Lastation I(Arrival)
"I'm sorry Alex but Noire isn't here right now. I'm impressed you got here before her." Said Histoire "Are you kidding me! All I hear from her is how she's always prepared and ready, yet I arrive before her! Honestly she annoys to no extent! I'm gonna go to my usual eatery here. Call me if she arrives." Histoire nodded her head as Alex left the Basilicom going to the eatery he always goes to. Unfortunately a minute later Noire arrived. "I'm here Histoire, so where is he?" "I'm sorry Noire but Alex isn't here right now." "Are you kidding me! That boy has to nerve to keep a goddess like me waiting!? Honestly he should be grateful that I'm giving him this chance!" "Actually Noire he was here a minute ago. He left telling me to call him if you showed up." "Oh wait really?" "Yes. He shouldn't be that far ahead. I'll give you his coordinates so you can follow him." "Thanks Histoire." With That Noire received the coordinates and left the Basilicom.
At the eatery
'Man it's been a long time.' Alex entered the eatery prepared for a feast. The cashier knew what he wanted since he came here a lot and got the same thing. "Let me guess, the usual sir?" "Yes I'd like my usual." "And What will the young lady get?" "Young lady? Sorry ma'am but it's just me." "Look next to you sir." Alex looked to his right and saw Noire. "What the hell are you doing here!?" "I should be asking you the same thing!" "Look if you want to argue let's take it to a private table. So hurry up and order something." "Fine." Noire then ordered a simple salad alongside a cup of coffee 'She likes being elegant.' They then were lead to a private room that coincidentally was sound proof allowing them to continue your argument. "Alright tell me why your here making me wait!" "Don't get me started on that! I came expecting you to be here first! Instead I show up first while you leave me waiting and as you know I only have patience during battles. Outside I want things down quickly." "Well sorry that I'm not always perfect." "Says the girl who says their the definition of perfect." Alex mumbled causing Noire to give him the classic tsundere slap. "Ow What the hell!?" "Shut up you damn idiot! You don't know what it's like to rule a nation! As a goddess you need to set a perfect image for your people to look up to." 'She's a try hard.' "Look let's forget this happened and just eat." "Fine." Their food arrived and they both ate in quiet peace. After finishing they went to s clearing ready to go. "Hold on a minute. Don't think your off the hook." "What is it now?" "Even if you arrived before me you still need to pay me back for making a goddess wait." "As much as I want to say no I'll just accept it so you'll be off my back. So what will it be." "I want you to summon Blaze so we can ride her to Lastation. I don't feel like transforming." Alex the bit his thumb. "Whatever you say. Summoning Jutsu." Blaze appeared and they both got on. "Since it's your first time be careful." "Alright alright let's just go." "Blaze take off towards Lastation." Blaze then flew off heading towards Lastation.
At Lastation's Basilicom
"I feel so cold. I might go numb." "I warned you." Noire was so used to flying that she thought she'd be fine riding Blaze however, she ended up getting cold due to the height Blaze flew at. "I didn't think I'd be affected by the cold." "It's probably because you were in your human state." "Shut it." "And that proves I'm correct." Alex looked around and saw how Lastation was more industrial compared to the other 3 nations as he saw many factories and smoke. The Basilicom was something Alex couldn't describe in one word. It wasn't as advanced as Neptune's tower nor was it as simple as Blanc's castle. I was somewhere in between, behind Npetune's but ahead of Blanc's. If he had to list the Basilicom's in appeal and look, it'd be Neptune, Vert, Noire, And Blanc. They entered the Basilicom and saw lots of people running around with lots of papers. While Noire looked pleased Alex was bewildered. 'This looks like hell.' They made it to an elevator and went up to Noire's living room. After a short while they arrived. "Uni, I'm back." "Welcome back big sis." A new voice said. Alex saw this new girl and looked at her figure. She had red eyes and black hair worn in two pigtails that were tied up by two black ribbons with white stripes. She wore a black one-piece pleated dress decorated with white stripes at the bottom of the pleats. She also wore matching arm warmers and shoes with knee high black socks sharing the same color scheme as her dress. 'It's like I'm looking at a younger Noire.' Uni pretty much had the same as Noire. "Um hello." "Hm. Oh sorry, I'm Alex nice to meet you." "You too. My names Uni." They shook hands. Footsteps came from the hallway and a new, girl, boy? Alex didn't want to assume the person's gender so he stayed silent. The person had short silver hair, cobalt blue eyes, and wore a black suit like outfit with a blue tie and black shorts instead of pants. Their leg wear consisted of below the knee black socks and black shoes with blue line designs and silver circles in the center. "Pleasure to meet you Alex. My name is Kei Jinguji, Oracle of Lastation." "Nice to meet you Kei." Noire then took Alex to his room. On the way Alex noticed how short Noire's skirt. 'She's practically asking for her skirt to be noticed when she bends down.' Alex knew better than to ask her and ignored it. "Hey Noire I have a question." "Kei's a girl." 'That's one question answered.' "Not that. When's dinner." "Oh. Well in a couple of minutes." Alex was then arrived at his room and entered with Noire leaving to prepare dinner. Alex looked around and saw that once again it was quite spacious. He also saw a computer however compared to his room in Leanbox, this computer was a far cry to what Leanbox has but at least it was something. He then just walked around and dozed off a bit until he was called to the dining table. Dinner was awkward due to no one speaking but at least he was able to get a meal in. He the left to his room and quickly went to bed.
The Next Day
"Wake up." "Wake Up." "Come on, get up." Noire was in Alex's room attempting to wake the boy up. While the boy was a morning person like Noire, he woke up on his own time. Noire continued shaking him for a bit until he picked his arm up as if to turn off an alarm clock. Noire saw him swing his arm down. She though he was going to slap her in the face instead, he ended up grabbing her breast by accident. "Kyah!" Alex then immediately woke up, his hand squishing Noire's breast. He looked to his right and saw it. "You've gotta be kidding ME." Alex put emphasis on me due to Noire punching him in the face. "STOP GROPING ME YOU DAMN PERV!" Noire then saw Alex knocked out. 'I have to wait again.' After a short while Alex regained consciousness and was forced to put on a jogging suit as Noire took him to a park for morning training she planned before hand. Alex sat on a bench watching Noire stretch. "That should be enough for now." She then looked at Alex with slight irritation. "Don't just sit there and watch. Get over here." 'If it weren't for my heart I wouldn't even be here. Honestly who wakes up a person at 5 to punch them in the face.' He ended up suffering another black eye. Noire saw on his face how un interested he was. "Ok look I'm sorry for punching in the face but your still at fault for groping me even though you were half asleep." 'She has a point. Even if I was half asleep I still should've been aware of my surroundings.' He the got up and walked towards Noire. "So what're we doing first?" Noire then looked satisfied. Even if he wasn't 100% engaged, at least he was willing to cooperate. "I'm done stretching so let's go on a jog." They then started joggin on the trail around the park. While Alex though it was a simple jog around the park, it was actually a plan Noire developed 'Looks like my plan has began. If I show Alex how much stamina I have he'll definitely choose me.' Noire decided to increase the speed. "I'm going to speed up. Try and keep up with me." With That Noire began to pick up speed and increase her gap in Alex however Alex didn't really care and still closed the gap without even trying. Noire picked up speed every 15 seconds and eventually they were sprinting. While Noire was panting Alex looked fine and not looking exhausted. 'Why does he run with his arms behind his back.' (Yes Alex's main run is the Naruto run) "Ok let's take a break." They both stopped and Noire went to a nearby tree to rest. 'How does he have so much stamina!?' "If your wondering why I'm not exhausted The it's because I can run around near the speed of sound so I'm pretty fast."(Yes he has Sonic's speed but rarely uses it.) Noire knew she needed a new tactic for her plan to work. 'Time for plan B!' Noire then went towards a bag and took out two wooden swords tossing one to Alex. "Ok now we're going to have a little duel." "You sure? You look exhausted." "Don't look down on me! I can still fight!" Alex then begrudgingly accepted it. They both got in an assault stance, then Noire charged forward aiming at Alex. Alex naturally blocked her attacks and attacked himself leading Noire to block. They went back and forth with the wood chipping and breaking until Alex's sword split in two leading Noire to trip him up and aim at his neck giving her the victory. Even though Noire was beyond her limit she was satisfied hearing Alex pant heavily himself knowing she was able to give him a fight. "I believe we're done here. Now...let's......go.....back....." Noire fainted leading Alex to get her in a piggyback position and take her back to the Basilicom. "Honestly what's her deal."
Time skip
Alex was now facing the guild ready to look for the 5th emerald. He left Noire at the Basilicom a couple of minutes ago and immediately left to look for the guild. He entered and went straight for the request board. He grabbed 15 quests not caring about the massive share rise it'll give Lastation. He registered for all the quests and went out to complete them all. However.
After completing all the quests.
"Dammit! Where is that damn emerald!?" Alex was frustrated. He didn't stop after 15. He got more and more until it got to a point where the guild officials told him to leave and wait until tommorow. He had done about 51 quests and yet he searched a lot of Lastation's outlands but couldn't find any emerald or any monster powered by an emerald. "I should go back now it's getting late." Alex walked back towards the Basilicom as he pondered what to do now. "I should take my chances and wait until something just happens to show up." By the time he knew it he was in the Basilicom and was I his room dropping on his bed ready for a deep sleep.
Next Time, Bonding with a Tsundere?:Lastation II(Hanging with Uni)
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