Epilogue(A Truth Revealed)
"Begone, WITH THE THUNDER CLAP!" Alex the moved his Chidori towards the ground as Kirin reacted to it by slamming into ground at 1/1000th Of second quickly making a huge explosion go off where The Deity Of Sin laid. Alex was beaten and bloody from the fight he had and he was also extremely exhausted after using an excessive amount of chakra and Chaos energy. He didn't even know whether or not Arfoire was out. From the looks of it though, it seems as if he won the fight. Before he was gonna check. He heard a clapping sound. He quickly turned around and saw an individual hidden by a black cloak that covered his whole body and he was wearing a strange cat mask.(think of the anbu cat mask. Also no he is not an anbu black op.) He continued clapping until he hid his arms under the cloak and breaking the silence. "To stand against an ancient fallen CPU and win by yourself, it seems your powers have developed rather well these last few months. Of course, it's what I expected from Hagoromo's Student." Alex was shocked. "You know Hagoromo Sensei!? How!? Who are you!?" "Calm down Alex Otsutsuki. I can't reveal my real name yet. For now, I go by Ingenium." "One more thing, how do you know the Deity Of Sin and Hagoromo!? I've never seen you back in Central or in any of the divisions!" "Me and my group work in the shadows. We found a portal and ended up here. We've been studying the CPU's and learning about Gamindistri's history." "And what's your group called!?" Ingenium then showed Alex the back of his hand as he saw a logo on it.
A red eye crossed out by a red x. "This is our symbol. We are known as 'The Blood Knights.' Right now we're working in the shadows. Eventually, we'll come out of hiding and bring a threat that the Deity Of Sin wishes she could have, and I expect you to stop us." "Why don't I stop you now!?" Alex said running and jumping at Ingenium. He then felt Ingenium's hand in his chest. "Cross Slash." Out of nowhere, a deep x slash appeared on Alex's chest as he lost lots of blood and coughed up some from his mouth. He then fell on the floor writhing in pain. 'The hell!? What was that!?' He then looked and Ingenium's cloak and saw his basic looking sword. 'The hell!? When did he pull it out!?' As Ingenium was looking down at Alex, The Deity Of Sin crawled out of the crater she was in as she was disintegrating and breaking down. "No! Alex! If I'm going down, then your coming with me!" She then slammed her hand on the ground causing a earthquake. Ingenium looked around for a moment before looking at Arfoire shattering into pieces. "Seems like she wasn't dead yet. It seems our chat Alex will have to wait." Ingenium opened a dark portal and before he walked in, said some last words. "I look forward to meeting each other again, that is, if you make it out alive." Ingenium then entered the portal leaving Alex by himself on the ground bleeding profusely. His body was beginning to feel cold and numb as he slowly closed his eyes. 'Maybe, I should nap.' Alex then closed his eyes and lost consciousness. It was until, he thought of something. In his mind, he saw all the CPU's and oracles all together as if they were waiting for him. 'That's right, is promised them, I wouldn't die. That I'd come back. Might as well fulfill it.' Alex then got up and slowly and began to limp and stagger the way back to Planeptune. The longer he went, the more heavier the steps were as he was leaving behind a trail of blood. 'I'm, almost, there.' Alex then lost his footing and fell back onto the ground. His legs just gave up on him, yet, he didn't give up. He extended his arms and dragged his body. The longer he went on, the harder it was to extend his arm. His eyes were slowly turning from black to grey as he was losing his vision due to his fading consciousness. 'Just a little more. I can make it.' Just before he lost consciousness, he heard a voice call out to him. "Girls! I found him!" Said a voice in the distance. Alex turned his head to look up and saw Nepgear back in her human form. "Nepgear!" After her, the other candidates were running towards them with the four main goddesses right behind them. "Alex!" Said both Uni and the twins in the same amount of shock as Nepgear. "Damn it! This is why we told you not to fight her alone!" Said Noire with a mixture of anger and worry. Alex slowly looked at the, before speaking. "Why-." "-are we here instead of running away? I think your looking down on us a bit too much, Alex." Said Vert. "We weren't planning to leave you behind. We were waiting for our shares to replenish enough to join the battle." Said Blanc. "Although, judging by the scenery, I'd say he finished the job already." Said Noire as she saw the Graveyard collapsing afar. "Um, girls? I'm happy we were able to find Ally and all, but, I suggest we leave now!" Said Neptune growing anxious at the ground a few feet from them cracking. "Neptune's right. It's probably a matter of time until the entire Graveyard sinks to the ocean. Alex also needs serious medical assistance." Said Vert looking at the young man before looking at CPU's. "Girls, if we want to escape then one of us needs to carry him. He looks short enough to be given a ride on someone's back." Neptune them immediately volunteered. "I'll do it!" Neptune then transformed into Purple Heart and put Alex on her back getting ready to take off. The other CPU's and candidates then transformed themselves as they all flew away from the Graveyard. Alex slowly closed his eyes as his body gave out.
TimeSkip:5 weeks Later
Alex began to stir before immediately opening his eyes and looked around his surroundings before realizing he was in his room in the Planeptune Tower. "Eh? What happened?" Alex began to wonder until he remembered. "The Deity Of Sin!" Alex quickly sat up, but, the throbbing pain from his chest stopped him from getting up. "Uh? What the?" He said to himself while looking at his body. He was covered in bandages from his head to just below his stomach leaving his arms exposed and his pants on. He could tell this was Compa's doing. He placed his hand over the bandages analyzing his wounds remembering what happened. "Oh right, I won against her, then this, Ingenium person showed up." While wondering about Ingenium, he heard the door open as Compa came in with a fresh batch of bandages. "Ally! Your finally awake!" Compa then placed the bandages on the bed leaving the room to tell the rest. Alex looked at the bandages with comfort. "Thank god I woke up now." Immediately after, Compa came into the room with the CPU's and candidates along with IF and Histoire. "Good day Alex. How are you feeling?" "Fine, I guess?" He replied scratching the back of his head. "How long was I out?" "Five weeks, but the doctors expected a month for you." Added Blanc. "I see, why're you all here?" "Isn't it obvious!? We were waiting for you to wake up!" Said Noire looking at Alex before quickly turning away blushing. "Do-Don't get the wrong idea okay!? I just so happened to visit Planeptune today for Lastation related business. It's not like we've been visiting you every few days to check on you or anything!" Said Noire crossing her arms as Alex and Uni looked at her with disbelief. "Wait. Where's Neptune?" Said Alex. "Big sis? She's right, Eh!?" Said Nepgear noticing how Neptune was absent. "Where's Neptune?" "I'm not sure. She was with us a moment ago." Said IF confused on where she could've gone. "Move it, move it! Protagonist coming through!" Said Neptune as she pushes IF nearly making her fall as she ran into the room "Hey Ally! How are you feeling?" "I feel great." Said Alex with obvious sarcasm in his voice. "Yeah, that's usual when Compa's doing the patching up." Neptune then looked at the other main goddesses with a smug look. "Well girls, Since Ally is majorly hurt, it seems as if he has to stay here some more." Said Neptune. Unlike last time, the CPU's didn't accept it. "Oh no no no Neptune! Your not using that excuse again!" Said Noire. "She's right. Alex is deciding now! No more objections!" Said an angered Blanc. Vert stayed silent and looked at Alex as she saw his face. It was a look of guilt. The same type of guilt someone would have when lying. "Alex, why do you look so down?" With that, all the arguing stopped as all eyes were on Alex. Alex saw all of them and knew that he had to tell the truth. With no delay, he sighed. "Girls. This'll shock you beyond compare. I, can't choose a nation to stay at." Everyone in the room was shocked at Alex's words. "What do you mean?" Said Noire. "That super form you all saw, it was activated using seven mystical artifacts called the Chaos Emeralds. Special Emeralds made from Chaos Energy. They contain positive and negative energy. That Super form used 100% of the positive energy." Blanc then asked the obvious question. "How'd you collect them all?" Alex stayed silent for a moment before talking. "What I'm about to say, will reveal how I arrived here and what my motivation was." Alex then summoned the seven emeralds as they all laid on the bed. "These seven emeralds right here are the reason why I'm in Gamindustri in the first place. When I woke up, Compa told me about seven colored orbs scattering across. When I heard that, I knew the emeralds were all over the place. When Histoire offered the 9 week trip around Gamindustri, I jumped on the idea because I knew I'd be able to find the emeralds." All the CPU's And Histoire had faces of anger after finding out that Alex was that focused on his goal that he used them help him complete his goal. "So, you used us just to satisfy your needs, right?" Said Vert. "Yes." Alex replied. It was silent again until Neptune put the final nail into the coffin. "Why're these emeralds important to you Ally?" "With all seven emeralds, I can return home to my dimension." At that moment, all the energy in the room dispersed. It was full of silence. "So, your going home now?" Said a worried Nepgear. "I don't know. I'll think about it tonight in bed. I'll tell all of you tomorrow." Alex said. Everyone left the room leaving Alex by himself.
Alex currently laying on his bed. He had his eyes open as he just couldn't sleep. This decision was an Big one to decide. Now was the best time to return home now that the ASIC was dead. Even with Ingenium running around he doubt he'd attack as soon as Alex left, but, he felt like he owed it to the girls for taking him in and not casting him out. Alex turned onto his side with his back facing the door. He tried to sleep but his mind wouldn't let him. His thinking ended abruptly as he heard his door open. 'Hm?' Alex turned his head back to look at the doorway. It was dark but he managed to recognize a small figure, and a recognizable one at that. 'Neptune?' Seeing Planeptune's CPU was quite surprising for Alex. He knew that she'd often sneak out late at night for a pudding, but, seeing her in his room was unexpected. As he was about to raise his head and ask her if she needed anything, the quirky CPU walked towards his bed and got on it, quietly crawling towards him and laying down behind him. 'What!?' Alex was beginning to lose it. 'The hell!? What's she doing!?' He could feel his heart beat faster and his face heat up as he was beginning to blush. A girl walking into a guys room in the middle of the night a lay in bed with him? It sounded like something from one of Vert's secret book collections. 'No way! She can't be into 'that'! Right!?' Neptune then suddenly wrapped her arms around Alex, pressing her body against his back. The sudden embraced nearly made Alex shout. Alex knew he couldn't do anything. One small move and Neptune would scream turning this into a mess. That's what he thought until, suddenly, he heard a new sound. It wasn't shuffling or any noise of that sort but rather, a voice. "I don't wanna...." 'What?' It sounded like Neptune was muttering something behind him. He could barely hear it due to the low voice. He tried to focus more carefully on Neptune's voice. This would be a choice that would settle Alex's debate. "I don't wanna.....Please don't go, Ally!" 'Neptune?' Although he couldn't see her right now, Alex hear her voice break midway through. Not only that, but it didn't take long for him to feel a damp feeling on his back in the area where Neptune was pressing her face against his back. 'Is she?' With the broken voice, shiver of her body, and damp feeling on his back, he came to a clear conclusion. What made it obvious was, without a doubt, the sound of sobbing. At that moment, it was clear as day. Neptune was crying. The perky and cheerful girl who always smiled, was holding onto him and crying. Did Neptune purposely visit him tonight to convince him not to leave? If that was the case, why do it in such a secretive way and not upfront and personal. It just wasn't like her. Maybe, Neptune didn't know he was awake and thought he was still asleep, and merely came out let out her suppressed emotions. Hearing Neptune cry made Alex's eyes water up as the tears began to flow down his face as well. It was until Alex realized something, something he'd have to Thank Neptune for. He was still crying, but now, he was crying with a smile on his face as he went to bed. 'Thank you, Neptune. You've helped me make my decision.'
The Next Day
The morning sun was beginning to show up on the horizon as a blinding light went through Alex's window as it hit him directly in the face causing him to groan and wake up. "Dammit. I just wanted a few more hours." Alex then went to his bathroom and splashed water on his face making his eyes come to life. He saw the bed and noticed a dark spot on it where Neptune cried. He touched it and noticed that it wasn't wet anymore. Alex then exited his room and decided not to waste any time. He went Histoire's room and knocked on her door. "Coming." She opened the door and saw Alex with a determined face. "Histoire. I want you to call all the goddesses. I've made my decision." "Okay. I'll call them right away. Where do you want us all to meet up?" "At the balcony behind the living room." "Ok." Histoire then went to her computer as Alex walked towards the balcony taking in the view of Planeptune.
1 Hour Later
Alex heard the balcony doors open as he saw all four goddesses and all four candidates standing behind him as he turned around. He smiled at them. "Girls. I'm really grateful for what you've done for me. I'll cherish these memories forever. Thank you, for everything." Alex said as the girls were looking down, looking somber. "Is what I would be saying if I was actually leaving." All the girls faces immediately took a 180 as they went from somber to shocked. "Ally? Don't tell us your..." "Yep. Girls, I've decided to stay for a little bit longer. Couldn't just leave this place hanging ya know? I hope you don't mind me-." Before Alex could finish Neptune tackled him and embraced him in a tight hug. "Um, Neptune, your crushing me!" "Shut it! Let this Nep have her precious moment!" Neptune continued until she finally let go letting Alex stand up as he breathed a deep breathe, until Vert came in embracing him in her own hug suffocating him with her two massive mounds. "Hmphmmph!" "Oh Alex, I'm so thrilled you've decided to stay! I'll make sure to treat you extremely well. Blanc of course came in and broke it up. Alex was finally able to breathe as he was gasping for air. He looked at Blanc and Vert arguing, Neptune and Noire having their little conversation, and all the candidates playing together. He then smiled. 'I'm happy I stayed.'
Ending Theme:Itowokashi-Kanadeai
Story Ending
Words from the author
You know how the Neptunia Series always has a good ending and a true ending? I've decided to mimic that part by giving this chapter the Story Ending. I have a special chapter coming up soon that will be the True Ending. So stay tuned.
Next Time,new power, hiding goddess:Special(New Power+Hidden Goddess)
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