Planeptune I(The Cloaked Figure)
"Zzzzzzzzzz." Alex was peacefully sleeping in his room. After what transpired yesterday with him convincing the goddesses to let him stay in Planeptune for time to decide, he needed a rest. Unfortunately his peaceful sleep was cut short. Alex then woke up all of a sudden feeling massive pressure on his stomach. He then fell out of bed rolling on the ground. "Ow. What the hell was that?" Alex then looked up to see Neptune standing on his bed. "About time you woke up dummy!" "What the hell do you want Neptune?" "I wanna play games with you." "Your saying you jumped on my stomach just to play games?" "Of course!" Alex then got up, walked towards her, and began pinching and pulling her cheeks. "Are you insane!? There are better ways to wake up somebody than jump on their freakin stomachs! I could've thrown up you damn child!" "Ow! Owie! I'm sorry! I didn't think it through!" "You never do!" Alex then let her go and went to his bathroom to get ready for the day. He then came out dressed. He walked to the living room and already saw Neptune sitting on the floor with a two controllers in hand. "So now that your ready, we can play now right?" "I don't have time for this. Histoire assigned me, Compa, and IF on a quest today so I can't be late." "But it's still hours away. You can pass the time with me. Besides, it's a requirement that you bond with me and my sister so we can progress the story. So play with me! Pretty please?" Neptune gave Alex the dog eyes and sad face, which to most men, including Alex, were affected by. "Fine! Give me a controller." Neptune handed Alex his controller while she was setting up the console. Alex then noticed how Nepgear and Histoire weren't around. He knew Histoire was most likely working, but it was odd to see Nepgear not around pampering Neptune. "Hey Neptune, you know where Nepgear?" "She's out now. Something about work." Alex then remembered how a CPU was supposed to do work as well. "Hey your a CPU right? So shouldn't you be doing work?""Oh Ally, Ally, Ally, Ally. This little Nepper doesn't do boring paperwork. A goddess only moves when her people are in danger. 'How is this nation still running?' He decided to leave the thought and started playing. It started rough for Alex. He and Neptune played a fighting game where many characters had different abilities like fire, ice, four arms, psychic powers, and even a damn cannibal. Alex noticed how Neptune always picked the one who had dragon techniques and Kung fu. He didn't know who to chose so he selected different people every match they played. After about 20 matches Neptune went 19-1. Alex only won one thanks to Neptune ignoring her health and time. After a while Alex got bored and dropped the controller stretching. "Eh? You don't wanna play no more?" "It got to repetitive for me. Also I checked the time and it's almost time for me to meet up with IF and Compa. I'm feeling hungry so I'm gonna get a quick snack before I leave." "Ah! If your raiding the fridge then can you fetch me a pudding!?" "Sure why not." Alex then walked towards the fridge and saw inside. He got a sandwich from the fridge. He looked for pudding but noticed there wasn't any. He then closed the fridge and noticed a note. "Hm? A note? "To Neptune, there was no pudding left so I went to go get some. Please don't worry. I'll be back soon. Love, Nepgear." Doesn't sound like work to me." "Hey Ally what's taking so long!? Where's my pudding?" "There isn't any. Nepgear went to buy some." "Eh?, EH!? "Wha-Wha-What do you mean there's no pudding left!?" "Like I said. There's no more pudding right now." "This is an emergency, no a disaster! It's a giant disaster! How am I going to live without my P-Vitamin!?" "P-Vitamin?" "Ally what do we do!? I'm gonna starve to death!?" "Don't know about you but I'm going to eat this sandwich on my way to the guild." "Your turning your back on me!?" "Nepgear will be back soon. You can wait." "I can't believe you'd abandon a cute loli girl like me. You damn Devil! Bully! Meanie! Eggplant!" "Save your insults. I'm not changing my mind." "But Ally I'm hungry." Alex didn't respond back and hoped she'd forget it, but she didn't. "Ally I'm hungry. Ally, Hungry. I'm Hungry Ally!" "GOD DAMMIT STOP CALLING ME THAT DAMN NAME ALREADY! Look let's strike a deal ok? When I come back from this quest, I'll take you out to eat at a good restaurant around here. We have a deal?" Alex then took out his hand awaiting Neptune. "Ok we have a deal. Don't forget it buster!" "Don't plan to." 'Unfortunately.' Alex then left the Basilicom walking towards the guild.
Outskirts of Planeptune. Near a bridge over passing a river below.
"Iffy my legs hurt. Can we take a break?" "Seriously. We just stopped an hour ago." "IF it's fine. Besides we're almost there anyways." "Ok." When Alex arrived at the guild IF told him how them three were given rights by Histoire to do a dangerous quest on the far outskirts of Planeptune where there were viral monsters roaming the area. Alex questioned what viral meant leading IF to tell him how it meant that monsters go insane and can't control themselves while getting stronger. Unknowingly to the three, a hooded figure was watching them from a tree on the bridge. "So it's him. I must thank him for the information he gave me. Time to eliminate this pest." Out of nowhere a dart came from the tree at blistering speed. IF saw it but couldn't avoid it as it hit her shoulder. She immediately felt the effect. "Alex we're being attacked!Somebody threw a paralyzing dart at me!" "What the!? Where!?" Alex then looked around. Compa started backing up looking worried. "Just as planned." The cloaked person then dashed from the tree aiming her scythe at Compa. "Compa!" IF yelled. Compa turned around knowing it was too late however. Alex moved Compa out of the way and clashed his sword with their scythe. "Who the hell are you!?" "That's for you to never find out." 'It's a girl. Who is she." They then backed up. "Come on then women. Dash at me full speed." The girl then charged forward aiming their scythe forwards his cheek. Alex simply side stepped seeong how she missed by a long shot, however, he felt his left cheek get cut "What the. She cut me? How?" "Your wondering how I cut you even though you moved right? Well when you moved that medical girl out of the way, you stepped onto a spell I placed before. When you landed on it I activated the spell and now your under its effects." "What does this spell do?" "Right now when I was charging forwards you, your mind played tricks on you. In your mind you moved before my scythe reached you, however in reality you reacted a second after I cut you. Basically your reaction time is slower than your thinking time." "Tch!" Alex then charged forwards slicing at the women. She simply dodged all of his attacks and went towards him again expecting for him to get him, instead. 'Huh!? He blocked it!?' The women then saw Alex with his Sharingan activated. 'Even though the Sharingan won't increase my reaction time, it'll match it back up to same speed as my thinking.' Alex then backed up and charged forward faster than before catching the cloaked woman by surprise. He was able to slash the left side of the cloak revealing only her left arm. 'Is that a black gauntlet?' He then felt a massive cut on his back causing him to stumble coughing blood. He regained his posture and turned around facing her. "Where's That cockiness now lady?" "My, my. Your acting like your on top Even though you've spilt more blood while I haven't at all." "To me, whoever bleeds the most, fought the hardest. So right now, I'm fighting harder than you could ever achieve, so bring it!" They then charged forward clashing again and again. IF was still paralyzed having her shoulder treated by Compa. "Come on Compa! I need to help him! He bleeding to much!" "Hold on Iffy. That dart had a lot of Paralyzation spells. You'll be paralyzed for another 20 Minutes." "Dammit!" IF watched as even though Alex was even with the cloaked woman, he still was getting more damaged than her. He already got cuts in his left arm and chest. His chakra was running low meaning he had deactivate the Sharingan. He was exhausted. He was somehow able to block the woman's scythe however since he was so tired the block would knock him back. 'Dammit! Not enough chakra for the Mangekyou! I'm almost done! Compa isn't a fighter and IF might be paralyzed for a while.' Alex knew he was the only one capable to battle now, yet he was exhausted. "You put up a good fight kid, shame I have to end it now." The woman was ready to slit Alex's throat. However, "Sylhet Spear!" A Spear then came down fast at the cloaked woman who barely dodge it. "Tanzerin Tromphe!" Then figure looked Behind barely avoiding an axe to her face. "Lace Ribbon Dance!" The figure stepped to the side avoiding the ribbon shaped slash. Alex looked up with shock as he saw Green, White, and Black Heart surrounding the cloaked women. "Guys. When did you..." "I called them Alex. I told them how you needed help." Said IF. "It's true Alex. My dear Iffy called me first. I ended up telling Noire and Blanc." The figure looked around seeing that she was trapped. "End of the Line cloaked one. Accept your fate and go to jail." The cloaked women ended up laughing. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You think you can beat me!? In just a couple of days, my plan to takeover Gamindustri will start and I'll defeat all 4 goddesses. Till next time kid." She then teleported away with out a trace. Alex looked at her disappearing and hear her say next time kid until passing out.
Next Time, growing animosity:Planeptune II(Purple Heart Challenged)
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