Mr. Badd's groin. The resulting squeal was both cringeworthy and hilarious. "Damn" was the only response White Heart could form. 'Why didn't I do that?' "That should end it. Now, let's go, home." Alex said as he passed out due to the effect os using One For All too much.
Next Time:Plutia's kids, Blanc's affection, and Neptune leaves:Goodbye
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