Alex vs Black Heart
A Few Hours After Alex vs. Green Heart
While Alex sat down on the side of the bed, Compa bandaged his wounds and checked for any fractures. After a short but extensive search, the nurse took a step back and smiled. "There, I'm all done!"
After she gave him the okay, he put his zippered shirt back on while the nurse then left the room, where IF and Histoire were waiting. "So, how is he doing?" Asked Histoire. "There's only a few cuts and bruises...Some cuts are big and slightly deep, but there doesn't seem to be any organ or bone damage." "I see...that's good" Said IF while smiling.
It was more than likely that the guild member didn't feel completely happy about the outcome of that battle since Vert was the goddess she followed, but it was a fair fight and holding grudges was not her style. Once the young man got out of his room, Histoire and IF turned their attention to him.
"How are you feeling?" Asked the tome. "I'm okay..." "That's good to know." "Alright, give me a moment and I'll get dinner ready!" Said Compa cheerfully
Everyone agreed and waited. It took around an hour and half or so until the Nurse finally served dinner, but it was worth the wait. "Hmmmm, I never get tired of eating Compa's extra special pudding!" Said Neptune with a pleased expression after taking in a spoonful. "I'm glad you like it, Nep-nep…" Replied the Nurse while beaming at Neptune
She looked around the table at the happy faces of the people eating her food, but she couldn't help but notice something. Alex seemed pensive about something. In fact, he seemed so focused on this unknown thoughts that he hardly touched his food. " something wrong?"
When they heard Compa, everyone else turned their heads to look at Alex and noticed his mind was indeed somewhere else at the moment. "What?" "Are you okay? You look worried" "Nothing much...Just thinking about how to train for the next match" He replied while resting one elbow on the table and his chin on his hand. "Ally...I think you work too much…" Said Neptune before taking a spoonful of pudding again. "I think you just work too little" Said IF while looking at her with an irritated expression. "More like she doesn't work at all" Added Histoire while sweat dropping. "That's rude!" Snarled Planeptune's CPU before turning her head to look at Nepgear for backup "Right, Nepgear!?" "Well...To be honest, you don't really work too much…" Replied the CPU candidate while looking sideways with a weak smile and pressing the tips of her index fingers against each other while sweat dropping. "Nepu! Even my baby sister is against me!" "Nepko's laziness aside, she does have a point..." Said IF while turning her head to look at Alex again "You should try and take it easy for now and rest." "Right, right! Just because you look like a loser doesn't mean you need to work so hard!"
Alex closed his eyes and clenched his fist as a vein mark popped on his forehead. Normally he didn't care much about what other people said about him, but there was something about hearing it from her that made it beyond infuriating for some reason. "Bi-Big sister! Even if you're trying to give him advice, that still sounded very rude!"
Neptune looked at Nepgear with a confused expression, and then at Alex. And her expression paled after she noticed he was making a very scary expression. "Eh? Mister...Alex?" She said while breaking a cold sweat ""Could it're in pisty mode?"
Alex then stood up and slammed his hands on the table on the table. "So what if I am lonely!? You think I give a fucking shit if I am!?" "H-Hey calm down is was just-." Before Neptune could finish, Alex had her pinned to a wall as she stared into his soulless black eyes as she sensed the hate, sorrow, and pain in them.
As if a flip was switched, Alex's eyes softened as he let go of Neptune, his face no longer in utter hate but rather, deep regret. "…I Think I'll go to sleep now..." And with that said, the young boy quietly walked away went back to his room without another word, leaving everybody to look at the doorway he just walked through to leave. "Alex…" Said Compa with concern.
Three Weeks Later
After three weeks of non stop training, questing, and mediation, the day of the final match against Lastation's CPU arrived.
When Alex and Black Heart met on the arena, Alex took a look at her appearance.
Her eyes were lime green and her hair was pure white, and went below her shoulders somewhat, with her fringe standing above her eyes and bangs caressing her face. Her suit was black and white in color and the mechanical appearance was much more visible. It also exposed a mild amount of her cleavage. Her sleeves were pure black, with silver patches in the bicep and tricep area, her gauntlets were black with silver protrusions on the knuckle.
She looked at him and smiled with confidence. "You might have beaten the other two, but it won't be the same with me..." She said with a stern expression. "You know, I think the last one said something similar." The CPU popped a vein mark as the two of them took their positions and got ready to start the battle.
"Everyone! Today is the final match between the CPUs and the challenger!" Announced IF to the crowd "Today's fighters are Lastation's CPU, Lady Black Heart and the swordsman Alex!" "Finally, the third and last fight!" Said Neptune with enthusiasm.
Not only the perky CPU, but the crowd in general was excited as well. Everyone wished to see if the young man, who went from being the underdog to a fighter acknowledged now by many, could manage to defeat the CPU and get a definitive victory over the Goddesses. Once the counter reached zero, both of them dashed forward and began clashing swords.
Unlike the other two, Black Heart was a far more skilled and balanced fighter. Her attacks were strong and relentless like White Heart's, but fast and precise like Green Heart's too. Both weapons kept constantly clashing for a good while before both of them jumped backwards after a strong clash. "Oh, not bad…then again…" Said Black Heart with a smirk before she disappeared from sight and reappeared behind Alex "I haven't gotten serious yet!"
The young man quickly turned around and managed to block the slash, but Lastation's CPU didn't give him a second to think and began attacking him with a barrage of attacks that were twice as fast as before. Right now, Alex could only stay on the defensive. "Hahahahaha! Come on, come on, come on! Is that all you can do!?" She said before using a fencing attack against Alex as the final hit of her barrage, sending him flying backwards. "Whoa! Noire is fast!" Said Nepgear with widened eyes. "Nepu! She's faster than that famous blue hedgehog who runs for golden rings!"
(*stares at Neptune*)
(Neptune: What? It makes sense!)
(Is this what the world as come down to?)
(Neptune: What's that supposed to mean!?)
Black Heart simply lowered her head and made a confident smirk. "Well...If you really must know, I guess I'll tell you..." She said in reply to Planeptune's sisters comments with a smirk. "I don't really think anybody asked for an explanation, though..." Muttered Nepgear while sweat dropping with a smile.
"Since I knew you'd be a difficult opponent, I dedicated the last three weeks to training myself to the bone and did as many quests as I could to gain back my shares... As a result, now my shares are on their highest among all the four goddesses!" She explained before pointing her sword at Alex and making a smirk again "Prepare yourself! You're facing the strongest goddess!"
"Do you ever shut up?" He asked while sweat dropping with an exhausted expression. "I'll make YOU shut up for good!" She snarled before dashing towards him and beginning a new barrage of attacks.
"As always, Noire is getting a bit overconfident" Said Nepgear while sweat dropping. "More like arrogant" Corrected Blanc "Such an unladylike way to act... But I guess it is common when coming from her in that form"
After hearing two familiar voices, Neptune and Nepgear turned their heads and saw Vert and Blanc sitting next to them. "Ah! It's Blanc and Vert!" "Where did you two come from?" Asked the CPU candidate. "We've been sitting here for a while already, you just didn't notice us." Said Lowee's CPU without taking her eyes off the fight. "We didn't really want to miss this, so we decided to attend" answered Vert. "Oh..." Replied Nepgear while sweat dropping.
"That bastard better not lose…If he does, everyone will think Noire is stronger than us!" "Well, she does have the most shares right now...So she kind of is the strongest one" Said Neptune while sweat dropping. Blanc then turned her head and looked at Neptune with an even angrier expression and a popping vein. "What was that!?" "Nothing!" Answered Neptune with a slight panic.
While the CPUs were having their little chat, the fight kept raging on. And after a few moments of constant barrages, Alex began getting tired and Black Heart managed to land quite a few hits. "Take this! Fire Fencer!" Yelled Lastation's CPU as she used a fire infused thrust attack. Alex tried blocking the incoming sword, but he still received damage and was sent flying away before sliding backwards and eventually falling to the floor on his knees while taking deep breaths after stopping. "What's wrong!? Are you done already!?"
Right now, Black Heart was the one dominating this fight and she knew it. Unfortunately, that only served to fuel her arrogant and attitude. "Noire is really enjoying this, isn't she?" "Yeah, but things tend to end up really badly for her whenever she gets like this." Said Neptune while sweat dropping.
"So, now do you understand why you shouldn't mess with us goddesses!?" Said Lastation's CPU with a smirk "Since you're already kneeled down, you may as well give up now!" "Give up?" "Hm?" "You really think I'll give up, just cause you banged me up a bit…or because you're a goddess?" Said Alex while slowly getting back up on his feet by using the sword as a support "It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than this to put me down…"
After fully getting back up, the young man looked at Black Heart in the eye.
His Sharingan was active.
At first, Alex went along with this little duel the CPUs challenged him to because he wouldn't let them have their way with him. But during this fight, he came to realize just how conceited and arrogant Lastation's CPU really was. There was some notable sense of superiority in the attitude of the other two CPUs, but so far, Black Heart was the most arrogant one of the trio. She was fully convinced of her superiority and not only insulted her enemies, but even went as far as laughing of them in their faces. Goddess or not, there was no way Kenji could accept giving up against someone like that.
"Goddesses or whatever, I couldn't give less of a damn about that!" He said with a strong determination "I ain't backing down! Not to a stuck up bitch like you!"
The people viewing the fight were silent for a moment.
"Stuck-up bitch...!?" Muttered Black Heart with a twitching eyebrow and a popped vein "How dare you!? I'll make you pay for that!"
With her blood boiling, Lastation's CPU dashed towards Alex once again and began a new barrage of attacks. But this time, she wouldn't give him the chance to give up. Instead, she would make sure to beat him up until he was certain to regret insulting her for the rest of his life.
With every passing moment, Black Heart managed to land even more hits on Alex, but this time the young boy was trying to be more on the offensive and was also managing to land hits on her as well. After a few exchanges, the young boy was already quite beat up and worn out. The CPU had sustained some damage as well, but she was still raging to go.
'Damn…I went and said I wouldn't give up. But If this keeps up, I'm really gonna end up in the gutter!'
Having no other choice, Alex was ready to unleash his real powers. As he saw Black Heart charging at him with a Fire Fencer.
He took a deep breathe, closed his eyes as they leaked blood. He then opened them
And shouted
Next Time: The Mangekyou Awakens
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