Planeptune IV/Finale(Brave's Last Stand)
(This probably might be the chapter with the most words since I'm combining Alex's apology to Neptune and his final fight with Brave so get ready for quite a packed chapter.)
'Now that I think about it. Comparing all 4 fights I had between the goddesses, This was the one I didn't really care about. After my fight against Black Heart, I didn't care at all if I ever faced Purple Heart or not. Then that CFW Magic women showed up and changed my opinion. I all of a sudden grew massive doubt in my abilities and I started comparing myself to Purple Heart. Now that the fights over and my head is clear, this fight was only for my selfish needs. It didn't need to happen, but my damn ego wanted it. I really am a idiot.' Alex's little monologue stopped as he started regaining consciousness blinking his eyes to take in the light. He sat up and looked around the room seeing that he was in the guest room he was staying in. He looked outside the window and saw the moon fairly high up in the sky and assumed it was close to midnight. 'Judging from my stay here before I accepted the trip around Gamindustri, everyone should be in bed except for one certain person.' That person was Neptune and Alex knew his top priority, apologize to her. He got out of the bed and left the room walking down the hallway until he saw light from the living room. He also heard noises of excitement and button pressing making his assumption correct. Alex however struggled to enter the living room. He was worried with how Neptune would accept his apology. Would she laugh at him or mock him. A part of Alex didn't even want to apologize and just go back. Before he could decide between the two options, Neptune decided to open her mouth. "Ally I know your behind that wall. Your forgetting that since I'm a fantastic fourth wall breaker, I can pretty much tell what's going to happen and when it's going to happen so I suggest you come in here and not stall the story from progressing." 'How the hell!? Never mind. Might as well go.' Alex then entered the living room and saw Neptune sitting cross crossed on the floor with the controller in front of her and her game paused. She looked at him with a smug look(The look below)
And pretty much was ready to rub in his face that he was about to apologize. Alex was already regretting his decision of listening to Neptune but he knew there was no going back. With one final breath, Alex began to talk. "Look. I know how you are and I know your personality. So before you rub it in, laugh, and mock me for apologizing to you then go ahead. I frankly don't care. Just hear me out this once. When I was unconscious, I thought about my attitude leading up to our fight and I finally realized how selfish I was, this fight was to benefit my selfish ego and I deeply regret it. So to further to humiliate myself and to give you satisfaction." Alex then got on his knees and bowed down in front of Neptune. "Neptune, I'm sorry for everything I did to you, Nepgear, Compa, IF, And Histoire. So go ahead and laugh at how pathetic I look. I'm all ears." A slight silence occurred as Alex was getting tense waiting for Neptune's response. He then felt something touch the back of his head. He thought it was Neptune's socked foot but it was instead her hand as she was ruffling his hair. "Ya know, I could've put my foot on top of you to humiliate you more but you've done enough to yourself. I'm honestly quite shocked though. I honestly didn't think you'd apologize so quickly. From most anime I've seen the dark lonely characters always apologize at the end." "Wow Neptune comparing me to fictional characters." "Shut it or I will put my foot on your head. Anyways, I'm just rambling on and on. I'm not really good at this with my human form so I might as well transform." Neptune then transformed into Purple Heart. Alex attempted to look up but Purple Heart put her boot on Alex keeping him down. "Now, now. I didn't say you could look up." "Your enjoying this way too much." "I do recall you saying that this was for my satisfaction. Right?" "Just hurry up and accept my apology so I can go to bed." "Fine. Get up." Purple Heart then lowered her boot letting Alex stand back up. "Alex. I want you to take in my words, not as goddess to human, but rather, friend to friend." Alex then looked at Purple Heart revert back to Neptune as she said, "Alex. I accept your apology." Alex then looked at Neptune with shock. Not that she accepted, but that she called him Alex instead of Ally meaning that Neptune was sincere with her words. "Thank you. Neptune." "Don't get used to it. I'm not always like this. Since I accepted your apology why don't you play with me." Neptune said eagerly waiting his answer. Alex smiled and said, "Fine. Give me a controller." Neptune passed him a controller and they both played until 5 in the morning when they both fell asleep on the floor. When the other girls saw, IF And Histoire were annoyed that Neptune managed to wrap Alex up in her late gaming session, Nepgear and Compa giggled at the cute sight of Neptune wrapping her arms around Alex as they cuddled together.
(Time for the final fight before Magic begins her grand plan)
TimeSkip:2nd Week Of Planeptune
"Let me guess sir, the usual." "Yes ma'am." "And miss Purple Heart What would you like to have?" "I'd like the same thing he's having." "Thank you. We've set up your private room so you should be able to go now." A short while ago in the Basilicom while she was playing games, Neptune suddenly remembered the deal she and Alex made during Alex's first week in Planeptune. Alex at the time was just sleeping on the couch behind Neptune until she shook him awake to remind him. Back the restaurant, Alex and Neptune were in their private room(the same one that Alex and Noire had back in Lastation I) waiting patiently for their food, more so Alex waited patiently as Neptune was jumping in her seat as she couldn't wait. She then smirked at Alex giving him another smug look. "What is it now Neptune?" "Oh come on. Doesn't this seem like a date to you?" "Not to me. Just a deal we had a while back." "Yeah right. Use that as your excuse to hide your true reason of accepting this date. Seems like I'm your main love interest in this story after all." "Go ahead and say whatever you want. I can frankly careless whether or not I fall in love or not. It's pointless to me." Neptune was about to reply back until their food came and with that they both began to dig into their meals.
4 Minutes Later
After paying their tab Alex and Neptune were outside. Neptune was about to decide where she wanted to go next until Alex's NepTime device rang. He answered it and saw, "Noire? Blanc? Vert? Why are you here in Planeptune?" Noire responded first. "Today's a CPU meeting and it just so happened to be in Planeptune so when we arrived Neptune was of course absent as always." "Was she? That explains A LOT." Alex said eyeing Neptune while she looked off to the side. Alex knew it was too good to be true that Neptune remembered something. He had a little feeling that she remembered just to get out of something. "Don't worry girls. I'll get her there right away." Alex hanged up the call. "Since I'm feeling generous today you can ride with me on Blaze." Alex then summoned Blaze as he grabbed Neptune as they hopped on board heading back to the Basilicom.
At the Basilicom
"Hey guys we're here." Alex and Neptune entered through the balcony and saw in the living room The 3 CPU's waiting on the couch. Alex noticed how Nepgear and Uni were in the back chatting. "Thank you Alex. Neptune whether you like it or not you have to join us, besides, this meeting is about Planeptune. Us three think that the ASIC will attack here in the next few days." "Really!?" Said Neptune. Blanc nodded as she replied. "It's quite obvious with their patterns. Ever since Magic attacked Alex, IF, And Compa, we've been for sure that they'd strike here in the upcoming days." "Well what are we waiting for!? Let's go Nep them up right now!" Vert then struck down Neptune's plan. "That's what they want Neptune. I'm pretty sure that they know we're assuming this and want us to go out and explore." While the CPU's were discussing their plan, Alex left them and went inside the living room where he was greeted by Nepgear and Uni. "Hey Alex, how was your date with Neptune." Nepgear's words lead Uni to blush immediately. "Wha-What do you mean Nepgear!? Alex what the hell did you and Neptune do!?" "Uni calm down. Nepgear, it wasn't a date. Me and Neptune made a deal my first week here. We ended up forgetting about it until she remembered it today. Turns out it was just to avoid this meeting. Honestly, she's too childish." Nepgear and Uni nodded their heads agreeing with Alex's words. IF and Compa eventually made it to the Basilicom while the meeting went on for another 3 Hours.
3 Hours Later
The meeting ended as the balcony doors swung open. "Thank you Histoire. We're leaving now." "No problem. Goodbye you three." Before the other 3 CPU's left, a massive ASIC logo was shown on the building in front of them and around Planeptune. "What the hell is happening?" Everyone went outside as they saw the logo go away and turn into the same hooded women that attacked Alex, IF, And Compa weeks ago. "Citizens Of Planeptune, I am CFW Magic, leader of the Arfoire Syndicate Of International Crime. In just a week, I will set my grand plan into action and eliminate all the CPU's and become Gamindustri's new ruler. But this hacked broadcast isn't about my master plan. It's about one of my fellow CFW comrades. That boy I saw at the bridge, I know your in Planeptune listening to my words. It seems as if you have unfinished business with one of my fellow partners. I'm pretty sure you know who it is. He told me he'll be waiting by an old abandoned church in the Far East of Planeptune. He also said that he wouldn't mind if the CPU's come and watch the fight, however, there'll be a barrier surrounding the battle field so the CPU's won't be able to enter and interfere with the battle. And also I'll be watching the battle through cameras so I suggest you show me your best young boy. CFW Magic, out." The broadcast went of the air as the the girls looked at Alex who just stood there silent. He finally spoke. "So, seems as if this is Brave's Last Stand. Alright then Brave, I accept your challenge." He then summoned Blaze and was ready to fly off until he looked back at the CPU's. "You coming or not? You may not be able to help but I'd like some spectators." The CPU's and Candidates smiled and transformed as they followed Alex on their way to the abandoned church.
8 Hours Later
They made it to the church and the area surrounding it was a complete wasteland. Nothing but dead trees and grass were in the area. The church it self was withered and breaking down with mold on the outside. As they entered the church, they followed a long stair case until they saw a large battleground in front of them with Brave standing there looking like he was waiting for Alex. Alex entered the battleground as Brave looked up. The CPU's tried to enter but Alex held his hand back at them stopping them from entering. "I'm here Brave, so activate the barrier." "Very well." Brave snapped his fingers as a Anti Share Energy barrier surrounded them forcing the CPU's to watch. Brave then took out his sword and activated his flames. "This is it. Our final battle. The final test of Light vs Dark. Alex I hope your ready for this last stand." Alex activated his Sharingan and took out Kusanagi. "Trust me. I'm more than ready." Both of them had a stare down until they both dashed at one another clashing their weapons. Brave's flames were heating Alex's sword until he activated the lighting. "Chidori Blade." It was lightening against fire and Alex and Brave continued clashing back and forth with neither having the edge. Both were getting tired however since Brave had more sword skills than Alex, Alex reached his limit first. Alex jumped back away from the clash and put Kusanagi back in its scabbard. "Shadow Clone Jutsu." Alex then summoned 5 clones. He and his 5 clones charged at Brave at fast speeds. Brave tried to attack the clones but missed all of them. Alex then sent three of his clones to slide and upper kick Brave into the air. Since he was a robot they needed to draw chakra into their leg and foot. Once Brave was in the air another clone uppercutted him sending him higher. The next two clones did the same thing until Brave was almost at the roof. Alex then summoned a 7th clone and had the clone send him into the air. Alex flipped in the air and was ready to kick Brave down channeling his chakra into his leg. "Lions Barrage!" Alex slammed his leg into Brave sending him crashing down onto the floor. The CPU's looked in awe as they were amazed with coordination Alex had with his clones. All the clones went away and Alex landed back on the floor as Brave struggled to get up. 'Alex. Seems as if I didn't expect you to use physical attacks on me. Your more powerful than what I had expected back at the Junkyard.' Brave knew he needed more power so he tapped in to his hidden ability. "Ability:Flame War, Activate!" Flames began to surround Brave's body while his sword grew larger, turned black, and blue flames began to envelop his sword. "The hell is this Brave?" "This is an ability that drains a lot of my energy but can do enough damage during its time. I'll end this battle with this ability." Brave rushed forward at a speed that caught Alex of guard "Flame Rush!" Brave got lots of slashes and deep cuts on Alex. His arms had plenty of cuts, his cheek was bleeding, his back was slashed, and to finish it off, Brave formed an x shaped flame slash and launched it at Alex getting a big x slash I his chest. His jacket had lots of cuts and his zipper was open. Alex sighed heavily as he knew Brave had the advantage. Alex then removed his purple skirt and along with Kusanagi, had them disappear in a puff of smoke. The CPU's and Brave were confused on what he was doing. Alex then sat down and Brave noticed it was in a specific way.
Unknowingly to the CPU's and Brave, Alex was drawing in Natural Energy into his body. Brave saw his eyes grow an orange pigmentation around the top of his eyes. Alex opened his eyes to show Brave his new power up.
"Cool eyes right? These eyes are different from the Sharingan. While the Sharingan does have a couple of advantages over these eyes, these eyes have their own advantages as well." "So then, what is this power called Alex?" "It's called Sage Mode. And it's going to even out the playing field." Alex and Brave charged forward as Alex launched a punch that was way off the mark. 'What kind of punch was that?' Brave then felt a massive force out of nowhere strike the side of his face launching him back. 'What the!? Where did that force come from!?' Brave was standing up as he was dazed by that attack. "Your wondering how right? Well, there's an aura around me that you and the CPU's can't see. It acts as an extension to my body and gives me a wider range for my attacks." Alex and Brave now had evened out the battle. "Might as well summon another weapon. Brave, Girls, watch this." Alex then stretched out his left arm and opened his hand. A summoning seal appeared and smoke appeared. After a while it went away and the girls and Brave were amazed at Alex's new weapon. It was big, wide, and had sharp edge at the top. The most noticeable was the vibrant red color it had. The girls were amazed at Alex's new weapon he revealed. "What kind of weapon is that?" "This bad boy? Well Brave, this is a Buster Sword and it packs quite the punch. It's as powerful as White Heart's Axe and fast as Green Heart's Spear, well, when I wield it anyway. Come on Brave, this is the final stretch." Alex and Brave clashed and Brave knew that his blue flames have been outmatched by Alex's buster sword's strength and durability. Then, Alex shocked Brave by channeling chakra into the Buster Sword enveloping it in not electricity, but rather, black flames. Brave knew Alex had activated the Mangekyou. "Inferno Style:Flame Control Sword Slash!" Alex struck Brave right down the chest breaking off pieces of metal from his chest as the flames began to spread slowly thanks to Brave's fire aura acting as a shield. "Seems as if my aura is slowing the flames progress." "Doesn't matter. The flames never cease until the user eliminates them. So they'll continue to expand." Alex and Brave once again threw blows at each other. It started with sword slashes against each other until they both got so tired that they dropped their weapons and started using their fists and began to punch each other from the face to the stomach and even kicks were landed. At the end both were on their knees as Alex was bleeding from his mouth, nose, and the left side of his head. His fists were bloody as well due to punching metal many times. It did its damage as Brave's face was dented in lots of areas due to a massive head butt Alex gave him. His chest had a massive burn mark as pieces of metal were hanging from his chest as a massive part of it was missing from Alex's Amaterasu slowly burning the metal. They both stood up ready to launch their final attack. They both walked back to give them room. Brave began charging his sword as the blue flames began to whirl around his sword turning it into a blue vortex. Alex got into a stance that Green Heart was familiar with. He was forming a rasen-shuriken. As Alex was charging the rasen-shuriken, he re-entered Sage Mode and began to add more wind and chakra into it. Everyone saw this as they felt massive wind pick up around them. The rasen-shuriken began to change form. The rasengan chsnged color from blue to gold and the shuriken aura morphed into a different shape where there were 4 straight sharp edged instead of curved ones. Alex and Brave charged forward ready to end it. "COLDFIRE EDGE!" "WINS STYLE:RASEN-SHURIKEN MK.II" Both attacks collided head on and as soon as they collided as huge explosion occurred covering up the battlefield.
After a couple of seconds the smoke cleared showing rubble covering the ground as the roof collapsed on both men. The girls looked on with worry as they thought Alex was stuck under that rubble. The barrier disappeared allowing the CPU's to enter the battleground they were about to look through the rubble until they saw a hand burst through the rubble. However it wasn't a human hand. It was Brave's. He got up from the rubble and stayed kneeling. All the girls couldn't believe it. 'Did Alex lose?' They were all thinking that horrible thought until, another hand burst though the rubble. It was Alex's hand. He emerged through the rubble and stared down Brave's half broken face. Both stood up. They knew they couldn't fight, but they were waiting to see who'd be the last man standing. After a few seconds, a thud was heard. Brave fell on his knees clutching his chest breathing what sounded like his final breaths. "This is it. I lost again. Why wasn't my resolve strong enough?" "It wasn't the resolve." Said Alex. "We both had the same methods." Black Sister said as she walked towards Brave with a saddened expression. "It's just that we had different ways to approach them... And your ways were the wrong ones." "I see. Uni, please, grow strong, you have so much potential to be great." Black Sister nodded as she began to shed tears quietly. Brave then faced Alex. "Alex, I'd like to know your full name." "Alex, Alex Otsutsuki." "I see, Alex. Please grant me this one personal request." Alex then walked forward and kneeled beside Brave. "What is it Brave." "Please, make a world, where all the children, can be happy and live in harmony." Alex wide eyed at Brave. 'He truly is a warrior.' Alex then replied back. "Brave, I promise you, I'll make your resolve a reality, even if I have to join you up there. We'll see your world together." "Thank you, Alex." Brave Said his last words as the light from his eyes faded away. "Girls, you can go without me. I want to make a grave for Brave. Even though he was the enemy, he was a pure warrior at heart. It's the least I can do." The girls all nodded and left. However, "I knew you'd stay Uni." "He was important to me as well." "Uni, go find a flower for Brave's Grave. It'll be his tombstone." "Ok." Uni the left to go find the flower. While she was gone, Alex heard footsteps and saw another clone of him. "So, how'd the search go?" "Took me awhile boss but I found it." Alex's clone then gave Alex the 6th emerald
"Just one more. Then I'm home." The clone disappeared as Alex began to move Brave to a hill and began digging a deep and wide enough hole to put Brave in with a random shovel he found. It was finished and he placed Brave gently inside and began to cover up the hole. He saw Uni comeback with a red flower alongside a tombstone and a sharp stone. "Alex. I found a perfect flower. I also happened to find a unused tombstone and a sharp rock to carve onto the tomb." "This is perfect Uni." They then dug the tombstone into the ground in front of Brave's grave and wrote the following.
On the front
CFW Brave The Hard
ASIC Member
"Born a Villain, Died a Hero"
On the Back(heart around these words)
Alex + Uni + Brave
An Unbreakable Bond
Alex fell on his knees. He was at his limit. "Come on Alex. I'll carry you back to Planeptune." "Thank you Uni." Black Sister then grabbed Alex around his chest and flew towards Planeptune. 'Brave, I swear, I'll make your resolve a reality.'
The time has come. CFW Magic The Hard will set her plan into motion as she plans to takeover Gamindustri. How will Alex get involved? Can he last to find the last emerald and go home? It all ends now.
Next Time, a plan in motion:ASIC Battle I(Tricked)
Words from the author
4,150 words. Man I'm really dedicated to this. I'd like to thank you for giving me over 1,000 reads and I hope you'll continue to enjoy this story even though the plot isn't original and borrowed from another author. I'd like to thank Alex4Top for making "Blueflame Heart" Because if it wasn't for that story's plot intriguing me, I would never have thought of being a Wattpad writer. Again, thank you Alex for making such a great story and thank you readers, for lots of views.
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