Leanbox IV/Finale(Final Moments with Vert)
Alex walked back to Vert who was resting. "Hey Vert need help." "No Thanks I'm ok." "You Sure. You look hurt and the Basilicom is kinda far from here." "Well. Ok then. Can I have a piggyback?" "Sure." Vert then got on Alex's back. Vert, who usually liked using men to her advantage, was embarrassed as Alex offered her one instead of her begging Alex to give her one. They made it back to the Basilicom where Alex laid Vert on her bed and started patching her up. 'Alex has been helping me for 2 weeks and all I've done is play games the entire time. I need to make it up to him. I'll plan it next week.' "Vert, you okay?" "Yes I'm fine. Thanks for patching me up." Alex then got up and started to leave until Vert called out to him. "Alex, Wait." "What is it Vert?" "Thank you for everything." Alex smiled. "Now problem. I really like you a lot. Your like a motherly figure to me." Alex then realized what he said and covered his mouth looking upset. "Forget that I said that." Vert Immediatly was interested so she asked. "Alex. When you said motherly figure? Do you have a mother?" Alex looked depressed as if Vert struck him in a personal area. "Vert. I want you to keep this hidden from the others. I don't want an important piece of my past revealed yet got it?" "Yes." "When I Said you were a motherly figure to me, I said that because.....I don't have a mother, anymore." Vert Immediately knew why he was like this. "What happened to her?" Vert knew the answer but wanted clarification. "She died. Our house blew up causing her to fly. She hit the concrete road forehead first hard immediately paralyzing and killing her. I flew alongside her and we both landed. I saw her head bleeding. I begged her not to die. I wanted her to live. But...." Alex started breaking down. He couldn't handle the pain of remembering the day his life changed. "I'm really pathetic aren't I? It was over 6 years ago when my mom died. I was 7. And yet, as 13. I....I...I...." Alex couldn't finish. He was crying a stream of tears. Vert immediately got up and hugged him. "Vert." "Alex, us goddesses may not know what a mother's love is like, but from what I've seen from my citizens, a mother is important to a child's life. Even if it was 6 years since your mother died, a birth mothers influence and impact can never be replaced." Alex smiled and calmed down. "Thanks. See you then." Said Alex as he left Vert's room.
Final day at Leanbox
A week has passed since Judge's attack and Chika was physically drained after spending the whole 2nd week paying the damages to fix Leanbox. It was the Final night before Alex left for Lowee so he decided to take a bath to relax himself. It was steamy in the bath as Alex was just laying there letting the water do it's work. "Hah. Man 3 weeks have gone by quickly." "I know right haven't they." "They sure have." "So, what do you think of Leanbox." "It was nice to be here. Nice blend of futuristic technology and modern day urbanization." "So, would you like to stay here?" "That depends on how I feel about the other nations." "Well I hope you chose mine in the end. Mind if I wash your back?" "Not at all go ahead." Alex then realized something. 'Wait, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one here so, who am I talking to?' Alex then turned around to see, "VERT!" Vert was in the bath with Alex having a towel over her voluptuous figure. Vert smiled as she was finally noticed. "Took you a while to look." "Yeah. Anyways I'm done gotta go!" Alex then attempted to leave but Vert saw this and held him down. "I'm not done yet." "It's ok I'm already washed up so it's fine." "No. I want to finish this bath." Vert then whispered seductively in Alex's ear saying, "Or would you have me scream?" Alex then knew she had him beat. If Vert screamed then a guard would for sure come in and arrest Alex for rape causing him to labeled by all women including the CPU's Scum. "go ahead and finish." Alex said dejectedly. Vert smiled and continued to wash Alex's back. It took about 5 silent and awkward minutes until Vert was done. "There you go all done." "Thanks now I must get go.." Alex stopped mid sentence. Vert wrapped her arms around his chest hugging him, however it wasn't this hug that shocked Alex. It was the feeling of two soft squishy mounds being pressed against his back. "Wh-wh-what are you doing no-now?" Alex's face was as red as the sun. "Oh. Not only are you childish and serious but your also cute when your embarrassed." Back in his dimension Alex's sister always tried to embarrass him by showing off her figure however since Alex was used to her he simply ignored her, however with Vert, since he wasn't used to her everyday personality, it caught him by surprise. Alex stayed embarrassed until he smelt something coming from Vert. "Hey Vert, were you drinking?" "Maybe a little." Vert hiccuped. "Come on Vert be honest." "Well I'm not fond of wine but after seeing Chika suffer through all that work I just had to help her. Since I was so stressed from working I took a couple of shots of wine. After that I decided to head to wash up, I didn't expect you to be here resting seemingly waiting to be picked up." "That explains why your here but it doesn't explain you hugging me like this." "I'm rewarding you." "Re-rewarding me how?" "Well, besides my attraction to Yaoi, I don't really have a fondness for real men. But when I heard and saw all the work you did these three weeks, I felt upset, embarrassed that I wasn't there to help or praise you. I was just in my room all the time playing games with my guild. So I decided to make it up for you. This is 3 weeks of rewarding for you." Vert the placed her hand on his cheek to make him face her and started moving her face closer to his. Alex began to go mental. 'What should I do?! Should I accept it? No I can't I'll be taking advantage of a drunk women.' Alex was having mental war in his mind right now. On one hand the thought of having a kiss with a girl like Vert screamed at Alex to hurry up and kiss already. On the other hand, logic still existed and screamed at Alex not to take advantage of Vert being drunk.' "DAMMIT!" It was too late. Vert's lips were one inch away from Alex's lips. He felt Vert's hot breath on his mouth. Just as Vert was about to close the gap. SHE came. "Big Sis lets take a bath together." Chika burst through the door ready to bathe with Vert. She wasnt wearing a towel. Alex caught a full glimpse of Chika. Alex immediatly went into shock while having a nosebleed. He wasnt a pervert but he wasnt used to a girls body fully exposed. "Alex." "WAIT CHIKA I CAN EXPLAIN!" "HOW COULD YOU!"
Leanbox Finale
Up Next:The Land of White Serenity, Lowee
Next Time, Land of snow, next emerald:Lowee I(White Emerald)
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