VII (Part 2)
“We’re going spray painting the streets of Vegas”
“WHAT?” they said in unison
“We’ll get in so much trouble for doing this… spray painting on public walls is...” Nans continued
“I’m in” Harry cut her off and started jumping in excitement
“Come on babe. We won’t get caught and if we do, we have you… right Harry?”
“Yes I agree with Lu… and she isn’t asking us to go right now?
We’ll be doing this in utter darkness...
under the moonlight...
dancing in paints and imaginations in our head…” she started singing.
“Okay. Tell us when?” Nans huffed.
“Cool. Until then let’s get some rest. I’m so tired” saying Harry yawned.
We all headed to our rooms. I still couldn’t get over the fact that how pretty this room is. I settled myself on the edge of my new bed and took out my phone, to call Ela. Since I am here in Vegas, I gave her the weekend off and she was so happy now that she can finally spent time with her father.
She picked up on the third ring...
“Hey Lu?” she chirped
“How’s your father?”
“He’s doing great now that I am here with him”
“That’s so good to hear”
“So how’s it there?”
“Amazing if I must say. This was much needed.”
“I understand. But… have you told Harvey and Noemy about this?” Ela knows about the contract changes but I asked her not to mention it to anyone, especially to Harry and Nans.
“You can say I am waiting for the right time to drop the bomb…” I sighed, “… all I know is that they won’t take this very well. Nans will be ready with a gun to blow off Ezra’s brain”
“They’ll understand”
“Hope... is all that we have right now”
“Umm hmm... “
“Okay I got side tracked… I called you to arrange someone to bring me spray cans here”
“Why are you in need of spray cans...? No not again with one of your thrills Lucrecia!”
I started laughing, “No mam this time?”
“No... On the side note, I’ll get someone from our Vegas company to bring them to you” she huffed.
“Don’t worry I have a CBI officer accompanying me…” laughing
“You and your thrills… should I ask them to be discreet about it too?”
“Why of course”
“Where are you staying at?”
“La Patrian”
“Cool. Someone will deliver them in few”
“Thanks ela and say Hi to uncle”
“Bye” saying I hung up.
Great. Since cans are arranged, now I just have to wait for midnight to roll in.
We all slept until 9pm and then had ordered some Mexican cuisine for dinner. To pass our time we just watched some horror movies and around quarter to 12, we decided to go to our rooms and get dressed. Someone from my Vegas Company had dropped off few cans of spray paints in all sorts of different colours. Getting dressed, we decided to meet in the living area.
I opted for some black tights and old black jumper with some black trainers, Nans and Harry were in same except Harry wore some black shorts. Clad in all black, we carried small backpacks, with our IDs if just in case we get caught. Along with it, we took some snacks and water bottle and placed our cans in it too.
Taking the elevator, we made our way towards the busy streets of Vegas. We decided not to take any transportation because that will be inconvenient and we would be traced easily; so we decided to walk. After walking for like 20 minutes, we reached a public area, with huge wall on one side facing an open ground. We looked around and found it less busy, as majority of the population would packed in the night clubs and casinos, seeing that it’s a Saturday night. Feeling satisfied with our discovered destination, we began walking towards it.
“This is it” I murmured to no one specific
“Let’s get wild” I heard Harry speak and she began spraying in twirling patterns.
Taking this as my cue, I joined her in the artistry and was having my time of life. I looked over my shoulder to see Nans looking at us in disbelief. When she caught me looking at her, I raised my right eyebrow at her.
“Do hell with it” saying she began spraying too.
After drawing some obscene patterns, we took a step back to appreciate our artistry and then looked at each other, and started laughing like maniacs. But our laughter soon died down when we heard growling of something near the bushes. We turned our heads to the direction where the growling was first heard and to our horror it began to sound much more loudly as if it was nearing us. Suddenly, my eyes made contact with the sparkly eyes of a huge wild dog. Not one but three of them and they were growling at us like if we have stepped on their tails and ate their treats.
As if mentally linking with my best friends, we looked at each other, completely horrified, I shouted, “RUN”
And we began running faster, thankfully we were able to take our bags along with us but much to our horror, all of the three dogs began chasing us.
“GOD SAVE MY DREATH LIFE!” Harry screamed into the night and was huffing from all the running.
“STOP FAKING AN ACCENT YOU FOOL!” Nans screamed at her.
I couldn’t control my laughter on the situation that we landed in and three big dogs chasing us is the cherry on cake. Not to mention the non-sense bickering of my best friends.
I bet I would have been looked like a mad person laughing and running. I looked over my shoulder and saw the dogs still chasing us but suddenly Harry took a sharp right turn into some household and stumbled upon a toy truck that lied in the front garden of some random house and fell with her face kissing the ground. Looking at this I rolled over the road laughing too hard. That was indeed an epic fall. If these stupid hounds weren’t chasing me I would have surely recorded it.
It was at that moment I saw Nans to try climbing a tree nearby and the dogs were waiting for her to fall down with their tongues sticking out. Okay now I really can’t control my laughter when I saw some pebbles lying nearby me and threw it over to the dogs. To my relief they went but I couldn’t control laughing. If ROFL was a meme than it would be me, for I was legit rolling on the road laughing at my best friends.
Before I could recover, I saw them running towards out of the corner of my eye.
“No... Hahaha”
I was being chased by my mad best friends and I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure they didn’t catch me until I collided with a dark figure who had a knife in his hand which he glided over my left inner thigh. Abruptly coming to halt and the pain from my freshly cut wound, I hissed and looked up to a strong build manly figure. I was not able to dipher his face because of the shadows that were being cast but I caught hold of his smirk and a sparkly diamond earring that shined upon me.
Before I could catch him, he fled away, running in opposite direction.
That very moment Harry caught me, “you… wait you’re bleeding?”
“Huh?” I looked at my feel where trails of blood were cascading down my already torn leggings.
“Who did that?” Nans interrogated.
“I don’t know... let it be. It’s a mere accident and look now we’re even” I started laughing again.
“Alright let’s go back to the hotel before the cops catch us” Nans said looking worried.
We hailed a taxi and were on way to the hotel.
Throughout this whole ride, my thoughts drifted back to that man. I’m sure I saw that smirk somewhere. Even that earring looked too familiar as if it was of someone who I knew about.
I wonder if this cut was accidental or intentional.
Was that cut intentional or accidental?
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Any dog lovers?😂
PS. I have a Labrador-pumerian mix breed dog named Jack! 🐕
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