Okay this is awkward :P but Helloooo lovlies!
Long time no see. I hope y'all doing great.
Take a seat and enjoy this unfolding of some drama.
(Also we won an award yayy!)
Happy Reading! :)
I sat near the foot of my bed for what seems like hours now, void of any thoughts or emotions and that was driving me crazy. I wanted to pour my heart out, cry or atleast lease out my anger on something but it seems like even my stars want me to suffer with these bottled up feelings.
No one dared to check upon me, as I instructed them to. Sighing, I got up from my position and made my way towards the bathroom that happened to be a spacious area separated by only a sliding glass door. I find myself surrounded by an eerie of silence, with only a faint distant sound of water oozing out from the faucet. I walked further into the bathroom and stood in front of the sink. Mindlessly, I turned on the tap and splashed some cold water from the tap, in hopes of getting my shit together. Though it made me calm a little, there was this feeling in me that lingered around as though something bad is going to happen.
I would not say that my intuitions have always been correct, but it's like sometimes, there is this nagging feeling which no matter how hard you try, doesn't go away. No matter how hard I try to drown the haunting thoughts of the past and the situations of the present, I still can't let go of the constant battle that is happening in my head. As for the fact, I know that there's something about the fire breakage that doesn't sit right with me. I know for the fact that a guy like Ryan, who happens to run the underworld, would die in something as simple as a fire breakage; which had almost no casualties other than him.
Shaking my head, I dab a fresh towel on my face in order to dry it, while looking at my tired reflection in the mirror. A chime of my ringtone brought me back to my senses and I walked out the bathroom, towards the bedside table. Taking the hold of my phone, I unlocked it to see a text from Harry in one of our group chats that we shared with Noemy.
You are still being tracked.. Her text read.
Not in the mood of text-talking, I replied to them, asking them to meet in my room, in five minutes. I was on the verge of losing my mind when a knock on the door brought me back to my senses. Walking over to it, I opened the door and invited both of my best-friends into the room. Securing the door, I turned around and got myself seated on one of the couches that were placed in front of the bed.
Without wasting any more of my time, I came straight to the point and asked them, "What do you mean by 'still being tracked' ?"
"That came as a surprise for us too...", Harry started off, "...initially we thought that these devices had something to do with Ryan and his gang...", she paused for a moment, "... which of course they had a part in it; and also we had... Argh I don't know how to explain this to you without creating a confusion out of it", she said with a huff.
Coming to her rescue, Nans started, "Let's just say, you were being tracked by not one, but two sources... one being Ryan's, which we had demolished the day when the break-in happened at your place... while", she pauses and looks over at Harry, asking for some approval. She takes in a deep breath and then continues, "There is someone else, apart from Ryan who has been tracking you for like a month now. We are trying to get a hold of where these signals are being sent or through which device it is being operated... I don't know maybe...", she sounded hesitant.
"Maybe?", I arched my eyebrow at them.
"Maybe... Ezra Ambrosia is behind them", Harry blurted it out and then covered her mouth.
"WHAT?!", I stood up in utter shock. "What'd you mean by maybe? Are you sure... I don't get this argh!", I started pulling my hair in frustration.
"Hey hey... calm down", Nans said, rushing towards me. She extended her hands and started moving them up and down on my shoulders, to calm me down. I took in a deep breath and looked past her onto the wall behind her, zoning out. "I know it's a wild guess but I guess he's the only one left for us to blame", she said.
I averted my gaze towards her when she backed away from me. "We need more proof than a mere 'blame game'", I said while air-quoting.
"We know...", Harry let out a sigh, "Remember that day when we had met you two in Vegas? You asked us to provide you with every small information relating to Ezra. Later that day, when we moved back to the states, we dived right into finding something, something that would let us know about him, or at least a motive that he has his mind made up to marry you", she said.
"Yes, we dived right into it... though we couldn't find anything suspicious about him, other than his numerous affairs and relationship scandals. It was quite nerve-wracking to not find something about him, something personal, other than his social life. It was as though he was very particular about what is being portrayed in the eyes of the public, as if he had a hold on every information that spills up in the media", Nans said. "The growing feelings between you two were quite suspicious too. It was as if, everything was moving so fast that no one got the time to react... that was when we knew we had to hurry up with our work, to stop you from falling into another trap."
"So did you find anything?", I asked blankly.
"Let's just say... this guy is not like anything he seems to be", Harry said. "I mean which businessman would risk his nice forte in front of everyone and deal with ammunition?", she paused for a brief second and continued, "more like smuggling of ammunition".
"She's right...", Nans started off, "All this quick fortune is made by illegal smuggling. I wonder if his father has any idea about all this; but then if he actually knew about any of it, then he would've told your father about it... which is not the case here", saying, she lets out a breath. "Ezra is nothing like Ryan... but worse".
"How come you never met him in all these years?", Harry asked me.
"Father always believed that personal life should be kept at bay, than mix it up with the professional one. I don't exactly remember when, but father and Celone Ambrosia did get closer after the incident that happened five years ago", I let out a sigh. "I never got the chance to meet anyone since I was away for higher studies, and maybe that is when their friendship turned out to be a pretty tight one. Long story short, I never met Ezra or even his brother Leon... though I have heard of them through the gossip magazines of-course... until... this business deal russ-cuss happened".
"Wait a second...", Nans cut me off, "Ezra had two brothers", she said.
"What... no", I shake off my hand in disapproval, "I guess you got it wrong, Ezra only has a younger brother... you met him".
"No no no... Celone Ambrosia had three sons... Ezra, Leon and Damien, the latter was adopted when he was six or something...", she was about to continue when I cut her off.
"Wait. Damien?" I asked, being alarmed. "Is he...?".
"We don't know yet. But sources said that Damien Ambrosia let go of all the relations he had with the family and started off fresh, somewhere in Australia", Harry interrupted. "When we got to know about Ezra having another brother, that too, named Damien... we thought as if history were to repeat itself and Ezra had come in your life with the only motive to take revenge of Damien's death...", she let out a nervous chuckle, "... but thank heavens when we got to know that that Damien isn't the one that died".
"Though we are not one hundred percent sure about it still. I've got my men working on it, which only leaves us to wonder why a guy like Ezra would want from you...", Nans said.
"You are definitely not making any sense to me right now", I cut her off. "First you say that Ezra is the one who has been keeping tabs on me and now you aren't sure as to why he would need to do that? If that's the case then why put him under suspicion in the first place?"
"That's because you never met that guy, nor have you had any idea that someone like him existed. He could get any girl he wants, but he decided to marry someone who hates his guts. Not to forget that he basically forced you and threatened you to tarnish all your family's hard earning and claim you his no matter what... Why all this hustle? People might call it a business rivalry... but I don't think you need to marry someone to destroy their career and business", she scoffs. "This is more than some mere business thing. A guy like Ezra would aim for something big; I don't think he's the one who would play houses with someone he hates, or maybe wanting to destroy".
I feel this rage of uncertainty build up in me. I don't know what to believe in anymore. It's like all of my fears are crawling back towards me, while I'm standing there limp. I let everything that my friends told me about him, sink in me. For the fact, I knew something about him was off. The stacked up guns in his storage were enough to give me red flags. What actually angers me, is the fact that I just couldn't get over my emotions and often open up to wrong persons. I don't know for the fact that Ezra is actually behind something or that he is actually a change man, giving whatever that has erqued between us a try, but I ain't taking any chances this time.
My overthinking ability does no good to me but it surely took me to every encounter that I had with him. If for a moment I actually deny the thoughts of Ezra keeping tabs on me, then how am I supposed to justify the fact that this guy manages to be present just everywhere, without me disclosing my whereabouts? It takes me to the time when I was vacationing with Harvey and Noemy in Vegas and not even my parents knew about this trip, when all of a sudden this guy makes an appearance out of nowhere. My place got busted, he was there, present beside me. If not the time when I had accidentally drowned myself in the bathtub, he was the one who pulled me out of it.
Knowing my food and clothing preferences? This guy surely got some serious issues that I had been neglecting for so long. No wonder he convinced me to believe him, while he had already done his part of fair research on me. Soon my thoughts fill with rage and I'm feeling the rising anger in my body. Drawing in a sharp breath, I turned around and punched the wall behind me with my left hand. The impact was so intense that the huge pink diamond on my engagement ring toppled off onto the ground.
I could hear gasps coming out from my friends' mouth and closing my eyes after looking at the bruise that was starting to form on my ring finger. Though a part of me was thankful for the huge diamond to take up the impact of my impulsive actions. I could feel one of them take my hand looking at the stupidity of my actions, while I stood there with closed eyes.
"No way...", I heard a surprised Harry speak.
I then opened my eyes to see what caught her attention and gasped at the amazing discovery. There was a small chip planted at the center of the base of my ring. It was so amazingly placed that no one would suspect it in the first place, unless the diamond is removed.
"I knew it!", Nans said. "I knew something about this guy didn't sit right with me. And now that we have found this, there is no doubt that he is into something big... something that involves you", she says while pointing towards me.
"Now that we have found this... I begin to doubt whether the story of Damien is a lie too... who knows...", Harry started off.
"Yeah... who knows Ezra's Damien is the same Damien that...", I started off, "I want you to find everything about this. Do whatever you want because we don't have much time... I want to get done with this circus now", I scoffed.
"What are you going to do about this?", Harry asked while holding out the big pink diamond in her palm.
"Don't worry... I'll take care about it", I smirked.
Time to get the show started. This time I'll make sure you'll regret playing with me Mister Ezra Ambrosia.
Let the hunger games begin!
Alright so.. first of all, I'd like to apologize for my disappearance for almost a month. Things have been pretty rough and overwhelming, and I couldn't really find myself wanting to write anything. It was a major writer's block but... idk how to put this into words but I wanted to be awol and figuring out certain things. In this course of time, so many things have happened and I was trying to plan out where I'd like to see myself in coming five to ten years. I was prioritizing things and wattpad didn't hit me at that time. Though I took some time off and came up with some creative climax that I'd like this story to take up.
I'd personally would like to thank my wamily- akku, sue, pancake and anu for flooding up all of my social media with texts. I love you guys sm <3
Also during this course of my hiatus, we won many awards, out of which CHAOS had achieved it's third award- "THIRD PLACE" under THRILLER category in the Writer's Glory Award.
Cutting this short, I hope you liked this chapter. I know I originally planned for the bachelorette scene but I thought it left some major details that were covered through this chapter. Let's hope we get some action in the next one now.
Have a great day!:))))))))))))
Stay safe :)
Xo! <3
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