Chapter 1: The Mad Clown Is Free
Here is the first Episode of this little series. Sorry it took so long.
Panty and Stocking was an odd thing to watch, but I still enjoyed it a lot and I'm very disappointed we won't be getting a second season, but oh well...
A loud rumble reached your pointy ears which twitched and in response you opened your eyes.
(Your eyes look like this except the center is bright yellow.)
Your eyes shifted as the rumbling intensified causing the chains that held you to rattle.
You in chains:
Suddenly odd symbols began appearing along your chains and in that moment an electrical current began surging throughout your body.
Instead of screaming in pain like most began to laugh.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!" You laughed as the electricity zapped your entire being.
The shocking grew more intense and so did your laughter.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IT TICKLES!" And you kept on laughing as the symbols suddenly began disappearing from the chains one by one.
"YEEEESSSSSS!" You cried out, your body twitching. "I AM FREEEEEEE!"
Then the chains immediately broke and released you upon the Disappearance of the final symbol and the shocking finally stopped.
You sat there for a moment, your head thrown back, your mouth wide open in an unsettling smile as steam emitted from your body.
Honestly, the feeling of getting shocked was rather welcomed.
You hadn't felt anything since you were imprisoned so literally any sensation, you happily welcomed
After a while you began to giggle and finally looked ahead of you with a very demented smile.
It was dark in here, so dark you couldn't see 2 feet in front of you.
It didn't matter could finally move after centuries of boring nothingness.
Not only that, the chains that held you were broken, which means this mind-numbing prison would soon follow.
As predicted, moments later cracks began forming everywhere as if this reality was literally breaking.
Between these cracks, beams of light began shining through indicating the world that lied beyond.
A world you'd soon be able to play in.
The cracks kept growing until pieces of the world around you began literally breaking apart.
You finally decided to get up, your body still twitching from the harsh shocks moments ago making your movements rather jerky and uncoordinated.
However you did eventually manage to stand up and began stumbling your way through the breaking void.
You stumbled towards a rather large crack which eventually broke away to shine a path for you to the world beyond.
They say to never walk into the light, but since when have you ever followed any rules?
As you slowly approached the light of freedom your excitement increased at all the things you'd be able to do again.
When the light engulfed your form, a distorted voice belonging to you echoed throughout your soon-to-be destroyed prison.
Daten City was an interesting place to say the least.
This city was constantly being assaulted by ghosts and these ghosts were constantly getting destroyed by 2 Angel sisters named Panty Anarchy and Stocking Anarchy.
They've killed multiple ghosts but as of right now they were facing one of their greatest challenges yet.
A pair of new faces came to their school earlier and were soon revealed to be Demons and had a Ghost factory underneath the learning institution.
So now Panty and Stocking are now in an intense 2v2 battle with the Demons.
Along with their Human friend, a girl named Briefers Rock who was busy holding an orb that powered the Demon's ghost factory attempting to keep said orb from the 2 Demons.
To add onto that, the Angel's weird pet Chuck and the Demon's weird pet Zipper were piloting vehicles inside the school causing even more carnage.
Panty and Stocking:
Scanty and Kneesocks:
Right now, Panty and Scanty were busy fighting each other, literally locking guns with one another.
Suddenly Scanty tossed one of her guns and delivered a hard punch to Panty's face.
Panty in retaliation grabbed Scanty by the hair and began scratching her face.
Meanwhile, Brief was currently running for her life still clutching the stone.
Just then Stocking came up behind her in their signature car "See-Through", piloted by Chuck.
"You're so dramatic, get in the car." Stocking said rather casually given the current situation.
"No it's okay you don't have to do that I'm fine!" Brief replied.
"Well then you better get outta the way!" The Goth Angel said pointing ahead.
Coming towards the 2 of them was a black limousine belonging to the Daemon Sisters named "G-string" piloted by Zipper with Kneesocks in the passanger seat.
"OH NO!" Brief thought when she realized she'd be caught in the middle of a car crash.
However, the crash never happened as a powerful shockwave blew both the cars and Brief back quite a distance.
Thinking quickly, both Stocking and Kneesocks jumped out of their respective cars and let them fall out the windows.
Chuck and Zipper weren't so lucky however and were caught in fiery explosions once the cars hit the ground.
"What the Hell was that!?" Stocking asked as she caught Brief who was also flung back.
"Th-thanks..." She said gratefully as her heart furiously beat against her chest due to the massive amounts of adrenaline that was pumping through her.
However, Stocking ignored the ginger-haired girl as she noticed something odd before them.
There was a the air.
A literal crack, in the place the 2 cars would've met upon impact...just floating there.
" that normal?" Stocking asked pointing a white Katana at the odd anomaly.
"Are you really that dimwitted, of course it's not!" Kneesocks yelled before adjusting her glasses to have a better look at whatever was happening.
Suddenly another shockwave nearly blew them back if they had not firmly planted their feet on the ground.
Brief clung onto Stocking and let out a loud scream as the shockwave caused the crack's size to increase.
Annoyed, Stocking flung Brief off of her and tossed her into a locker beside them.
Stocking's throw was so powerful it literally imbeded the poor human girl into the locker.
This was both good and bad, it was good because this helped Brief not fly back when the next shockwave came, but it was bad because now she was in extreme pain and agony.
Like before, this shockwave caused the size of the crack to increase.
This time however, from the crack an arm emerged.
Both Stocking and Kneesocks stared at this with looks of shock as the hand of the arm flexed it's fingers which cracked.
"What is this!?" Kneesocks thought as another shockwave shook the room and...something pushed through the cracks.
Stocking and Kneesocks both readied their weapons as this newcomer slowly rose up from the ground.
The person finally stood up and revealed his face to the girls.
"Ugh..." You groaned as you stood up from the floor you had just landed on.
Your eyes were stinging as they had not adjusted to the light of the real world after so long.Your vision did eventually adjust, and when it did, you got a good look at your surroundings and found you were in a hallway.
"Oh right..." You said before stretching. "A school got built here."
As you regained your bearings, you noticed 2 girls on either side of you, a Demon and...some Gothic Lolita.
Kneesocks was still trying to process what was happening right now and Stocking...
When Stocking got a good look at your face, her reaction was...interesting to say the least.
"HE'S SO HOT!" She thought, hearts appearing in her eyes as you stared at her for a solid second.
You raised a brow at her expression before reaching your hand out to her.
Stocking let out an excited squeal before rushing over to you much to Kneesocks' shock.
"Is she mad?" She asked herself as the Angel she had just been fighting stupidly took your hand in hers.
Stocking meanwhile was completely mesmerized by your looks and was eager to get closer to you.
"Hi there Cutie." She greeted in her lovestruck stupor while you just curiously kept staring.
You then gently leaned forward and touched foreheads with her much to her delight.
"Is this love at first sight?" Stocking asked herself as you both then closed your eyes seemingly enjoying this moment.
Kneesocks' mind went into complete overdrive at what she was just witnessing.
"What in the name of Lucifer am I witnessing at this very moment!?" She asked herself.
You gently placed a hand on the side of Stocking's cheek and opened your eyes to see her completely lost in the moment.
You smiled gently, hand still on her cheek before you harshly slammed her into the wall beside you.
Kneesocks flinched and yelped as your slam not only completely broke the wall but sent Stocking further through, launching her to another room.
You stared at the giant hole in the wall, a satisfied smirk on your face before turning to face Kneesocks who was sweating bullets as you released a menacing aura.
She backed up in fear as you extended your arm to your side and suddenly a strange scythe materialized in your hand.
That Scythe seemed far too long and heavy to utilize properly and yet you proved her wrong by actually striking a pose with it.
"Let's play." You demanded.
I-I'd rather not. The Demon girl stuttered continuing to back up.
To her horror, your face morphed and changed into something much more disturbing and sinister.
"I wasn't asking for your consent!" You said as your long purple tongue hung out from your mouth.
Kneesocks was not a fan of that face you were making and as you launched yourself towards her she could only think a single thought.
Here ya go, I know it's messy, but Panty and Stocking is a messy Anime, but I'll try my best to keep this story cohesive and improve it in future chapters:
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