ASIC Battle II(Sacrificed)
Throughout the entire Graveyard, distant clashing were heard, Magic had launched her master plan. The first part was to pick off and kill Alex before she dealt with the goddesses. 'Her speed, her strength, she's much better than she at the bridge. Must be because she isn't hiding her identity anymore.' Alex struggled on blocking Magic's scythe. He had never fought against a scythe wielded meaning Magic was the first. He just couldn't block correctly due to the curved blade at the top. Even if he did block, it was in the incorrect position leading to a small scratch each time. They both backed up. Alex wasn't tired but he surely was feeling the pain from the cuts cuts he received from blocking incorrectly. 'Dammit! This fights already gonna end! Screw it!' "Susanoo!" Alex's Susanoo appeared and was ready for battle. Magic merely smirked. "So this is the Susanoo? Looks impressive. Let's see how strong that armor is until I break through." Magic then charged again leading to Alex slamming a Susanoo arm into the ground with Magic barely dodging. "Inferno Style;Susanoo Lighting Arrow!" Alex shot a Lightning covered Amaterasu arrow at high speeds as it charged towards Magic. She was caught off guard as the arrow got in a decent slash n the left side of her body as it bled. Magic then teleported begins Alex thinking she's hit him from behind as it wasn't covered but instead, her scythe collided with the Susanoo rib cage as Alex turned around and stared at Magic with a cold expression shown in his Mangekyou eyes. "I love this cold side of you. Why don't you show me more?" "Amaterasu!" Alex got Magic at point blank range as the flames appeared on her left shoulder and began to spread. 'It shouldn't be this easy. She's a fake.' Alex used Chidori and struck her through the heart. Magic ended up disappearing into particles. "I knew it. Show yourself." The Real Magic appertaining still having the wound from the lighting arrow. "So you switched before you struck me from behind. I'll give you props though. Had me for a second." Alex then sat down and began to draw in natural energy. He was finished and entered Sage Mode. "Hope your ready." Magic dashed towards Alex thinking she got a slice in however Alex suddenly teleported behind her. "You missed. I'm over here." Magic went back to strike again leading to the same teleportation technique. It went on for 10 more times until Magic had her axe slam into the ground leading to the ground shaking causing Alex to lose balance. "Are you going to fight or keep on running!? Stop playing games with me boy!" "Where's that calm attitude?" Said Alex with a smirk on his face. "Am I getting under your skin old hag?" Alex and Magic dashed towards each other again. Alex now had lots of confidence after getting Magic to lose her cool. Alex then noticed, 'Wait. That's it! I've been blocking the handle! That's why I've gotten many cuts. If she aims vertically, block under the blade to hold it up.' Alex and Magic clashed, this time with Alex's sword under the scythe's blade as he tried to hold it up. "Now we're even." Alex said towards Magic with a huge smile. Alex dropped down and leg swept Magic as she fell to the floor. Before she made contact with the ground Alex slammed a Chidori straight into her gut as Magic got electrocuted and sent back. 'That damn brat!' Magic couldn't believe how the tables have turned. In the early portion of the battle, Magic was enjoying the look of worry and panic on Alex's face as he couldn't block her scythe correctly. Now that the fight has gone on for a while, Alex got comfortable into the battle and began to fight smart instead fighting fast. Alex stared down Magic who was on the ground. Magic got up readying herself. "I'll give you props kid. Your much better now than the bridge." "Let's just say, someone wanted me to carry on their will, and I won't fail him." "I see. Too bad I'll slice that will into the ground!" Alex and Magic clashed again.
Back in Planeptune
The other 3 CPU's had arrived at Neptune's Basilicom a couple of hours ago as they patiently waited for Histoire to finish setting up the portal in her room. While they were waiting, they were all strategizing what they'd do once they arrived. "Girls." Vert Said. "Even though we're entering the Graveyard, are we gonna do the logical thing and rescue Alex, or kill two birds with one stone and destroy Magic?" All the Girls listened to Vert's words and considered it for a second. While their main objective was to rescue Alex, what's stopping them from taking down Magic? An opportunity is in front of them. Noire, however, shut down Vert's idea. "While I do agree with Vert, it isn't our main objective. We can take down Magic another time. First we recover Alex, regroup with our sisters, form a plan, and take down Magic. If we were to attack her now it'd be a huge risk." Blanc sided with Noire. "She's right Vert. It be a huge gamble to take." Neptune obviously took Vert's side. "Come on girls! Quit being babies. Let's go in their and help Ally nep up Magic!" "Don't be a fool!" Noire said. "It's like me and Blanc said. It's a huge gamble and risky." Neptune then looked towards Vert. "Come on Vert! Back me up!" "I'm sorry Neptune but I have to agree with Noire and Blanc. Besides, I never did say I wanted to attack Magic. I just said what's stopping us from attacking her." Neptune looked defeated. It was three against one. "Fine. We'll play it safe." Histoire then came into the room. "Girls. Transform. The portal is now open." All the CPU's nodded as they went towards Histoire's room. When they entered, they were face to face with the portal. They all transformed, held hands, looked at one another, and entered the Graveyard.
Back to Alex vs Magic
'I might be able to take her down if I play it smart.' Alex and Magic were standing a few feet away from each other and the tables really had turned. Alex was able to figure out Magic's attack pattern and took over the battle with his speed and strategy. At the beginning, he was frantically defending himself against Magic. He just couldn't block at the right angle. As the fight went on, Alex got more and more into it and figured out a way to attack Magic. Alex's Sage Mode played a huge role into turning the momentum. Magic was unable to get a slash in due to Alex's aura that Magic couldn't see. Every time Magic got close to him, she always got hit by the aura which acted as a barrier that didn't allow Magic to even touch Alex. 'To think my plan might end so suddenly. I wasn't planning to kill him, but now, he'll suffer no mercy.' Alex looked at Magic's eyes and saw them turn from gold to red. 'She's powered up. Good.' Alex then summoned his buster sword now knowing that the intensity has increased. Alex and Magic charged forward ready to clash until. "Purpurascens Burst!" Out of nowhere a Spear landed in between Alex and Magic as it then exploded launching Alex and Magic back. "The hell are you doing Thunder Tits!?" "Sorry! I didn't expect that to happen." Alex collided with a rock as he stopped moving. "The hell?" Alex looked up and saw all 4 goddesses coming towards him. "Girls. What are you doing here?" Black Heart responded first with, "What does it look like idiot? We're here to rescue you!" "Rescue me? Why?" "What do you mean why!? We don't want you to die jackass!" White Heart shouted. "Calm down. I'm fine trust me. I've been handling this battle pretty well." "Doesn't matter if you've been doing fine against her. Your hurt." Said Green Heart. Purple Heart ended the conversation with, "Let's stop arguing and go home." Everyone agreed and were ready to leave until. 'What's that sound.' Alex heard a sound coming from the ground. Out of nowhere thick cables appeared from the ground as they wrapped around Black, White, and Green Heart as they were suspended in the air trapped like insects in a spiders web. Alex then ran and tackled Purple Heart out of the way as another cable wrapped around Alex's foot trapping him for the meantime. "Dammit!" Magic then got up and slowly walked towards them. "Are you ready Alex? Ready to see all your precious friends die in-front of your eyes?" Magic said slowly. Alex tried to escape the wire but couldn't move at all. 'Dammit! Dammit! Not now! Not today!' "Neptune! Wake up and run!" Purple Heart slowly woke up and staggered back to her feet. "What, happened?" Purple Heart then turned around and saw Magic charging at her leading Purple Heart to block Magic. They both then took their battle to the skies as Alex watched on trying to escape the cables. "Alex!" Black Heart called out to him. "Just stop! It's impossible to break those cables!" Purple Heart was doing a decent job holding of Magic but then, things took a turn for the worst. "Flash bang!" Magic's scythe then shined a bright light momentarily blinding Purple Heart. Purple Heart then saw Magic's scythe raised as it glowed a menacing red. "Die." Magic said calmly. Purple Heart attempted to step back but saw that she wasn't gonna avoid the blow. 'Is this it?' Purple Heart closed her eyes preparing for the strike. A slash was heard but, Purple Heart didn't fell any pain. She opened her eyes and saw something. She saw blood, lots of blood, flying in the air. It wasn't hers however. She looked up and saw Alex. Purple Heart looked shocked at the sight of Alex as his eyes and mouth were open, blood flying off his back. To Purple Heart, Time was flying so slow, it felt like time froze. It wasn't until Alex collided with their as they fell towards the floor. It took Purple Heart a while to get out of her trance as she saw Alex in her arms bleeding profusely from the deep wound on his back. Purple Heart turned Alex onto his back as he laid in her arms. "Al.......Ally?" Purple Heart said as she transformed back into Neptune. "Neptune, your, not hurt, are you?" Alex then coughed up blood. "Ally!" Neptune couldn't believe the state Alex was in and tried to pick him up until she felt something wet and warm on his back. She moved her hand and saw blood, fresh blood. "Ally! Why!? Why'd you protect me!? Why'd you do it!?" Alex then looked up at Neptune as she saw his eyes. "I've, seen a lot of people die protecting me. Saving me from attacks. So I decided, if everyone did it for me, why not do it for someone else. Right?" "That doesn't matter!? Why'd you take the hit for me!?" Alex then smiled. "Isn't it obvious. You said it yourself." Alex then moved his hand until he poked Neptune's forehead. "We're friends." Alex kept on smiling until his eyes closed as his arm fell and went limp. "Ally? Ally, please? Talk." Neptune began to tear up. At this moment, Neptune had lost her first friend.
Next Time, Presents:ASIC Battle III(The Former Goddess's Gifts)
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