Planeptune II(Purple Heart Challenged)
'It hurts a lot. It really does. That girl, just who was she? She's didn't fear the goddesses at all, she simply talked smack to them saying that she'll beat all 4. Now that I think about it, not only did I barely manage to beat Blanc and Vert, I also needed their help to defeat Trick and Judge. Am I weaker than them? Nothing makes sense anymore.' Alex then woke up, the light hurting his eyes a bit. He got up looking around his room. He noticed bandages on his cheek, arm, back, and chest. His jacket was sown back together. He then heard the door open seeing Compa. "Ally your awake! Guys come over! Ally's awake!" Just like that the usual Planeptune gang entered the room. "IF, how long was I out?" "For 5 Hours. The cuts weren't deep but you suffered too many." He then looked at Neptune playing her game as usual, however he felt something different. Like some kind of hate, disdain towards her. It was weird to him. He didn't like the girl's attitude but he for sure didn't hate her. He then realized something. He's never fought Purple Heart. 'Is Purple stronger than me? Why am I asking myself this!? Why can't I get rid of this feeling!?' He then knew what the feeling was. It was doubt. He was doubting his strength compared to Neptune. 'Ok, for now just forget the doubt. It'll be fine tommorow.' Alex then had another question. This time for Histoire. "Histoire, they told you about the cloaked woman right?" She nodded. "Ok then. Just who was she? She didn't fear when the other 3 goddesses surrounded her." "I might have a suspect, but it's not a 100% guarantee. It's mainly just speculation." "Who do you think it is?" "CFW Magic. Leader of The Four Felons." "Another member?" Alex was tired of hearing The Four Felons. He was able to eliminate two of them. "So, this Magic person, and Brave are the last felon members?" "Yes. Magic doesn't have a lot of info on her because she hides herself, however with the evidence we have on her personality and the cloaked figure who laughed at the other 3, we have good enough to prove that Magic attacked you three." "If she wants to take down the goddesses then, why bother eliminating me?" "She probably heard how you took down two of her felon partners and assumed you were a threat, an ally to the goddesses." Alex then nodded. He then went back to bed waiting for tommorow.
The Next Morning
Alex woke up peacefully this time as Neptune was not in sight. He went to the living room to look at what to munch on. He then heard noice from the kitchen. "Hm? What's going on there?" He then saw Nepgear and Compa wearing a pink apron cooking some kind of large breakfast feast. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, and sausage were all being prepared along side apple juice and milk. Nepgear then turned around and noticed him. "Kyaah!" "Gear are you okay?" "Yeah. Alex just scared me." "Ok then. I thought you cut yourself." Alex did spook Nepgear, yet, Nepgear expected it since Alex was quite short. In fact he was shorter than her and Compa. "Why're you here Alex?" "I was gonna grab a snack to munch on. I heard all this noice and then see you making this." Compa then asked Alex, "Hey Ally, what do you eat for breakfast?" "I always go the restaurant I like visiting getting the same thing from the menu." "That's terrible Ally!" Said Compa Who was upset at his eating habits. "Eating the same food every time isn't healthy for a person! You need to try new things to be healthy." "I never learned how to cook. So if you don't mind I'm gonna-Whoa!" Before he could finish Compa gave him a stack of plates causing him to juggle them almost dropping the stack. "Nurse Compa prescribes you with healthy meals for everyone and your not allowed to say no." Compa said with her usual smile. "Now you go and set up the table while Gear and I finish here." The nurse pushed Alex out of the kitchen closing the door. He looked at the door before heading towards the table. 'I think these girls are pushing me around. Well at least it'll be nice to try something different.' Alex finished setting up the table and sat down. It took about an hour and a half before Nepgear and Compa were ready for breakfast. "Nep-Nep! Iffy! Breakfast is ready!" Neptune and IF, who were playing games got up from the floor and headed to the table. "Sweet! Time for a feast!" "Nep-Nep wash your hands first." Neptune made a pouty face before rushing to the bathroom. Alex already washed his while waiting so he didn't need to. After she returned they began to eat. Alex was used to eating alone in peace so all the noises around the table was a little awkward for him. While Compa talked about her hospital work and IF about her assignments in the guild, Neptune either talked about her games or simply gulped everything down. Nepgear mainly stayed quiet listening to others but she did speak at times. Alex however was silent throughout the whole feast. He usually chowed down his food quickly as possible however now he just ate slowly. Throughout the whole time at the table, he couldn't shake off the doubt he felt yesterday at Neptune. When he looked at her or heard her speak, he felt upset, like his doubt increased the more he saw and heard her. "Alex?" Alex was broke out of his thoughts by Nepgear who called him. "What is it?" "Are you okay? You're more silent than usual." IF also noticed saying, "She's right Alex. Your more interactive than this." "I'm fine. Nothing to worry about." However even with his answer, the girls weren't convinced. Compa followed suit with her concern as well. "But Ally, ever since Magic attacked you, me, and Iffy, You've seemed more upset than ever." "Don't worry about me. I'm positive that I'm fine." He was getting slightly annoyed that they wouldn't stop their concerns as they were only adding fuel to his doubt. It wasn't until Neptune spoke that he voiced his mind. "Then stop moping around Ally! Keep going like that you'll be barking the wrong tree with me buster!" Alex then stood up suddenly slamming his hands on the table shocking everyone, even Histoire. His hair covering his eyes as he had a serious expression on his mouth. "Neptune, listen to me. In two days, I want to fight you at the Coliseum . No objections. Got that?" Neptune was stayed silent for once before she answered his challenge. "Ok then. Your on! Your gonna regret challenging m.." Alex then interrupted her. "Don't think it's going to be a simple fight. I want you at your best. Fight me as if I'm a threat to Gamindustri, a threat to Planeptune, and threat to your friends. Hell, I want you to fight me as if I just killed Nepgear. All I know is that I want you at your best, and angriest. Treat this fight with as much seriousness. I'll see you in two days." Alex then left the Basilicom. Everyone looked at Neptune who shocked and silent. Histoire then spooke. "Neptune, will you accept his challenge?" "Yes, I will. But I won't go all out against him. He's probably just having a bad day." After that they finished eating breakfast. Alex was never seen again the two days leading too his battle against Neptune. He did however, strike the last day before the fight.
Last day before the fight
Neptune woke up after hearing a lot of noises in the kitchen. She went too look and saw Histoire, Nepgear, IF, and Compa looking worried. "Hey Guys What's the fuss? You just woke me up from my nice sleep!" "Goodness! Neptune we're sorry!" "Well since I woke up I might as well have my first pudding of the day." All of the Girls went then shouted at Neptune, "No Neptune don't open the fridge!" "Guys Calm down. It's not nice to hold a Nep from her pudding." She opened the fridge too see no pudding at all. "NEPU!? Hey where's all the pudding!? Nepgear you bought some yesterday right!? Did I finish it that early!?" Histoire then said, "Close the fridge and read the note." Neptune then closed the fridge and saw the note. "Hey it's from Ally! "I told you I wanted you at your best, angriest, and most serious you've ever been. And I'm making sure it happens. Also if your attempting to buy more pudding don't, I convinced every pudding manufacturer to close down until the day after our fight. I knew that keeping pudding away from you would for sure give me what I wanted. I'll see you tomorrow." Neptune finished reading the note her hair covering her eyes. "Sis." Nepgear said full of worry for her. Neptune then transformed into her goddess form. She crushed the note in her hand saying. "If that's what he wants, then I'll give it to him." At that moment all the girls knew, Alex just started a fire.
Next Time, Fighting a goddess:Planeptune III(Alex vs Purple Heart)
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