"All right girls, here's the plan. Eden is placed above Lowee so naturally there's a gate there. I visited the gate and for some reason, the guards were from Lowee, not Eden, so since Blanc is the CPU, the guards will let her pass and she'll tell the guards to let us pass as well. This part is for Neptune and Plutia, no sightseeing. Our main objective is to get to Eden's Basilicom to pay Yellow Heart a visit. We're not trying to start another war, but, if it gets aggressive in there, then its no holds barred." "When did you become the leader?" "Trust me Noire, where I come from, I've been in situations like these where a new group shows up out of nowhere and gains momentum. I've planned this same idea every time and it works out." "You sound like your a war veteran." "Where I come from, war is always immanent no !after what. Any peace we get, we cherish it as if its god himself." Alex, Neptune, Plutia, Noire, Nepgear, and Blanc were all in the living room as a map of Eden was on a table. It had been a month since Eden's announcement and it had already caught up to Lowee and Lastation. The fact that a nation caught up in a month was odd for Alex so he spent the last month investigating Eden undercover. He made sure to contact Noire and Blanc to help them out during the visit. He had yet to contact Vert but he would the next day before the trip began. Alex had gained enough info to know the nation's layout to get a basic understanding of where to go. "Hey Ally, what about Vert? Isn't she gonna join us?" "The hell!? Why would we need thunder tits!?" "Calm down Blanc. Since we don't know how strong Yellow Heart is, we're gonna need all the help we can get. I haven't informed Vert yet, but, I'm going to tell her the next day before we head out. Tomorrow morning when we're ready to take off, I want all of you five to stay here while I go and pick up Vert. That's all for today, so, go and rest for today. We've got a huge task ahead of us tommorow. With the plan set up, Noire and Blanc left back to their nations while the rest went to their own rooms. Alex sat on his bed, thinking about his plan. 'As much as I hope it'll be a non hostile trip, I have a sneaky feeling that they're going to draw first blood. I've been in way too many situations like these. Guess Noire was right. I am a war veteran.' " Dammit! Saying that makes me feel so god damn old." Alex felt a vibration and saw his phone ring with a random number shown on the screen. Cautiously, Alex answered. "Hello?" "Hey Al! Its me, Uzume!" "Uzume? The hell? How'd you get my number?" Just call it a lucky guess. Anyways, I've been doing what you asked and kept tabs on other me." "So, how's Kurome? Any changes?" "A whole lot of changes. Her aura's gotten more and more darker everyday, and she's been more and more aware of her surroundings. I swear she's come extremely of close to seeing me. I really need your help." "I'm sorry, but, I'm busy tomorrow." "With what?" "That's classified." "Al, you know that I'm eventually going to meet your other friends right?" "I know that. Now just isn't the right time. Anyways, take a break for now. I'll help you next time for sure. See ya." "Later Al." Uzume hanged up as Alex laid on his back looking at the ceiling. 'This mission will either make or break me. Then there's Kurome to worry about. I really got my stuff cut out for me.' He sighed after that thought and was ready to sleep until his phone rang again. He grumpily picked it up and saw Noire on the screen. "OK, how did you get my number?" "I've had it since the beginning! I just forgot that you had a phone." "What do you want? Hurry it up so I can get to bed." "I'm worried about tomorrow." "Why?" "I have a small feeling that the people we saw on the broadcast aren't really leading Eden. I think there are others pulling the strings." "Your worrying to much." " Of course I'm supposed to worry! Aren't you worried!? " "Of course I'm worried. I'm supposed to be worried. Its my plan after all. Hey, look, if any of you get severely hurt, then, its all on me. I'll take the blame." "Why're you acting like this!? Your never this serious!" "Because I'm the leader Noire! I've been in this position multiple times and not every time was successful! I've seen people die because of my plans! I'm tired of that and I'm making sure it won't happen tomorrow!" "Alex, are you okay?" "Why?" "Because, you've seemed overworked lately. I've been noticing how your gone for a while. I also found out young left the hospital early for unknown reasons. Is something going on? You can tell me. I worry for you." "Honestly, now isn't the right time. I promise, I'll tell you when the time is right. Go to bed now. We need rest." "Okay. Remember, I'm here for you. Good night." "Yeah, good night." Alex pulled up his covers and laid in bed. 'Noire is right. I am getting overworked about this. I've just got a lot on my plate.' Was Alex's final thought before going to bed.
"Lady Green Heart, are you sure you'll be fine?" "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Remember to guard
Leanbox while I'm away." "Yes ma'am." After her guard left Vert walked up to Alex as they were ready to board a ship back to Leanbox. "I thank you for recruiting me Alex, but, are you sure others won't mind me?" "I'm confident Neptune, Plutia, and Nepgear will be happy to have you there, Noire would careless but would appreciate an extra member, and while Blanc was originally upset, she got used to you so they won't mind you one bit." "I see. I have one more question." "What is it Vert?" "How's the Vert in Neptune's dimension?" "Besides clothing, everything's the same. You both have the same appearance, same interests, and same hobbies." "And how's the Leanbox in that dimension?" "Completely different. Not only is the city different, but, instead of it being south of the mainland, Leanbox is part of the mainland being neighbors with Lowee." "I see. How's your relationship with the other Vert?" "She's like a motherly figure to me." "Why's that?" "Well, my mom died when I was seven years old and I saw that Vert reminded me of her." "That's rather sweet." "I know it is."
Timeskip: At the Lowee-Eden Border
"Lady White Heart, are you planning to visit Eden?" "Yes." "Who may the others be?" "They're acquaintances of mine." "I see. Good luck and stay safe." The gate was open as the group of seven walked past it as they followed the path to Eden. 'That's my first issue. Why aren't there Eden guards guarding they're own entrance? It makes no sense, unless, they planned ahead.' Alex was already weary as the group made it to downtown Eden. Even though it's only been a month old, Eden still had an advanced look. While the girls didn't mind it, Alex had a hard time accepting that Eden made this much progress in just a month. It took Noire three years, yet, here was Eden in one month. It lead Alex to consider Noire's idea. 'Could it be someone else pulling strings? The only way I'm sure of this type of growth can be possible is unless multiple CPU Memory's were used, but, if that was true, then, why's there only one CPU? Hopefully I'll get answers.' The group continued until they reached and entered the Basilicom. It wasn't anything special. After walking for a bit, they entered a large room with a wide ground as a chair was placed above a podium. The chair was turned as Anonydeath revealed himself to the group. "Finally, the six CPU's have come. I also see that the kid has come as well. Truly I'm ecstatic. Well then, I suppose your here to fight, am I right?" "On the contrary Mr. Robot, we're not here to fight. We're just her to talk so we can ease up the situation." "Oh really?" "Yes. I'm here speaking for the CPU's. Tensions are high right now and the girls aren't in the mood for another war, so, if you could, I'd suggest you collect your shares less aggressively." "Well, you see Alex, Unfortunately that isn't possible. The people want something new. This peace bores the audience and I made my presence promising them a nation that wasn't afraid to run its mouth and speak its mind." "So, you aren't letting up peacefully?" "Of course not, I mean, you honestly don't think I had no guards at my gate for a reason. I've cornered you in this room with guards surrounding the Basilicom. I'm truly sorry but I'm not letting any CPU leave alive. Neither are you leaving, Alex. My master seems fond of you." "I see." Footsteps were heard as guards rushed in surrounding the group. Alex slowly unsheathed his sword saying, "Girls, remember what I said, that if it got aggressive, then it was no holds barred? Well, this plan has gone south. Fight back, Now!" The girls transformed as the group all went to their own group of soldiers as they easily took them down. After a while all the soldiers were down as Alex and the goddesses were standing together staring Anonydeath as he slowly clapped. "Impressive. But, that was just the bonus round. Here come the boss level." Anonydeath snapped his fingers as the roof was blown open as a claw struck the ground creating a crack and a small quake. The dist cleared revealing Yellow Heart as she wore two yellow claws on her hands as she stood in a protective position in front of Anonydeath. "Are these people hurting you daddy?" "Oh no dear, they haven't. Thankfully you saved me. Anyways I'll leave you to have fun. Destroy the Basilicom all you want. After all we have another one. Till then." Anonydeath left as his chair rocketed away. "Hear that!? Daddy said I can do whatever I want! How about you fight me so we can become friends!?" Said Yellow Heart, completely ignoring the tense air. The group all took out their weapons and rushed at Yellow Heart.
Next Time, Fighting Yellow Heart, Vs. Red-X, and Yellow's identity exposed: The Battle At Eden
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