Lowee IV(Rising Hatred)
It has been roughly about 3 Minutes since White Heart took off carrying Alex to where Rom's location was. On the way White Heart wanted to ease the emotion by having some fun. "Whoops." White Heart said purposely letting go of Alex. "Oh come on!" Alex said free falling. White Heart picked him back up immediately while laughing. "Oh what this is funny!? Do you not see the situation we're in now!?" "Calm down Alex. I know that my HDD personality isn't calm but I know when to calm down and now is one of those times. Don't think your alone on this. I'm here too." Alex then looked back down thinking on White Heart's words. 'She's right, I've been acting like I'm the only one who cares, when in reality, Blanc and Mina are here to support me.' Alex then smiled as they saw the location just up ahead. They landed and peeked inside. They saw Trick in the back just waving his tongue around. Linda just sitting on a box like she was waiting for something. And finally Rom just sitting there with shadows covering her eyes. They definitely were waiting for them. They then decided to enter. "Well well the CPU of Lowee and the kid have come for the candidate. Trick they're here." "I don't care about them. As long as they don't take my precious child away from me." 'This giant freak is a pedophile!? You've gotta be kidding.' Trick had the appearance of a large, yellow armored-like being with red trimming. He had a large, lizard-like head with green eyes and a round, red nose. On both sides of his forehead were extending horns. He also had spiky, red hair behind the back of his head. He had a large mouth that was open and drooling with sharp teeth, and a very long tongue that he used as his primary weapon. He was strapped with three straps that were tied in a large ringlet on the middle of his chest. He had a scaled back and a long tail similar to a reptile with red scales. On his back was a large disc encompassed inside an open casing with a horned, large head-like design on the top. He also wore brown, short boots. White Heart's Face had a huge look of rage and hatred. "Alex listen to my command and no buts! I'm attacking the giant freak and you take the girl! NO OBJECTIONS!" "Yes ma'am!" White Heart then charged at Trick axe in hand. Alex then looked at Linda and began to go into position for a sword slice. 'She doesn't have her pipe so I'm fine.' Alex then rushed forwards however even with no weapon, Linda still smiled. Alex didn't know why until he clashed with another weapon. 'What the. She doesn't have a weapon so what could....' Alex stopped as what he saw shocked him. It was Rom blocking his attack protecting Linda. Her eyes were Red like Blanc's except the HDD symbol was upside down. "Rom!? What the hell are you doing!?" Linda merely laughed. "She doesn't belong to you anymore. I was able to brainwash her using Anti-Share Energy. She's my lackey now so if you want to get me then you have to go through her. Alex didn't want to beat up Rom, but he knew that he needed someway to get Rom out of mind control so with no other choice he dropped his sword and began. "Bring it Rom." Rom charged forward delivering a punch to Alex with a lot of force. Alex didn't dodge and took it head on. "Come on Rom. Come back." Linda merely mocked his attempt. "It's no use. She's gone." Rom began to load multiple punches and kicks to Alex. He never attempted to dodge taking it head on. "Rom. Come on it's me. Your older brother." "Stop trying you fool. She's gon-" "SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH! IF I SAY SHE CAN BE RETURNED THEN SHE CAN! ROM I KNOW YOUR IN THERE! REMEMBER OUR TIMES TOGETHER. QUESTING, DRAWING, WHEN WE FIRST INTERACTED! I WONT FIGHT BACK! SO JUST COME TO YOUR SENSES ALREADY!" Rom began to stumble holding her head in pain. 'Did that damn fool break it by just shouting!?' Alex was exhausted as he was bleeding from his nose and mouth due to all the punches to the face Rom gave him. Rom was still affected by the brainwash and began charging forward with her staff ready to use began. "Ice Lance." Rom then launched an ice spear. Alex didn't move and was prepared to get hit until. "Ice Shield" A new voice came in and protected Alex from Rom's attack however who it was shocked Alex. It was Ram in her HDD form. Her appearance was similar to that of White Heart and Rom's HDD, however, instead of blue hair, red eyes, and pink eyes, she had pink hair and blue eyes. She wore a one piece bodysuit that was white in color, like Rom's, with a secondary color of pink on the arms, legs, and torso. "Get up. You look like a big dummy." "What the hell are you doing here?" "What does it look like? I here to help my older sis, and save my twin sister. I also thought about what you said. So for now, I'll help you out." "Thanks I appreciate it." Ram and Alex stood side by side ready to battle Rom. Linda immediately was worried her plan fail. "Rom. It's me your sister. Please don't do this. Come back to us. Come back for me please Rom!" And like that Rom began holding her head until she looked back up. Her eyes going back to pink. Ram then flew towards Rom and brought her to Alex. Rom began to stir. "Ram, what happened?" "A lot happened. I saved you." Rom then regained consciousness and looked around seeing where they where. She saw Blanc And Trick going back and forth. "Wait where's Alex?" Rom then turned and saw Alex. She gasped at how ruined his face was. "Brother what happened to you?" "Let's just say, a strong girl did this, and I was proud." Alex said leaving Rom confused. Linda immediately ran towards Trick. "Master Trick! Master Trick!" "What is it Linda I'm busy." "The boy and the other candidate took your kid out of the mind control!" "What!? Now they've done it!" Trick the swing his tongue down hard knocking White Heart back and out of her HDD. "Sis!" "Blanc!" Blanc was alive but panting heavily. She was exhausted. 'Damn it. We're all done for. Rom is weakened. Blanc is tired. And I doubt Ram can do anything against Trick on her own. And yet here I am. Not even trying to fight. I'm pathetic. I'm weak. Weak. Weak. WEAK!' As Alex was growing more and more hateful, a marking on his left shoulder began to glow catching Rom, Ram, And Blanc's attention.
What they were about to witness, was one of the darkest power ups Alex had.
Next Time, Curse Mark Unleashed:Lowee V(Curse Mark Revealed)
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