A Confrontation With The Others
4 Weeks later
It's been 4 weeks since Alex's abrupt arrival in Gamindustri and thanks to IF and Histoire, Alex has learned much of how Gamindustri works and strives. The biggest things Alex got from the lessons were that there were 4 nations.
The Land of Purple Progress, ruled by the goddess Purple Heart, Planeptune
(Neptune: Obviously the greatest nation by default!)
(Get out.)
The Land Of Black Regality, ruled by the goddess Black Heart, Lastation
(Noire: The best nation by a landslide!)
(Are you serious!? Get out!)
The Land of White Serenity, ruled by the goddess White Heart, Lowee
(Blanc: This is the better nation you assholes!)
(Get the hell out dammit!)
And finally, The Land Of Green Pastures, ruled by the goddess Green Heart, Leanbox
(Vert: Clearly the better nation.)
(Why are you all arguing in my room!?)
And all four nations made up the land known as, Gamindustri
Alex was currently laying down on the couch watching Neptune playing games as usual. While Neptune was lively as ever, Alex was bored out his mind.
(Neptune: Impossible! Everyone loves watching me play!)
(That be true if you weren't a game hog.)
(Neptune: What!? I always share!)
(Yeah. You always share once a year.)
(Neptune: Screw you!)
Seeing Histoire come in Alex decided to ask something. "Hey Histoire, is there anything I can do to pass the time?" She then answered, "Yes, there's a guild here in Planeptune that accepts quests. If you'd like I could guide you there." Alex looked relieved. "Finally! I get to go out and kick some butt! So where is the guild?" Histoire gave him a virtual GPS. "Take this."
5 Minutes Later
After following the directions Alex stood infront of the Planeptune guild. As he entered he saw 3 things.
1. Straight in front of him was the receptionist desk where people accepted quests and signed up as a official member. 2. To the left and right of him were tables where the members could sit and chat among each other. 3. The quest board to the left in between the receptionist desk and tables.
As Alex went towards the board he noticed someone familiar. "Hey didn't expect to see you here, IF." IF then turned around. "Oh Alex didn't think you'd be here." "I was bored so I told Histoire and she ended up guiding me here so I decided to accept quests to pass the time." "Well, why don't you join me. I've been wanting to see what skill you have." Said IF in a somewhat teasing manner. "Are you doubting, teasing, or challenging me." Replied Alex with a look of interest.
(Neptune: I sense chemistry!)
(Don't go making a big deal about.)
(Neptune: Too late! Teasing Iffy mode activate! *runs off*)
(This is gonna end in disaster.)
"Not at all. I just wanna see if you can handle yourself in battle." "Alright then, I'll tag along. You choose the quest." IF choose a simple quest involving slaying 2 Ancient Dragons. After accepting the quest they both went to the designated area. Both dragons were then located.
"I'll take the one on the right and you get the left, and also, be careful ROOKIE." IF said putting emphasis on Rookie. "Stop that. Let's just go wild." Said Alex with a wide smirk as they both run towards their respective dragon. 'All I can really use is my Kusanagi Blade and Speed.' Thought Alex knowing he couldn't show too much.
The dragon went for a slash with Alex dodging. Alex decided to toy with the dragon for a while and keep dodging it's slashes. Finally the dragon opened it's mouth and breathed ice. As the finishing blow, Alex made two hands signs with his left hand enveloping Kusanagi with electricity.
"Chidori Blade!" Said Alex aiming for the dragon's head.
It connected and like that the dragon was done. IF, who defeated her dragon earlier, saw that attack Alex used and was impressed. 'A sword that can emit electricity? Interesting.' IF thought.
"Nice job out there Alex." "Oh, it was nothing honestly." "Well i'm gonna go meet up with everyone at the Basilicom now. Feel free to take as many quests as you want." "Thank you IF." Hours later both returned to Planeptune and IF departed to the Basilicom. Alex with all this free time decided to do more quests.
5 Hours Later
Alex was now returning to the Basilicom after completing 25 quests. Unknowingly the guild was flabbergasted on how a "Rookie" could do so well on his first day on the job. As Alex was entering the Basilicom's main room, he heard a commotion in the living room.
"So how'd you do it Neptune?" "YOU BETTER TELL ME BEFORE I SMASH OPEN YOUR HEAD!" "I'm sure we'd all like to know Neptune."
(Neptune: So, it's finally time to introduce my aquintances!)
(Stop acting like your all high and mighty.)
(Neptune: Never! I am high and mighty! I'm the Invincible Neptune!)
(She's hopeless.)
He opened the door to see 3 girls harassing Neptune with a worried Nepgear, Histoire, a confused Compa, and upset IF. Nepgear, Compa, and IF took notice of Alex went towards him while the other 4 and book fairy continue in their scuffle.
"Um, whats going on and why are those 3 girls in Neptune's face." Alex said. IF replied, "Those 3 are the other goddesses. They think Neptune somehow cheated to earn her spike in shares." Alex remembered what shares were thanks to Histoire and IF. He remembered how shares came from the faith of people into one goddess and the stronger the faith, the stronger the goddess. "I can see why they're upset now."
Suddenly, Neptune noticed Alex. "Hey look, Ally's back." "DON'T CALL ME THAT NEPTUNE!" Shouted Alex. Ally was a nickname Neptune came up with for Alex and Alex wasn't pleased with how Neptune gave him a girls name.
(Neptune: *dances around Alex repeatedly saying Ally*)
(Alex: When will this end?)
(Neptune: Until I decide. Which is never!)
(Alex: *he groaned*)
(*I chuckled* He's gonna have a bad time.)
The other CPU's turned around and were face to face with Alex. Alex then got a clear look at the CPU's.
The first girl looked to be in her mid-to-late teens with a slender figure, red eyes, and long black hair that was tied into two pigtails with blue ribbons that went down to her waist. Her fringe wasn't kept apart and she had two bangs that went down to her chin. Her attire consisted of a maid-like black top with golden trimmings and white frills around her upper arm and chest which also revealed a certain portion of her cleavage. Her skirt was white with black trimming and was rather frilled compared to her top, and went down to her lower-thigh.
The Second girl had the appearance of a young girl, with a rather petite figure, dark blue eyes and light brown hair. Her hair was short, going down to her chin and her fringe is kept parted to the left. She had a large and puffy white hat on her head, with ornate blue lining and brown patterns on it. Her attire consisted of a white top-dress which presumably went down to her knees. This dress was sleeveless at the top, and had lots of chocolate-brown lining around that area. She seemed to wear a brown belt over this dress, as to keep it form-fitting. The final part of her outfit was the excessively long and thick white and brown gloves, which nearly went up to her shoulder and had large frills protruding out of the back of them.
Finally, the last girl had the appearance of an adult woman with a slender figure and dark blue eyes. Her hair was blonde and went down to her waist in length. It was kept free and rather wavy. Her fringe was kept just above her eyes as she had three sets of bangs; first going down to her upper-jaw, second, upper-neck, third, chest-length. Her attire was a green and peach-colored dress, with the top being a dark green that had gold lining on it, and being sleeveless, as well as revealing a considerable portion of her cleavage, covered through a veil of sorts. She had a ribbon on her neck, which was red in color, and had detached upper-arm portions of her dress's sleeves and had frilled gloves on her hands, and, well. 'Damn those are huge. How does she not have back problems.' The blonde smiled and winked at Alex knowing full well where he was looking.
The twin tailed girl began talking. "Neptune, who's this and why Ally if he's a boy." "Ally's a nickname Neptune gave me. Why? I don't know. My real name is Alex." Your the goddesses right?" The twin tailed replied back. "Indeed we are. We'll introduce our selves but once so remember them, Human. My name's Noire." She said with pride. "My name is Blanc." Said Blanc in a calming voice. "And I'm Vert, pleasure to meet you." Said Vert. "Likewise" Responded Alex.
(Neptune: My my.)
(Vert: Acting all formal I see.)
(Alex: Shut up! I wanna make a good first impression!)
(I sympathize with you Alex.)
"Anyways, start talking Neptune. We don't have all day." Said Noire bringing up the subject at hand. IF then remembered something. "Wait Alex, how many quests did you do?" "Hm, oh well, about 25 quests." "That must be the reason for the spike in shares."
That caught the attention of the CPU's with Noire saying, "Come on IF, no way a human completed 25 quests." "I feel offended." Alex bluntly added.
Histoire then answered Noire. "On the contrary Noire, it is true. I looked at the guild database and it shows Alex with a guild record with 25 quests in a day. More than enough to cause the current shift in share balance" "W-What!? If you really did that, then you'd better stop! You hear me?!" Said Noire while throwing daggers at Alex with her stare. "Why?" He asked "Because it's frigging bad for us when we lose shares!" Blanc shouted at him "People would think we're useless, and that wouldn't be good" Said Vert while closing her eyes
"Maybe you really are useless..." Said Alex with a neutral tone
(Damn! Alex your just destroyed the girls!)
(Alex: I didn't mean it! I just said that cause I was pent up and frustrated!)
(Keep on spitting out fire my man!)
"WHAT!?" Yelled the three at the same time, each of them with eyes as wide as plates from the shock.
"I mean...if one random dude like me could gain enough of those shares to move Planeptune from the bottom of the barrel to the top in just one day, then you girls are either lazier than that one, or maybe your people didn't believe that strongly In you to begin with." Alex said.
Now Alex had done it. The expressions of pure anger in the faces of the three goddesses showed their blood was boiling.
"YOU FUCKER! DON'T GET AHEAD OF YOURSELF!" Yelled out Blanc while bringing out her hammer and getting ready to crush heads with it. "Woah! Blanc got really angry!" Said Neptune with a slightly scared expression.
"How dare you say whatever you want!? Do you know how hard I work every day for my nation?!" Yelled Noire. "Considering you're here pointing fingers at others...not very hard" Alex repliex back. A vein popped on Noire's forehead before she made a bloodthirsty expression.
"My, it seems this man needs to learn how to give some proper respect." Said Vert. "How about you try giving me some respect first, you bimbo!?" Shouted Alex A vein popped on Vert's forehead before she made a murderous stare, just like the other two did.
"Abababababa! Blanc, Noire, Vert, please stop! Don't fight in the basilicom!" Said Histoire in a panic before looking at the young man "And you too, Alex. Stop provoking them!" "You think we're gonna let what this fucker said just slide!?" Yelled Blanc while holding back the urge to bash Alex's face in with her hammer. "A-At least let me arrange a location for you to fight properly! But please, not inside the basilicom!" "Tch...fine..." Said Blanc while dismissing her weapon "I'm sure we can arrange for the coliseum to host the fight" Suggested IF.
"Sounds good to me. That way we can humiliate him in front of everyone in Gamindustri" Said Noire with an evil smirk. "I agree with Noire. Humiliating him in front of millions is much better than just beating him up where no one can see" Added Vert, who now had a smirk similar to Noire's "Hey...Methinks everyone is making scary faces" Said Neptune while sweat dropping with a weak smile "I think that could be the understatement of the century..." Retorted IF while sweat dropping as well
The three girls went to the balcony, transformed to their HDD forms and prepared to take flight, but not before turning around and threatening Alex one last time.
"You better show up when the time comes! If you don't, I'll hunt you down and hang your head on my wall!" Said White Heart before turning around and leaving. "You better man up and not run away!" Added Black Heart before turning around and flying away with an arrogant laugh. "I'll make sure you regret your lack of respect towards us" Added Green Heart before being the last one to leave.
While Alex watched the three of them fly away, he lowered his head and sighed.
'Man...looks like I've got drawn into something extremely annoying.'
Next Time: Alex vs. White Heart
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