Soobin woke up to his house being empty. So essentially no one sent him off. He had gathered his things. He took a deep breath passing through the portal door. All homes in the magical realm had a portal door.
Soon enough he was in front of Ghastwell Academy. Soobin looked at the school in awe. He was approached by a Jolly. Jolly' are magical creatures that exude a calming aura & luck. They look similar to humans, but blind with yellow eyes. They could see everyday things, but not other magical creatures. So they detect people by sense. The Jolly looked at her clipboard, "Choi Soobin right ? Follow me."
Soobin followed to what I assume is a waiting room of sorts. The Jolly smiled, "Wait here. Your placement test will begin shortly." Once alone Soobin looked around. Suddenly a fountain appeared in the room. A man in a suit greeted him. His name tag read: Prof. Jeong 정교수.
Prof. Jeong sighed. He handed him a cup. "Take a drink from the fountain & then we'll start your placement test, Mister Choi." The liquid flowing in the fountain was a pinkish shade. Soobin downed the drink taking a seat. "How will this work ?" Prof. Jeong smiled, "The placement test was modernized. You need only to answer some questions honestly. Can you do that ?"
Then the test started. "What is more important to you ? Familial obligations or your own needs ?" He didn't hesitate to answer. "My needs." Soobin was never so open about such things. Prof. Jeong continued, "If you were to take a role among friends what would it be ?"
His body was entirely relaxed, but he felt his heart beating like a drum. "I'm not sure. Surely I can't choose that." Soobin couldn't exactly tell if Prof. Jeong was annoyed or impressed. Then the last question was asked. "Would you ever willingly give up magic for any reason ?" This was something Soobin had always contemplated. Magic was an advantage. "Yes."
Prof. Jeong gave him a smile. "Well done, Mister Choi. I feel you're most suited as a Water Elemental." Soobin was shocked to say the least. For he would be the first water elemental in his family. Soobin assumed Prof. Jeong could read the look on his face. Prof. Jeong handed over a dorm key. "Exit from the left door. From there a Kittis will lead you to your dorm."
Soobin did as he was told. Kittis' were cat like beings. Also similar to humans with cat features. He was lead to his dorm in the water elemental wing. "So I just wait here ?" The Kittis nodded, "Please wait here. Orientation will be in the grand hall once students have completed their placement tests."
Soobin unpacked while he could. It wasn't long before orientation was announced.
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