Enjoy this long ass chapter :))))))))
Lmao on the serious note, the last part will make you fall in love <3
Happy Reading !
"Any progress?", I asked her in all seriousness.
"None at the moment", she lets out a sigh.
I am in my office, currently accompanied by Harry and Nans. We were discussing who might be the possible culprit behind the wreckage that happened back at my place. If you ask me, I know it had to do something with Ryan; but what makes me pull my hair is the fact that he is currently sitting in jail, and how would that be possible for a person who is held somewhere with such tight security, could manage to do this. On the other hand, I cannot bring myself to even deny the fact that that guy had connections. He could literally go on a murder spree and walk out of trouble, just simply.
"Did you cross question him?", Harry intervened.
Nans let out a restless sigh and said, "Yes we did... but he keeps on denying it". She pauses for a moment to look at me and then continues, "Do you think that someone else, apart from Ryan can be behind all this? More like some business rival?"
Hearing her words, I couldn't help but let out a sarcastic laugh. Without breaking the eye-contact, I get up from my chair and walk over towards them. "Why would any my business rivals threaten my life, Noemy?", saying, I arched my eyebrow at her. "The only past debts I have, links to him", I let out a shaky laugh and continued, "Let's not forget that he tried to kill me a few years back..."
"No one forgot what went down years ago, Lucrecia", Nans said with all seriousness. "We're just trying to figure out some possibilities. Your growth in the business world might be a thorn in someone's eye... and now that you're about to merge your company with someone as powerful as Ezra Ambrosia... you have become the easiest and the only target for your rivals, as well as for Ezra's", she scoffs.
There was a moment of silence between us. I let everything she told sink in me; I mean there might be a possibility that one of his enemies might come for me, as I would be an easiest target for them. But why on earth would they do that? Also the fact that I don't even have the slightest idea about what exactly Ezra does, besides having his family business. Him on the other hand, knows every freaking thing about me... where I live, what size I am and also what my favourite food is. There is something about him that often tells me to watch out, to look for all the caution signs.
Turning around, I walked towards the windows and stood there zoning out into nothing in particular, when Harry spoke up, "I think she has a point, Lucrecia. To be honest, I'm still suspicious about Ezra. There's something about him that is off, it's like out of nowhere he simply jumped into your life, creating chaos".
"Are you sure, you want to marry him?", Nans asked softly.
A swirl of emotions erupted in me. Closing my eyes, I thought about it; did I really want to marry him? If he hadn't threatened to take away my family's assets, would I ever consider being with someone like him? I feel like my conscience is asking me questions; but deep down even I know that I want to give this relationship a chance. I wanted to keep past everything and actually look forward to something new, something emotionally stable that he had to offer. But there are times like this when I wonder, if he too will betray me like Ryan?
Mother always told me that life is full of ups and downs, and that is what will make me stronger. She never fails to remind me that there is always a sunrise after a dark, cold night that follows. It's like trusting the process of life. But would that be too selfish of me, if I just keep on judging every new person that enters in my life, just based on my past experiences and trust issues?
"Lu...?", Nans asked softly, breaking my train of thoughts.
"Yes I am", I said with a new found determination, "What else could possibly go wrong? I already did lose everything before... now I don't have anything else to weep on", I gave them a soft smile.
I felt a pair of hands grabbing me by my shoulders, I turned around to see Harry standing in front of me. "Nothing will go wrong, trust me", she pulled me into a bear hug.
A few moments passed, when I felt another pair of hands encircling me. I look up to see Nans smiling at me. "To us", she said with a grin.
Pulling away, we walked over to the couches and sat there. There was a comfortable silence that embraced us, when Harry was the first one to speak, "So... how is the preparation going?", she teased.
I couldn't help but goarn at her question, "Don't even start me on that one...", I facepalmed myself. "Both of our mothers' have certainly lost it", I huffed.
"Yeah... Nans did tell me about your meeting with the wedding planners yesterday; but what did they do now?", she let out a laugh.
"They want us to take a month long leave for this stupid event. I mean yeah it's our wedding for God's sake, but Jesus what's the point of taking a month long vacation? Why can't we work until the night before and then attend the ceremony, and then as soon as our vows are exchanged, we go back into our rooms and then begin working again..."
My rant was cut short with their sudden eruption of laughter. I looked at them puzzled, when Harry spoke up, "What does your 'potential would-be husband' have to say about this?", she threw me a wink.
"Well for starters, he actually agrees with me", I couldn't help but grin at this.
Few hours ago,
My lungs were on fire, and I'm short of breath with all this chasing. From my peripheral view, I could see Ezra nearing me with a knowing smirk prominent on his face. Glancing onto my left, I threw a dirty look at Leon for landing us in this situation in first place. No matter how fast I ran, it was as if my stars were trying to hold me back and face Ezra's wrath. Though I blame it fully on him, because if he hadn't worn me out with all that boxing and kicking, I wouldn't have been panting like a pig.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Leon throwing me a two finger salute and jumping around the table like a monkey, disappearing into the kitchen. Increasing my pace, I tried running like Usain Bolt... but lord had mercy on me, I was pulled back by a hand being wrapped around my arm. Just like a flash of light, I was turned around to face Ezra himself.
With both of us panting heavily, I bet Iooked no less than a dog waiting to jump on the bone that is placed in front of it; while on the other hand, Mister Ezra Ambrosia looked a lot sexier with sweat droplets hanging onto his only strand of hairs, that happen to set lose while running. A tug at my arm made me fall right into his chest and I could see his smirk grow even bigger.
"I've had enough of you running away from me", he said in a hoarse voice.
Tingles ran in between my legs, and I can feel goosebumps emerging on my skin. There was nothing more sexy than hearing him say something like that, especially in that tone of voice. Just when I was about to reply to him, a screeching sound brought me back into the present.
"I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE", I saw Leon shouting while running in circles, with his hands up in the air.
I look up at Ezra, who slowly shaked his head, at his brother's stupidity. A knowing smirk made a way onto my face, and I tried freeing myself from Ezra's grip but he wouldn't let me go. "Let me go", I whispered yell into his ear, to which he replied;
I knew I had no choice, other than being in his arms when I called Leon in a rhythmic way, "Lee-oon, my bro-th-er in l-aww". From the corner of my eyes, I could see Ezra looking at me as if I've grown a third head all of a sudden.
Just when he was about to ask me, I heard Leon speak, "Sis-terrr in l-aaaww", he replied in the same rhythm while coming near us.
"Co-mee he-ree B-I-L", I kept singing it until he came and stood in front of me.
Before he could open his mouth, I smacked the side of his head with my free hand. It took both Ambrosian brothers by surprise; while one let go of me and couldn't sniffle his laugh, the other held a hand near the area of his head where I just beat him.
"Ow, what was that for?", Leon cried out.
"That was for leaving me near the lion's mouth", I said, while signalling towards Ezra with my eyes.
It seemed like Leon caught my hint and started laughing, "Okay I kind of deserved that", he said while raising his hand to give me a high five, when suddenly Ezra pulls me into him again.
"Oh come on...", I groaned at him, which was certainly ignored.
"Just let her breathe, jeez", Leon said, while I shaked my head in agreement.
"What's the purpose of your visit, Lee", Ezra asks bluntly.
"Oh yes. I completely forgot about it...", he pauses for a moment and continues, "...so your mother", he points at me, " and our mother", saying he points between him and Ezra, "wanted both of you to take a month long leave from the office..."
"WHAT?!", we shouted in unison.
"And why would we do that?", Ezra asks him with his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Because, they said so. And they want you both to distribute all of your works among your employees. Oh yeah, they wanted you to drop your business cellphones with me...", he raised his hands up, in defence, "...so that I shall give it to them... and..."
"No can do Leon. Why is this wedding a big deal, Jesus.", I paused for a moment and took in deep breathes to contain my anger, "I just don't understand this. I mean we could work until the night before the wedding and then after the ceremony gets over, we could resume back to it. I don't know why they are so keen on wasting our time", I huffed.
I know I'm being over dramatic, but I just can't stand the idea of actually marrying someone if you ask me. After all these years, I found my escape in my work and it had helped me a lot with dealing with stress, by taking my mind off of things that would lead me into overthinking of stuffs. Marrying Ezra is a big deal, hell just marrying someone in general is a big deal in itself; and how would I be supposed to contain my anxiety and fears when the only medium I tend to deal with it is taken away?
This wedding on the other hand, is nothing but a mere business deal between me and Mister Ambrosia. But alas our families had no idea about what goes on behind closed office doors. I wish I could share this with my mother, but that would be a bigger disaster than the one that I'll be dealing with.
"I agree with her", Ezra says sternly, "but, on the other hand...", he turns me around and looks into my eyes, "...we do have a personal life besides a professional one, Lucrecia. A little getaway won't hurt anyone, especially us... when we're ought to have a new beginning", he whispered the last part.
"Oi Lucrecia", Nans called me out, bringing me out of my lala-land.
"I said, Ela came in telling us that Ezra's driver is waiting for you downstairs... didn't you hear?"
"She was lost in someone's thoughts...", Harry teased me.
"Oh shut up", I smacked her arm, "Are you two leaving already?", I asked them.
"Your mother called us actually... for some wedding preparations", Nans said.
"Oh? I'm coming", I walked towards my desk, to pick up my bag when suddenly Nans called out.
"No, you can't actually. She specifically asked us not to bring you", she gave a soft smile.
"Besides...", Harry started off, "...Ezra's driver is waiting for you, so you might want to hurry up... before another drama takes place", saying, she started laughing.
"But what about Ela?"
"Everything is taken care of Lucrecia, trust us", Nans said while walking towards me. "Now give me your phone... the business one", she extends her right hand.
"Ugh", I couldn't help but make a face at it and rushed out of the door, "Ciao hermana".
It took me less than five minutes to rush downstairs, when I spot a familiar Range Rover waiting for me. I walk over to where Ezra's driver Tobias' was waiting for me. Before I could say anything, Toby extended his hand and gave me a letter.
My name was neatly mentioned in cursive on top of the pastel blue envelope. The envelope was simple and sophisticated, just like how Ezra would prefer. There was a red wax stamp placed on the back of the envelope, in order to secure it. Carefully, I opened it and began reading the letter that was written in the same cursive, as that on top of the envelope. It read,
I hope you recall Jane Austen saying, "It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy; it is disposition alone. Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others".
For me, all I could say is that, no matter how rough our start was... let me have this time with you, to get acquainted with you and get to know you better. Let me have this one day, out of your seven in a week.
I know I told you to not expect some lines from this novel, at the time of our forceful engagement; but right now, all I can say is that- "I come here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is and always will be...yours"- Jane Austen.
You won't regret this Lucrecia, just give me that one chance.
Dinner tonight?
Don't worry about the dresses, I've filled all of the trunk of my cars with the absolute necessities that you'll need. (just like you wished for)
I'll be waiting for you.
With Love,
Your would-be husband.
Ezra Ambrosia.
It's 1:17 am right now, so there won't be any author's note lol!
I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and all I can say is that... we're half way through this book and are actually nearing the wedding! Yay!
Also what do you think of Ezra? Tbh he totally surprised me by that letter.
Anyways I'm off to sleep (would change this A/N in the morning////if I feel like lol)
Until then , vote and comment ;)))))))))
Xo <3
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